/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file SampleAdaptiveOffset.h \brief sample adaptive offset class (header) */ #ifndef __SAMPLEADAPTIVEOFFSET__ #define __SAMPLEADAPTIVEOFFSET__ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "Reshape.h" //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constants // ==================================================================================================================== static constexpr int MAX_SAO_TRUNCATED_BITDEPTH = 10; // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== class SampleAdaptiveOffset { public: SampleAdaptiveOffset(); virtual ~SampleAdaptiveOffset(); void SAOProcess(CodingStructure &cs, SAOBlkParam *saoBlkParams); void create(int picWidth, int picHeight, ChromaFormat format, uint32_t maxCUWidth, uint32_t maxCUHeight, uint32_t maxCUDepth, uint32_t lumaBitShift, uint32_t chromaBitShift); void setReshaper(Reshape *p) { m_pcReshape = p; } void destroy(); static int getMaxOffsetQVal(const int channelBitDepth) { return (1 << (std::min(channelBitDepth, MAX_SAO_TRUNCATED_BITDEPTH) - 5)) - 1; } // Table 9-32, inclusive protected: using MergeBlkParams = EnumArray; void deriveLoopFilterBoundaryAvailability(CodingStructure &cs, const Position &pos, bool &isLeftAvail, bool &isRightAvail, bool &isAboveAvail, bool &isBelowAvail, bool &isAboveLeftAvail, bool &isAboveRightAvail, bool &isBelowLeftAvail, bool &isBelowRightAvail) const; void offsetBlock(const int channelBitDepth, const ClpRng &clpRng, SAOModeNewTypes typeIdx, int *offset, const Pel *srcBlk, Pel *resBlk, ptrdiff_t srcStride, ptrdiff_t resStride, int width, int height, bool isLeftAvail, bool isRightAvail, bool isAboveAvail, bool isBelowAvail, bool isAboveLeftAvail, bool isAboveRightAvail, bool isBelowLeftAvail, bool isBelowRightAvail, bool isCtuCrossedByVirtualBoundaries, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], int numHorVirBndry, int numVerVirBndry); void invertQuantOffsets(ComponentID compIdx, SAOModeNewTypes typeIdc, int typeAuxInfo, int *dstOffsets, int *srcOffsets); void reconstructBlkSAOParam(SAOBlkParam &recParam, MergeBlkParams &mergeList); int getMergeList(CodingStructure &cs, int ctuRsAddr, SAOBlkParam *blkParams, MergeBlkParams &mergeList); void offsetCTU(const UnitArea &area, const CPelUnitBuf &src, PelUnitBuf &res, SAOBlkParam &saoblkParam, CodingStructure &cs); void xReconstructBlkSAOParams(CodingStructure &cs, SAOBlkParam *saoBlkParams); bool isCrossedByVirtualBoundaries(const int xPos, const int yPos, const int width, const int height, int &numHorVirBndry, int &numVerVirBndry, int horVirBndryPos[], int verVirBndryPos[], const PicHeader *picHeader); bool isProcessDisabled(int xPos, int yPos, int numVerVirBndry, int numHorVirBndry, int verVirBndryPos[], int horVirBndryPos[]) { bool disabledFlag = false; for (int i = 0; i < numVerVirBndry; i++) { if ((xPos == verVirBndryPos[i]) || (xPos == verVirBndryPos[i] - 1)) { disabledFlag = true; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < numHorVirBndry; i++) { if ((yPos == horVirBndryPos[i]) || (yPos == horVirBndryPos[i] - 1)) { disabledFlag = true; break; } } return disabledFlag; } Reshape *m_pcReshape; protected: uint32_t m_offsetStepLog2[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; //offset step PelStorage m_tempBuf; uint32_t m_numberOfComponents; std::vector m_signLineBuf1; std::vector m_signLineBuf2; private: bool m_picSAOEnabled[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; }; //! \} #endif