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} if (op1.m_profileIdc != op2.m_profileIdc) { return false; } if (op1.m_levelIdc != op2.m_levelIdc) { return false; } if (op1.m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag != op2.m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag) { return false; } if (op1.m_multiLayerEnabledFlag != op2.m_multiLayerEnabledFlag) { return false; } if (op1.m_constraintInfo != op2.m_constraintInfo) { return false; } if (op1.m_subProfileIdc != op2.m_subProfileIdc) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER - 1; i++) { if (op1.m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i] != op2.m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag[i]) { return false; } } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) { if (op1.m_subLayerLevelIdc[i] != op2.m_subLayerLevelIdc[i]) { return false; } } return true; } bool operator != (const ProfileTierLevel& op1, const ProfileTierLevel& op2) { return !(op1 == op2); } uint32_t TierLevelFeatures::getMaxPicWidthInLumaSamples() const { return uint32_t(sqrt(maxLumaPs*8.0)); } uint32_t TierLevelFeatures::getMaxPicHeightInLumaSamples() const { return uint32_t(sqrt(maxLumaPs*8.0)); } static const uint64_t MAX_CNFUINT64 = std::numeric_limits::max(); static const TierLevelFeatures mainTierLevelInfo[] = { // level, maxlumaps, maxcpb[tier],, maxSlicesPerAu,maxTilesPerAu,cols, maxLumaSr, maxBr[tier],, minCr[tier],, { Level::LEVEL1 , 36864, { 350, 0 }, 16, 1, 1, 552960ULL, { 128, 0 }, { 2, 0} }, { Level::LEVEL2 , 122880, { 1500, 0 }, 16, 1, 1, 3686400ULL, { 1500, 0 }, { 2, 0} }, { Level::LEVEL2_1, 245760, { 3000, 0 }, 20, 1, 1, 7372800ULL, { 3000, 0 }, { 2, 0} }, { Level::LEVEL3 , 552960, { 6000, 0 }, 30, 4, 2, 16588800ULL, { 6000, 0 }, { 2, 0} }, { Level::LEVEL3_1, 983040, { 10000, 0 }, 40, 9, 3, 33177600ULL, { 10000, 0 }, { 2, 0} }, { Level::LEVEL4 , 2228224, { 12000, 30000 }, 75, 25, 5, 66846720ULL, { 12000, 30000 }, { 4, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL4_1, 2228224, { 20000, 50000 }, 75, 25, 5, 133693440ULL, { 20000, 50000 }, { 4, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL5 , 8912896, { 25000, 100000 }, 200, 110, 10, 267386880ULL, { 25000, 100000 }, { 6, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL5_1, 8912896, { 40000, 160000 }, 200, 110, 10, 534773760ULL, { 40000, 160000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL5_2, 8912896, { 60000, 240000 }, 200, 110, 10, 1069547520ULL, { 60000, 240000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL6 , 35651584, { 80000, 240000 }, 600, 440, 20, 1069547520ULL, { 60000, 240000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL6_1, 35651584, { 120000, 480000 }, 600, 440, 20, 2139095040ULL, { 120000, 480000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL6_2, 35651584, { 180000, 800000 }, 600, 440, 20, 4278190080ULL, { 240000, 800000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL6_3, 80216064, { 240000, 1600000 }, 1000, 990, 30, 4812963840ULL, { 320000, 1600000 }, { 8, 4} }, { Level::LEVEL15_5, MAX_UINT,{ MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT }, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT, MAX_CNFUINT64, {MAX_UINT, MAX_UINT }, { 0, 0} }, { Level::NONE } }; static const ProfileFeatures validProfiles[] = { // profile, pNameString, maxBitDepth, maxChrFmt, lvl15.5, cpbvcl, cpbnal, fcf*1000, mincr*100, levelInfo // most constrained profiles must appear first. { Profile::MAIN_10_STILL_PICTURE, "Main_10_Still_Picture", 10, CHROMA_420, true, 1000, 1100, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, true }, { Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10_STILL_PICTURE, "Multilayer_Main_10_Still_Picture", 10, CHROMA_420, true, 1000, 1100, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, true }, { Profile::MAIN_10_444_STILL_PICTURE, "Main_444_10_Still_Picture", 10, CHROMA_444, true, 2500, 2750, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, true }, { Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10_444_STILL_PICTURE, "Multilayer_Main_444_10_Still_Picture", 10, CHROMA_444, true, 2500, 2750, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, true }, { Profile::MAIN_10, "Main_10", 10, CHROMA_420, true, 1000, 1100, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10, "Multilayer_Main_10", 10, CHROMA_420, true, 1000, 1100, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_10_444, "Main_444_10", 10, CHROMA_444, true, 2500, 2750, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10_444, "Multilayer_Main_444_10", 10, CHROMA_444, true, 2500, 2750, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12, "Main_12", 12, CHROMA_420, true, 1200, 1320, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12_INTRA, "Main_12_Intra", 12, CHROMA_420, true, 2400, 2640, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12_STILL_PICTURE, "Main_12_Still_Picture", 12, CHROMA_420, true, 2400, 2640, 1875, 100, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12_444, "Main_12_444", 12, CHROMA_444, true, 3000, 3300, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12_444_INTRA, "Main_12_444_Intra", 12, CHROMA_444, true, 6000, 6600, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_12_444_STILL_PICTURE, "Main_12_444_Still_Picture", 12, CHROMA_444, true, 6000, 6600, 3750, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_16_444, "Main_16_444", 16, CHROMA_444, true, 4000, 4400, 6000, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_16_444_INTRA, "Main_16_444_Intra", 16, CHROMA_444, true, 8000, 8800, 6000, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::MAIN_16_444_STILL_PICTURE, "Main_16_444_Still_Picture", 16, CHROMA_444, true, 8000, 8800, 6000, 75, mainTierLevelInfo, false }, { Profile::NONE, 0 }, }; const ProfileFeatures *ProfileFeatures::getProfileFeatures(const Profile::Name p) { int i; for (i = 0; validProfiles[i].profile != Profile::NONE; i++) { if (validProfiles[i].profile == p) { return &validProfiles[i]; } } return &validProfiles[i]; } void ProfileTierLevelFeatures::extractPTLInformation(const SPS &sps) { extractPTLInformation(*sps.getProfileTierLevel()); } void ProfileTierLevelFeatures::extractPTLInformation(const ProfileTierLevel &ptl) { const ProfileTierLevel &spsPtl = ptl; m_profile = nullptr; m_tierLevel = nullptr; m_tier = spsPtl.getTierFlag(); // Identify the profile from the profile Idc, and possibly other constraints. for(int32_t i=0; validProfiles[i].profile != Profile::NONE; i++) { if (spsPtl.getProfileIdc() == validProfiles[i].profile) { m_profile = &(validProfiles[i]); break; } } if (m_profile != nullptr) { // Now identify the level: const TierLevelFeatures *tlf = m_profile->tierLevelListInfo; const Level::Name spsLevelName = spsPtl.getLevelIdc(); if (spsLevelName!=Level::LEVEL15_5 || m_profile->canUseLevel15p5) { for(int i=0; tlf[i].level!=Level::NONE; i++) { if (tlf[i].level == spsLevelName) { m_tierLevel = &(tlf[i]); } } } } if (m_profile) { Profile::Name profile = m_profile->profile; if (profile == Profile::MAIN_10 || profile == Profile::MAIN_10_444 || profile == Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10 || profile == Profile::MULTILAYER_MAIN_10_444) { m_hbrFactor = 1; } else { m_hbrFactor = 1 + ptl.getTierFlag(); } } } double ProfileTierLevelFeatures::getMinCr() const { return (m_tierLevel!=0 && m_profile!=0) ? (m_profile->minCrScaleFactorx100 * m_tierLevel->minCrBase[m_tier?1:0] / m_hbrFactor)/100.0 : 0.0 ; } uint64_t ProfileTierLevelFeatures::getCpbSizeInBits() const { return (m_tierLevel!=0 && m_profile!=0) ? uint64_t(m_profile->cpbVclFactor) * m_tierLevel->maxCpb[m_tier?1:0] * m_hbrFactor : uint64_t(0); } uint32_t ProfileTierLevelFeatures::getMaxDpbSize( uint32_t picSizeMaxInSamplesY ) const { const uint32_t maxDpbPicBuf = 8; uint32_t maxDpbSize; if (m_tierLevel->level == Level::LEVEL15_5) { // maxDpbSize is unconstrained in this case maxDpbSize = std::numeric_limits::max(); } else if (2 * picSizeMaxInSamplesY <= m_tierLevel->maxLumaPs) { maxDpbSize = 2 * maxDpbPicBuf; } else if (3 * picSizeMaxInSamplesY <= 2 * m_tierLevel->maxLumaPs) { maxDpbSize = 3 * maxDpbPicBuf / 2; } else { maxDpbSize = maxDpbPicBuf; } return maxDpbSize; }