/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TEncHash.cpp \brief hash encoder class */ #include "CommonLib/dtrace_codingstruct.h" #include "CommonLib/Picture.h" #include "CommonLib/UnitTools.h" #include "Hash.h" // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / create / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== CrcCalculatorLight Hash::m_crcCalculator1(24, 0x5D6DCB); CrcCalculatorLight Hash::m_crcCalculator2(24, 0x864CFB); CrcCalculatorLight::CrcCalculatorLight(uint32_t bits, uint32_t truncPoly) { m_remainder = 0; m_bits = bits; m_truncPoly = truncPoly; m_finalResultMask = (1 << bits) - 1; xInitTable(); } CrcCalculatorLight::~CrcCalculatorLight() {} void CrcCalculatorLight::xInitTable() { const uint32_t highBit = 1 << (m_bits - 1); const uint32_t byteHighBit = 1 << (8 - 1); for (uint32_t value = 0; value < 256; value++) { uint32_t remainder = 0; for (uint8_t mask = byteHighBit; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) { if (value & mask) { remainder ^= highBit; } if (remainder & highBit) { remainder <<= 1; remainder ^= m_truncPoly; } else { remainder <<= 1; } } m_table[value] = remainder; } } void CrcCalculatorLight::processData(const uint8_t *curData, const size_t dataLength) { for (size_t i = 0; i < dataLength; i++) { uint8_t index = (m_remainder >> (m_bits - 8)) ^ curData[i]; m_remainder <<= 8; m_remainder ^= m_table[index]; } } Hash::Hash() { m_lookupTable = nullptr; tableHasContent = false; hashPic.fill(nullptr); } Hash::~Hash() { clearAll(); if (m_lookupTable != nullptr) { delete[] m_lookupTable; m_lookupTable = nullptr; } } void Hash::create(int picWidth, int picHeight) { if (m_lookupTable) { clearAll(); } if (hashPic.front() == nullptr) { for (auto &p: hashPic) { p = new uint16_t[picWidth * picHeight]; } } if (m_lookupTable) { return; } const int maxAddr = 1 << (CRC_BITS + LOG_SIZE_BITS); m_lookupTable = new std::vector*[maxAddr]; std::fill_n(m_lookupTable, maxAddr, nullptr); tableHasContent = false; } void Hash::clearAll() { if (hashPic.front() != nullptr) { for (auto &p: hashPic) { delete[] p; p = nullptr; } } tableHasContent = false; if (m_lookupTable == nullptr) { return; } const int maxAddr = 1 << (CRC_BITS + LOG_SIZE_BITS); for (int i = 0; i < maxAddr; i++) { if (m_lookupTable[i] != nullptr) { delete m_lookupTable[i]; m_lookupTable[i] = nullptr; } } } void Hash::addToTable(uint32_t hashValue, const BlockHash &blockHash) { if (m_lookupTable[hashValue] == nullptr) { m_lookupTable[hashValue] = new std::vector; m_lookupTable[hashValue]->push_back(blockHash); } else { m_lookupTable[hashValue]->push_back(blockHash); } } int Hash::count(uint32_t hashValue) { if (m_lookupTable[hashValue] == nullptr) { return 0; } else { return static_cast(m_lookupTable[hashValue]->size()); } } int Hash::count(uint32_t hashValue) const { if (m_lookupTable[hashValue] == nullptr) { return 0; } else { return static_cast(m_lookupTable[hashValue]->size()); } } MapIterator Hash::getFirstIterator(uint32_t hashValue) { return m_lookupTable[hashValue]->begin(); } const MapIterator Hash::getFirstIterator(uint32_t hashValue) const { return m_lookupTable[hashValue]->begin(); } bool Hash::hasExactMatch(uint32_t hashValue1, uint32_t hashValue2) { if (m_lookupTable[hashValue1] == nullptr) { return false; } std::vector::iterator it; for (it = m_lookupTable[hashValue1]->begin(); it != m_lookupTable[hashValue1]->end(); it++) { if ((*it).hashValue2 == hashValue2) { return true; } } return false; } void Hash::generateBlock2x2HashValue(const PelUnitBuf &curPicBuf, int picWidth, int picHeight, const BitDepths bitDepths, uint32_t *picBlockHash[2], bool *picBlockSameInfo[3]) { const int width = 2; const int height = 2; int xEnd = picWidth - width + 1; int yEnd = picHeight - height + 1; int length = width * 2; bool includeChroma = false; if ((curPicBuf).chromaFormat == ChromaFormat::_444) { length *= 3; includeChroma = true; } unsigned char* p = new unsigned char[length]; int pos = 0; for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yEnd; yPos++) { for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xEnd; xPos++) { Hash::getPixelsIn1DCharArrayByBlock2x2(curPicBuf, p, xPos, yPos, bitDepths, includeChroma); picBlockSameInfo[0][pos] = isBlock2x2RowSameValue(p, includeChroma); picBlockSameInfo[1][pos] = isBlock2x2ColSameValue(p, includeChroma); picBlockHash[0][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue1(p, length * sizeof(unsigned char)); picBlockHash[1][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue2(p, length * sizeof(unsigned char)); pos++; } pos += width - 1; } delete[] p; } void Hash::generateBlockHashValue(int picWidth, int picHeight, int width, int height, uint32_t *srcPicBlockHash[2], uint32_t *dstPicBlockHash[2], bool *srcPicBlockSameInfo[3], bool *dstPicBlockSameInfo[3]) { int xEnd = picWidth - width + 1; int yEnd = picHeight - height + 1; int srcWidth = width >> 1; int quadWidth = width >> 2; int srcHeight = height >> 1; int quadHeight = height >> 2; int length = 4 * sizeof(uint32_t); uint32_t p[4]; int pos = 0; for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yEnd; yPos++) { for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xEnd; xPos++) { p[0] = srcPicBlockHash[0][pos]; p[1] = srcPicBlockHash[0][pos + srcWidth]; p[2] = srcPicBlockHash[0][pos + srcHeight * picWidth]; p[3] = srcPicBlockHash[0][pos + srcHeight * picWidth + srcWidth]; dstPicBlockHash[0][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue1((unsigned char *) p, length); p[0] = srcPicBlockHash[1][pos]; p[1] = srcPicBlockHash[1][pos + srcWidth]; p[2] = srcPicBlockHash[1][pos + srcHeight * picWidth]; p[3] = srcPicBlockHash[1][pos + srcHeight * picWidth + srcWidth]; dstPicBlockHash[1][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue2((unsigned char *) p, length); dstPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos] = srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos + quadWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos + srcWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos + srcHeight * picWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos + srcHeight * picWidth + quadWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos + srcHeight * picWidth + srcWidth]; dstPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos] = srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos + srcWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos + quadHeight * picWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos + quadHeight * picWidth + srcWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos + srcHeight * picWidth] && srcPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos + srcHeight * picWidth + srcWidth]; pos++; } pos += width - 1; } if (width >= 4) { pos = 0; for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yEnd; yPos++) { for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xEnd; xPos++) { dstPicBlockSameInfo[2][pos] = (!dstPicBlockSameInfo[0][pos] && !dstPicBlockSameInfo[1][pos]); pos++; } pos += width - 1; } } } void Hash::addToHashMapByRowWithPrecalData(uint32_t *picHash[2], bool *picIsSame, int picWidth, int picHeight, int width, int height) { int xEnd = picWidth - width + 1; int yEnd = picHeight - height + 1; bool* srcIsAdded = picIsSame; uint32_t* srcHash[2] = { picHash[0], picHash[1] }; int addValue = getIndexFromBlockSize(width, height); CHECK(addValue < 0, "Wrong") addValue <<= CRC_BITS; const int crcMask = (1 << CRC_BITS) - 1; const int blockIdx = floorLog2(width) - MIN_LOG_BLK_SIZE; for (int xPos = 0; xPos < xEnd; xPos++) { for (int yPos = 0; yPos < yEnd; yPos++) { int pos = yPos * picWidth + xPos; hashPic[blockIdx][pos] = (uint16_t)(srcHash[1][pos] & crcMask); //valid data if (srcIsAdded[pos]) { BlockHash blockHash; blockHash.x = xPos; blockHash.y = yPos; uint32_t hashValue1 = (srcHash[0][pos] & crcMask) + addValue; blockHash.hashValue2 = srcHash[1][pos]; addToTable(hashValue1, blockHash); } } } } void Hash::getPixelsIn1DCharArrayByBlock2x2(const PelUnitBuf &curPicBuf, unsigned char *pixelsIn1D, int xStart, int yStart, const BitDepths &bitDepths, bool includeAllComponent) { ChromaFormat fmt = (curPicBuf).chromaFormat; if (fmt != ChromaFormat::_444) { includeAllComponent = false; } if (bitDepths[ChannelType::LUMA] == 8 && bitDepths[ChannelType::CHROMA] == 8) { Pel* curPel[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]={nullptr}; ptrdiff_t stride[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = { 0 }; const int maxComponent=includeAllComponent?MAX_NUM_COMPONENT:1; for (int id = 0; id < maxComponent; id++) { ComponentID compID = ComponentID(id); stride[id] = (curPicBuf).get(compID).stride; curPel[id] = (curPicBuf).get(compID).buf; curPel[id] += (yStart >> getComponentScaleY(compID, fmt)) * stride[id] + (xStart >> getComponentScaleX(compID, fmt)); } int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[0][j]); if (includeAllComponent) { pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[1][j]); pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[2][j]); } } curPel[0] += stride[0]; if (includeAllComponent) { curPel[1] += stride[1]; curPel[2] += stride[2]; } } } else { int shift = bitDepths[ChannelType::LUMA] - 8; int shiftc = includeAllComponent ? (bitDepths[ChannelType::CHROMA] - 8) : 0; Pel* curPel[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]={nullptr}; ptrdiff_t stride[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT] = { 0 }; const int maxComponent=includeAllComponent?MAX_NUM_COMPONENT:1; for (int id = 0; id < maxComponent; id++) { ComponentID compID = ComponentID(id); stride[id] = (curPicBuf).get(compID).stride; curPel[id] = (curPicBuf).get(compID).buf; curPel[id] += (yStart >> getComponentScaleY(compID, fmt)) * stride[id] + (xStart >> getComponentScaleX(compID, fmt)); } int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[0][j] >> shift); if (includeAllComponent) { pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[1][j] >> shiftc); pixelsIn1D[index++] = static_cast(curPel[2][j] >> shiftc); } } curPel[0] += stride[0]; if (includeAllComponent) { curPel[1] += stride[1]; curPel[2] += stride[2]; } } } } bool Hash::isBlock2x2RowSameValue(unsigned char *p, bool includeAllComponent) { if (includeAllComponent) { if (p[0] != p[3] || p[6] != p[9]) { return false; } if (p[1] != p[4] || p[7] != p[10]) { return false; } if (p[2] != p[5] || p[8] != p[11]) { return false; } } else { if (p[0] != p[1] || p[2] != p[3]) { return false; } } return true; } bool Hash::isBlock2x2ColSameValue(unsigned char *p, bool includeAllComponent) { if (includeAllComponent) { if (p[0] != p[6] || p[3] != p[9]) { return false; } if (p[1] != p[7] || p[4] != p[10]) { return false; } if (p[2] != p[8] || p[5] != p[11]) { return false; } } else { if ((p[0] != p[2]) || (p[1] != p[3])) { return false; } } return true; } bool Hash::isHorizontalPerfectLuma(const Pel *srcPel, ptrdiff_t stride, int width, int height) { for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < width; j++) { if (srcPel[j] != srcPel[0]) { return false; } } srcPel += stride; } return true; } bool Hash::isVerticalPerfectLuma(const Pel *srcPel, ptrdiff_t stride, int width, int height) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < height; j++) { if (srcPel[j*stride + i] != srcPel[i]) { return false; } } } return true; } bool Hash::getBlockHashValue(const PelUnitBuf &curPicBuf, int width, int height, int xStart, int yStart, const BitDepths bitDepths, uint32_t &hashValue1, uint32_t &hashValue2) { int addValue = getIndexFromBlockSize(width, height); CHECK(addValue < 0, "Wrong") addValue <<= CRC_BITS; const int crcMask = (1 << CRC_BITS) - 1; const bool includeChroma = (curPicBuf).chromaFormat == ChromaFormat::_444; static_vector p; p.resize(4 * (includeChroma ? 3 : 1)); int block2x2Num = (width*height) >> 2; uint32_t* hashValueBuffer[2][2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { hashValueBuffer[i][j] = new uint32_t[block2x2Num]; } } //2x2 subblock hash values in current CU int subBlockInWidth = width >> 1; int subBlockInHeight = height >> 1; for (int yPos = 0; yPos < subBlockInHeight; yPos++) { for (int xPos = 0; xPos < subBlockInWidth; xPos++) { Hash::getPixelsIn1DCharArrayByBlock2x2(curPicBuf, p.data(), xStart + 2 * xPos, yStart + 2 * yPos, bitDepths, includeChroma); const int pos = yPos * subBlockInWidth + xPos; hashValueBuffer[0][0][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue1(p.data(), p.byte_size()); hashValueBuffer[1][0][pos] = Hash::getCRCValue2(p.data(), p.byte_size()); } } int srcSubBlockInWidth = subBlockInWidth; subBlockInWidth >>= 1; subBlockInHeight >>= 1; static_vector toHash; toHash.resize(4); int srcIdx = 1; int dstIdx = 0; //4x4 subblock hash values to current block hash values int minSize = std::min(height, width); for (int subWidth = 4; subWidth <= minSize; subWidth *= 2) { srcIdx = 1 - srcIdx; dstIdx = 1 - dstIdx; int dstPos = 0; for (int yPos = 0; yPos < subBlockInHeight; yPos++) { for (int xPos = 0; xPos < subBlockInWidth; xPos++) { const int srcPos = 2 * yPos * srcSubBlockInWidth + 2 * xPos; toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][srcPos]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][srcPos + 1]; toHash[2] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][srcPos + srcSubBlockInWidth]; toHash[3] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][srcPos + srcSubBlockInWidth + 1]; hashValueBuffer[0][dstIdx][dstPos] = getCRCValue1(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][srcPos]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][srcPos + 1]; toHash[2] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][srcPos + srcSubBlockInWidth]; toHash[3] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][srcPos + srcSubBlockInWidth + 1]; hashValueBuffer[1][dstIdx][dstPos] = getCRCValue2(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); dstPos++; } } srcSubBlockInWidth = subBlockInWidth; subBlockInWidth >>= 1; subBlockInHeight >>= 1; } if (width != height)//currently support 1:2 or 2:1 block size { toHash.resize(2); CHECK(width != (height << 1) && (width << 1) != height, "Wrong") bool isHorizontal = width == (height << 1) ? true : false; srcIdx = 1 - srcIdx; dstIdx = 1 - dstIdx; if (isHorizontal) { toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][0]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][1]; hashValueBuffer[0][dstIdx][0] = getCRCValue1(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][0]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][1]; hashValueBuffer[1][dstIdx][0] = getCRCValue2(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); } else { CHECK(srcSubBlockInWidth != 1, "Wrong") toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][0]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[0][srcIdx][srcSubBlockInWidth]; hashValueBuffer[0][dstIdx][0] = getCRCValue1(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); toHash[0] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][0]; toHash[1] = hashValueBuffer[1][srcIdx][srcSubBlockInWidth]; hashValueBuffer[1][dstIdx][0] = getCRCValue2(reinterpret_cast(toHash.data()), toHash.byte_size()); } } hashValue1 = (hashValueBuffer[0][dstIdx][0] & crcMask) + addValue; hashValue2 = hashValueBuffer[1][dstIdx][0]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { delete[] hashValueBuffer[i][j]; } } return true; } uint32_t Hash::getCRCValue1(const uint8_t *p, size_t length) { m_crcCalculator1.reset(); m_crcCalculator1.processData(p, length); return m_crcCalculator1.getCRC(); } uint32_t Hash::getCRCValue2(const uint8_t *p, size_t length) { m_crcCalculator2.reset(); m_crcCalculator2.processData(p, length); return m_crcCalculator2.getCRC(); } //! \}