/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file UnitTool.h * \brief defines operations for basic units */ #ifndef __UNITTOOLS__ #define __UNITTOOLS__ #include "Unit.h" #include "UnitPartitioner.h" #include "ContextModelling.h" #include "InterPrediction.h" // CS tools namespace CS { UnitArea getArea ( const CodingStructure &cs, const UnitArea &area, const ChannelType chType ); bool isDualITree ( const CodingStructure &cs ); void setRefinedMotionField(CodingStructure &cs); } // namespace CS // CU tools namespace CU { static inline bool isIntra(const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode == MODE_INTRA; } static inline bool isInter(const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode == MODE_INTER; } static inline bool isIBC(const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode == MODE_IBC; } static inline bool isPLT(const CodingUnit &cu) { return cu.predMode == MODE_PLT; } bool isSameCtu (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSlice (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameTile (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSliceAndTile (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isSameSubPic (const CodingUnit &cu, const CodingUnit &cu2); bool isLastSubCUOfCtu (const CodingUnit &cu); uint32_t getCtuAddr (const CodingUnit &cu); int predictQP (const CodingUnit& cu, const int prevQP ); uint32_t getNumPUs (const CodingUnit& cu); void addPUs ( CodingUnit& cu); void saveMotionForHmvp(const CodingUnit &cu); PartSplit getSplitAtDepth (const CodingUnit& cu, const unsigned depth); ModeType getModeTypeAtDepth (const CodingUnit& cu, const unsigned depth); uint32_t getNumNonZeroCoeffNonTsCorner8x8( const CodingUnit& cu, const bool lumaFlag = true, const bool chromaFlag = true ); bool isPredRegDiffFromTB(const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool isFirstTBInPredReg(const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID, const CompArea &area); bool isMinWidthPredEnabledForBlkSize(const int w, const int h); void adjustPredArea(CompArea &area); bool isBcwIdxCoded (const CodingUnit& cu); uint8_t getValidBcwIdx(const CodingUnit &cu); bool bdpcmAllowed (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool isMTSAllowed (const CodingUnit& cu, const ComponentID compID); bool divideTuInRows ( const CodingUnit &cu ); PartSplit getISPType ( const CodingUnit &cu, const ComponentID compID ); bool isISPLast ( const CodingUnit &cu, const CompArea &tuArea, const ComponentID compID ); bool isISPFirst ( const CodingUnit &cu, const CompArea &tuArea, const ComponentID compID ); bool canUseISP ( const CodingUnit &cu, const ComponentID compID ); bool canUseISP ( const int width, const int height, const int maxTrSize = MAX_TB_SIZEY ); bool canUseLfnstWithISP(const CompArea &cuArea, ISPType ispSplitType); bool canUseLfnstWithISP ( const CodingUnit& cu, const ChannelType chType ); uint32_t getISPSplitDim ( const int width, const int height, const PartSplit ispType ); bool allLumaCBFsAreZero ( const CodingUnit& cu ); PUTraverser traversePUs ( CodingUnit& cu); TUTraverser traverseTUs ( CodingUnit& cu); cPUTraverser traversePUs (const CodingUnit& cu); cTUTraverser traverseTUs (const CodingUnit& cu); bool hasSubCUNonZeroMVd (const CodingUnit& cu); bool hasSubCUNonZeroAffineMVd ( const CodingUnit& cu ); uint8_t getSbtInfo (uint8_t idx, uint8_t pos); uint8_t getSbtIdx (const uint8_t sbtInfo); uint8_t getSbtPos (const uint8_t sbtInfo); uint8_t getSbtMode (const uint8_t sbtIdx, const uint8_t sbtPos); uint8_t getSbtIdxFromSbtMode (const uint8_t sbtMode); uint8_t getSbtPosFromSbtMode (const uint8_t sbtMode); uint8_t targetSbtAllowed (uint8_t idx, uint8_t sbtAllowed); uint8_t numSbtModeRdo (uint8_t sbtAllowed); bool isSbtMode (const uint8_t sbtInfo); bool isSameSbtSize (const uint8_t sbtInfo1, const uint8_t sbtInfo2); bool getRprScaling(const SPS *sps, const PPS *curPPS, Picture *refPic, ScalingRatio &scalingRatio); void checkConformanceILRP (Slice *slice); } // PU tools namespace PU { int getLMSymbolList(const PredictionUnit &pu, int *modeList); int getIntraMPMs(const PredictionUnit &pu, unsigned *mpm); bool isMIP(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ChannelType chType = ChannelType::LUMA); bool isDMChromaMIP(const PredictionUnit &pu); uint32_t getIntraDirLuma(const PredictionUnit &pu); void getIntraChromaCandModes(const PredictionUnit &pu, unsigned modeList[NUM_CHROMA_MODE]); uint32_t getFinalIntraMode(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ChannelType &chType); uint32_t getCoLocatedIntraLumaMode(const PredictionUnit &pu); int getWideAngle(const TransformUnit &tu, const uint32_t dirMode, const ComponentID compID); const PredictionUnit &getCoLocatedLumaPU(const PredictionUnit &pu); void getInterMergeCandidates(const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, int mmvdList, const int &mrgCandIdx = -1); void getIBCMergeCandidates (const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx& mrgCtx, const int& mrgCandIdx = -1); void getInterMMVDMergeCandidates(const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx); int getDistScaleFactor(const int &currPOC, const int &currRefPOC, const int &colPOC, const int &colRefPOC); bool isDiffMER (const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2, const unsigned plevel); bool getColocatedMVP (const PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const Position &pos, Mv& rcMv, const int &refIdx, bool sbFlag); void fillMvpCand ( PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &refIdx, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo ); void fillIBCMvpCand (PredictionUnit &pu, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo); void fillAffineMvpCand ( PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &refIdx, AffineAMVPInfo &affiAMVPInfo); bool addMVPCandUnscaled(const PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const int &refIdx, const Position &pos, const MvpDir &eDir, AMVPInfo &amvpInfo); #if GDR_ENABLED void xInheritedAffineMv(const PredictionUnit &pu, const PredictionUnit *puNeighbour, RefPicList eRefPicList, Mv rcMv[3], bool rcMvSolid[3], MvpType rcMvType[3], Position rcMvPos[3]); #endif void xInheritedAffineMv ( const PredictionUnit &pu, const PredictionUnit* puNeighbour, RefPicList eRefPicList, Mv rcMv[3] ); bool addMergeHmvpCand(const CodingStructure &cs, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, const int &mrgCandIdx, const uint32_t maxNumMergeCandMin1, int &cnt, const bool isAvailableA1, const MotionInfo &miLeft, const bool isAvailableB1, const MotionInfo &miAbove, const bool ibcFlag, const bool isGt4x4 #if GDR_ENABLED , const PredictionUnit &pu, bool &allCandSolidInAbove #endif ); void addAMVPHMVPCand (const PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList eRefPicList, const int currRefPOC, AMVPInfo &info); bool addAffineMVPCandUnscaled ( const PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &refPicList, const int &refIdx, const Position &pos, const MvpDir &dir, AffineAMVPInfo &affiAmvpInfo ); bool isBipredRestriction (const PredictionUnit &pu); void spanMotionInfo ( PredictionUnit &pu, const MergeCtx &mrgCtx = MergeCtx() ); #if JVET_AC0139_UNIFIED_MERGE void spanMotionInfo ( PredictionUnit &pu, const MotionBuf& subPuMvpMiBuf); #endif void applyImv(PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, InterPrediction *interPred = nullptr); #if GDR_ENABLED void getAffineControlPointCand(const PredictionUnit& pu, MotionInfo mi[4], bool isAvailable[4], int verIdx[4], int8_t bcwIdx, int modelIdx, int verNum, AffineMergeCtx& affMrgCtx, bool isEncodeGdrClean, bool modelSolid[6]); #else void getAffineControlPointCand(const PredictionUnit &pu, MotionInfo mi[4], bool isAvailable[4], int verIdx[4], int8_t bcwIdx, int modelIdx, int verNum, AffineMergeCtx& affMrgCtx); #endif void getAffineMergeCand( const PredictionUnit &pu, AffineMergeCtx& affMrgCtx, const int mrgCandIdx = -1 ); void setAllAffineMvField(PredictionUnit &pu, std::array &mvField, RefPicList eRefList); void setAllAffineMv ( PredictionUnit &pu, Mv affLT, Mv affRT, Mv affLB, RefPicList eRefList, bool clipCPMVs = false ); bool getInterMergeSubPuMvpCand(const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, const int count, int mmvdList); bool getInterMergeSubPuRecurCand(const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &mrgCtx, const int count); bool isSimpleSymmetricBiPred(const PredictionUnit &pu); void restrictBiPredMergeCandsOne (PredictionUnit &pu); bool isLMCMode ( unsigned mode); bool isLMCModeEnabled(const PredictionUnit &pu, unsigned mode); void getGeoMergeCandidates (const PredictionUnit &pu, MergeCtx &GeoMrgCtx); void spanGeoMotionInfo(PredictionUnit &pu, const MergeCtx &GeoMrgCtx, const uint8_t splitDir, const MergeIdxPair &candIdx); bool addNeighborMv (const Mv& currMv, static_vector& neighborMvs); void getIbcMVPsEncOnly(PredictionUnit &pu, static_vector& mvPred); bool getDerivedBV(PredictionUnit &pu, const Mv& currentMv, Mv& derivedMv); bool checkDMVRCondition(const PredictionUnit& pu); void getNeighborAffineInfo(const PredictionUnit& pu, int& numNeighborAvai, int& numNeighborAffine); static inline bool dmvrBdofSizeCheck(const PredictionUnit &pu) { return pu.lheight() >= 8 && pu.lwidth() >= 8 && pu.lheight() * pu.lwidth() >= 128; } } // TU tools namespace TU { uint32_t getNumNonZeroCoeffsNonTSCorner8x8(const TransformUnit &tu, const bool hasLuma = true, const bool hasChroma = true); bool isNonTransformedResidualRotated(const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID); bool getCbf (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID); bool getCbfAtDepth (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const unsigned &depth); void setCbfAtDepth ( TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const unsigned &depth, const bool &cbf); bool isTSAllowed (const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID); bool needsSqrt2Scale ( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID ); bool needsBlockSizeTrafoScale ( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID ); TransformUnit* getPrevTU ( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID ); bool getPrevTuCbfAtDepth( const TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID compID, const int trDepth ); int getICTMode ( const TransformUnit &tu, int jointCbCr = -1 ); } uint32_t getCtuAddr(const Position &pos, const PreCalcValues &pcv); bool allowLfnstWithMip(const Size& block); #if GREEN_METADATA_SEI_ENABLED void writeGMFAOutput(FeatureCounterStruct& featureCounter, FeatureCounterStruct& featureCounterReference, std::string GMFAFile, bool lastFrame); void featureToFile(std::ofstream& featureFile,int featureCounterReference[MAX_CU_DEPTH+1][MAX_CU_DEPTH+1], std::string featureName,bool calcDifference=false,int featureCounter[MAX_CU_DEPTH+1][MAX_CU_DEPTH+1]=NULL); void countFeatures (FeatureCounterStruct& featureCounterStruct, CodingStructure& cs, const UnitArea& ctuArea); #endif template uint32_t updateCandList(T mode, double uiCost, static_vector &candModeList, static_vector &candCostList, size_t uiFastCandNum = N, int *iserttPos = nullptr) { CHECK( std::min( uiFastCandNum, candModeList.size() ) != std::min( uiFastCandNum, candCostList.size() ), "Sizes do not match!" ); CHECK( uiFastCandNum > candModeList.capacity(), "The vector is to small to hold all the candidates!" ); size_t i; size_t shift = 0; size_t currSize = std::min( uiFastCandNum, candCostList.size() ); while( shift < uiFastCandNum && shift < currSize && uiCost < candCostList[currSize - 1 - shift] ) { shift++; } if( candModeList.size() >= uiFastCandNum && shift != 0 ) { for( i = 1; i < shift; i++ ) { candModeList[currSize - i] = candModeList[currSize - 1 - i]; candCostList[currSize - i] = candCostList[currSize - 1 - i]; } candModeList[currSize - shift] = mode; candCostList[currSize - shift] = uiCost; if (iserttPos != nullptr) { *iserttPos = int(currSize - shift); } return 1; } else if( currSize < uiFastCandNum ) { candModeList.insert(candModeList.end() - shift, mode); candCostList.insert( candCostList.end() - shift, uiCost ); if (iserttPos != nullptr) { *iserttPos = int(candModeList.size() - shift - 1); } return 1; } if (iserttPos != nullptr) { *iserttPos = -1; } return 0; } #endif