VuiParametersPresent: 1 // enable VUI ProgressiveSource: 1 // indicates if content is progressive InterlacedSource: 0 // indicates if content is interlaced NonPackedSourceConstraintFlag: 1 // indicates if content is not packed NonProjectedConstraintFlag: 1 // indicates if content is not projected AspectRatioInfoPresent: 1 // enable presence of sample aspect ratio information AspectRatioIdc: 1 // sample aspect ratio pre-defined types according to Rec. ITU-T H.273 | ISO/IEC 23091-2 SarWidth: 1 // sample aspect ratio width, if AspectRatioIdc is equal to 255 SarHeight: 1 // sample aspect ratio height, if AspectRatioIdc is equal to 255 OverscanInfoPresent: 1 // enable presence of overscan information OverscanAppropriate: 0 // indicates if the cropped decoded pictures output are suitable for display using overscan ColourDescriptionPresent: 1 // enable presence of colour description information ColourPrimaries: 1 // the source colour primaries according to Rec. ITU-T H.273 | ISO/IEC 23091-2 TransferCharacteristics: 1 // transfer characteristics function according to Rec. ITU-T H.273 | ISO/IEC 23091-2 MatrixCoefficients: 1 // the formulae used in deriving luma and chroma signals acc. to Rec. ITU-T H.273 | ISO/IEC 23091-2 VideoFullRange: 0 // scaling and offset values applied according to Rec. ITU-T H.273 | ISO/IEC 23091-2 ChromaLocInfoPresent: 1 // enable presence of chroma location information ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField: 0 // the location of chroma sample top field ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField: 0 // the location of chroma sample bottom field ChromaSampleLocType: 0 // the location of chroma sample frame