/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file dtrace_codingstruct.h * \brief Easy to use dtrace calls concerning coding structures */ #ifndef _DTRACE_CODINGSTRUCT_H_ #define _DTRACE_CODINGSTRUCT_H_ #include "dtrace.h" #include "dtrace_next.h" #include "CommonLib/CommonDef.h" #include "CommonLib/CodingStructure.h" #include "CommonLib/Slice.h" #include "CommonLib/Mv.h" #include "CommonLib/Unit.h" #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include #if ENABLE_TRACING inline void dtracePicComp( DTRACE_CHANNEL channel, CodingStructure& cs, const CPelUnitBuf& pelUnitBuf, ComponentID compId ) { if( !g_trace_ctx ) return; if( pelUnitBuf.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 && compId != COMPONENT_Y ) return; const Pel *src = pelUnitBuf.bufs[compId].buf; ptrdiff_t uiStride = pelUnitBuf.bufs[compId].stride; uint32_t uiWidth = pelUnitBuf.bufs[compId].width; uint32_t uiHeight = pelUnitBuf.bufs[compId].height; uint32_t uiChromaScaleX = getComponentScaleX( compId, pelUnitBuf.chromaFormat ); uint32_t uiChromaScaleY = getComponentScaleY( compId, pelUnitBuf.chromaFormat ); DTRACE ( g_trace_ctx, channel, "\n%s: poc = %d, size=%dx%d\n\n", g_trace_ctx->getChannelName(channel), cs.slice->getPOC(), uiWidth, uiHeight ); DTRACE_FRAME_BLOCKWISE(g_trace_ctx, channel, src, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight, cs.sps->getMaxCUWidth() >> uiChromaScaleX, cs.sps->getMaxCUHeight() >> uiChromaScaleY); } #define OLD_RDCOST 1 inline void dtraceModeCost(CodingStructure &cs, double lambda) { CHECK( cs.cus.size() != 1, "Only the cost for a single CU can be show with dtraceModeCost!" ); Distortion tempDist = cs.dist; #if OLD_RDCOST uint64_t tempBits = cs.fracBits >> SCALE_BITS; uint64_t tempCost = (uint64_t)(cs.dist + (double)tempBits * lambda); #else uint64_t tempBits = cs.fracBits; uint64_t tempCost = (uint64_t)cs.cost; #endif if( cs.cost == MAX_DOUBLE ) { tempCost = 0; tempBits = 0; tempDist = 0; } bool isIntra = CU::isIntra( *cs.cus.front() ); int intraModeL = isIntra ? cs.pus.front()->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] : 0; int intraModeC = isIntra ? cs.pus.front()->intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] : 0; if (isIntra && intraModeC == DM_CHROMA_IDX) intraModeC = 68; int imvVal = 0; imvVal = cs.cus[0]->imv; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_MODE_COST, "ModeCost: %6lld %3d @(%4d,%4d) [%2dx%2d] %d (qp%d,pm%d,skip%d,mrg%d,fruc%d,obmc%d,ic%d,imv%d,affn%d,%d,%d) tempCS = %lld (%d,%d)\n", DTRACE_GET_COUNTER( g_trace_ctx, D_MODE_COST ), cs.slice->getPOC(), cs.area.Y().x, cs.area.Y().y, cs.area.Y().width, cs.area.Y().height, cs.cus[0]->qtDepth, cs.cus[0]->qp, cs.cus[0]->predMode, cs.cus[0]->skip, cs.pus[0]->mergeFlag, 0, 0, imvVal, 0, 0, intraModeL, intraModeC, tempCost, tempBits, tempDist ); } inline void dtraceBestMode(CodingStructure *&tempCS, CodingStructure *&bestCS, double lambda) { bool bSplitCS = tempCS->cus.size() > 1 || bestCS->cus.size() > 1; ChannelType chType = tempCS->cus.back()->chType; // if the last CU does not align with the CS, we probably are at the edge bSplitCS |= tempCS->cus.back()->block(chType).bottomRight() != tempCS->area.block(chType).bottomRight(); Distortion tempDist = tempCS->dist; #if OLD_RDCOST uint64_t tempBits = tempCS->fracBits >> SCALE_BITS; uint64_t bestBits = bestCS->fracBits >> SCALE_BITS; uint64_t tempCost = (uint64_t)(tempCS->dist + (double)tempBits * lambda); uint64_t bestCost = (uint64_t)(bestCS->dist + (double)bestBits * lambda); #else uint64_t tempBits = tempCS->fracBits; uint64_t bestBits = bestCS->fracBits; uint64_t tempCost = (uint64_t)tempCS->cost; uint64_t bestCost = (uint64_t)bestCS->cost; #endif if( tempCS->cost == MAX_DOUBLE ) { tempCost = 0; tempBits = 0; tempDist = 0; } bool isIntra = CU::isIntra( *tempCS->cus[0] ); int intraModeL = isIntra ? tempCS->pus[0]->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] : 0; int intraModeC = isIntra ? tempCS->pus[0]->intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] : 0; if(!bSplitCS) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_BEST_MODE, "CheckModeCost: %6lld %3d @(%4d,%4d) [%2dx%2d] %d (%d,%d,%2d,%d,%d) tempCS = %lld (%d,%d), bestCS = %lld (%d,%d): --> choose %s\n", DTRACE_GET_COUNTER( g_trace_ctx, D_BEST_MODE ), tempCS->slice->getPOC(), tempCS->area.Y().x, tempCS->area.Y().y, tempCS->area.Y().width, tempCS->area.Y().height, tempCS->cus[0]->qtDepth, tempCS->cus[0]->qp, tempCS->cus[0]->predMode, tempCS->pus[0]->mergeFlag, intraModeL, intraModeC, tempCost, tempBits, tempDist, bestCost, bestBits, bestCS->dist, tempCS->cost < bestCS->cost ? "TEMP" : "BEST" ); } else { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_BEST_MODE, "CheckModeSplitCost: %6lld %3d @(%4d,%4d) [%2dx%2d] -------------------------- tempCS = %lld (%d,%d), bestCS = %lld (%d,%d): --> choose %s\n", DTRACE_GET_COUNTER( g_trace_ctx, D_BEST_MODE ), tempCS->slice->getPOC(), tempCS->area.Y().x, tempCS->area.Y().y, tempCS->area.Y().width, tempCS->area.Y().height, tempCost, tempBits, tempDist, bestCost, bestBits, bestCS->dist, tempCS->cost < bestCS->cost ? "TEMP STRUCTURE" : "BEST STRUCTURE"); } } #define DTRACE_PIC_COMP(...) dtracePicComp( __VA_ARGS__ ) #define DTRACE_BEST_MODE(...) dtraceBestMode(__VA_ARGS__) #define DTRACE_MODE_COST(...) dtraceModeCost(__VA_ARGS__) #define DTRACE_STAT(...) dtraceComprPicStat(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DTRACE_BEST_MODE(...) #define DTRACE_MODE_COST(...) #define DTRACE_STAT(...) #define DTRACE_PIC_COMP(...) #endif #endif // _DTRACE_HEVC_H_