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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file ContextModelling.cpp \brief Classes providing probability descriptions and contexts */ #include #include "ContextModelling.h" #include "UnitTools.h" #include "CodingStructure.h" #include "Picture.h" const int CoeffCodingContext::prefixCtx[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21 }; CoeffCodingContext::CoeffCodingContext(const TransformUnit &tu, ComponentID component, bool signHide, const BdpcmMode bdpcm) : m_compID(component) , m_chType(toChannelType(m_compID)) , m_width(tu.block(m_compID).width) , m_height(tu.block(m_compID).height) , m_log2CGWidth(g_log2TxSubblockSize[floorLog2(m_width)][floorLog2(m_height)].width) , m_log2CGHeight(g_log2TxSubblockSize[floorLog2(m_width)][floorLog2(m_height)].height) , m_log2CGSize(m_log2CGWidth + m_log2CGHeight) , m_widthInGroups(getNonzeroTuSize(m_width) >> m_log2CGWidth) , m_heightInGroups(getNonzeroTuSize(m_height) >> m_log2CGHeight) , m_log2BlockWidth((unsigned) floorLog2(m_width)) , m_log2BlockHeight((unsigned) floorLog2(m_height)) , m_maxNumCoeff(m_width * m_height) , m_signHiding(signHide) , m_extendedPrecision(tu.cs->sps->getSpsRangeExtension().getExtendedPrecisionProcessingFlag()) , m_maxLog2TrDynamicRange(tu.cs->sps->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(m_chType)) , m_scan(g_scanOrder[SCAN_GROUPED_4x4][CoeffScanType::DIAG][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(m_width)] [gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(m_height)]) , m_scanCG(g_scanOrder[SCAN_UNGROUPED][CoeffScanType::DIAG][gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(m_widthInGroups)] [gp_sizeIdxInfo->idxFrom(m_heightInGroups)]) , m_CtxSetLastX(Ctx::LastX[to_underlying(m_chType)]) , m_CtxSetLastY(Ctx::LastY[to_underlying(m_chType)]) , m_maxLastPosX(g_groupIdx[getNonzeroTuSize(m_width) - 1]) , m_maxLastPosY(g_groupIdx[getNonzeroTuSize(m_height) - 1]) , m_lastOffsetX(0) , m_lastOffsetY(0) , m_lastShiftX(0) , m_lastShiftY(0) , m_minCoeff(-(1 << tu.cs->sps->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(m_chType))) , m_maxCoeff((1 << tu.cs->sps->getMaxLog2TrDynamicRange(m_chType)) - 1) , m_scanPosLast(-1) , m_subSetId(-1) , m_subSetPos(-1) , m_subSetPosX(-1) , m_subSetPosY(-1) , m_minSubPos(-1) , m_maxSubPos(-1) , m_sigGroupCtxId(-1) , m_tmplCpSum1(-1) , m_tmplCpDiag(-1) , m_sigFlagCtxSet{ Ctx::SigFlag[to_underlying(m_chType)], Ctx::SigFlag[to_underlying(m_chType) + 2], Ctx::SigFlag[to_underlying(m_chType) + 4] } , m_parFlagCtxSet(Ctx::ParFlag[to_underlying(m_chType)]) , m_gtxFlagCtxSet{ Ctx::GtxFlag[to_underlying(m_chType)], Ctx::GtxFlag[to_underlying(m_chType) + 2] } , m_sigGroupCtxIdTS(-1) , m_tsSigFlagCtxSet(Ctx::TsSigFlag) , m_tsParFlagCtxSet(Ctx::TsParFlag) , m_tsGtxFlagCtxSet(Ctx::TsGtxFlag) , m_tsLrg1FlagCtxSet(Ctx::TsLrg1Flag) , m_tsSignFlagCtxSet(Ctx::TsResidualSign) , m_sigCoeffGroupFlag() , m_bdpcm(bdpcm) { // LOGTODO unsigned log2sizeX = m_log2BlockWidth; unsigned log2sizeY = m_log2BlockHeight; if (m_chType == ChannelType::CHROMA) { const_cast(m_lastShiftX) = Clip3( 0, 2, int( m_width >> 3) ); const_cast(m_lastShiftY) = Clip3( 0, 2, int( m_height >> 3) ); } else { const_cast(m_lastOffsetX) = prefixCtx[log2sizeX]; const_cast(m_lastOffsetY) = prefixCtx[log2sizeY]; const_cast(m_lastShiftX) = (log2sizeX + 1) >> 2; const_cast(m_lastShiftY) = (log2sizeY + 1) >> 2; } m_cctxBaseLevel = 4; // default value for RRC rice derivation in VVCv1, is updated for extended RRC rice derivation m_histValue = 0; // default value for RRC rice derivation in VVCv1, is updated for history-based extention of RRC rice derivation m_updateHist = 0; // default value for RRC rice derivation (history update is disabled), is updated for history-based extention of RRC rice derivation if (tu.cs->sps->getSpsRangeExtension().getRrcRiceExtensionEnableFlag()) { deriveRiceRRC = &CoeffCodingContext::deriveRiceExt; } else { deriveRiceRRC = &CoeffCodingContext::deriveRice; } } void CoeffCodingContext::initSubblock( int SubsetId, bool sigGroupFlag ) { m_subSetId = SubsetId; m_subSetPos = m_scanCG[m_subSetId].idx; m_subSetPosY = m_subSetPos / m_widthInGroups; m_subSetPosX = m_subSetPos - ( m_subSetPosY * m_widthInGroups ); m_minSubPos = m_subSetId << m_log2CGSize; m_maxSubPos = m_minSubPos + ( 1 << m_log2CGSize ) - 1; if( sigGroupFlag ) { m_sigCoeffGroupFlag.set ( m_subSetPos ); } unsigned CGPosY = m_subSetPosY; unsigned CGPosX = m_subSetPosX; unsigned sigRight = unsigned( ( CGPosX + 1 ) < m_widthInGroups ? m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[ m_subSetPos + 1 ] : false ); unsigned sigLower = unsigned( ( CGPosY + 1 ) < m_heightInGroups ? m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[ m_subSetPos + m_widthInGroups ] : false ); m_sigGroupCtxId = Ctx::SigCoeffGroup[to_underlying(m_chType)](sigRight | sigLower); unsigned sigLeft = unsigned( CGPosX > 0 ? m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[m_subSetPos - 1 ] : false ); unsigned sigAbove = unsigned( CGPosY > 0 ? m_sigCoeffGroupFlag[m_subSetPos - m_widthInGroups] : false ); m_sigGroupCtxIdTS = Ctx::TsSigCoeffGroup( sigLeft + sigAbove ); } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxModeConsFlag( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner ) { assert(isLuma(partitioner.chType)); const Position pos = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType); const unsigned curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); const unsigned curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx( partitioner.currArea().lumaPos() ); const CodingUnit* cuLeft = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( -1, 0 ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, partitioner.chType ); const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( 0, -1 ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, partitioner.chType ); unsigned ctxId = ((cuAbove && CU::isIntra(*cuAbove)) || (cuLeft && CU::isIntra(*cuLeft))) ? 1 : 0; return ctxId; } void DeriveCtx::CtxSplit( const CodingStructure& cs, Partitioner& partitioner, unsigned& ctxSpl, unsigned& ctxQt, unsigned& ctxHv, unsigned& ctxHorBt, unsigned& ctxVerBt, bool* _canSplit /*= nullptr */ ) { const Position pos = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType); const unsigned curSliceIdx = cs.slice->getIndependentSliceIdx(); const unsigned curTileIdx = cs.pps->getTileIdx( partitioner.currArea().lumaPos() ); // get left depth const CodingUnit* cuLeft = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( -1, 0 ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, partitioner.chType ); // get above depth const CodingUnit* cuAbove = cs.getCURestricted( pos.offset( 0, -1 ), pos, curSliceIdx, curTileIdx, partitioner.chType ); bool canSplit[6]; if( _canSplit == nullptr ) { partitioner.canSplit( cs, canSplit[0], canSplit[1], canSplit[2], canSplit[3], canSplit[4], canSplit[5] ); } else { memcpy( canSplit, _canSplit, 6 * sizeof( bool ) ); } /////////////////////// // CTX do split (0-8) /////////////////////// const unsigned widthCurr = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).width; const unsigned heightCurr = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType).height; ctxSpl = 0; if( cuLeft ) { const unsigned heightLeft = cuLeft->block(partitioner.chType).height; ctxSpl += ( heightLeft < heightCurr ? 1 : 0 ); } if( cuAbove ) { const unsigned widthAbove = cuAbove->block(partitioner.chType).width; ctxSpl += ( widthAbove < widthCurr ? 1 : 0 ); } unsigned numSplit = 0; if (canSplit[1]) { numSplit += 2; } if (canSplit[2]) { numSplit += 1; } if (canSplit[3]) { numSplit += 1; } if (canSplit[4]) { numSplit += 1; } if (canSplit[5]) { numSplit += 1; } if (numSplit > 0) { numSplit--; } ctxSpl += 3 * ( numSplit >> 1 ); ////////////////////////// // CTX is qt split (0-5) ////////////////////////// ctxQt = ( cuLeft && cuLeft->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth ) ? 1 : 0; ctxQt += ( cuAbove && cuAbove->qtDepth > partitioner.currQtDepth ) ? 1 : 0; ctxQt += partitioner.currQtDepth < 2 ? 0 : 3; //////////////////////////// // CTX is ver split (0-4) //////////////////////////// ctxHv = 0; const unsigned numHor = ( canSplit[2] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( canSplit[4] ? 1 : 0 ); const unsigned numVer = ( canSplit[3] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( canSplit[5] ? 1 : 0 ); if( numVer == numHor ) { const Area &area = partitioner.currArea().block(partitioner.chType); const unsigned wAbove = cuAbove ? cuAbove->block(partitioner.chType).width : 1; const unsigned hLeft = cuLeft ? cuLeft->block(partitioner.chType).height : 1; const unsigned depAbove = area.width / wAbove; const unsigned depLeft = area.height / hLeft; if (depAbove == depLeft || !cuLeft || !cuAbove) { ctxHv = 0; } else if (depAbove < depLeft) { ctxHv = 1; } else { ctxHv = 2; } } else if( numVer < numHor ) { ctxHv = 3; } else { ctxHv = 4; } ////////////////////////// // CTX is h/v bt (0-3) ////////////////////////// ctxHorBt = ( partitioner.currMtDepth <= 1 ? 1 : 0 ); ctxVerBt = ( partitioner.currMtDepth <= 1 ? 3 : 2 ); } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxQtCbf( const ComponentID compID, const bool prevCbf, const int ispIdx ) { if( ispIdx && isLuma( compID ) ) { return 2 + (int)prevCbf; } if( compID == COMPONENT_Cr ) { return ( prevCbf ? 1 : 0 ); } return 0; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxInterDir( const PredictionUnit& pu ) { return ( 7 - ((floorLog2(pu.lumaSize().width) + floorLog2(pu.lumaSize().height) + 1) >> 1) ); } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxAffineFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ) { const CodingStructure *cs = cu.cs; unsigned ctxId = 0; const CodingUnit *cuLeft = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(-1, 0), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId = ( cuLeft && cuLeft->affine ) ? 1 : 0; const CodingUnit *cuAbove = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(0, -1), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId += ( cuAbove && cuAbove->affine ) ? 1 : 0; return ctxId; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxSkipFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ) { const CodingStructure *cs = cu.cs; unsigned ctxId = 0; // Get BCBP of left PU const CodingUnit *cuLeft = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(-1, 0), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId = ( cuLeft && cuLeft->skip ) ? 1 : 0; // Get BCBP of above PU const CodingUnit *cuAbove = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(0, -1), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId += ( cuAbove && cuAbove->skip ) ? 1 : 0; return ctxId; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxPredModeFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ) { const CodingUnit *cuLeft = cu.cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(-1, 0), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); const CodingUnit *cuAbove = cu.cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(0, -1), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); unsigned ctxId = ((cuAbove && CU::isIntra(*cuAbove)) || (cuLeft && CU::isIntra(*cuLeft))) ? 1 : 0; return ctxId; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxIBCFlag(const CodingUnit& cu) { const CodingStructure *cs = cu.cs; unsigned ctxId = 0; const Position pos = cu.chType == ChannelType::CHROMA ? cu.chromaPos() : cu.lumaPos(); const CodingUnit *cuLeft = cs->getCURestricted(pos.offset(-1, 0), cu, cu.chType); ctxId += (cuLeft && CU::isIBC(*cuLeft)) ? 1 : 0; const CodingUnit *cuAbove = cs->getCURestricted(pos.offset(0, -1), cu, cu.chType); ctxId += (cuAbove && CU::isIBC(*cuAbove)) ? 1 : 0; return ctxId; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxMipFlag( const CodingUnit& cu ) { const CodingStructure *cs = cu.cs; unsigned ctxId = 0; const CodingUnit *cuLeft = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(-1, 0), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId = (cuLeft && cuLeft->mipFlag) ? 1 : 0; const CodingUnit *cuAbove = cs->getCURestricted(cu.lumaPos().offset(0, -1), cu, ChannelType::LUMA); ctxId += (cuAbove && cuAbove->mipFlag) ? 1 : 0; ctxId = (cu.lwidth() > 2*cu.lheight() || cu.lheight() > 2*cu.lwidth()) ? 3 : ctxId; return ctxId; } unsigned DeriveCtx::CtxPltCopyFlag( const unsigned prevRunType, const unsigned dist ) { uint8_t *ucCtxLut = (prevRunType == PLT_RUN_INDEX) ? g_paletteRunLeftLut : g_paletteRunTopLut; if ( dist <= RUN_IDX_THRE ) { return ucCtxLut[dist]; } else { return ucCtxLut[RUN_IDX_THRE]; } }