/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h \brief estimation part of sample adaptive offset class (header) */ #ifndef __ENCSAMPLEADAPTIVEOFFSET__ #define __ENCSAMPLEADAPTIVEOFFSET__ #include "CommonLib/SampleAdaptiveOffset.h" #include "CABACWriter.h" //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== struct SAOStatData //data structure for SAO statistics { int64_t diff[MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES]; int64_t count[MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES]; SAOStatData(){} ~SAOStatData(){} void reset() { ::memset(diff, 0, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); ::memset(count, 0, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); } const SAOStatData& operator=(const SAOStatData& src) { ::memcpy(diff, src.diff, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); ::memcpy(count, src.count, sizeof(int64_t)*MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES); return *this; } const SAOStatData& operator+= (const SAOStatData& src) { for(int i=0; i< MAX_NUM_SAO_CLASSES; i++) { diff[i] += src.diff[i]; count[i] += src.count[i]; } return *this; } }; class EncSampleAdaptiveOffset : public SampleAdaptiveOffset { using StatDataArray = EnumArray; public: EncSampleAdaptiveOffset(); virtual ~EncSampleAdaptiveOffset(); //interface void createEncData(bool isPreDBFSamplesUsed, uint32_t numCTUsPic); void destroyEncData(); void initCABACEstimator(CABACEncoder *cabacEncoder, CtxPool *ctxPool, Slice *pcSlice); void SAOProcess(CodingStructure &cs, bool *sliceEnabled, const double *lambdas, #if ENABLE_QPA const double lambdaChromaWeight, #endif const bool testSAODisableAtPictureLevel, const double saoEncodingRate, const double saoEncodingRateChroma, const bool isPreDBFSamplesUsed, bool isGreedyMergeEncoding, bool usingTrueOrg); void disabledRate(CodingStructure &cs, SAOBlkParam *reconParams, const double saoEncodingRate, const double saoEncodingRateChroma); void getPreDBFStatistics(CodingStructure &cs, bool usingTrueOrg); private: // methods void deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailability(CodingStructure &cs, const Position &pos, bool &isLeftAvail, bool &isAboveAvail, bool &isAboveLeftAvail) const; void getStatistics(std::vector &blkStats, PelUnitBuf &orgYuv, PelUnitBuf &srcYuv, CodingStructure &cs, bool isCalculatePreDeblockSamples = false); void decidePicParams(const Slice& slice, bool* sliceEnabled, const double saoEncodingRate, const double saoEncodingRateChroma); void decideBlkParams(CodingStructure &cs, bool *sliceEnabled, std::vector &blkStats, PelUnitBuf &srcYuv, PelUnitBuf &resYuv, SAOBlkParam *reconParams, SAOBlkParam *codedParams, const bool testSAODisableAtPictureLevel, #if ENABLE_QPA const double chromaWeight, #endif const double saoEncodingRate, const double saoEncodingRateChroma, const bool isGreedymergeEncoding); void getBlkStats(const ComponentID compIdx, const int channelBitDepth, StatDataArray &statsDataTypes, Pel *srcBlk, Pel *orgBlk, ptrdiff_t srcStride, ptrdiff_t orgStride, int width, int height, bool isLeftAvail, bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isCalculatePreDeblockSamples, bool isCtuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry); void deriveModeNewRDO(const BitDepths &bitDepths, int ctuRsAddr, MergeBlkParams &mergeList, bool *sliceEnabled, std::vector &blkStats, SAOBlkParam &modeParam, double &modeNormCost); void deriveModeMergeRDO(const BitDepths &bitDepths, int ctuRsAddr, MergeBlkParams &mergeList, bool *sliceEnabled, std::vector &blkStats, SAOBlkParam &modeParam, double &modeNormCost); int64_t getDistortion(const int channelBitDepth, SAOModeNewTypes typeIdc, int typeAuxInfo, int *offsetVal, SAOStatData &statData); void deriveOffsets(ComponentID compIdx, const int channelBitDepth, SAOModeNewTypes typeIdc, SAOStatData &statData, int *quantOffsets, int &typeAuxInfo); int64_t estSaoDist(int64_t count, int64_t offset, int64_t diffSum, int shift) { return (count * offset * offset - diffSum * offset * 2) >> shift; } int estIterOffset(SAOModeNewTypes typeIdx, double lambda, int offsetInput, int64_t count, int64_t diffSum, int shift, int bitIncrease, int64_t &bestDist, double &bestCost, int offsetTh); void addPreDBFStatistics(std::vector &blkStats); private: //members //for RDO CABACWriter *m_CABACEstimator{ nullptr }; CtxPool *m_ctxPool{ nullptr }; double m_lambda[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; //statistics std::vector m_statData; //[ctu][comp][classes] std::vector m_preDBFstatData; double m_saoDisabledRate[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_TLAYER]; EnumArray m_skipLinesR[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; EnumArray m_skipLinesB[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; }; //! \} #endif