/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file BitStream.cpp \brief class for handling bitstream */ #include #include #include "BitStream.h" #include #include //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / create / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== OutputBitstream::OutputBitstream() { clear(); } OutputBitstream::~OutputBitstream() { } InputBitstream::InputBitstream() : m_fifo(), m_emulationPreventionByteLocation(), m_fifoIdx(0), m_numHeldBits(0), m_heldBits(0), m_numBitsRead(0) { } InputBitstream::InputBitstream(const InputBitstream &src) : m_fifo(src.m_fifo) , m_emulationPreventionByteLocation(src.m_emulationPreventionByteLocation) , m_fifoIdx(src.m_fifoIdx) , m_numHeldBits(src.m_numHeldBits) , m_heldBits(src.m_heldBits) , m_numBitsRead(src.m_numBitsRead) { } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== void InputBitstream::resetToStart() { m_fifoIdx = 0; m_numHeldBits = 0; m_heldBits = 0; m_numBitsRead = 0; } const uint8_t *OutputBitstream::getByteStream() const { return m_fifo.data(); } uint32_t OutputBitstream::getByteStreamLength() { return uint32_t(m_fifo.size()); } void OutputBitstream::clear() { m_fifo.clear(); m_heldBits = 0; m_numHeldBits = 0; } void OutputBitstream::write(uint32_t bits, uint32_t numberOfBits) { CHECK(numberOfBits > BITS_PER_WORD, "Number of bits is exceeds '32'"); CHECK(numberOfBits != BITS_PER_WORD && (bits & (~0u << numberOfBits)) != 0, "Unsupported parameters"); /* any modulo 8 remainder of numTotalBits cannot be written this time, * and will be held until next time. */ uint32_t numTotalBits = numberOfBits + m_numHeldBits; uint32_t nextNumHeldBits = numTotalBits % BITS_PER_BYTE; /* form a byte aligned word (writeBits), by concatenating any held bits * with the new bits, discarding the bits that will form the nextHeldBits. * eg: H = held bits, V = n new bits /---- nextHeldBits * len(H)=7, len(V)=1: ... ---- HHHH HHHV . 0000 0000, nextNumHeldBits=0 * len(H)=7, len(V)=2: ... ---- HHHH HHHV . V000 0000, nextNumHeldBits=1 * if total_bits < 8, the value of v_ is not used */ uint8_t nextHeldBits = bits << (BITS_PER_BYTE - nextNumHeldBits); if (numTotalBits < BITS_PER_BYTE) { /* insufficient bits accumulated to write out, append new_held_bits to * current held_bits */ /* NB, this requires that v only contains 0 in bit positions {31..n} */ m_heldBits |= nextHeldBits; m_numHeldBits = nextNumHeldBits; return; } /* topword serves to justify held_bits to align with the msb of bits */ uint32_t topword = (numberOfBits - nextNumHeldBits) & ~BITS_PER_BYTE_MASK; uint32_t writeBits = (m_heldBits << topword) | (bits >> nextNumHeldBits); switch (numTotalBits >> BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2) { case 4: m_fifo.push_back(writeBits >> 3 * BITS_PER_BYTE); case 3: m_fifo.push_back(writeBits >> 2 * BITS_PER_BYTE); case 2: m_fifo.push_back(writeBits >> BITS_PER_BYTE); case 1: m_fifo.push_back(writeBits); } m_heldBits = nextHeldBits; m_numHeldBits = nextNumHeldBits; } void OutputBitstream::writeAlignOne() { const uint32_t numBits = getNumBitsUntilByteAligned(); write((1 << numBits) - 1, numBits); return; } void OutputBitstream::writeAlignZero() { if (0 == m_numHeldBits) { return; } m_fifo.push_back(m_heldBits); m_heldBits = 0; m_numHeldBits = 0; } /** - add substream to the end of the current bitstream . \param pcSubstream substream to be added */ void OutputBitstream::addSubstream( OutputBitstream* pcSubstream ) { uint32_t numBits = pcSubstream->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); const std::vector &rbsp = pcSubstream->getFifo(); for (const uint8_t byte: rbsp) { write(byte, BITS_PER_BYTE); } const uint32_t numTrailingBits = numBits & BITS_PER_BYTE_MASK; if (numTrailingBits != 0) { write(pcSubstream->getHeldBits() >> (BITS_PER_BYTE - numTrailingBits), numTrailingBits); } } void OutputBitstream::writeByteAlignment() { write(1, 1); writeAlignZero(); } int OutputBitstream::countStartCodeEmulations() { uint32_t cnt = 0; std::vector &rbsp = getFifo(); for (std::vector::iterator it = rbsp.begin(); it != rbsp.end();) { std::vector::iterator found = it; do { // find the next emulated 00 00 {00,01,02,03} // NB, end()-1, prevents finding a trailing two byte sequence found = search_n(found, rbsp.end()-1, 2, 0); found++; // if not found, found == end, otherwise found = second zero byte if (found == rbsp.end()) { break; } if (*(++found) <= 3) { break; } } while (true); it = found; if (found != rbsp.end()) { cnt++; } } return cnt; } /** * read numberOfBits from bitstream without updating the bitstream * state, storing the result in bits. * * If reading numberOfBits would overrun the bitstream buffer, * the bitstream is effectively padded with sufficient zero-bits to * avoid the overrun. */ void InputBitstream::pseudoRead(uint32_t numberOfBits, uint32_t &bits) { uint32_t savedNumHeldBits = m_numHeldBits; uint8_t savedHeldBits = m_heldBits; uint32_t savedFifoIdx = m_fifoIdx; uint32_t numBitsToRead = std::min(numberOfBits, getNumBitsLeft()); read(numBitsToRead, bits); bits <<= (numberOfBits - numBitsToRead); m_fifoIdx = savedFifoIdx; m_heldBits = savedHeldBits; m_numHeldBits = savedNumHeldBits; } void InputBitstream::read(uint32_t numberOfBits, uint32_t &ruiBits) { CHECK(numberOfBits > BITS_PER_WORD, "Too many bits read"); m_numBitsRead += numberOfBits; /* NB, bits are extracted from the MSB of each byte. */ uint32_t retval = 0; if (numberOfBits <= m_numHeldBits) { /* n=1, len(H)=7: -VHH HHHH, shift_down=6, mask=0xfe * n=3, len(H)=7: -VVV HHHH, shift_down=4, mask=0xf8 */ retval = m_heldBits >> (m_numHeldBits - numberOfBits); retval &= ~(BYTE_MASK << numberOfBits); m_numHeldBits -= numberOfBits; ruiBits = retval; return; } /* all num_held_bits will go into retval * => need to mask leftover bits from previous extractions * => align retval with top of extracted word */ /* n=5, len(H)=3: ---- -VVV, mask=0x07, shift_up=5-3=2, * n=9, len(H)=3: ---- -VVV, mask=0x07, shift_up=9-3=6 */ numberOfBits -= m_numHeldBits; retval = m_heldBits & ~(BYTE_MASK << m_numHeldBits); retval <<= numberOfBits; /* number of whole bytes that need to be loaded to form retval */ /* n=32, len(H)=0, load 4bytes, shift_down=0 * n=32, len(H)=1, load 4bytes, shift_down=1 * n=31, len(H)=1, load 4bytes, shift_down=1+1 * n=8, len(H)=0, load 1byte, shift_down=0 * n=8, len(H)=3, load 1byte, shift_down=3 * n=5, len(H)=1, load 1byte, shift_down=1+3 */ uint32_t alignedWord = 0; uint32_t num_bytes_to_load = (numberOfBits - 1) >> BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2; CHECK(m_fifoIdx + num_bytes_to_load >= m_fifo.size(), "Exceeded FIFO size"); switch (num_bytes_to_load) { case 3: alignedWord = m_fifo[m_fifoIdx++] << 3 * BITS_PER_BYTE; case 2: alignedWord |= m_fifo[m_fifoIdx++] << 2 * BITS_PER_BYTE; case 1: alignedWord |= m_fifo[m_fifoIdx++] << BITS_PER_BYTE; case 0: alignedWord |= m_fifo[m_fifoIdx++]; } /* resolve remainder bits */ uint32_t nextNumHeldBits = (BITS_PER_WORD - numberOfBits) % BITS_PER_BYTE; /* copy required part of alignedWord into retval */ retval |= alignedWord >> nextNumHeldBits; /* store held bits */ m_numHeldBits = nextNumHeldBits; m_heldBits = alignedWord; ruiBits = retval; } /** * insert the contents of the bytealigned (and flushed) bitstream src * into this at byte position pos. */ void OutputBitstream::insertAt(const OutputBitstream& src, uint32_t pos) { CHECK(0 != src.getNumberOfWrittenBits() % BITS_PER_BYTE, "Number of written bits is not a multiple of 8"); m_fifo.insert(m_fifo.begin() + pos, src.m_fifo.begin(), src.m_fifo.end()); } uint32_t InputBitstream::readOutTrailingBits () { uint32_t count = 0; uint32_t bits = 0; while (getNumBitsLeft() > 0 && getNumBitsUntilByteAligned() != 0) { count++; read(1, bits); } return count; } /** Extract substream from the current bitstream. \param numBits number of bits to transfer */ InputBitstream *InputBitstream::extractSubstream(uint32_t numBits) { uint32_t numBytes = numBits / BITS_PER_BYTE; InputBitstream *pResult = new InputBitstream; std::vector &buf = pResult->getFifo(); buf.reserve((numBits + BITS_PER_BYTE_MASK) >> BITS_PER_BYTE_LOG2); if (m_numHeldBits == 0) { const size_t currentOutputBufferSize = buf.size(); const uint32_t numBytesToReadFromFifo = std::min(numBytes, (uint32_t) m_fifo.size() - m_fifoIdx); buf.resize(currentOutputBufferSize + numBytes); if (!buf.empty()) { std::copy_n(&m_fifo[m_fifoIdx], numBytesToReadFromFifo, &buf[currentOutputBufferSize]); m_fifoIdx += numBytesToReadFromFifo; } if (numBytesToReadFromFifo != numBytes) { std::fill_n(&buf[currentOutputBufferSize + numBytesToReadFromFifo], numBytes - numBytesToReadFromFifo, 0); } } else { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numBytes; i++) { uint32_t byte; read(BITS_PER_BYTE, byte); buf.push_back(byte); } } const uint32_t numTrailingBits = numBits & BITS_PER_BYTE_MASK; if (numTrailingBits != 0) { uint32_t byte = 0; read(numTrailingBits, byte); byte <<= BITS_PER_BYTE - numTrailingBits; buf.push_back(byte); } return pResult; } uint32_t InputBitstream::readByteAlignment() { uint32_t code = 0; read( 1, code ); CHECK(code != 1, "Code is not '1'"); const uint32_t numBits = getNumBitsUntilByteAligned(); if (numBits > 0) { CHECK(numBits > getNumBitsLeft(), "More bits available than left"); read( numBits, code ); CHECK(code != 0, "Code not '0'"); } return numBits + 1; } //! \}