/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2023, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file CABACReader.cpp * \brief Reader for low level syntax */ #include "CABACReader.h" #include "CommonLib/CodingStructure.h" #include "CommonLib/TrQuant.h" #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include "CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h" #include "CommonLib/dtrace_next.h" #include "CommonLib/Picture.h" #include "CommonLib/MatrixIntraPrediction.h" #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS #include "CommonLib/CodingStatistics.h" #endif #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(x) \ const CodingStatisticsClassType CSCT(x); \ m_binDecoder.set(CSCT) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET2(x, y) \ const CodingStatisticsClassType CSCT(x, y); \ m_binDecoder.set(CSCT) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE(x, s) \ const CodingStatisticsClassType CSCT(x, s.width, s.height); \ m_binDecoder.set(CSCT) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(x, s, z) \ const CodingStatisticsClassType CSCT(x, s.width, s.height, z); \ m_binDecoder.set(CSCT) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET(x) m_binDecoder.set(x); #else #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(x) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET2(x,y) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE(x,s) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(x,s,z) #define RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET(x) #endif void CABACReader::initCtxModels( Slice& slice ) { SliceType sliceType = slice.getSliceType(); int qp = slice.getSliceQp(); if( slice.getPPS()->getCabacInitPresentFlag() && slice.getCabacInitFlag() ) { switch( sliceType ) { case P_SLICE: // change initialization table to B_SLICE initialization sliceType = B_SLICE; break; case B_SLICE: // change initialization table to P_SLICE initialization sliceType = P_SLICE; break; default : // should not occur THROW( "Invalid slice type" ); break; } } m_binDecoder.reset(qp, (int) sliceType); m_binDecoder.setBaseLevel(slice.getRiceBaseLevel()); m_binDecoder.riceStatReset(slice.getSPS()->getBitDepth(ChannelType::LUMA), slice.getSPS()->getSpsRangeExtension().getPersistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag()); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool terminating_bit() // void remaining_bytes( noTrailingBytesExpected ) //================================================================================ bool CABACReader::terminating_bit() { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBinTrm()) { m_binDecoder.finish(); #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS CodingStatistics::IncrementStatisticEP(STATS__TRAILING_BITS, m_bitstream->readOutTrailingBits(), 0); #else m_bitstream->readOutTrailingBits(); #endif return true; } return false; } void CABACReader::remaining_bytes( bool noTrailingBytesExpected ) { if( noTrailingBytesExpected ) { CHECK(0 != m_bitstream->getNumBitsLeft(), "Bits left when not supposed"); } else { while (m_bitstream->getNumBitsLeft()) { unsigned trailingNullByte = m_bitstream->readByte(); if( trailingNullByte != 0 ) { THROW( "Trailing byte should be '0', but has a value of " << std::hex << trailingNullByte << std::dec << "\n" ); } } } } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void coding_tree_unit( cs, area, qpL, qpC, ctuRsAddr ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::coding_tree_unit(CodingStructure &cs, const UnitArea &area, EnumArray &qps, unsigned ctuRsAddr) { CUCtx cuCtx(qps[ChannelType::LUMA]); QTBTPartitioner partitioner; partitioner.initCtu(area, ChannelType::LUMA, *cs.slice); cs.treeType = partitioner.treeType = TREE_D; cs.modeType = partitioner.modeType = MODE_TYPE_ALL; sao( cs, ctuRsAddr ); if (cs.sps->getALFEnabledFlag() && (cs.slice->getAlfEnabledFlag(COMPONENT_Y))) { const PreCalcValues& pcv = *cs.pcv; const int frameWidthInCtus = pcv.widthInCtus; const int ry = ctuRsAddr / frameWidthInCtus; const int rx = ctuRsAddr - ry * frameWidthInCtus; const Position pos(rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight); const uint32_t curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); const uint32_t curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx(pos); const bool leftAvail = cs.getCURestricted(pos.offset(-(int) pcv.maxCUWidth, 0), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA) != nullptr; const bool aboveAvail = cs.getCURestricted(pos.offset(0, -(int) pcv.maxCUHeight), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA) != nullptr; const int leftCTUAddr = leftAvail ? ctuRsAddr - 1 : -1; const int aboveCTUAddr = aboveAvail ? ctuRsAddr - frameWidthInCtus : -1; for( int compIdx = 0; compIdx < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compIdx++ ) { if (cs.slice->getAlfEnabledFlag((ComponentID)compIdx)) { AlfMode *alfModes = cs.slice->getPic()->getAlfModes(compIdx); int ctx = 0; ctx += leftCTUAddr > -1 ? (alfModes[leftCTUAddr] != AlfMode::OFF ? 1 : 0) : 0; ctx += aboveCTUAddr > -1 ? (alfModes[aboveCTUAddr] != AlfMode::OFF ? 1 : 0) : 0; RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__ALF); const bool enabled = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::alfCtbFlag(compIdx * 3 + ctx)) != 0; if (!enabled) { alfModes[ctuRsAddr] = AlfMode::OFF; } else { if (isLuma((ComponentID) compIdx)) { readAlfCtuFilterIndex(cs, ctuRsAddr); } else { const int apsIdx = cs.slice->getAlfApsIdChroma(); CHECK(cs.slice->getAlfAPSs()[apsIdx] == nullptr, "APS not initialized"); const AlfParam &alfParam = cs.slice->getAlfAPSs()[apsIdx]->getAlfAPSParam(); const int numAlts = alfParam.numAlternativesChroma; uint8_t decoded = 0; while (decoded < numAlts - 1 && m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ctbAlfAlternative(compIdx - 1))) { ++ decoded; } alfModes[ctuRsAddr] = AlfMode::CHROMA0 + decoded; } } } } } if (cs.sps->getCCALFEnabledFlag()) { for ( int compIdx = 1; compIdx < getNumberValidComponents( cs.pcv->chrFormat ); compIdx++ ) { if (cs.slice->m_ccAlfFilterParam.ccAlfFilterEnabled[compIdx - 1]) { const int filterCount = cs.slice->m_ccAlfFilterParam.ccAlfFilterCount[compIdx - 1]; const int ry = ctuRsAddr / cs.pcv->widthInCtus; const int rx = ctuRsAddr % cs.pcv->widthInCtus; const Position lumaPos(rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight); ccAlfFilterControlIdc(cs, ComponentID(compIdx), ctuRsAddr, cs.slice->m_ccAlfFilterControl[compIdx - 1], lumaPos, filterCount); } } } if (CS::isDualITree(cs) && isChromaEnabled(cs.pcv->chrFormat) && cs.pcv->maxCUWidth > 64) { QTBTPartitioner chromaPartitioner; chromaPartitioner.initCtu(area, ChannelType::CHROMA, *cs.slice); CUCtx cuCtxChroma(qps[ChannelType::CHROMA]); coding_tree(cs, partitioner, cuCtx, &chromaPartitioner, &cuCtxChroma); qps[ChannelType::LUMA] = cuCtx.qp; qps[ChannelType::CHROMA] = cuCtxChroma.qp; } else { coding_tree(cs, partitioner, cuCtx); qps[ChannelType::LUMA] = cuCtx.qp; if (CS::isDualITree(cs) && isChromaEnabled(cs.pcv->chrFormat)) { CUCtx cuCtxChroma(qps[ChannelType::CHROMA]); partitioner.initCtu(area, ChannelType::CHROMA, *cs.slice); coding_tree(cs, partitioner, cuCtxChroma); qps[ChannelType::CHROMA] = cuCtxChroma.qp; } } DTRACE_COND( ctuRsAddr == 0, g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, "\n%4d %2d", cs.picture->poc, cs.slice->getSliceQpBase() ); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_QP_PER_CTU, " %3d", qps[ChannelType::LUMA] - cs.slice->getSliceQpBase()); } void CABACReader::readAlfCtuFilterIndex(CodingStructure& cs, unsigned ctuRsAddr) { const int numAps = cs.slice->getNumAlfApsIdsLuma(); const bool alfUseApsFlag = numAps > 0 && m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::alfUseApsFlag()) != 0; AlfMode m; if (alfUseApsFlag) { uint32_t alfLumaPrevFilterIdx = 0; if (numAps > 1) { xReadTruncBinCode(alfLumaPrevFilterIdx, numAps); } m = AlfMode::LUMA0 + alfLumaPrevFilterIdx; } else { uint32_t alfLumaFixedFilterIdx = 0; xReadTruncBinCode(alfLumaFixedFilterIdx, ALF_NUM_FIXED_FILTER_SETS); m = AlfMode::LUMA_FIXED0 + alfLumaFixedFilterIdx; } AlfMode *alfModes = cs.slice->getPic()->getAlfModes(COMPONENT_Y); alfModes[ctuRsAddr] = m; } void CABACReader::ccAlfFilterControlIdc(CodingStructure &cs, const ComponentID compID, const int curIdx, uint8_t *filterControlIdc, Position lumaPos, int filterCount) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__CROSS_COMPONENT_ALF_BLOCK_LEVEL_IDC ); const Position leftLumaPos = lumaPos.offset(-(int) cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, 0); const Position aboveLumaPos = lumaPos.offset(0, -(int) cs.pcv->maxCUWidth); const uint32_t curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); const uint32_t curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx(lumaPos); const bool leftAvail = cs.getCURestricted(leftLumaPos, lumaPos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA) != nullptr; const bool aboveAvail = cs.getCURestricted(aboveLumaPos, lumaPos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA) != nullptr; int ctxt = 0; if (leftAvail) { ctxt += ( filterControlIdc[curIdx - 1] ) ? 1 : 0; } if (aboveAvail) { ctxt += ( filterControlIdc[curIdx - cs.pcv->widthInCtus] ) ? 1 : 0; } ctxt += ( compID == COMPONENT_Cr ) ? 3 : 0; int idcVal = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::CcAlfFilterControlFlag(ctxt)); if ( idcVal ) { while ((idcVal != filterCount) && m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { idcVal++; } } filterControlIdc[curIdx] = idcVal; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ccAlfFilterControlIdc() compID=%d pos=(%d,%d) ctxt=%d, filterCount=%d, idcVal=%d\n", compID, lumaPos.x, lumaPos.y, ctxt, filterCount, idcVal); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void sao( slice, ctuRsAddr ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::sao( CodingStructure& cs, unsigned ctuRsAddr ) { const SPS &sps = *cs.sps; if( !sps.getSAOEnabledFlag() ) { return; } const Slice &slice = *cs.slice; SAOBlkParam &saoCtuParams = cs.picture->getSAO()[ctuRsAddr]; const bool sliceSaoLumaFlag = slice.getSaoEnabledFlag(ChannelType::LUMA); const bool sliceSaoChromaFlag = slice.getSaoEnabledFlag(ChannelType::CHROMA) && isChromaEnabled(sps.getChromaFormatIdc()); saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Y].modeIdc = SAOMode::OFF; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].modeIdc = SAOMode::OFF; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cr].modeIdc = SAOMode::OFF; if (!sliceSaoLumaFlag && !sliceSaoChromaFlag) { return; } // merge const int frameWidthInCtus = cs.pcv->widthInCtus; const int ry = ctuRsAddr / frameWidthInCtus; const int rx = ctuRsAddr - ry * frameWidthInCtus; const Position pos( rx * cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, ry * cs.pcv->maxCUHeight ); const unsigned curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SAO ); auto mergeType = SAOModeMergeTypes::NONE; const unsigned curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx(pos); if (cs.getCURestricted(pos.offset(-(int) cs.pcv->maxCUWidth, 0), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA)) { // sao_merge_left_flag mergeType = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SaoMergeFlag()) ? SAOModeMergeTypes::LEFT : SAOModeMergeTypes::NONE; } if (mergeType == SAOModeMergeTypes::NONE && cs.getCURestricted(pos.offset(0, -(int) cs.pcv->maxCUHeight), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, ChannelType::LUMA)) { // sao_merge_above_flag mergeType = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SaoMergeFlag()) ? SAOModeMergeTypes::ABOVE : SAOModeMergeTypes::NONE; } if (mergeType != SAOModeMergeTypes::NONE) { if (sliceSaoLumaFlag || sliceSaoChromaFlag) { saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Y].modeIdc = SAOMode::MERGE; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Y].typeIdc.mergeType = mergeType; } if (sliceSaoChromaFlag) { saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].modeIdc = SAOMode::MERGE; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cr].modeIdc = SAOMode::MERGE; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].typeIdc.mergeType = mergeType; saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cr].typeIdc.mergeType = mergeType; } return; } // explicit parameters ComponentID firstComp = sliceSaoLumaFlag ? COMPONENT_Y : COMPONENT_Cb; ComponentID lastComp = sliceSaoChromaFlag ? COMPONENT_Cr : COMPONENT_Y; for( ComponentID compID = firstComp; compID <= lastComp; compID = ComponentID( compID + 1 ) ) { SAOOffset &sao_pars = saoCtuParams[compID]; // sao_type_idx_luma / sao_type_idx_chroma if( compID != COMPONENT_Cr ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SaoTypeIdx())) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { // edge offset sao_pars.modeIdc = SAOMode::NEW; sao_pars.typeIdc.newType = SAOModeNewTypes::START_EO; } else { // band offset sao_pars.modeIdc = SAOMode::NEW; sao_pars.typeIdc.newType = SAOModeNewTypes::START_BO; } } } else //Cr, follow Cb SAO type { sao_pars.modeIdc = saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].modeIdc; sao_pars.typeIdc = saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].typeIdc; } if (sao_pars.modeIdc == SAOMode::OFF) { continue; } // sao_offset_abs int offset[4]; const int maxOffsetQVal = SampleAdaptiveOffset::getMaxOffsetQVal( sps.getBitDepth( toChannelType(compID) ) ); offset[0] = (int) unary_max_eqprob(maxOffsetQVal); offset[1] = (int) unary_max_eqprob(maxOffsetQVal); offset[2] = (int) unary_max_eqprob(maxOffsetQVal); offset[3] = (int) unary_max_eqprob(maxOffsetQVal); // band offset mode if (sao_pars.typeIdc.newType == SAOModeNewTypes::START_BO) { // sao_offset_sign for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { if (offset[k] && m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { offset[k] = -offset[k]; } } // sao_band_position sao_pars.typeAuxInfo = m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(NUM_SAO_BO_CLASSES_LOG2); for( int k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) { sao_pars.offset[ ( sao_pars.typeAuxInfo + k ) % MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES ] = offset[k]; } continue; } // edge offset mode sao_pars.typeAuxInfo = 0; if( compID != COMPONENT_Cr ) { // sao_eo_class_luma / sao_eo_class_chroma sao_pars.typeIdc.newType = SAOModeNewTypes(to_underlying(sao_pars.typeIdc.newType) + m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(NUM_SAO_EO_TYPES_LOG2)); } else { sao_pars.typeIdc = saoCtuParams[COMPONENT_Cb].typeIdc; } sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_FULL_VALLEY ] = offset[0]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_HALF_VALLEY ] = offset[1]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_PLAIN ] = 0; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_HALF_PEAK ] = -offset[2]; sao_pars.offset[ SAO_CLASS_EO_FULL_PEAK ] = -offset[3]; } } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void coding_tree ( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ) // bool split_cu_flag ( cs, partitioner ) // split split_cu_mode_mt ( cs, partitioner ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::coding_tree( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx, Partitioner* pPartitionerChroma, CUCtx* pCuCtxChroma) { const PPS &pps = *cs.pps; const UnitArea &currArea = partitioner.currArea(); // Reset delta QP coding flag and ChromaQPAdjustemt coding flag //Note: do not reset qg at chroma CU if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.currQgEnable() && !isChroma(partitioner.chType) ) { cuCtx.qgStart = true; cuCtx.isDQPCoded = false; } if( cs.slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && partitioner.currQgChromaEnable() ) { cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = false; cs.chromaQpAdj = 0; } // Reset delta QP coding flag and ChromaQPAdjustemt coding flag if (CS::isDualITree(cs) && pPartitionerChroma != nullptr) { if (pps.getUseDQP() && pPartitionerChroma->currQgEnable()) { pCuCtxChroma->qgStart = true; pCuCtxChroma->isDQPCoded = false; } if (cs.slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && pPartitionerChroma->currQgChromaEnable()) { pCuCtxChroma->isChromaQpAdjCoded = false; cs.chromaQpAdj = 0; } } const PartSplit splitMode = split_cu_mode( cs, partitioner ); CHECK( !partitioner.canSplit( splitMode, cs ), "Got an invalid split!" ); if( splitMode != CU_DONT_SPLIT ) { if (CS::isDualITree(cs) && pPartitionerChroma != nullptr && (partitioner.currArea().lwidth() >= 64 || partitioner.currArea().lheight() >= 64)) { partitioner.splitCurrArea(CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs); pPartitionerChroma->splitCurrArea(CU_QUAD_SPLIT, cs); bool beContinue = true; bool lumaContinue = true; bool chromaContinue = true; while (beContinue) { if (partitioner.currArea().lwidth() > 64 || partitioner.currArea().lheight() > 64) { if (cs.area.block(partitioner.chType).contains(partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).pos())) { coding_tree(cs, partitioner, cuCtx, pPartitionerChroma, pCuCtxChroma); } lumaContinue = partitioner.nextPart(cs); chromaContinue = pPartitionerChroma->nextPart(cs); CHECK(lumaContinue != chromaContinue, "luma chroma partition should be matched"); beContinue = lumaContinue; } else { // dual tree coding under 64x64 block if (cs.area.block(partitioner.chType).contains(partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).pos())) { coding_tree(cs, partitioner, cuCtx); } lumaContinue = partitioner.nextPart(cs); if (cs.area.block(pPartitionerChroma->chType) .contains(pPartitionerChroma->currArea().block(pPartitionerChroma->chType).pos())) { coding_tree(cs, *pPartitionerChroma, *pCuCtxChroma); } chromaContinue = pPartitionerChroma->nextPart(cs); CHECK(lumaContinue != chromaContinue, "luma chroma partition should be matched"); beContinue = lumaContinue; } } partitioner.exitCurrSplit(); pPartitionerChroma->exitCurrSplit(); // cat the chroma CUs together CodingUnit *currentCu = cs.getCU(partitioner.currArea().lumaPos(), ChannelType::LUMA); CodingUnit *nextCu = nullptr; CodingUnit *tempLastLumaCu = nullptr; CodingUnit *tempLastChromaCu = nullptr; ChannelType currentChType = currentCu->chType; while (currentCu->next != nullptr) { nextCu = currentCu->next; if (currentChType != nextCu->chType && isLuma(currentChType)) { tempLastLumaCu = currentCu; if (tempLastChromaCu != nullptr) // swap { tempLastChromaCu->next = nextCu; } } else if (currentChType != nextCu->chType && currentChType == ChannelType::CHROMA) { tempLastChromaCu = currentCu; if (tempLastLumaCu != nullptr) // swap { tempLastLumaCu->next = nextCu; } } currentCu = nextCu; currentChType = currentCu->chType; } CodingUnit *chromaFirstCu = cs.getCU(pPartitionerChroma->currArea().chromaPos(), ChannelType::CHROMA); tempLastLumaCu->next = chromaFirstCu; } else { const ModeType modeTypeParent = partitioner.modeType; cs.modeType = partitioner.modeType = mode_constraint(cs, partitioner, splitMode); // change for child nodes // decide chroma split or not bool chromaNotSplit = modeTypeParent == MODE_TYPE_ALL && partitioner.modeType == MODE_TYPE_INTRA; CHECK(chromaNotSplit && partitioner.chType != ChannelType::LUMA, "chType must be luma"); if (partitioner.treeType == TREE_D) { cs.treeType = partitioner.treeType = chromaNotSplit ? TREE_L : TREE_D; } partitioner.splitCurrArea( splitMode, cs ); do { if (cs.area.block(partitioner.chType).contains(partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).pos())) { coding_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); } } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) ); partitioner.exitCurrSplit(); if( chromaNotSplit ) { CHECK(partitioner.chType != ChannelType::LUMA, "must be luma status"); partitioner.chType = ChannelType::CHROMA; cs.treeType = partitioner.treeType = TREE_C; if (cs.picture->block(partitioner.chType).contains(partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).pos())) { coding_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); } //recover treeType partitioner.chType = ChannelType::LUMA; cs.treeType = partitioner.treeType = TREE_D; } //recover ModeType cs.modeType = partitioner.modeType = modeTypeParent; } return; } CodingUnit& cu = cs.addCU( CS::getArea( cs, currArea, partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType ); partitioner.setCUData( cu ); cu.slice = cs.slice; cu.tileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx( currArea.lumaPos() ); CHECK( cu.cs->treeType != partitioner.treeType, "treeType mismatch" ); int lumaQPinLocalDualTree = -1; // Predict QP on start of quantization group if( cuCtx.qgStart ) { cuCtx.qgStart = false; cuCtx.qp = CU::predictQP( cu, cuCtx.qp ); } if (pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.isSepTree(cs) && isChroma(cu.chType)) { const Position chromaCentral(cu.chromaPos().offset(cu.chromaSize().width >> 1, cu.chromaSize().height >> 1)); const Position lumaRefPos(chromaCentral.x << getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, cu.chromaFormat), chromaCentral.y << getComponentScaleY(COMPONENT_Cb, cu.chromaFormat)); //derive chroma qp, but the chroma qp is saved in cuCtx.qp which is used for luma qp //therefore, after decoding the chroma CU, the cuCtx.qp shall be recovered to luma qp in order to decode next luma cu qp const CodingUnit* colLumaCu = cs.getLumaCU( lumaRefPos ); CHECK( colLumaCu == nullptr, "colLumaCU shall exist" ); lumaQPinLocalDualTree = cuCtx.qp; if (colLumaCu) { cuCtx.qp = colLumaCu->qp; } } cu.qp = cuCtx.qp; //NOTE: CU QP can be changed by deltaQP signaling at TU level cu.chromaQpAdj = cs.chromaQpAdj; //NOTE: CU chroma QP adjustment can be changed by adjustment signaling at TU level // coding unit coding_unit( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); //recover cuCtx.qp to luma qp after decoding the chroma CU if( pps.getUseDQP() && partitioner.isSepTree( cs ) && isChroma( cu.chType ) ) { cuCtx.qp = lumaQPinLocalDualTree; } uint32_t compBegin; uint32_t numComp; bool jointPLT = false; if (cu.isSepTree()) { if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) { compBegin = COMPONENT_Y; numComp = getNumberValidComponents(cu.chromaFormat); jointPLT = true; } else { if (isLuma(partitioner.chType)) { compBegin = COMPONENT_Y; numComp = 1; } else { compBegin = COMPONENT_Cb; numComp = 2; } } } else { compBegin = COMPONENT_Y; numComp = getNumberValidComponents(cu.chromaFormat); jointPLT = true; } if (CU::isPLT(cu)) { cs.reorderPrevPLT(cs.prevPLT, cu.curPLTSize, cu.curPLT, cu.reuseflag, compBegin, numComp, jointPLT); } if (cu.chType == ChannelType::CHROMA) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_QP, "[chroma CU]x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.Cb().x, cu.Cb().y, cu.Cb().width, cu.Cb().height, cu.qp ); } else { DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_QP, "x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y, cu.Y().width, cu.Y().height, cu.qp); } } ModeType CABACReader::mode_constraint( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner &partitioner, PartSplit splitMode ) { const int val = cs.signalModeCons(splitMode, partitioner, partitioner.modeType); if( val == LDT_MODE_TYPE_SIGNAL ) { int ctxIdx = DeriveCtx::CtxModeConsFlag( cs, partitioner ); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__MODE_CONSTRAINT_FLAG, partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).size(), partitioner.chType); bool flag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ModeConsFlag(ctxIdx)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mode_cons_flag() flag=%d\n", flag ); return flag ? MODE_TYPE_INTRA : MODE_TYPE_INTER; } else if( val == LDT_MODE_TYPE_INFER ) { return MODE_TYPE_INTRA; } else { return partitioner.modeType; } } PartSplit CABACReader::split_cu_mode( CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner &partitioner ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SPLIT_FLAG, partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).size(), partitioner.chType); PartSplit mode = CU_DONT_SPLIT; bool canNo, canQt, canBh, canBv, canTh, canTv; partitioner.canSplit( cs, canNo, canQt, canBh, canBv, canTh, canTv ); bool canSpl[6] = { canNo, canQt, canBh, canBv, canTh, canTv }; unsigned ctxSplit = 0, ctxQtSplit = 0, ctxBttHV = 0, ctxBttH12 = 0, ctxBttV12; DeriveCtx::CtxSplit( cs, partitioner, ctxSplit, ctxQtSplit, ctxBttHV, ctxBttH12, ctxBttV12, canSpl ); bool isSplit = canBh || canBv || canTh || canTv || canQt; if( canNo && isSplit ) { isSplit = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SplitFlag(ctxSplit)); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctx=%d split=%d\n", ctxSplit, isSplit ); if( !isSplit ) { return CU_DONT_SPLIT; } const bool canBtt = canBh || canBv || canTh || canTv; bool isQt = canQt; if( isQt && canBtt ) { isQt = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SplitQtFlag(ctxQtSplit)); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctx=%d qt=%d\n", ctxQtSplit, isQt ); if( isQt ) { return CU_QUAD_SPLIT; } const bool canHor = canBh || canTh; bool isVer = canBv || canTv; if( isVer && canHor ) { isVer = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SplitHvFlag(ctxBttHV)); } const bool can14 = isVer ? canTv : canTh; bool is12 = isVer ? canBv : canBh; if( is12 && can14 ) { is12 = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Split12Flag(isVer ? ctxBttV12 : ctxBttH12)); } if (isVer && is12) { mode = CU_VERT_SPLIT; } else if (isVer && !is12) { mode = CU_TRIV_SPLIT; } else if (!isVer && is12) { mode = CU_HORZ_SPLIT; } else { mode = CU_TRIH_SPLIT; } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "split_cu_mode() ctxHv=%d ctx12=%d mode=%d\n", ctxBttHV, isVer ? ctxBttV12 : ctxBttH12, mode ); return mode; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void coding_unit ( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ) // void cu_skip_flag ( cu ) // void pred_mode ( cu ) // void part_mode ( cu ) // void cu_pred_data ( pus ) // void cu_lic_flag ( cu ) // void intra_luma_pred_modes ( pus ) // void intra_chroma_pred_mode ( pu ) // void cu_residual ( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ) // void rqt_root_cbf ( cu ) // void end_of_ctu ( cu, cuCtx ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::coding_unit( CodingUnit &cu, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { CodingStructure& cs = *cu.cs; CHECK( cu.treeType != partitioner.treeType || cu.modeType != partitioner.modeType, "treeType or modeType mismatch" ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "coding_unit() treeType=%d modeType=%d\n", cu.treeType, cu.modeType ); PredictionUnit& pu = cs.addPU(cu, partitioner.chType); // skip flag if ((!cs.slice->isIntra() || cs.slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) && cu.Y().valid()) { cu_skip_flag( cu ); } // skip data if( cu.skip ) { cu.colorTransform = false; cs.addEmptyTUs( partitioner ); prediction_unit ( pu ); end_of_ctu( cu, cuCtx ); return; } // prediction mode and partitioning data pred_mode ( cu ); if (CU::isIntra(cu)) { adaptive_color_transform(cu); } if (CU::isPLT(cu)) { cu.colorTransform = false; cs.addTU(cu, partitioner.chType); if (cu.isSepTree()) { if (isLuma(partitioner.chType)) { cu_palette_info(cu, COMPONENT_Y, 1, cuCtx); } if (isChromaEnabled(cu.chromaFormat) && partitioner.chType == ChannelType::CHROMA) { cu_palette_info(cu, COMPONENT_Cb, 2, cuCtx); } } else { cu_palette_info(cu, COMPONENT_Y, getNumberValidComponents(cu.chromaFormat), cuCtx); } end_of_ctu(cu, cuCtx); return; } // --> create PUs // prediction data ( intra prediction modes / reference indexes + motion vectors ) cu_pred_data( cu ); // residual data ( coded block flags + transform coefficient levels ) cu_residual( cu, partitioner, cuCtx ); // check end of cu end_of_ctu( cu, cuCtx ); } void CABACReader::cu_skip_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SKIP_FLAG ); if ((cu.slice->isIntra() || cu.isConsIntra()) && cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) { cu.skip = false; cu.rootCbf = false; cu.predMode = MODE_INTRA; cu.mmvdSkip = false; if (cu.lwidth() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE) // disable IBC mode larger than 64x64 { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxSkipFlag(cu); unsigned skip = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SkipFlag(ctxId)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_skip_flag() ctx=%d skip=%d\n", ctxId, skip ? 1 : 0); if (skip) { cu.skip = true; cu.rootCbf = false; cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; cu.mmvdSkip = false; } } return; } if ( !cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag() && cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) { return; } if( !cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag() && cu.isConsIntra() ) { return; } unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxSkipFlag(cu); unsigned skip = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SkipFlag(ctxId)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_skip_flag() ctx=%d skip=%d\n", ctxId, skip ? 1 : 0 ); if (skip && cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) { // disable IBC mode larger than 64x64 and disable IBC when only allowing inter mode if (cu.lwidth() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE && !cu.isConsInter()) { if ( cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) { cu.skip = true; cu.rootCbf = false; cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; cu.mmvdSkip = false; return; } unsigned ctxidx = DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag(cu); if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IBCFlag(ctxidx))) { cu.skip = true; cu.rootCbf = false; cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; cu.mmvdSkip = false; cu.firstPU->regularMergeFlag = false; } else { cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ibc() ctx=%d cu.predMode=%d\n", ctxidx, cu.predMode); } else { cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; } } if ((skip && CU::isInter(cu) && cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag()) || (skip && !cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag())) { cu.skip = true; cu.rootCbf = false; cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; } } void CABACReader::imv_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__OTHER ); if( !cu.cs->sps->getAMVREnabledFlag() ) { return; } bool nonZeroMvd = CU::hasSubCUNonZeroMVd(cu); if (!nonZeroMvd) { return; } if ( cu.affine ) { return; } const SPS *sps = cu.cs->sps; unsigned value = 0; if (CU::isIBC(cu)) { value = 1; } else { value = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ImvFlag(0)); } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 0 ); cu.imv = value; if( sps->getAMVREnabledFlag() && value ) { if (!CU::isIBC(cu)) { value = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ImvFlag(4)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 4); cu.imv = value ? 1 : IMV_HPEL; } if (value) { value = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ImvFlag(1)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 1); value++; cu.imv = value; } } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "imv_mode() IMVFlag=%d\n", cu.imv ); } void CABACReader::affine_amvr_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__OTHER ); const SPS* sps = cu.slice->getSPS(); if( !sps->getAffineAmvrEnabledFlag() || !cu.affine ) { return; } if ( !CU::hasSubCUNonZeroAffineMVd( cu ) ) { return; } unsigned value = 0; value = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ImvFlag(2)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 2 ); if( value ) { value = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ImvFlag(3)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() value=%d ctx=%d\n", value, 3 ); value++; } cu.imv = value; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_amvr_mode() IMVFlag=%d\n", cu.imv ); } void CABACReader::pred_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__PRED_MODE ); if (cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getIBCFlag() && cu.chType != ChannelType::CHROMA) { if( cu.isConsInter() ) { cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; return; } if ( cu.cs->slice->isIntra() || ( cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4 ) || cu.isConsIntra() ) { cu.predMode = MODE_INTRA; if (cu.lwidth() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE) // disable IBC mode larger than 64x64 { unsigned ctxidx = DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag(cu); if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IBCFlag(ctxidx))) { cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; } } if (!CU::isIBC(cu) && cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64 && (cu.lumaSize().width * cu.lumaSize().height > 16) ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PLTFlag(0))) { cu.predMode = MODE_PLT; } } } else { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PredMode(DeriveCtx::CtxPredModeFlag(cu)))) { cu.predMode = MODE_INTRA; if (cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64 && (cu.lumaSize().width * cu.lumaSize().height > 16) ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PLTFlag(0))) { cu.predMode = MODE_PLT; } } } else { cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; if (cu.lwidth() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE && cu.lheight() <= IBC_MAX_CU_SIZE) // disable IBC mode larger than 64x64 { unsigned ctxidx = DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag(cu); if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IBCFlag(ctxidx))) { cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; } } } } } else { if( cu.isConsInter() ) { cu.predMode = MODE_INTER; return; } if ( cu.cs->slice->isIntra() || (cu.lwidth() == 4 && cu.lheight() == 4) || cu.isConsIntra() ) { cu.predMode = MODE_INTRA; if (cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64 && ( ( (!isLuma(cu.chType)) && (cu.chromaSize().width * cu.chromaSize().height > 16) ) || ((isLuma(cu.chType)) && ((cu.lumaSize().width * cu.lumaSize().height) > 16 ) ) ) && (!cu.isLocalSepTree() || isLuma(cu.chType) ) ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PLTFlag(0))) { cu.predMode = MODE_PLT; } } } else { cu.predMode = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PredMode(DeriveCtx::CtxPredModeFlag(cu))) ? MODE_INTRA : MODE_INTER; if (CU::isIntra(cu) && cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getPLTMode() && cu.lwidth() <= 64 && cu.lheight() <= 64 && ( ( (!isLuma(cu.chType)) && (cu.chromaSize().width * cu.chromaSize().height > 16) ) || ((isLuma(cu.chType)) && ((cu.lumaSize().width * cu.lumaSize().height) > 16 ) ) ) && (!cu.isLocalSepTree() || isLuma(cu.chType) ) ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::PLTFlag(0))) { cu.predMode = MODE_PLT; } } } } } void CABACReader::bdpcm_mode( CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID ) { if (!CU::bdpcmAllowed(cu, compID)) { if (isLuma(compID)) { cu.bdpcmMode = BdpcmMode::NONE; if (!CS::isDualITree(*cu.cs)) { cu.bdpcmModeChroma = BdpcmMode::NONE; } } else { cu.bdpcmModeChroma = BdpcmMode::NONE; } return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__BDPCM_MODE, cu.block(compID).lumaSize(), compID ); BdpcmMode bdpcmMode; unsigned ctxId = isLuma( compID ) ? 0 : 2; if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::BDPCMMode(ctxId))) { bdpcmMode = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::BDPCMMode(ctxId + 1)) ? BdpcmMode::VER : BdpcmMode::HOR; } else { bdpcmMode = BdpcmMode::NONE; } if (isLuma(compID)) { cu.bdpcmMode = bdpcmMode; } else { cu.bdpcmModeChroma = bdpcmMode; } if (isLuma(compID)) { DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "bdpcm_mode(%d) x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, bdpcm=%d\n", ChannelType::LUMA, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.lwidth(), cu.lheight(), cu.bdpcmMode); } else { DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "bdpcm_mode(%d) x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d, bdpcm=%d\n", ChannelType::CHROMA, cu.chromaPos().x, cu.chromaPos().y, cu.chromaSize().width, cu.chromaSize().height, cu.bdpcmModeChroma); } } void CABACReader::cu_pred_data( CodingUnit &cu ) { if( CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { if( cu.Y().valid() ) { bdpcm_mode(cu, COMPONENT_Y ); } intra_luma_pred_modes( cu ); if( ( !cu.Y().valid() || (!cu.isSepTree() && cu.Y().valid() ) ) && isChromaEnabled(cu.chromaFormat) ) { bdpcm_mode(cu, ComponentID(ChannelType::CHROMA)); } intra_chroma_pred_modes( cu ); return; } if (!cu.Y().valid()) // dual tree chroma CU { cu.predMode = MODE_IBC; return; } for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) ) { prediction_unit( pu ); } imv_mode ( cu ); affine_amvr_mode( cu ); cu_bcw_flag( cu ); } void CABACReader::cu_bcw_flag(CodingUnit& cu) { if(!CU::isBcwIdxCoded(cu)) { return; } CHECK(!(BCW_NUM > 1 && (BCW_NUM == 2 || (BCW_NUM & 0x01) == 1)), " !( BCW_NUM > 1 && ( BCW_NUM == 2 || ( BCW_NUM & 0x01 ) == 1 ) ) "); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__BCW_IDX); uint32_t idx = 0; uint32_t symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::bcwIdx(0)); int32_t numBcw = (cu.slice->getCheckLDC()) ? 5 : 3; if(symbol == 1) { uint32_t prefixNumBits = numBcw - 2; uint32_t step = 1; idx = 1; for(int ui = 0; ui < prefixNumBits; ++ui) { symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); if (symbol == 0) { break; } idx += step; } } cu.bcwIdx = (uint8_t) g_BcwParsingOrder[idx]; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cu_bcw_flag() bcw_idx=%d\n", cu.bcwIdx ? 1 : 0); } void CABACReader::xReadTruncBinCode(uint32_t &symbol, uint32_t numSymbols) { const int thresh = floorLog2(numSymbols); const int val = 1 << thresh; const int b = numSymbols - val; symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(thresh); if (symbol >= val - b) { symbol = 2 * symbol - (val - b) + m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); } } void CABACReader::extend_ref_line(CodingUnit& cu) { if (!cu.Y().valid() || !CU::isIntra(cu) || !isLuma(cu.chType) || cu.bdpcmMode != BdpcmMode::NONE) { cu.firstPU->multiRefIdx = 0; return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__MULTI_REF_LINE); const int numBlocks = CU::getNumPUs(cu); PredictionUnit* pu = cu.firstPU; for (int k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++) { if( !cu.cs->sps->getUseMRL() ) { pu->multiRefIdx = 0; pu = pu->next; continue; } bool isFirstLineOfCtu = (((cu.block(COMPONENT_Y).y)&((cu.cs->sps)->getMaxCUWidth() - 1)) == 0); if (isFirstLineOfCtu) { pu->multiRefIdx = 0; continue; } int multiRefIdx = 0; if (MRL_NUM_REF_LINES > 1) { multiRefIdx = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx(0)) == 1 ? MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[1] : MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[0]; if (MRL_NUM_REF_LINES > 2 && multiRefIdx != MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[0]) { multiRefIdx = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx(1)) == 1 ? MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[2] : MULTI_REF_LINE_IDX[1]; } } pu->multiRefIdx = multiRefIdx; pu = pu->next; } } void CABACReader::intra_luma_pred_modes( CodingUnit &cu ) { if( !cu.Y().valid() ) { return; } if (cu.bdpcmMode != BdpcmMode::NONE) { cu.firstPU->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] = cu.bdpcmMode == BdpcmMode::VER ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX; return; } mip_flag(cu); if (cu.mipFlag) { mip_pred_modes(cu); return; } extend_ref_line( cu ); isp_mode( cu ); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__INTRA_DIR_ANG, cu.lumaSize(), ChannelType::LUMA); // prev_intra_luma_pred_flag int numBlocks = CU::getNumPUs( cu ); int mpmFlag[4]; for( int k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++ ) { CHECK(numBlocks != 1, "not supported yet"); if ( cu.firstPU->multiRefIdx ) { mpmFlag[0] = true; } else { mpmFlag[k] = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag()); } } PredictionUnit *pu = cu.firstPU; unsigned mpm_pred[NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES]; // mpm_idx / rem_intra_luma_pred_mode for( int k = 0; k < numBlocks; k++ ) { PU::getIntraMPMs( *pu, mpm_pred ); if( mpmFlag[k] ) { uint32_t ipred_idx = 0; { unsigned ctx = (pu->cu->ispMode == ISPType::NONE ? 1 : 0); if (pu->multiRefIdx == 0) { ipred_idx = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IntraLumaPlanarFlag(ctx)); } else { ipred_idx = 1; } if( ipred_idx ) { ipred_idx += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); } if (ipred_idx > 1) { ipred_idx += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); } if (ipred_idx > 2) { ipred_idx += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); } if (ipred_idx > 3) { ipred_idx += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); } } pu->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] = mpm_pred[ipred_idx]; } else { unsigned ipred_mode = 0; xReadTruncBinCode(ipred_mode, NUM_LUMA_MODE - NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES); //postponed sorting of MPMs (only in remaining branch) std::sort( mpm_pred, mpm_pred + NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES ); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_MOST_PROBABLE_MODES; i++ ) { ipred_mode += (ipred_mode >= mpm_pred[i]); } pu->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] = ipred_mode; } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "intra_luma_pred_modes() idx=%d pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", k, pu->lumaPos().x, pu->lumaPos().y, pu->intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA]); pu = pu->next; } } void CABACReader::intra_chroma_pred_modes( CodingUnit& cu ) { if (!isChromaEnabled(cu.chromaFormat) || (cu.isSepTree() && isLuma(cu.chType))) { return; } if (cu.bdpcmModeChroma != BdpcmMode::NONE) { cu.firstPU->intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = cu.bdpcmModeChroma == BdpcmMode::VER ? VER_IDX : HOR_IDX; return; } PredictionUnit *pu = cu.firstPU; CHECK(pu->cu != &cu, "Inconsistent PU-CU mapping"); intra_chroma_pred_mode(*pu); } bool CABACReader::intra_chroma_lmc_mode(PredictionUnit& pu) { int lmModeList[10]; PU::getLMSymbolList(pu, lmModeList); int symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::CclmModeIdx(0)); if (symbol == 0) { pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = lmModeList[symbol]; CHECK(pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] != LM_CHROMA_IDX, "should be LM_CHROMA"); } else { symbol += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = lmModeList[symbol]; } return true; //it will only enter this function for LMC modes, so always return true ; } void CABACReader::intra_chroma_pred_mode(PredictionUnit& pu) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__INTRA_DIR_ANG, pu.cu->block(pu.chType).lumaSize(), ChannelType::CHROMA); if (pu.cu->colorTransform) { pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; return; } // LM chroma mode if (pu.cs->sps->getUseLMChroma() && pu.cu->checkCCLMAllowed()) { bool isLMCMode = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::CclmModeFlag(0)) ? true : false; if (isLMCMode) { intra_chroma_lmc_mode(pu); return; } } if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::IntraChromaPredMode(0)) == 0) { pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; return; } unsigned candId = m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(2); unsigned chromaCandModes[NUM_CHROMA_MODE]; PU::getIntraChromaCandModes(pu, chromaCandModes); CHECK(candId >= NUM_CHROMA_MODE, "Chroma prediction mode index out of bounds"); CHECK(PU::isLMCMode(chromaCandModes[candId]), "The intra dir cannot be LM_CHROMA for this path"); CHECK(chromaCandModes[candId] == DM_CHROMA_IDX, "The intra dir cannot be DM_CHROMA for this path"); pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = chromaCandModes[candId]; } void CABACReader::cu_residual( CodingUnit& cu, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { if (!CU::isIntra(cu)) { PredictionUnit& pu = *cu.firstPU; if( !pu.mergeFlag ) { rqt_root_cbf( cu ); } else { cu.rootCbf = true; } if( cu.rootCbf ) { sbt_mode( cu ); } if( !cu.rootCbf ) { cu.colorTransform = false; cu.cs->addEmptyTUs( partitioner ); return; } } if (CU::isInter(cu) || CU::isIBC(cu)) { adaptive_color_transform(cu); } cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained.fill(false); cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos = false; cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = false; cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos = false; ChromaCbfs chromaCbfs; if (cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE && isLuma(partitioner.chType)) { TUIntraSubPartitioner subTuPartitioner( partitioner ); transform_tree( *cu.cs, subTuPartitioner, cuCtx, CU::getISPType(cu, getFirstComponentOfChannel(partitioner.chType)), 0 ); } else { transform_tree( *cu.cs, partitioner, cuCtx ); } residual_lfnst_mode( cu, cuCtx ); mts_idx ( cu, cuCtx ); } void CABACReader::rqt_root_cbf( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__QT_ROOT_CBF ); cu.rootCbf = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::QtRootCbf())); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "rqt_root_cbf() ctx=0 root_cbf=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.rootCbf ? 1 : 0, cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y ); } void CABACReader::adaptive_color_transform(CodingUnit& cu) { if (!cu.slice->getSPS()->getUseColorTrans()) { return; } if (cu.isSepTree()) { return; } if (CU::isInter(cu) || CU::isIBC(cu) || CU::isIntra(cu)) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__ACT ); cu.colorTransform = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ACTFlag())); } } void CABACReader::sbt_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { const uint8_t sbtAllowed = cu.checkAllowedSbt(); if( !sbtAllowed ) { return; } SizeType cuWidth = cu.lwidth(); SizeType cuHeight = cu.lheight(); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SBT_MODE ); //bin - flag uint8_t ctxIdx = ( cuWidth * cuHeight <= 256 ) ? 1 : 0; bool sbtFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SbtFlag(ctxIdx)); if( !sbtFlag ) { return; } uint8_t sbtVerHalfAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_VER_HALF, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtHorHalfAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_HOR_HALF, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtVerQuadAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_VER_QUAD, sbtAllowed ); uint8_t sbtHorQuadAllow = CU::targetSbtAllowed( SBT_HOR_QUAD, sbtAllowed ); //bin - type bool sbtQuadFlag = false; if( ( sbtHorHalfAllow || sbtVerHalfAllow ) && ( sbtHorQuadAllow || sbtVerQuadAllow ) ) { sbtQuadFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SbtQuadFlag(0)); } else { sbtQuadFlag = 0; } //bin - dir bool sbtHorFlag = false; if( ( sbtQuadFlag && sbtVerQuadAllow && sbtHorQuadAllow ) || ( !sbtQuadFlag && sbtVerHalfAllow && sbtHorHalfAllow ) ) //both direction allowed { uint8_t ctxIdx = ( cuWidth == cuHeight ) ? 0 : ( cuWidth < cuHeight ? 1 : 2 ); sbtHorFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SbtHorFlag(ctxIdx)); } else { sbtHorFlag = ( sbtQuadFlag && sbtHorQuadAllow ) || ( !sbtQuadFlag && sbtHorHalfAllow ); } cu.setSbtIdx( sbtHorFlag ? ( sbtQuadFlag ? SBT_HOR_QUAD : SBT_HOR_HALF ) : ( sbtQuadFlag ? SBT_VER_QUAD : SBT_VER_HALF ) ); //bin - pos bool sbtPosFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SbtPosFlag(0)); cu.setSbtPos( sbtPosFlag ? SBT_POS1 : SBT_POS0 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "sbt_mode() pos=(%d,%d) sbtInfo=%d\n", cu.lx(), cu.ly(), (int)cu.sbtInfo ); } void CABACReader::end_of_ctu( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { const Position rbPos = recalcPosition(cu.chromaFormat, cu.chType, ChannelType::LUMA, cu.block(cu.chType).bottomRight().offset(1, 1)); if (((rbPos.x & cu.cs->pcv->maxCUWidthMask) == 0 || rbPos.x == cu.cs->pps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples()) && ((rbPos.y & cu.cs->pcv->maxCUHeightMask) == 0 || rbPos.y == cu.cs->pps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples()) && (!cu.isSepTree() || !isChromaEnabled(cu.chromaFormat) || isChroma(cu.chType))) { cuCtx.isDQPCoded = ( cu.cs->pps->getUseDQP() && !cuCtx.isDQPCoded ); } } void CABACReader::cu_palette_info(CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin, uint32_t numComp, CUCtx& cuCtx) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__PLT_MODE ); const SPS& sps = *(cu.cs->sps); TransformUnit& tu = *cu.firstTU; int curPLTidx = 0; if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) { cu.cs->prevPLT.curPLTSize[compBegin] = cu.cs->prevPLT.curPLTSize[COMPONENT_Y]; } cu.lastPLTSize[compBegin] = cu.cs->prevPLT.curPLTSize[compBegin]; int maxPltSize = cu.isSepTree() ? MAXPLTSIZE_DUALTREE : MAXPLTSIZE; if (cu.lastPLTSize[compBegin]) { xDecodePLTPredIndicator(cu, maxPltSize, compBegin); } for (int idx = 0; idx < cu.lastPLTSize[compBegin]; idx++) { if (cu.reuseflag[compBegin][idx]) { if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) { for( int comp = COMPONENT_Y; comp < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; comp++ ) { cu.curPLT[comp][curPLTidx] = cu.cs->prevPLT.curPLT[comp][idx]; } } else { for (int comp = compBegin; comp < (compBegin + numComp); comp++) { cu.curPLT[comp][curPLTidx] = cu.cs->prevPLT.curPLT[comp][idx]; } } curPLTidx++; } } uint32_t recievedPLTnum = 0; if (curPLTidx < maxPltSize) { recievedPLTnum = exp_golomb_eqprob(0); } cu.curPLTSize[compBegin] = curPLTidx + recievedPLTnum; if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) cu.curPLTSize[COMPONENT_Y] = cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]; for (int comp = compBegin; comp < (compBegin + numComp); comp++) { for (int idx = curPLTidx; idx < cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]; idx++) { ComponentID compID = (ComponentID)comp; const int channelBitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)); cu.curPLT[compID][idx] = m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(channelBitDepth); if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) { if( isLuma( cu.chType ) ) { cu.curPLT[COMPONENT_Cb][idx] = 1 << (cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(ChannelType::CHROMA) - 1); cu.curPLT[COMPONENT_Cr][idx] = 1 << (cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(ChannelType::CHROMA) - 1); } else { cu.curPLT[COMPONENT_Y][idx] = 1 << (cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(ChannelType::LUMA) - 1); } } } } cu.useEscape[compBegin] = true; if (cu.curPLTSize[compBegin] > 0) { uint32_t escCode = 0; escCode = m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); cu.useEscape[compBegin] = (escCode != 0); } uint32_t indexMaxSize = cu.useEscape[compBegin] ? (cu.curPLTSize[compBegin] + 1) : cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]; //encode index map uint32_t height = cu.block(compBegin).height; uint32_t width = cu.block(compBegin).width; uint32_t total = height * width; if (indexMaxSize > 1) { parseScanRotationModeFlag(cu, compBegin); } else { cu.useRotation[compBegin] = false; } if (cu.useEscape[compBegin] && cu.cs->pps->getUseDQP() && !cuCtx.isDQPCoded) { if (!cu.isSepTree() || isLuma(tu.chType)) { cu_qp_delta(cu, cuCtx.qp, cu.qp); cuCtx.qp = cu.qp; cuCtx.isDQPCoded = true; } } if (cu.useEscape[compBegin] && cu.cs->slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && !cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded) { if (!cu.isSepTree() || isChroma(tu.chType)) { cu_chroma_qp_offset(cu); cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = true; } } m_scanOrder = g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][(cu.useRotation[compBegin]) ? CoeffScanType::TRAV_VER : CoeffScanType::TRAV_HOR][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(width)][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(height)]; uint32_t prevRunPos = 0; unsigned prevRunType = 0; for (int subSetId = 0; subSetId <= (total - 1) >> LOG2_PALETTE_CG_SIZE; subSetId++) { cuPaletteSubblockInfo(cu, compBegin, numComp, subSetId, prevRunPos, prevRunType); } CHECK(cu.curPLTSize[compBegin] > maxPltSize, " Current palette size is larger than maximum palette size"); } void CABACReader::cuPaletteSubblockInfo(CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin, uint32_t numComp, int subSetId, uint32_t& prevRunPos, unsigned& prevRunType) { const SPS& sps = *(cu.cs->sps); TransformUnit& tu = *cu.firstTU; PLTtypeBuf runType = tu.getrunType(toChannelType(compBegin)); PelBuf curPLTIdx = tu.getcurPLTIdx(compBegin); uint32_t indexMaxSize = cu.useEscape[compBegin] ? (cu.curPLTSize[compBegin] + 1) : cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]; uint32_t totalPel = cu.block(compBegin).height*cu.block(compBegin).width; int minSubPos = subSetId << LOG2_PALETTE_CG_SIZE; int maxSubPos = minSubPos + (1 << LOG2_PALETTE_CG_SIZE); maxSubPos = (maxSubPos > totalPel) ? totalPel : maxSubPos; // if last position is out of the current CU size unsigned runCopyFlag[(1 << LOG2_PALETTE_CG_SIZE)]; for (int i = 0; i < (1 << LOG2_PALETTE_CG_SIZE); i++) { runCopyFlag[i] = MAX_INT; } if (minSubPos == 0) { runCopyFlag[0] = 0; } // PLT runCopy flag and runType - context coded int curPos = minSubPos; for (; curPos < maxSubPos && indexMaxSize > 1; curPos++) { uint32_t posy = m_scanOrder[curPos].y; uint32_t posx = m_scanOrder[curPos].x; uint32_t posyprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].y; uint32_t posxprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].x; unsigned identityFlag = 1; const CtxSet& ctxSet = (prevRunType == PLT_RUN_INDEX) ? Ctx::IdxRunModel : Ctx::CopyRunModel; if (curPos > 0) { int dist = curPos - prevRunPos - 1; const unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxPltCopyFlag(prevRunType, dist); identityFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(ctxSet(ctxId)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "plt_copy_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", identityFlag, ctxId); runCopyFlag[curPos - minSubPos] = identityFlag; } if ( identityFlag == 0 || curPos == 0 ) { if (((posy == 0) && !cu.useRotation[compBegin]) || ((posx == 0) && cu.useRotation[compBegin])) { runType.at(posx, posy) = PLT_RUN_INDEX; } else if (curPos != 0 && runType.at(posxprev, posyprev) == PLT_RUN_COPY) { runType.at(posx, posy) = PLT_RUN_INDEX; } else { runType.at(posx, posy) = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::RunTypeFlag())); } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "plt_type_flag() bin=%d sp=%d\n", runType.at(posx, posy), curPos); prevRunType = runType.at(posx, posy); prevRunPos = curPos; } else //assign run information { runType.at(posx, posy) = runType.at(posxprev, posyprev); } } // PLT index values - bypass coded uint32_t adjust; uint32_t symbol = 0; curPos = minSubPos; if (indexMaxSize > 1) { for (; curPos < maxSubPos; curPos++) { if (curPos > 0) { adjust = 1; } else { adjust = 0; } uint32_t posy = m_scanOrder[curPos].y; uint32_t posx = m_scanOrder[curPos].x; uint32_t posyprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].y; uint32_t posxprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].x; if ( runCopyFlag[curPos - minSubPos] == 0 && runType.at(posx, posy) == PLT_RUN_INDEX ) { xReadTruncBinCode(symbol, indexMaxSize - adjust); xAdjustPLTIndex(cu, symbol, curPos, curPLTIdx, runType, indexMaxSize, compBegin); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "plt_idx_idc() value=%d sp=%d\n", curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy), curPos); } else if (runType.at(posx, posy) == PLT_RUN_INDEX) { curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy) = curPLTIdx.at(posxprev, posyprev); } else { curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy) = (cu.useRotation[compBegin]) ? curPLTIdx.at(posx - 1, posy) : curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy - 1); } } } else { for (; curPos < maxSubPos; curPos++) { uint32_t posy = m_scanOrder[curPos].y; uint32_t posx = m_scanOrder[curPos].x; uint32_t posyprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].y; uint32_t posxprev = (curPos == 0) ? 0 : m_scanOrder[curPos - 1].x; runType.at(posx, posy) = PLT_RUN_INDEX; if (runCopyFlag[curPos - minSubPos] == 0 && runType.at(posx, posy) == PLT_RUN_INDEX) { curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy) = 0; } else { curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy) = curPLTIdx.at(posxprev, posyprev); } } } // Quantized escape colors - bypass coded uint32_t scaleX = getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, sps.getChromaFormatIdc()); uint32_t scaleY = getComponentScaleY(COMPONENT_Cb, sps.getChromaFormatIdc()); for (int comp = compBegin; comp < (compBegin + numComp); comp++) { ComponentID compID = (ComponentID)comp; for (curPos = minSubPos; curPos < maxSubPos; curPos++) { uint32_t posy = m_scanOrder[curPos].y; uint32_t posx = m_scanOrder[curPos].x; if (curPLTIdx.at(posx, posy) == cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]) { PLTescapeBuf escapeValue = tu.getescapeValue((ComponentID)comp); if (compID == COMPONENT_Y || compBegin != COMPONENT_Y) { escapeValue.at(posx, posy) = exp_golomb_eqprob(5); assert(escapeValue.at(posx, posy) < (TCoeff(1) << (cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType((ComponentID)comp)) + 1))); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "plt_escape_val() value=%d etype=%d sp=%d\n", escapeValue.at(posx, posy), comp, curPos); } if (compBegin == COMPONENT_Y && compID != COMPONENT_Y && posy % (1 << scaleY) == 0 && posx % (1 << scaleX) == 0) { uint32_t posxC = posx >> scaleX; uint32_t posyC = posy >> scaleY; escapeValue.at(posxC, posyC) = exp_golomb_eqprob(5); assert(escapeValue.at(posxC, posyC) < (TCoeff(1) << (cu.cs->sps->getBitDepth(toChannelType(compID)) + 1))); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "plt_escape_val() value=%d etype=%d sp=%d\n", escapeValue.at(posx, posy), comp, curPos); } } } } } void CABACReader::parseScanRotationModeFlag(CodingUnit& cu, ComponentID compBegin) { cu.useRotation[compBegin] = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::RotationFlag()); } void CABACReader::xDecodePLTPredIndicator(CodingUnit& cu, uint32_t maxPLTSize, ComponentID compBegin) { uint32_t symbol, numPltPredicted = 0, idx = 0; symbol = exp_golomb_eqprob(0); if (symbol != 1) { while (idx < cu.lastPLTSize[compBegin] && numPltPredicted < maxPLTSize) { if (idx > 0) { symbol = exp_golomb_eqprob(0); } if (symbol == 1) { break; } if (symbol) { idx += symbol - 1; } cu.reuseflag[compBegin][idx] = 1; if( cu.isLocalSepTree() ) { cu.reuseflag[COMPONENT_Y][idx] = 1; } numPltPredicted++; idx++; } } } void CABACReader::xAdjustPLTIndex(CodingUnit& cu, Pel curLevel, uint32_t idx, PelBuf& paletteIdx, PLTtypeBuf& paletteRunType, int maxSymbol, ComponentID compBegin) { uint32_t symbol; int refLevel = MAX_INT; uint32_t posy = m_scanOrder[idx].y; uint32_t posx = m_scanOrder[idx].x; if (idx) { uint32_t prevposy = m_scanOrder[idx - 1].y; uint32_t prevposx = m_scanOrder[idx - 1].x; if (paletteRunType.at(prevposx, prevposy) == PLT_RUN_INDEX) { refLevel = paletteIdx.at(prevposx, prevposy); if (paletteIdx.at(prevposx, prevposy) == cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]) // escape { refLevel = maxSymbol - 1; } } else { if (cu.useRotation[compBegin]) { assert(prevposx > 0); refLevel = paletteIdx.at(posx - 1, posy); if (paletteIdx.at(posx - 1, posy) == cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]) // escape mode { refLevel = maxSymbol - 1; } } else { assert(prevposy > 0); refLevel = paletteIdx.at(posx, posy - 1); if (paletteIdx.at(posx, posy - 1) == cu.curPLTSize[compBegin]) // escape mode { refLevel = maxSymbol - 1; } } } maxSymbol--; } symbol = curLevel; if (curLevel >= refLevel) // include escape mode { symbol++; } paletteIdx.at(posx, posy) = symbol; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void prediction_unit ( pu, mrgCtx ); // void merge_flag ( pu ); // void merge_data ( pu, mrgCtx ); // void merge_idx ( pu ); // void inter_pred_idc ( pu ); // void ref_idx ( pu, refList ); // void mvp_flag ( pu, refList ); //================================================================================ void CABACReader::prediction_unit( PredictionUnit& pu ) { if( pu.cu->skip ) { pu.mergeFlag = true; } else { merge_flag( pu ); } if( pu.mergeFlag ) { merge_data(pu); } else if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { pu.interDir = 1; pu.cu->affine = false; pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = IBC_REF_IDX; mvd_coding(pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_0]); if (pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumIBCMergeCand() == 1) { pu.mvpIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = 0; } else { mvp_flag(pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0); } } else { inter_pred_idc( pu ); affine_flag ( *pu.cu ); smvd_mode( pu ); if( pu.interDir != 2 /* PRED_L1 */ ) { ref_idx ( pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); if( pu.cu->affine ) { for (int i = 0; i < pu.cu->getNumAffineMvs(); i++) { mvd_coding(pu.mvdAffi[REF_PIC_LIST_0][i]); } } else { mvd_coding( pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_0] ); } mvp_flag ( pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); } if( pu.interDir != 1 /* PRED_L0 */ ) { if ( pu.cu->smvdMode != 1 ) { ref_idx(pu, REF_PIC_LIST_1); if (pu.cu->cs->picHeader->getMvdL1ZeroFlag() && pu.interDir == 3 /* PRED_BI */) { pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = Mv(); pu.mvdAffi[REF_PIC_LIST_1][0] = Mv(); pu.mvdAffi[REF_PIC_LIST_1][1] = Mv(); pu.mvdAffi[REF_PIC_LIST_1][2] = Mv(); } else if (pu.cu->affine) { for (int i = 0; i < pu.cu->getNumAffineMvs(); i++) { mvd_coding(pu.mvdAffi[REF_PIC_LIST_1][i]); } } else { mvd_coding(pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_1]); } } mvp_flag ( pu, REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); } } if( pu.interDir == 3 /* PRED_BI */ && PU::isBipredRestriction(pu) ) { pu.mv [REF_PIC_LIST_1] = Mv(0, 0); pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = -1; pu.interDir = 1; pu.cu->bcwIdx = BCW_DEFAULT; } if ( pu.cu->smvdMode ) { RefPicList eCurRefList = (RefPicList)(pu.cu->smvdMode - 1); pu.mvd[1 - eCurRefList].set( -pu.mvd[eCurRefList].hor, -pu.mvd[eCurRefList].ver ); CHECK(!((pu.mvd[1 - eCurRefList].getHor() >= MVD_MIN) && (pu.mvd[1 - eCurRefList].getHor() <= MVD_MAX)) || !((pu.mvd[1 - eCurRefList].getVer() >= MVD_MIN) && (pu.mvd[1 - eCurRefList].getVer() <= MVD_MAX)), "Illegal MVD value"); pu.refIdx[1 - eCurRefList] = pu.cs->slice->getSymRefIdx( 1 - eCurRefList ); } } void CABACReader::smvd_mode( PredictionUnit& pu ) { pu.cu->smvdMode = 0; if ( pu.interDir != 3 || pu.cu->affine ) { return; } if ( pu.cs->slice->getBiDirPred() == false ) { return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SYMMVD_FLAG ); pu.cu->smvdMode = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SmvdFlag()) ? 1 : 0; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "symmvd_flag() symmvd=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", pu.cu->smvdMode ? 1 : 0, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.lumaSize().width, pu.lumaSize().height ); } void CABACReader::subblock_merge_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { cu.affine = false; if ( !cu.cs->slice->isIntra() && (cu.slice->getPicHeader()->getMaxNumAffineMergeCand() > 0) && cu.lumaSize().width >= 8 && cu.lumaSize().height >= 8 ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__AFFINE_FLAG ); unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxAffineFlag( cu ); cu.affine = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::SubblockMergeFlag(ctxId)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "subblock_merge_flag() subblock_merge_flag=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affine ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y ); } } void CABACReader::affine_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { if ( !cu.cs->slice->isIntra() && cu.cs->sps->getUseAffine() && cu.lumaSize().width > 8 && cu.lumaSize().height > 8 ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__AFFINE_FLAG ); unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxAffineFlag( cu ); cu.affine = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::AffineFlag(ctxId)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_flag() affine=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affine ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y ); if ( cu.affine && cu.cs->sps->getUseAffineType() ) { ctxId = 0; cu.affineType = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::AffineType(ctxId)) ? AffineModel::_6_PARAMS : AffineModel::_4_PARAMS; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "affine_type() affine_type=%d ctx=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", cu.affineType == AffineModel::_6_PARAMS ? 1 : 0, ctxId, cu.Y().x, cu.Y().y); } else { cu.affineType = AffineModel::_4_PARAMS; } } } void CABACReader::merge_flag( PredictionUnit& pu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MERGE_FLAG ); pu.mergeFlag = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MergeFlag())); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_flag() merge=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", pu.mergeFlag ? 1 : 0, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.lumaSize().width, pu.lumaSize().height ); if (pu.mergeFlag && CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false; pu.regularMergeFlag = false; return; } } void CABACReader::merge_data( PredictionUnit& pu ) { if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { merge_idx(pu); return; } else { CodingUnit cu = *pu.cu; subblock_merge_flag(*pu.cu); if (pu.cu->affine) { merge_idx(pu); cu.firstPU->regularMergeFlag = false; return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MERGE_FLAG ); const bool ciipAvailable = pu.cs->sps->getUseCiip() && !pu.cu->skip && pu.cu->lwidth() < MAX_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lheight() < MAX_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lwidth() * pu.cu->lheight() >= 64; const bool geoAvailable = pu.cu->cs->slice->getSPS()->getUseGeo() && pu.cu->cs->slice->isInterB() && pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumGeoCand() > 1 && pu.cu->lwidth() >= GEO_MIN_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lheight() >= GEO_MIN_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lwidth() <= GEO_MAX_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lheight() <= GEO_MAX_CU_SIZE && pu.cu->lwidth() < 8 * pu.cu->lheight() && pu.cu->lheight() < 8 * pu.cu->lwidth(); if (geoAvailable || ciipAvailable) { cu.firstPU->regularMergeFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::RegularMergeFlag(cu.skip ? 0 : 1)); } else { cu.firstPU->regularMergeFlag = true; } if (cu.firstPU->regularMergeFlag) { if (cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getUseMMVD()) { cu.firstPU->mmvdMergeFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MmvdFlag(0)); } else { cu.firstPU->mmvdMergeFlag = false; } if (cu.skip) { cu.mmvdSkip = cu.firstPU->mmvdMergeFlag; } } else { pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false; pu.cu->mmvdSkip = false; if (geoAvailable && ciipAvailable) { ciip_flag(pu); } else if (ciipAvailable) { pu.ciipFlag = true; } else { pu.ciipFlag = false; } if (pu.ciipFlag) { pu.intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] = PLANAR_IDX; pu.intraDir[ChannelType::CHROMA] = DM_CHROMA_IDX; } else { pu.cu->geoFlag = true; } } } if (pu.mmvdMergeFlag || pu.cu->mmvdSkip) { mmvd_merge_idx(pu); } else { merge_idx(pu); } } void CABACReader::merge_idx( PredictionUnit& pu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MERGE_INDEX ); if ( pu.cu->affine ) { int numCandminus1 = int( pu.cs->picHeader->getMaxNumAffineMergeCand() ) - 1; pu.mergeIdx = 0; if ( numCandminus1 > 0 ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::AffMergeIdx())) { pu.mergeIdx++; for ( ; pu.mergeIdx < numCandminus1; pu.mergeIdx++ ) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { break; } } } } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "aff_merge_idx() aff_merge_idx=%d\n", pu.mergeIdx ); } else { int numCandminus1 = int(pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumMergeCand()) - 1; pu.mergeIdx = 0; if (pu.cu->geoFlag) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__GEO_INDEX); uint32_t splitDir = 0; xReadTruncBinCode(splitDir, GEO_NUM_PARTITION_MODE); pu.geoSplitDir = splitDir; const int maxNumGeoCand = pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumGeoCand(); CHECK(maxNumGeoCand < 2, "Incorrect max number of geo candidates"); CHECK(pu.cu->lheight() > 64 || pu.cu->lwidth() > 64, "Incorrect block size of geo flag"); int numCandminus2 = maxNumGeoCand - 2; pu.mergeIdx = 0; uint8_t mergeCand0 = 0; uint8_t mergeCand1 = 0; if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MergeIdx())) { mergeCand0 += unary_max_eqprob(numCandminus2) + 1; } if (numCandminus2 > 0) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MergeIdx())) { mergeCand1 += unary_max_eqprob(numCandminus2 - 1) + 1; } } mergeCand1 += mergeCand1 >= mergeCand0 ? 1 : 0; pu.geoMergeIdx = { mergeCand0, mergeCand1 }; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_split_dir=%d\n", splitDir); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_idx0=%d\n", mergeCand0); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() geo_idx1=%d\n", mergeCand1); return; } if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { numCandminus1 = int(pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumIBCMergeCand()) - 1; } if (numCandminus1 > 0) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MergeIdx())) { pu.mergeIdx++; for (; pu.mergeIdx < numCandminus1; pu.mergeIdx++) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { break; } } } } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "merge_idx() merge_idx=%d\n", pu.mergeIdx); } } void CABACReader::mmvd_merge_idx(PredictionUnit& pu) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__MERGE_INDEX); int mvdBaseIdx = 0; if (pu.cs->sps->getMaxNumMergeCand() > 1) { static_assert(MmvdIdx::BASE_MV_NUM == 2, ""); mvdBaseIdx = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MmvdMergeIdx()); } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "base_mvp_idx() base_mvp_idx=%d\n", mvdBaseIdx); int numStepCandMinus1 = MmvdIdx::REFINE_STEP - 1; int mvdStep = 0; if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MmvdStepMvpIdx())) { mvdStep++; for (; mvdStep < numStepCandMinus1; mvdStep++) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { break; } } } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "MmvdStepMvpIdx() MmvdStepMvpIdx=%d\n", mvdStep); const int mvdPosition = m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(2); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "pos() pos=%d\n", mvdPosition); pu.mmvdMergeIdx.pos.position = mvdPosition; pu.mmvdMergeIdx.pos.step = mvdStep; pu.mmvdMergeIdx.pos.baseIdx = mvdBaseIdx; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mmvd_merge_idx() mmvd_merge_idx=%d\n", pu.mmvdMergeIdx); } void CABACReader::inter_pred_idc( PredictionUnit& pu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__INTER_DIR ); if( pu.cs->slice->isInterP() ) { pu.interDir = 1; return; } if( !(PU::isBipredRestriction(pu)) ) { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxInterDir(pu); if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::InterDir(ctxId))) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=%d value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", ctxId, 3, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); pu.interDir = 3; return; } } if (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::InterDir(5))) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=5 value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 2, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); pu.interDir = 2; return; } DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "inter_pred_idc() ctx=5 value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 1, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); pu.interDir = 1; return; } void CABACReader::ref_idx( PredictionUnit &pu, RefPicList eRefList ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__REF_FRM_IDX ); if ( pu.cu->smvdMode ) { pu.refIdx[eRefList] = pu.cs->slice->getSymRefIdx( eRefList ); return; } int numRef = pu.cs->slice->getNumRefIdx(eRefList); if (numRef <= 1 || !m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::RefPic())) { if( numRef > 1 ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 0, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); } pu.refIdx[eRefList] = 0; return; } if (numRef <= 2 || !m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::RefPic(1))) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", 1, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); pu.refIdx[eRefList] = 1; return; } for( int idx = 3; ; idx++ ) { if (numRef <= idx || !m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { pu.refIdx[eRefList] = (signed char)( idx - 1 ); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ref_idx() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", idx-1, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y ); return; } } } void CABACReader::mvp_flag( PredictionUnit& pu, RefPicList eRefList ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MVP_IDX ); unsigned mvpIdx = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MVPIdx()); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mvp_flag() value=%d pos=(%d,%d)\n", mvpIdx, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y); pu.mvpIdx[eRefList] = mvpIdx; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mvpIdx(refList:%d)=%d\n", eRefList, mvpIdx); } void CABACReader::ciip_flag(PredictionUnit &pu) { if (!pu.cs->sps->getUseCiip()) { pu.ciipFlag = false; return; } if (pu.cu->skip) { pu.ciipFlag = false; return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__MH_INTRA_FLAG); pu.ciipFlag = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::CiipFlag())); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ciip_flag() Ciip=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", pu.ciipFlag ? 1 : 0, pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.lumaSize().width, pu.lumaSize().height); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void transform_tree ( cs, area, cuCtx, chromaCbfs ) // bool split_transform_flag( depth ) // bool cbf_comp ( area, depth ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::transform_tree( CodingStructure &cs, Partitioner &partitioner, CUCtx& cuCtx, const PartSplit ispType, const int subTuIdx ) { const UnitArea& area = partitioner.currArea(); CodingUnit &cu = *cs.getCU(area.block(partitioner.chType), partitioner.chType); int subTuCounter = subTuIdx; // split_transform_flag bool split = partitioner.canSplit(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs); const unsigned trDepth = partitioner.currTrDepth; if( cu.sbtInfo && partitioner.canSplit( PartSplit( cu.getSbtTuSplit() ), cs ) ) { split = true; } if (!split && cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE) { split = partitioner.canSplit( ispType, cs ); } if( split ) { if (partitioner.canSplit(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs)) { #if ENABLE_TRACING const CompArea &tuArea = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "transform_tree() maxTrSplit chType=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", partitioner.chType, tuArea.x, tuArea.y, tuArea.width, tuArea.height); #endif partitioner.splitCurrArea(TU_MAX_TR_SPLIT, cs); } else if (cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE) { partitioner.splitCurrArea(ispType, cs); } else if (cu.sbtInfo && partitioner.canSplit(PartSplit(cu.getSbtTuSplit()), cs)) { partitioner.splitCurrArea(PartSplit(cu.getSbtTuSplit()), cs); } else { THROW("Implicit TU split not available!"); } do { transform_tree( cs, partitioner, cuCtx, ispType, subTuCounter ); subTuCounter += subTuCounter != -1 ? 1 : 0; } while( partitioner.nextPart( cs ) ); partitioner.exitCurrSplit(); } else { TransformUnit &tu = cs.addTU( CS::getArea( cs, area, partitioner.chType ), partitioner.chType ); unsigned numBlocks = ::getNumberValidTBlocks( *cs.pcv ); tu.checkTuNoResidual( partitioner.currPartIdx() ); for( unsigned compID = COMPONENT_Y; compID < numBlocks; compID++ ) { if( tu.blocks[compID].valid() ) { tu.getCoeffs( ComponentID( compID ) ).fill( 0 ); tu.getPcmbuf( ComponentID( compID ) ).fill( 0 ); } } tu.depth = trDepth; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "transform_unit() pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d depth=%d trDepth=%d\n", tu.block(tu.chType).x, tu.block(tu.chType).y, tu.block(tu.chType).width, tu.block(tu.chType).height, cu.depth, partitioner.currTrDepth); transform_unit(tu, cuCtx, partitioner, subTuCounter); } } bool CABACReader::cbf_comp(const CompArea &area, unsigned depth, const bool prevCbf, const bool useISP, const BdpcmMode bdpcmMode) { unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf(area.compID, prevCbf, useISP && isLuma(area.compID)); const CtxSet& ctxSet = Ctx::QtCbf[ area.compID ]; RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__QT_CBF, area.size(), area.compID); if (bdpcmMode != BdpcmMode::NONE) { ctxId = area.compID == COMPONENT_Cr ? 2 : 1; } const bool cbf = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(ctxSet(ctxId)) != 0; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "cbf_comp() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) ctx=%d cbf=%d\n", area.compID, area.x, area.y, ctxId, cbf ? 1 : 0); return cbf; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void mvd_coding( pu, refList ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::mvd_coding( Mv &rMvd ) { #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_mvd ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MVD ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_mvd_ep ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MVD_EP ); #endif RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_mvd ); // abs_mvd_greater0_flag[ 0 | 1 ] int horAbs = (int) m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd()); int verAbs = (int) m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd()); // abs_mvd_greater1_flag[ 0 | 1 ] if (horAbs) { horAbs += (int) m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd(1)); } if (verAbs) { verAbs += (int) m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::Mvd(1)); } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_mvd_ep ); // abs_mvd_minus2[ 0 | 1 ] and mvd_sign_flag[ 0 | 1 ] if (horAbs) { if (horAbs > 1) { horAbs += m_binDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(1, 0, MV_BITS - 1); } if (m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { horAbs = -horAbs; } } if (verAbs) { if (verAbs > 1) { verAbs += m_binDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(1, 0, MV_BITS - 1); } if (m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { verAbs = -verAbs; } } rMvd = Mv(horAbs, verAbs); CHECK(!((horAbs >= MVD_MIN) && (horAbs <= MVD_MAX)) || !((verAbs >= MVD_MIN) && (verAbs <= MVD_MAX)), "Illegal MVD value"); } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void transform_unit ( tu, cuCtx, chromaCbfs ) // void cu_qp_delta ( cu ) // void cu_chroma_qp_offset ( cu ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::transform_unit( TransformUnit& tu, CUCtx& cuCtx, Partitioner& partitioner, const int subTuCounter) { const UnitArea& area = partitioner.currArea(); const unsigned trDepth = partitioner.currTrDepth; CodingUnit& cu = *tu.cu; ChromaCbfs chromaCbfs; chromaCbfs.Cb = chromaCbfs.Cr = false; const bool chromaCbfISP = isChromaEnabled(area.chromaFormat) && area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() && cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE; // cbf_cb & cbf_cr if (isChromaEnabled(area.chromaFormat) && area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid() && (!cu.isSepTree() || partitioner.chType == ChannelType::CHROMA) && (cu.ispMode == ISPType::NONE || chromaCbfISP)) { const int cbfDepth = chromaCbfISP ? trDepth - 1 : trDepth; if (!(cu.sbtInfo && tu.noResidual)) { chromaCbfs.Cb = cbf_comp(area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb], cbfDepth, false, false, cu.bdpcmModeChroma); } if (!(cu.sbtInfo && tu.noResidual)) { chromaCbfs.Cr = cbf_comp(area.blocks[COMPONENT_Cr], cbfDepth, chromaCbfs.Cb, false, cu.bdpcmModeChroma); } } else if (cu.isSepTree()) { chromaCbfs = ChromaCbfs(false); } if (!isChroma(partitioner.chType)) { if (!CU::isIntra(cu) && trDepth == 0 && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma(area.chromaFormat)) { TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth, 1); } else if (cu.sbtInfo && tu.noResidual) { TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth, 0); } else if (cu.sbtInfo && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma(area.chromaFormat)) { assert(!tu.noResidual); TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth, 1); } else { bool lumaCbfIsInferredACT = (cu.colorTransform && CU::isIntra(cu) && trDepth == 0 && !chromaCbfs.sigChroma(area.chromaFormat)); bool lastCbfIsInferred = lumaCbfIsInferredACT; // ISP and ACT are mutually exclusive bool previousCbf = false; bool rootCbfSoFar = false; if (cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE) { uint32_t nTus = cu.ispMode == ISPType::HOR ? cu.lheight() >> floorLog2(tu.lheight()) : cu.lwidth() >> floorLog2(tu.lwidth()); if (subTuCounter == nTus - 1) { TransformUnit* tuPointer = cu.firstTU; for (int tuIdx = 0; tuIdx < nTus - 1; tuIdx++) { rootCbfSoFar |= TU::getCbfAtDepth(*tuPointer, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth); tuPointer = tuPointer->next; } if (!rootCbfSoFar) { lastCbfIsInferred = true; } } if (!lastCbfIsInferred) { previousCbf = TU::getPrevTuCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth); } } bool cbfY = lastCbfIsInferred ? true : cbf_comp(tu.Y(), trDepth, previousCbf, cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE, cu.bdpcmMode); TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Y, trDepth, (cbfY ? 1 : 0)); } } if (isChromaEnabled(area.chromaFormat) && (cu.ispMode == ISPType::NONE || chromaCbfISP)) { TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Cb, trDepth, (chromaCbfs.Cb ? 1 : 0)); TU::setCbfAtDepth(tu, COMPONENT_Cr, trDepth, (chromaCbfs.Cr ? 1 : 0)); } bool lumaOnly = !isChromaEnabled(cu.chromaFormat) || !tu.blocks[COMPONENT_Cb].valid(); bool cbfLuma = ( tu.cbf[ COMPONENT_Y ] != 0 ); bool cbfChroma = ( lumaOnly ? false : ( chromaCbfs.Cb || chromaCbfs.Cr ) ); if( ( cu.lwidth() > 64 || cu.lheight() > 64 || cbfLuma || cbfChroma ) && (!tu.cu->isSepTree() || isLuma(tu.chType)) ) { if( cu.cs->pps->getUseDQP() && !cuCtx.isDQPCoded ) { cu_qp_delta(cu, cuCtx.qp, cu.qp); cuCtx.qp = cu.qp; cuCtx.isDQPCoded = true; } } if (!cu.isSepTree() || isChroma(tu.chType)) // !DUAL_TREE_LUMA { SizeType channelWidth = !cu.isSepTree() ? cu.lwidth() : cu.chromaSize().width; SizeType channelHeight = !cu.isSepTree() ? cu.lheight() : cu.chromaSize().height; if (cu.cs->slice->getUseChromaQpAdj() && (channelWidth > 64 || channelHeight > 64 || cbfChroma) && !cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded) { cu_chroma_qp_offset(cu); cuCtx.isChromaQpAdjCoded = true; } } if( !lumaOnly ) { joint_cb_cr( tu, ( tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cb] ? 2 : 0 ) + ( tu.cbf[COMPONENT_Cr] ? 1 : 0 ) ); } if (cbfLuma) { residual_coding(tu, COMPONENT_Y, cuCtx); } if (!lumaOnly) { for (ComponentID compID = COMPONENT_Cb; compID <= COMPONENT_Cr; compID = ComponentID(compID + 1)) { if (tu.cbf[compID]) { residual_coding(tu, compID, cuCtx); } } } } void CABACReader::cu_qp_delta( CodingUnit& cu, int predQP, int8_t& qp ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__DELTA_QP_EP ); CHECK( predQP == std::numeric_limits::max(), "Invalid predicted QP" ); int qpY = predQP; int DQp = unary_max_symbol( Ctx::DeltaQP(), Ctx::DeltaQP(1), CU_DQP_TU_CMAX ); if( DQp >= CU_DQP_TU_CMAX ) { DQp += exp_golomb_eqprob( CU_DQP_EG_k ); } if( DQp > 0 ) { if (m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { DQp = -DQp; } int qpBdOffsetY = cu.cs->sps->getQpBDOffset(ChannelType::LUMA); qpY = ( (predQP + DQp + (MAX_QP + 1) + 2 * qpBdOffsetY) % ((MAX_QP + 1) + qpBdOffsetY)) - qpBdOffsetY; } qp = (int8_t)qpY; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_DQP, "x=%d, y=%d, d=%d, pred_qp=%d, DQp=%d, qp=%d\n", cu.block(cu.chType).lumaPos().x, cu.block(cu.chType).lumaPos().y, cu.qtDepth, predQP, DQp, qp); } void CABACReader::cu_chroma_qp_offset( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__CHROMA_QP_ADJUSTMENT, cu.block(cu.chType).lumaSize(), ChannelType::CHROMA); // cu_chroma_qp_offset_flag int length = cu.cs->pps->getChromaQpOffsetListLen(); unsigned qpAdj = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ChromaQpAdjFlag()); if( qpAdj && length > 1 ) { // cu_chroma_qp_offset_idx qpAdj += unary_max_symbol( Ctx::ChromaQpAdjIdc(), Ctx::ChromaQpAdjIdc(), length-1 ); } /* NB, symbol = 0 if outer flag is not set, * 1 if outer flag is set and there is no inner flag * 1+ otherwise */ cu.chromaQpAdj = cu.cs->chromaQpAdj = qpAdj; } //================================================================================ // clause //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void residual_coding ( tu, compID ) // bool transform_skip_flag ( tu, compID ) // int last_sig_coeff ( coeffCtx ) // void residual_coding_subblock( coeffCtx ) //================================================================================ void CABACReader::joint_cb_cr( TransformUnit& tu, const int cbfMask ) { if ( !tu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getJointCbCrEnabledFlag() ) { return; } if ((CU::isIntra(*tu.cu) && cbfMask != 0) || cbfMask == CBF_MASK_CBCR) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__JOINT_CB_CR, tu.blocks[COMPONENT_Cr].lumaSize(), ChannelType::CHROMA); tu.jointCbCr = (m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::JointCbCrFlag(cbfMask - 1)) ? cbfMask : 0); } } void CABACReader::residual_coding( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { const CodingUnit& cu = *tu.cu; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_coding() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d predMode=%d\n", tu.blocks[compID].compID, tu.blocks[compID].x, tu.blocks[compID].y, tu.blocks[compID].width, tu.blocks[compID].height, cu.predMode ); if( compID == COMPONENT_Cr && tu.jointCbCr == 3 ) { return; } ts_flag ( tu, compID ); if (tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MtsType::SKIP && !tu.cs->slice->getTSResidualCodingDisabledFlag()) { residual_codingTS( tu, compID ); return; } // determine sign hiding bool signHiding = cu.cs->slice->getSignDataHidingEnabledFlag(); // init coeff coding context CoeffCodingContext cctx(tu, compID, signHiding, cu.getBdpcmMode(compID)); TCoeff* coeff = tu.getCoeffs( compID ).buf; // parse last coeff position cctx.setScanPosLast( last_sig_coeff( cctx, tu, compID ) ); if (tu.mtsIdx[compID] != MtsType::SKIP && tu.blocks[compID].height >= 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width >= 4) { const int maxLfnstPos = ((tu.blocks[compID].height == 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width == 4) || (tu.blocks[compID].height == 8 && tu.blocks[compID].width == 8)) ? 7 : 15; cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[toChannelType(compID)] |= cctx.scanPosLast() > maxLfnstPos; } if (tu.mtsIdx[compID] != MtsType::SKIP && tu.blocks[compID].height >= 4 && tu.blocks[compID].width >= 4) { const int lfnstLastScanPosTh = isLuma( compID ) ? LFNST_LAST_SIG_LUMA : LFNST_LAST_SIG_CHROMA; cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos |= cctx.scanPosLast() >= lfnstLastScanPosTh; } if (isLuma(compID) && tu.mtsIdx[compID] != MtsType::SKIP) { cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos |= cctx.scanPosLast() >= 1; } // parse subblocks const int stateTransTab = ( tu.cs->slice->getDepQuantEnabledFlag() ? 32040 : 0 ); int state = 0; int ctxBinSampleRatio = (compID == COMPONENT_Y) ? MAX_TU_LEVEL_CTX_CODED_BIN_CONSTRAINT_LUMA : MAX_TU_LEVEL_CTX_CODED_BIN_CONSTRAINT_CHROMA; cctx.regBinLimit = (tu.getTbAreaAfterCoefZeroOut(compID) * ctxBinSampleRatio) >> 4; int baseLevel = m_binDecoder.getCtx().getBaseLevel(); cctx.setBaseLevel(baseLevel); if (tu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getSpsRangeExtension().getPersistentRiceAdaptationEnabledFlag()) { cctx.setUpdateHist(1); unsigned riceStats = m_binDecoder.getCtx().getGRAdaptStats((unsigned) compID); TCoeff historyValue = (TCoeff)1 << riceStats; cctx.setHistValue(historyValue); } for (int subSetId = (cctx.scanPosLast() >> cctx.log2CGSize()); subSetId >= 0; subSetId--) { cctx.initSubblock(subSetId); if (tu.cs->sps->getMtsEnabled() && tu.cu->sbtInfo != 0 && tu.blocks[compID].height <= 32 && tu.blocks[compID].width <= 32 && compID == COMPONENT_Y) { if ((tu.blocks[compID].height == 32 && cctx.cgPosY() >= (16 >> cctx.log2CGHeight())) || (tu.blocks[compID].width == 32 && cctx.cgPosX() >= (16 >> cctx.log2CGWidth()))) { continue; } } residual_coding_subblock(cctx, coeff, stateTransTab, state); if (isLuma(compID) && cctx.isSigGroup() && (cctx.cgPosY() > 3 || cctx.cgPosX() > 3)) { cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint = true; } } } void CABACReader::ts_flag( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { int tsFlag = tu.cu->getBdpcmMode(compID) != BdpcmMode::NONE || tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MtsType::SKIP ? 1 : 0; int ctxIdx = isLuma(compID) ? 0 : 1; if( TU::isTSAllowed ( tu, compID ) ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MTS_FLAGS, tu.blocks[compID], compID ); tsFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::TransformSkipFlag(ctxIdx)) != 0; } tu.mtsIdx[compID] = tsFlag ? MtsType::SKIP : MtsType::DCT2_DCT2; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "ts_flag() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mtsIdx=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, tu.cu->lx(), tu.cu->ly(), (int) tsFlag); } void CABACReader::mts_idx( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { TransformUnit &tu = *cu.firstTU; MtsType mtsIdx = tu.mtsIdx[COMPONENT_Y]; // Transform skip flag has already been decoded if (CU::isMTSAllowed(cu, COMPONENT_Y) && !cuCtx.violatesMtsCoeffConstraint && cuCtx.mtsLastScanPos && cu.lfnstIdx == 0 && mtsIdx != MtsType::SKIP) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__MTS_FLAGS, tu.blocks[COMPONENT_Y], COMPONENT_Y ); int ctxIdx = 0; int symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MTSIdx(ctxIdx)); if( symbol ) { ctxIdx = 1; mtsIdx = MtsType::DST7_DST7; // mtsIdx = 2 -- 4 for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++, ctxIdx++ ) { symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MTSIdx(ctxIdx)); if( !symbol ) { break; } mtsIdx++; } } } tu.mtsIdx[COMPONENT_Y] = mtsIdx; DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mts_idx() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mtsIdx=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, tu.cu->lx(), tu.cu->ly(), mtsIdx); } void CABACReader::isp_mode( CodingUnit& cu ) { if (!CU::isIntra(cu) || !isLuma(cu.chType) || cu.firstPU->multiRefIdx || !cu.cs->sps->getUseISP() || cu.bdpcmMode != BdpcmMode::NONE || !CU::canUseISP(cu, getFirstComponentOfChannel(cu.chType)) || cu.colorTransform) { cu.ispMode = ISPType::NONE; return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET(STATS__CABAC_BITS__ISP_MODE_FLAG); int symbol = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ISPMode(0)); if( symbol ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__ISP_SPLIT_FLAG ); cu.ispMode = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::ISPMode(1)) ? ISPType::VER : ISPType::HOR; } DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "intra_subPartitions() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) ispIdx=%d\n", cu.chType, cu.block(cu.chType).x, cu.block(cu.chType).y, (int) cu.ispMode); } void CABACReader::residual_lfnst_mode( CodingUnit& cu, CUCtx& cuCtx ) { int chIdx = cu.isSepTree() && isChroma(cu.chType) ? 1 : 0; if ((cu.ispMode != ISPType::NONE && !CU::canUseLfnstWithISP(cu, cu.chType)) || (cu.cs->sps->getUseLFNST() && CU::isIntra(cu) && cu.mipFlag && !allowLfnstWithMip(cu.firstPU->lumaSize())) || (cu.isSepTree() && isChroma(cu.chType) && std::min(cu.chromaSize().width, cu.chromaSize().height) < 4) || (cu.blocks[chIdx].lumaSize().width > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize() || cu.blocks[chIdx].lumaSize().height > cu.cs->sps->getMaxTbSize())) { return; } RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__LFNST ); if( cu.cs->sps->getUseLFNST() && CU::isIntra( cu ) ) { const bool lumaFlag = cu.isSepTree() ? ( isLuma( cu.chType ) ? true : false ) : true; const bool chromaFlag = cu.isSepTree() ? ( isChroma( cu.chType ) ? true : false ) : true; bool nonZeroCoeffNonTsCorner8x8 = (lumaFlag && cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[ChannelType::LUMA]) || (chromaFlag && cuCtx.violatesLfnstConstrained[ChannelType::CHROMA]); bool isTrSkip = false; for (auto &currTU : CU::traverseTUs(cu)) { const uint32_t numValidComp = getNumberValidComponents(cu.chromaFormat); for (uint32_t compID = COMPONENT_Y; compID < numValidComp; compID++) { if (currTU.blocks[compID].valid() && TU::getCbf(currTU, (ComponentID) compID) && currTU.mtsIdx[compID] == MtsType::SKIP) { isTrSkip = true; break; } } } if ((!cuCtx.lfnstLastScanPos && cu.ispMode == ISPType::NONE) || nonZeroCoeffNonTsCorner8x8 || isTrSkip) { cu.lfnstIdx = 0; return; } } else { cu.lfnstIdx = 0; return; } unsigned cctx = 0; if ( cu.isSepTree() ) cctx++; uint32_t idxLFNST = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::LFNSTIdx(cctx)); if( idxLFNST ) { idxLFNST += m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::LFNSTIdx(2)); } cu.lfnstIdx = idxLFNST; DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_lfnst_mode() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", COMPONENT_Y, cu.lx(), cu.ly(), ( int ) cu.lfnstIdx ); } int CABACReader::last_sig_coeff( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__LAST_SIG_X_Y, Size( cctx.width(), cctx.height() ), cctx.compID() ); unsigned PosLastX = 0, PosLastY = 0; unsigned maxLastPosX = cctx.maxLastPosX(); unsigned maxLastPosY = cctx.maxLastPosY(); unsigned zoTbWdith = getNonzeroTuSize(cctx.width()); unsigned zoTbHeight = getNonzeroTuSize(cctx.height()); if (tu.cs->sps->getMtsEnabled() && tu.cu->sbtInfo != 0 && tu.blocks[compID].width <= 32 && tu.blocks[compID].height <= 32 && compID == COMPONENT_Y) { maxLastPosX = (tu.blocks[compID].width == 32) ? g_groupIdx[15] : maxLastPosX; maxLastPosY = (tu.blocks[compID].height == 32) ? g_groupIdx[15] : maxLastPosY; zoTbWdith = (tu.blocks[compID].width == 32) ? 16 : zoTbWdith; zoTbHeight = (tu.blocks[compID].height == 32) ? 16 : zoTbHeight; } for( ; PosLastX < maxLastPosX; PosLastX++ ) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.lastXCtxId(PosLastX))) { break; } } for( ; PosLastY < maxLastPosY; PosLastY++ ) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.lastYCtxId(PosLastY))) { break; } } if( PosLastX > 3 ) { uint32_t temp = 0; uint32_t uiCount = ( PosLastX - 2 ) >> 1; for ( int i = uiCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { temp += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP() << i; } PosLastX = g_minInGroup[PosLastX] + temp; } if( PosLastY > 3 ) { uint32_t temp = 0; uint32_t uiCount = ( PosLastY - 2 ) >> 1; for ( int i = uiCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { temp += m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP() << i; } PosLastY = g_minInGroup[PosLastY] + temp; } if (tu.cu->slice->getReverseLastSigCoeffFlag()) { PosLastX = zoTbWdith - 1 - PosLastX; PosLastY = zoTbHeight - 1 - PosLastY; } int blkPos; blkPos = PosLastX + (PosLastY * cctx.width()); int scanPos = 0; for( ; scanPos < cctx.maxNumCoeff() - 1; scanPos++ ) { if( blkPos == cctx.blockPos( scanPos ) ) { break; } } return scanPos; } static void checkCoeffInRange(const CoeffCodingContext &cctx, const TCoeff coeff) { CHECK( coeff < cctx.minCoeff() || coeff > cctx.maxCoeff(), "TransCoeffLevel outside allowable range" ); } void CABACReader::residual_coding_subblock( CoeffCodingContext& cctx, TCoeff* coeff, const int stateTransTable, int& state ) { // NOTE: All coefficients of the subblock must be set to zero before calling this function #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_group ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIG_COEFF_GROUP_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_map ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIG_COEFF_MAP_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_par ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__PAR_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt1 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT1_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt2 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT2_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_escs ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__ESCAPE_BITS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); #endif //===== init ===== const int minSubPos = cctx.minSubPos(); const bool isLast = cctx.isLast(); int firstSigPos = ( isLast ? cctx.scanPosLast() : cctx.maxSubPos() ); int nextSigPos = firstSigPos; int baseLevel = cctx.getBaseLevel(); bool updateHistory = cctx.getUpdateHist(); //===== decode significant_coeffgroup_flag ===== RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_group ); bool sigGroup = ( isLast || !minSubPos ); if( !sigGroup ) { sigGroup = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.sigGroupCtxId()); } if( sigGroup ) { cctx.setSigGroup(); } else { return; } uint8_t ctxOffset[16]; //===== decode absolute values ===== const int inferSigPos = nextSigPos != cctx.scanPosLast() ? ( cctx.isNotFirst() ? minSubPos : -1 ) : nextSigPos; int firstNZPos = nextSigPos; int lastNZPos = -1; int numNonZero = 0; int remRegBins = cctx.regBinLimit; int firstPosMode2 = minSubPos - 1; int sigBlkPos[ 1 << MLS_CG_SIZE ]; for( ; nextSigPos >= minSubPos && remRegBins >= 4; nextSigPos-- ) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos( nextSigPos ); unsigned sigFlag = ( !numNonZero && nextSigPos == inferSigPos ); if( !sigFlag ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_map ); const unsigned sigCtxId = cctx.sigCtxIdAbs( nextSigPos, coeff, state ); sigFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(sigCtxId); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "sig_bin() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigFlag, sigCtxId ); remRegBins--; } else if( nextSigPos != cctx.scanPosLast() ) { cctx.sigCtxIdAbs( nextSigPos, coeff, state ); // required for setting variables that are needed for gtx/par context selection } if( sigFlag ) { uint8_t& ctxOff = ctxOffset[ nextSigPos - minSubPos ]; ctxOff = cctx.ctxOffsetAbs(); sigBlkPos[ numNonZero++ ] = blkPos; firstNZPos = nextSigPos; lastNZPos = std::max( lastNZPos, nextSigPos ); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_gt1 ); unsigned gt1Flag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.greater1CtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "gt1_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt1Flag, cctx.greater1CtxIdAbs(ctxOff) ); remRegBins--; unsigned parFlag = 0; unsigned gt2Flag = 0; if( gt1Flag ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_par ); parFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.parityCtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "par_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", parFlag, cctx.parityCtxIdAbs( ctxOff ) ); remRegBins--; RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET(ctype_gt2); gt2Flag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.greater2CtxIdAbs(ctxOff)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "gt2_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt2Flag, cctx.greater2CtxIdAbs( ctxOff ) ); remRegBins--; } coeff[ blkPos ] += 1 + parFlag + gt1Flag + (gt2Flag << 1); } state = ( stateTransTable >> ((state<<2)+((coeff[blkPos]&1)<<1)) ) & 3; } firstPosMode2 = nextSigPos; cctx.regBinLimit = remRegBins; //===== 2nd PASS: Go-rice codes ===== for( int scanPos = firstSigPos; scanPos > firstPosMode2; scanPos-- ) { TCoeff& tcoeff = coeff[ cctx.blockPos( scanPos ) ]; if( tcoeff >= 4 ) { const unsigned ricePar = (cctx.*(cctx.deriveRiceRRC))(scanPos, coeff, baseLevel); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_escs ); int rem = m_binDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(ricePar, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange()); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", rem, ricePar ); tcoeff += (rem<<1); if ((updateHistory) && (rem > 0)) { unsigned &riceStats = m_binDecoder.getCtx().getGRAdaptStats((unsigned) (cctx.compID())); cctx.updateRiceStat(riceStats, rem, 1); cctx.setUpdateHist(0); updateHistory = 0; } } } //===== coeff bypass ==== for( int scanPos = firstPosMode2; scanPos >= minSubPos; scanPos-- ) { int rice = (cctx.*(cctx.deriveRiceRRC))(scanPos, coeff, 0); int pos0 = g_goRicePosCoeff0(state, rice); RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET(ctype_escs); int rem = m_binDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(rice, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange()); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", rem, rice ); TCoeff tcoeff = ( rem == pos0 ? 0 : rem < pos0 ? rem+1 : rem ); state = ( stateTransTable >> ((state<<2)+((tcoeff&1)<<1)) ) & 3; if ((updateHistory) && (rem > 0)) { unsigned &riceStats = m_binDecoder.getCtx().getGRAdaptStats((unsigned) (cctx.compID())); cctx.updateRiceStat(riceStats, rem, 0); cctx.setUpdateHist(0); updateHistory = 0; } if( tcoeff ) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos( scanPos ); sigBlkPos[ numNonZero++ ] = blkPos; firstNZPos = scanPos; lastNZPos = std::max( lastNZPos, scanPos ); coeff[blkPos] = tcoeff; } } //===== decode sign's ===== RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIGN_BIT, Size( cctx.width(), cctx.height() ), cctx.compID() ); const unsigned numSigns = ( cctx.hideSign( firstNZPos, lastNZPos ) ? numNonZero - 1 : numNonZero ); unsigned signPattern = numSigns > 0 ? m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(numSigns) << (32 - numSigns) : 0; //===== set final coefficents ===== TCoeff sumAbs = 0; for( unsigned k = 0; k < numSigns; k++ ) { TCoeff AbsCoeff = coeff[ sigBlkPos[ k ] ]; sumAbs += AbsCoeff; coeff[ sigBlkPos[k] ] = ( signPattern & ( 1u << 31 ) ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); signPattern <<= 1; checkCoeffInRange(cctx, coeff[sigBlkPos[k]]); // NOTE: when Slice::getDepQuantEnabledFlag() is true, additional checks are required to determine // whether coeff is in valid range (see DQIntern::Quantizer::dequantBlock) } if( numNonZero > numSigns ) { int k = numSigns; TCoeff AbsCoeff = coeff[ sigBlkPos[ k ] ]; sumAbs += AbsCoeff; coeff[ sigBlkPos[k] ] = ( sumAbs & 1 ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); checkCoeffInRange(cctx, coeff[sigBlkPos[k]]); } } void CABACReader::residual_codingTS( TransformUnit& tu, ComponentID compID ) { DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "residual_codingTS() etype=%d pos=(%d,%d) size=%dx%d\n", tu.blocks[compID].compID, tu.blocks[compID].x, tu.blocks[compID].y, tu.blocks[compID].width, tu.blocks[compID].height ); // init coeff coding context CoeffCodingContext cctx(tu, compID, false, tu.cu->getBdpcmMode(compID)); TCoeff* coeff = tu.getCoeffs( compID ).buf; int maxCtxBins = (cctx.maxNumCoeff() * 7) >> 2; cctx.setNumCtxBins(maxCtxBins); for( int subSetId = 0; subSetId <= ( cctx.maxNumCoeff() - 1 ) >> cctx.log2CGSize(); subSetId++ ) { cctx.initSubblock ( subSetId ); int goRiceParam = 1; if (tu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getSpsRangeExtension().getTSRCRicePresentFlag() && tu.mtsIdx[compID] == MtsType::SKIP) { goRiceParam = goRiceParam + tu.cu->slice->getTsrcIndex(); } residual_coding_subblockTS( cctx, coeff, goRiceParam); } } void CABACReader::residual_coding_subblockTS(CoeffCodingContext &cctx, TCoeff *coeff, const int riceParam) { // NOTE: All coefficients of the subblock must be set to zero before calling this function #if RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_group ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIG_COEFF_GROUP_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); #if TR_ONLY_COEFF_STATS CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_map ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIG_COEFF_MAP_FLAG_TS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_par ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__PAR_FLAG_TS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt1 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT1_FLAG_TS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt2 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT2_FLAG_TS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_escs ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__ESCAPE_BITS_TS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); #else CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_map ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIG_COEFF_MAP_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_par ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__PAR_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt1 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT1_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_gt2 ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__GT2_FLAG, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); CodingStatisticsClassType ctype_escs ( STATS__CABAC_BITS__ESCAPE_BITS, cctx.width(), cctx.height(), cctx.compID() ); #endif #endif //===== init ===== const int minSubPos = cctx.maxSubPos(); int firstSigPos = cctx.minSubPos(); int nextSigPos = firstSigPos; unsigned signPattern = 0; //===== decode significant_coeffgroup_flag ===== RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_group ); bool sigGroup = cctx.isLastSubSet() && cctx.noneSigGroup(); if( !sigGroup ) { sigGroup = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.sigGroupCtxId(true)); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_sigGroup() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigGroup, cctx.sigGroupCtxId()); } if( sigGroup ) { cctx.setSigGroup(); } else { return; } //===== decode absolute values ===== const int inferSigPos = minSubPos; int numNonZero = 0; int sigBlkPos[ 1 << MLS_CG_SIZE ]; int lastScanPosPass1 = -1; int lastScanPosPass2 = -1; for (; nextSigPos <= minSubPos && cctx.numCtxBins() >= 4; nextSigPos++) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos( nextSigPos ); unsigned sigFlag = ( !numNonZero && nextSigPos == inferSigPos ); if( !sigFlag ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_map ); const unsigned sigCtxId = cctx.sigCtxIdAbsTS(nextSigPos, coeff); sigFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(sigCtxId); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_sig_bin() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", sigFlag, sigCtxId); cctx.decimateNumCtxBins(1); } if( sigFlag ) { //===== decode sign's ===== #if TR_ONLY_COEFF_STATS RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2(STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIGN_BIT_TS, Size(cctx.width(), cctx.height()), cctx.compID()); #else RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET_SIZE2( STATS__CABAC_BITS__SIGN_BIT, Size( cctx.width(), cctx.height() ), cctx.compID() ); #endif int sign; const unsigned signCtxId = cctx.signCtxIdAbsTS(nextSigPos, coeff, cctx.bdpcm()); sign = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(signCtxId); cctx.decimateNumCtxBins(1); signPattern += ( sign << numNonZero ); sigBlkPos[numNonZero++] = blkPos; RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_gt1 ); unsigned gt1Flag; const unsigned gt1CtxId = cctx.lrg1CtxIdAbsTS(nextSigPos, coeff, cctx.bdpcm()); gt1Flag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(gt1CtxId); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_gt1_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", gt1Flag, gt1CtxId); cctx.decimateNumCtxBins(1); unsigned parFlag = 0; if( gt1Flag ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_par ); parFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.parityCtxIdAbsTS()); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_par_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d\n", parFlag, cctx.parityCtxIdAbsTS()); cctx.decimateNumCtxBins(1); } coeff[ blkPos ] = (sign ? -1 : 1 ) * (TCoeff)(1 + parFlag + gt1Flag); } lastScanPosPass1 = nextSigPos; } int cutoffVal = 2; const int numGtBins = 4; //===== 2nd PASS: gt2 ===== for (int scanPos = firstSigPos; scanPos <= minSubPos && cctx.numCtxBins() >= 4; scanPos++) { TCoeff& tcoeff = coeff[cctx.blockPos(scanPos)]; cutoffVal = 2; for (int i = 0; i < numGtBins; i++) { if( tcoeff < 0) { tcoeff = -tcoeff; } if (tcoeff >= cutoffVal) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET(ctype_gt2); unsigned gt2Flag; gt2Flag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(cctx.greaterXCtxIdAbsTS(cutoffVal >> 1)); tcoeff += (gt2Flag << 1); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_gt%d_flag() bin=%d ctx=%d sp=%d coeff=%d\n", i, gt2Flag, cctx.greaterXCtxIdAbsTS(cutoffVal >> 1), scanPos, tcoeff); cctx.decimateNumCtxBins(1); } cutoffVal += 2; } lastScanPosPass2 = scanPos; } //===== 3rd PASS: Go-rice codes ===== for( int scanPos = firstSigPos; scanPos <= minSubPos; scanPos++ ) { TCoeff& tcoeff = coeff[ cctx.blockPos( scanPos ) ]; RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_SET( ctype_escs ); cutoffVal = (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass2 ? 10 : (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass1 ? 2 : 0)); if (tcoeff < 0) { tcoeff = -tcoeff; } if( tcoeff >= cutoffVal ) { int rice = riceParam; int rem = m_binDecoder.decodeRemAbsEP(rice, COEF_REMAIN_BIN_REDUCTION, cctx.maxLog2TrDRange()); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX_RESI, "ts_rem_val() bin=%d ctx=%d sp=%d\n", rem, rice, scanPos ); tcoeff += (scanPos <= lastScanPosPass1) ? (rem << 1) : rem; if (tcoeff && scanPos > lastScanPosPass1) { int blkPos = cctx.blockPos(scanPos); int sign = m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); signPattern += (sign << numNonZero); sigBlkPos[numNonZero++] = blkPos; } } if (cctx.bdpcm() == BdpcmMode::NONE && cutoffVal) { if (tcoeff > 0) { int rightPixel, belowPixel; cctx.neighTS(rightPixel, belowPixel, scanPos, coeff); tcoeff = cctx.decDeriveModCoeff(rightPixel, belowPixel, tcoeff); } } } //===== set final coefficents ===== for( unsigned k = 0; k < numNonZero; k++ ) { TCoeff AbsCoeff = coeff[ sigBlkPos[ k ] ]; coeff[ sigBlkPos[k] ] = ( signPattern & 1 ? -AbsCoeff : AbsCoeff ); signPattern >>= 1; checkCoeffInRange(cctx, coeff[sigBlkPos[k]]); } } //================================================================================ // helper functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // unsigned unary_max_symbol ( ctxId0, ctxId1, maxSymbol ) // unsigned unary_max_eqprob ( maxSymbol ) // unsigned exp_golomb_eqprob( count ) //================================================================================ unsigned CABACReader::unary_max_symbol( unsigned ctxId0, unsigned ctxIdN, unsigned maxSymbol ) { unsigned onesRead = 0; while (onesRead < maxSymbol && m_binDecoder.decodeBin(onesRead == 0 ? ctxId0 : ctxIdN) == 1) { ++onesRead; } return onesRead; } unsigned CABACReader::unary_max_eqprob( unsigned maxSymbol ) { for( unsigned k = 0; k < maxSymbol; k++ ) { if (!m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()) { return k; } } return maxSymbol; } unsigned CABACReader::exp_golomb_eqprob( unsigned count ) { unsigned symbol = 0; unsigned bit = 1; while( bit ) { bit = m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP(); symbol += bit << count++; } if( --count ) { symbol += m_binDecoder.decodeBinsEP(count); } return symbol; } void CABACReader::mip_flag( CodingUnit& cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__OTHER ); if( !cu.Y().valid() ) { return; } if( !cu.cs->sps->getUseMIP() ) { cu.mipFlag = false; return; } unsigned ctxId = DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( cu ); cu.mipFlag = m_binDecoder.decodeBin(Ctx::MipFlag(ctxId)); DTRACE( g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_flag() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d\n", cu.lumaPos().x, cu.lumaPos().y, cu.mipFlag ? 1 : 0 ); } void CABACReader::mip_pred_modes( CodingUnit &cu ) { RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS_CREATE_SET( STATS__CABAC_BITS__OTHER ); if( !cu.Y().valid() ) { return; } for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) ) { mip_pred_mode( pu ); } } void CABACReader::mip_pred_mode( PredictionUnit &pu ) { pu.mipTransposedFlag = bool(m_binDecoder.decodeBinEP()); uint32_t mipMode; const int numModes = MatrixIntraPrediction::getNumModesMip(pu.Y()); xReadTruncBinCode( mipMode, numModes ); pu.intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] = mipMode; CHECKD(pu.intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] < 0 || pu.intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA] >= numModes, "Invalid MIP mode"); DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_SYNTAX, "mip_pred_mode() pos=(%d,%d) mode=%d transposed=%d\n", pu.lumaPos().x, pu.lumaPos().y, pu.intraDir[ChannelType::LUMA], pu.mipTransposedFlag ? 1 : 0); }