/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file VLCWriter.h * \brief Writer for high level syntax */ #ifndef __VLCWRITER__ #define __VLCWRITER__ #include "CommonLib/CommonDef.h" #include "CommonLib/BitStream.h" #include "CommonLib/Rom.h" #include "CommonLib/Slice.h" #include "CABACWriter.h" //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ #if ENABLE_TRACING extern bool g_HLSTraceEnable; #endif class VLCWriter { protected: OutputBitstream* m_pcBitIf; VLCWriter() : m_pcBitIf(nullptr) {} virtual ~VLCWriter() {} void setBitstream ( OutputBitstream* p ) { m_pcBitIf = p; } OutputBitstream* getBitstream( ) { return m_pcBitIf; } void xWriteSCode ( int value, uint32_t length, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteCode ( uint32_t value, uint32_t length, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteUvlc ( uint32_t value, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteSvlc ( int value, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteFlag ( uint32_t value, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteString ( const std::string &value, const char *symbolName ); void xWriteRbspTrailingBits(); bool isByteAligned() { return (m_pcBitIf->getNumBitsUntilByteAligned() == 0); } ; private: void xWriteVlc ( uint32_t value ); }; class AUDWriter : public VLCWriter { public: AUDWriter() {}; virtual ~AUDWriter() {}; void codeAUD(OutputBitstream& bs, const bool audIrapOrGdrAuFlag, const int pictureType); }; class FDWriter : public VLCWriter { public: FDWriter() {}; virtual ~FDWriter() {}; void codeFD(OutputBitstream& bs, uint32_t &fdSize); }; class HLSWriter : public VLCWriter { public: HLSWriter() {} virtual ~HLSWriter() {} private: void xCodeRefPicList( const ReferencePictureList* rpl, bool isLongTermPresent, uint32_t ltLsbBitsCount, const bool isForbiddenZeroDeltaPoc, int rplIdx); bool xFindMatchingLTRP ( Slice* pcSlice, uint32_t *ltrpsIndex, int ltrpPOC, bool usedFlag ); void xCodePredWeightTable ( Slice* pcSlice ); void xCodePredWeightTable ( PicHeader *picHeader, const PPS *pps, const SPS *sps ); void xCodeScalingList ( const ScalingList* scalingList, uint32_t scalinListId, bool isPredictor); public: void setBitstream ( OutputBitstream* p ) { m_pcBitIf = p; } uint32_t getNumberOfWrittenBits () { return m_pcBitIf->getNumberOfWrittenBits(); } void codeVUI ( const VUI *pcVUI, const SPS* pcSPS ); void codeSPS ( const SPS* pcSPS ); void codePPS ( const PPS* pcPPS ); void codeAPS ( APS* pcAPS ); void codeAlfAps ( APS* pcAPS ); void codeLmcsAps ( APS* pcAPS ); void codeScalingListAps ( APS* pcAPS ); void codeVPS ( const VPS* pcVPS ); void codeDCI ( const DCI* dci ); void codePictureHeader ( PicHeader* picHeader, bool writeRbspTrailingBits, Slice *slice = 0 ); void codeSliceHeader ( Slice* pcSlice, PicHeader *picheader = 0 ); void codeOPI ( const OPI* opi ); void codeConstraintInfo ( const ConstraintInfo* cinfo, const ProfileTierLevel* ptl ); void codeProfileTierLevel ( const ProfileTierLevel* ptl, bool profileTierPresentFlag, int maxNumSubLayersMinus1 ); void codeOlsHrdParameters(const GeneralHrdParams * generalHrd, const OlsHrdParams *olsHrd , const uint32_t firstSubLayer, const uint32_t maxNumSubLayersMinus1); void codeGeneralHrdparameters(const GeneralHrdParams *hrd); void codeTilesWPPEntryPoint ( Slice* pSlice ); void codeScalingList(const ScalingList &scalingList, bool aps_chromaPresentFlag); void alfFilter( const AlfParam& alfParam, const bool isChroma, const int altIdx ); void dpb_parameters(int maxSubLayersMinus1, bool subLayerInfoFlag, const SPS *pcSPS); private: }; //! \} #endif