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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file MatrixIntraPrediction.cpp \brief matrix-based intra prediction class */ #include "MatrixIntraPrediction.h" #include "dtrace_next.h" #include "UnitTools.h" #include "MipData.h" MatrixIntraPrediction::MatrixIntraPrediction() : m_component(MAX_NUM_COMPONENT) , m_reducedBoundary(MIP_MAX_INPUT_SIZE) , m_reducedBoundaryTransposed(MIP_MAX_INPUT_SIZE) , m_inputOffset(0) , m_inputOffsetTransp(0) , m_refSamplesTop(MIP_MAX_WIDTH) , m_refSamplesLeft(MIP_MAX_HEIGHT) , m_blockSize(0, 0) , m_sizeId(MipSizeId::S0) , m_reducedBdrySize(0) , m_reducedPredSize(0) , m_upsmpFactorHor(0) , m_upsmpFactorVer(0) { } void MatrixIntraPrediction::prepareInputForPred(const CPelBuf &pSrc, const Area &block, const int bitDepth, const ComponentID compId) { m_component = compId; // Step 1: Save block size and calculate dependent values initPredBlockParams(block); // Step 2: Get the input data (left and top reference samples) m_refSamplesTop.resize(block.width); for (int x = 0; x < block.width; x++) { m_refSamplesTop[x] = pSrc.at(x + 1, 0); } m_refSamplesLeft.resize(block.height); for (int y = 0; y < block.height; y++) { m_refSamplesLeft[y] = pSrc.at(y + 1, 1); } // Step 3: Compute the reduced boundary via Haar-downsampling (input for the prediction) const int inputSize = 2 * m_reducedBdrySize; m_reducedBoundary .resize( inputSize ); m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.resize( inputSize ); Pel *const topReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data(); boundaryDownsampling1D( topReduced, m_refSamplesTop.data(), block.width, m_reducedBdrySize ); Pel *const leftReduced = m_reducedBoundary.data() + m_reducedBdrySize; boundaryDownsampling1D( leftReduced, m_refSamplesLeft.data(), block.height, m_reducedBdrySize ); Pel *const leftReducedTransposed = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data(); Pel *const topReducedTransposed = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() + m_reducedBdrySize; for( int x = 0; x < m_reducedBdrySize; x++ ) { topReducedTransposed[x] = topReduced[x]; } for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedBdrySize; y++ ) { leftReducedTransposed[y] = leftReduced[y]; } // Step 4: Rebase the reduced boundary m_inputOffset = m_reducedBoundary[0]; m_inputOffsetTransp = m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0]; const bool hasFirstCol = (m_sizeId < MipSizeId::S2); m_reducedBoundary [0] = hasFirstCol ? ((1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - m_inputOffset ) : 0; // first column of matrix not needed for large blocks m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[0] = hasFirstCol ? ((1 << (bitDepth - 1)) - m_inputOffsetTransp) : 0; for (int i = 1; i < inputSize; i++) { m_reducedBoundary [i] -= m_inputOffset; m_reducedBoundaryTransposed[i] -= m_inputOffsetTransp; } } void MatrixIntraPrediction::predBlock(Pel *const result, const int modeIdx, const bool transpose, const int bitDepth, const ComponentID compId) { CHECK(m_component != compId, "Boundary has not been prepared for this component."); const bool needUpsampling = ( m_upsmpFactorHor > 1 ) || ( m_upsmpFactorVer > 1 ); const uint8_t* matrix = getMatrixData(modeIdx); static_vector bufReducedPred(m_reducedPredSize * m_reducedPredSize); Pel *const reducedPred = needUpsampling ? bufReducedPred.data() : result; const Pel *const reducedBoundary = transpose ? m_reducedBoundaryTransposed.data() : m_reducedBoundary.data(); computeReducedPred(reducedPred, reducedBoundary, matrix, transpose, bitDepth); if( needUpsampling ) { predictionUpsampling( result, reducedPred ); } } MatrixIntraPrediction::MipSizeId MatrixIntraPrediction::getMipSizeId(const Size &block) { if (block.width == 4 && block.height == 4) { return MipSizeId::S0; } else if (block.width == 4 || block.height == 4 || (block.width == 8 && block.height == 8)) { return MipSizeId::S1; } else { return MipSizeId::S2; } } int MatrixIntraPrediction::getNumModesMip(const Size &block) { switch (getMipSizeId(block)) { case MipSizeId::S0: return 16; case MipSizeId::S1: return 8; case MipSizeId::S2: default: return 6; } } void MatrixIntraPrediction::initPredBlockParams(const Size& block) { m_blockSize = block; // init size index m_sizeId = getMipSizeId(block); // init reduced boundary size m_reducedBdrySize = (m_sizeId == MipSizeId::S0) ? 2 : 4; // init reduced prediction size m_reducedPredSize = (m_sizeId < MipSizeId::S2) ? 4 : 8; // init upsampling factors m_upsmpFactorHor = m_blockSize.width / m_reducedPredSize; m_upsmpFactorVer = m_blockSize.height / m_reducedPredSize; CHECKD( (m_upsmpFactorHor < 1) || ((m_upsmpFactorHor & (m_upsmpFactorHor - 1)) != 0), "Need power of two horizontal upsampling factor." ); CHECKD( (m_upsmpFactorVer < 1) || ((m_upsmpFactorVer & (m_upsmpFactorVer - 1)) != 0), "Need power of two vertical upsampling factor." ); } void MatrixIntraPrediction::boundaryDownsampling1D(Pel *reducedDst, const Pel *const fullSrc, const SizeType srcLen, const SizeType dstLen) { if (dstLen < srcLen) { // Create reduced boundary by downsampling const SizeType downsmpFactor = srcLen / dstLen; const int log2DownsmpFactor = floorLog2(downsmpFactor); const int roundingOffset = (1 << (log2DownsmpFactor - 1)); SizeType srcIdx = 0; for( SizeType dstIdx = 0; dstIdx < dstLen; dstIdx++ ) { int sum = 0; for( int k = 0; k < downsmpFactor; k++ ) { sum += fullSrc[srcIdx++]; } reducedDst[dstIdx] = (sum + roundingOffset) >> log2DownsmpFactor; } } else { // Copy boundary if no downsampling is needed for (SizeType i = 0; i < dstLen; ++i) { reducedDst[i] = fullSrc[i]; } } } void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling1D(Pel *const dst, const Pel *const src, const Pel *const bndry, const SizeType srcSizeUpsmpDim, const SizeType srcSizeOrthDim, const SizeType srcStep, const SizeType srcStride, const SizeType dstStep, const SizeType dstStride, const SizeType bndryStep, const unsigned int upsmpFactor) { const int log2UpsmpFactor = floorLog2( upsmpFactor ); CHECKD( upsmpFactor <= 1, "Upsampling factor must be at least 2." ); const int roundingOffset = 1 << (log2UpsmpFactor - 1); SizeType idxOrthDim = 0; const Pel *srcLine = src; Pel *dstLine = dst; const Pel *bndryLine = bndry + bndryStep - 1; while( idxOrthDim < srcSizeOrthDim ) { SizeType idxUpsmpDim = 0; const Pel *before = bndryLine; const Pel *behind = srcLine; Pel *currDst = dstLine; while( idxUpsmpDim < srcSizeUpsmpDim ) { SizeType pos = 1; int scaledBefore = ( *before ) << log2UpsmpFactor; int scaledBehind = 0; while( pos <= upsmpFactor ) { scaledBefore -= *before; scaledBehind += *behind; *currDst = (scaledBefore + scaledBehind + roundingOffset) >> log2UpsmpFactor; pos++; currDst += dstStep; } idxUpsmpDim++; before = behind; behind += srcStep; } idxOrthDim++; srcLine += srcStride; dstLine += dstStride; bndryLine += bndryStep; } } void MatrixIntraPrediction::predictionUpsampling(Pel *const dst, const Pel *const src) const { const Pel *verSrc = src; SizeType verSrcStep = m_blockSize.width; if( m_upsmpFactorHor > 1 ) { Pel *const horDst = dst + (m_upsmpFactorVer - 1) * m_blockSize.width; verSrc = horDst; verSrcStep *= m_upsmpFactorVer; predictionUpsampling1D( horDst, src, m_refSamplesLeft.data(), m_reducedPredSize, m_reducedPredSize, 1, m_reducedPredSize, 1, verSrcStep, m_upsmpFactorVer, m_upsmpFactorHor ); } if( m_upsmpFactorVer > 1 ) { predictionUpsampling1D( dst, verSrc, m_refSamplesTop.data(), m_reducedPredSize, m_blockSize.width, verSrcStep, 1, m_blockSize.width, 1, 1, m_upsmpFactorVer ); } } const uint8_t* MatrixIntraPrediction::getMatrixData(const int modeIdx) const { switch( m_sizeId ) { case MipSizeId::S0: return &mipMatrix4x4[modeIdx][0][0]; case MipSizeId::S1: return &mipMatrix8x8[modeIdx][0][0]; case MipSizeId::S2: default: return &mipMatrix16x16[modeIdx][0][0]; } } void MatrixIntraPrediction::computeReducedPred(Pel *const result, const Pel *const input, const uint8_t *matrix, const bool transpose, const int bitDepth) { const int inputSize = 2 * m_reducedBdrySize; // use local buffer for transposed result static_vector resBufTransposed(m_reducedPredSize * m_reducedPredSize); Pel *const resPtr = (transpose) ? resBufTransposed.data() : result; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; i++) { sum += input[i]; } const int offset = (1 << (MIP_SHIFT_MATRIX - 1)) - MIP_OFFSET_MATRIX * sum; CHECK( inputSize != 4 * (inputSize >> 2), "Error, input size not divisible by four" ); const uint8_t *weight = matrix; const int inputOffset = transpose ? m_inputOffsetTransp : m_inputOffset; const bool redSize = (m_sizeId == MipSizeId::S2); int posRes = 0; for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedPredSize; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < m_reducedPredSize; x++ ) { if (redSize) { weight -= 1; } int tmp0 = redSize ? 0 : (input[0] * weight[0]); int tmp1 = input[1] * weight[1]; int tmp2 = input[2] * weight[2]; int tmp3 = input[3] * weight[3]; for (int i = 4; i < inputSize; i += 4) { tmp0 += input[i] * weight[i]; tmp1 += input[i + 1] * weight[i + 1]; tmp2 += input[i + 2] * weight[i + 2]; tmp3 += input[i + 3] * weight[i + 3]; } resPtr[posRes++] = ClipBD(((tmp0 + tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3 + offset) >> MIP_SHIFT_MATRIX) + inputOffset, bitDepth); weight += inputSize; } } if( transpose ) { for( int y = 0; y < m_reducedPredSize; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < m_reducedPredSize; x++ ) { result[ y * m_reducedPredSize + x ] = resPtr[ x * m_reducedPredSize + y ]; } } } }