/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2023, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file Prediction.cpp \brief prediction class */ #include "InterPrediction.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "UnitTools.h" #include "MCTS.h" #include #include //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ const std::array InterPrediction::m_dmvrSearchOffsets = { Mv(-2, -2), Mv(-1, -2), Mv(0, -2), Mv(1, -2), Mv(2, -2), Mv(-2, -1), Mv(-1, -1), Mv(0, -1), Mv(1, -1), Mv(2, -1), Mv(-2, 0), Mv(-1, 0), Mv(0, 0), Mv(1, 0), Mv(2, 0), Mv(-2, 1), Mv(-1, 1), Mv(0, 1), Mv(1, 1), Mv(2, 1), Mv(-2, 2), Mv(-1, 2), Mv(0, 2), Mv(1, 2), Mv(2, 2) }; // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialize // ==================================================================================================================== InterPrediction::InterPrediction() : m_currChromaFormat(NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT) , m_maxCompIDToPred(MAX_NUM_COMPONENT) , m_pcRdCost(nullptr) , m_storedMv(nullptr) , m_gradX0(nullptr) , m_gradY0(nullptr) , m_gradX1(nullptr) , m_gradY1(nullptr) , m_IBCBufferWidth(0) { for( uint32_t ch = 0; ch < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; ch++ ) { for( uint32_t refList = 0; refList < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; refList++ ) { m_acYuvPred[refList][ch] = nullptr; } } for( uint32_t c = 0; c < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; c++ ) { for( uint32_t i = 0; i < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; i++ ) { for( uint32_t j = 0; j < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; j++ ) { m_filteredBlock[i][j][c] = nullptr; } m_filteredBlockTmp[i][c] = nullptr; } } for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { m_yuvPredTempDmvr[l] = nullptr; for (uint32_t ch = 0; ch < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; ch++) { m_refSamplesDmvr[l][ch] = nullptr; } } } InterPrediction::~InterPrediction() { destroy(); } void InterPrediction::destroy() { for( uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; i++ ) { for( uint32_t c = 0; c < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; c++ ) { xFree( m_acYuvPred[i][c] ); m_acYuvPred[i][c] = nullptr; } } for( uint32_t c = 0; c < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; c++ ) { for( uint32_t i = 0; i < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; i++ ) { for( uint32_t j = 0; j < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; j++ ) { xFree( m_filteredBlock[i][j][c] ); m_filteredBlock[i][j][c] = nullptr; } xFree( m_filteredBlockTmp[i][c] ); m_filteredBlockTmp[i][c] = nullptr; } } m_geoPartBuf[0].destroy(); m_geoPartBuf[1].destroy(); m_colorTransResiBuf[0].destroy(); m_colorTransResiBuf[1].destroy(); m_colorTransResiBuf[2].destroy(); if (m_storedMv != nullptr) { delete[]m_storedMv; m_storedMv = nullptr; } xFree(m_gradX0); m_gradX0 = nullptr; xFree(m_gradY0); m_gradY0 = nullptr; xFree(m_gradX1); m_gradX1 = nullptr; xFree(m_gradY1); m_gradY1 = nullptr; xFree(m_filteredBlockTmpRPR); m_filteredBlockTmpRPR = nullptr; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { xFree(m_yuvPredTempDmvr[l]); m_yuvPredTempDmvr[l] = nullptr; for (uint32_t ch = 0; ch < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; ch++) { xFree(m_refSamplesDmvr[l][ch]); m_refSamplesDmvr[l][ch] = nullptr; } } m_IBCBuffer.destroy(); } void InterPrediction::init( RdCost* pcRdCost, ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, const int ctuSize ) { m_pcRdCost = pcRdCost; // if it has been initialised before, but the chroma format has changed, release the memory and start again. if( m_acYuvPred[REF_PIC_LIST_0][COMPONENT_Y] != nullptr && m_currChromaFormat != chromaFormatIDC ) { destroy(); } m_currChromaFormat = chromaFormatIDC; if( m_acYuvPred[REF_PIC_LIST_0][COMPONENT_Y] == nullptr ) // check if first is null (in which case, nothing initialised yet) { for( uint32_t c = 0; c < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; c++ ) { int extWidth = MAX_CU_SIZE + std::max(2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 18, DMVR_SPAN + 15); int extHeight = MAX_CU_SIZE + std::max(2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 3, DMVR_SPAN); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; i++ ) { m_filteredBlockTmp[i][c] = ( Pel* ) xMalloc( Pel, ( extWidth + 4 ) * ( extHeight + 7 + 4 ) ); for( uint32_t j = 0; j < LUMA_INTERPOLATION_FILTER_SUB_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_SIGNAL; j++ ) { m_filteredBlock[i][j][c] = ( Pel* ) xMalloc( Pel, extWidth * extHeight ); } } // new structure for( uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; i++ ) { m_acYuvPred[i][c] = ( Pel* ) xMalloc( Pel, MAX_CU_SIZE * MAX_CU_SIZE ); } } m_geoPartBuf[0].create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, MAX_CU_SIZE, MAX_CU_SIZE))); m_geoPartBuf[1].create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, MAX_CU_SIZE, MAX_CU_SIZE))); m_colorTransResiBuf[0].create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, MAX_CU_SIZE, MAX_CU_SIZE))); m_colorTransResiBuf[1].create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, MAX_CU_SIZE, MAX_CU_SIZE))); m_colorTransResiBuf[2].create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, MAX_CU_SIZE, MAX_CU_SIZE))); m_gradX0 = (Pel*)xMalloc(Pel, BIO_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE); m_gradY0 = (Pel*)xMalloc(Pel, BIO_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE); m_gradX1 = (Pel*)xMalloc(Pel, BIO_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE); m_gradY1 = (Pel*)xMalloc(Pel, BIO_TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE); m_filteredBlockTmpRPR = (Pel *) xMalloc(Pel, TMP_RPR_WIDTH * TMP_RPR_HEIGHT); } if (m_yuvPredTempDmvr[REF_PIC_LIST_0] == nullptr) { constexpr size_t w0 = DMVR_SUBCU_WIDTH + DMVR_SPAN - 1; constexpr size_t h0 = DMVR_SUBCU_HEIGHT + DMVR_SPAN - 1; constexpr size_t w1 = DMVR_SUBCU_WIDTH + DMVR_SPAN - 1 + NTAPS_LUMA; constexpr size_t h1 = DMVR_SUBCU_HEIGHT + DMVR_SPAN - 1 + NTAPS_LUMA; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { m_yuvPredTempDmvr[l] = (Pel *) xMalloc(Pel, w0 * h0); for (uint32_t ch = 0; ch < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; ch++) { m_refSamplesDmvr[l][ch] = (Pel *) xMalloc(Pel, w1 * h1); } } } #if !JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE m_if.initInterpolationFilter( true ); #endif if (m_storedMv == nullptr) { m_storedMv = new Mv[MVBUFFER_SIZE*MVBUFFER_SIZE]; } if (m_IBCBufferWidth != IBC_BUFFER_SIZE / ctuSize) { m_IBCBuffer.destroy(); } if (m_IBCBuffer.bufs.empty()) { m_IBCBufferWidth = IBC_BUFFER_SIZE / ctuSize; m_IBCBuffer.create(UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, m_IBCBufferWidth, ctuSize))); } } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== bool InterPrediction::xCheckIdenticalMotion( const PredictionUnit &pu ) { const Slice &slice = *pu.cs->slice; if( slice.isInterB() && !pu.cs->pps->getWPBiPred() ) { if( pu.refIdx[0] >= 0 && pu.refIdx[1] >= 0 ) { const Picture *refPicL0 = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, pu.refIdx[0]); const Picture *refPicL1 = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, pu.refIdx[1]); if (refPicL0 == refPicL1) { if( !pu.cu->affine ) { if( pu.mv[0] == pu.mv[1] ) { return true; } } else { if (pu.mvAffi[0][0] == pu.mvAffi[1][0] && pu.mvAffi[0][1] == pu.mvAffi[1][1] && (pu.cu->affineType == AffineModel::_4_PARAMS || pu.mvAffi[0][2] == pu.mvAffi[1][2])) { return true; } } } } } return false; } void InterPrediction::xSubPuMC(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &predBuf, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, const bool luma, const bool chroma) { // compute the location of the current PU Position puPos = pu.lumaPos(); Size puSize = pu.lumaSize(); int numPartLine, numPartCol, puHeight, puWidth; { numPartLine = std::max(puSize.width >> ATMVP_SUB_BLOCK_SIZE, 1u); numPartCol = std::max(puSize.height >> ATMVP_SUB_BLOCK_SIZE, 1u); puHeight = numPartCol == 1 ? puSize.height : 1 << ATMVP_SUB_BLOCK_SIZE; puWidth = numPartLine == 1 ? puSize.width : 1 << ATMVP_SUB_BLOCK_SIZE; } PredictionUnit subPu; subPu.cs = pu.cs; subPu.cu = pu.cu; subPu.mergeType = MergeType::DEFAULT_N; bool isAffine = pu.cu->affine; subPu.cu->affine = false; // join sub-pus containing the same motion bool verMC = puSize.height > puSize.width; int fstStart = (!verMC ? puPos.y : puPos.x); int secStart = (!verMC ? puPos.x : puPos.y); int fstEnd = (!verMC ? puPos.y + puSize.height : puPos.x + puSize.width); int secEnd = (!verMC ? puPos.x + puSize.width : puPos.y + puSize.height); int fstStep = (!verMC ? puHeight : puWidth); int secStep = (!verMC ? puWidth : puHeight); bool scaled = pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) || ( pu.cs->slice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE ? pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) : false ); for (int fstDim = fstStart; fstDim < fstEnd; fstDim += fstStep) { for (int secDim = secStart; secDim < secEnd; secDim += secStep) { int x = !verMC ? secDim : fstDim; int y = !verMC ? fstDim : secDim; const MotionInfo &curMi = pu.getMotionInfo(Position{ x, y }); int length = secStep; int later = secDim + secStep; while (later < secEnd) { const MotionInfo &laterMi = !verMC ? pu.getMotionInfo(Position{ later, fstDim }) : pu.getMotionInfo(Position{ fstDim, later }); if (!scaled && laterMi == curMi) { length += secStep; } else { break; } later += secStep; } int dx = !verMC ? length : puWidth; int dy = !verMC ? puHeight : length; subPu.UnitArea::operator=(UnitArea(pu.chromaFormat, Area(x, y, dx, dy))); subPu = curMi; PelUnitBuf subPredBuf = predBuf.subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); subPu.mmvdEncOptMode = 0; motionCompensation(subPu, subPredBuf, eRefPicList, luma, chroma, nullptr, true); secDim = later - secStep; } } pu.cu->affine = isAffine; } void InterPrediction::xSubPuBio(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &predBuf, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, PelUnitBuf *yuvDstTmp) { // compute the location of the current PU Position puPos = pu.lumaPos(); Size puSize = pu.lumaSize(); #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(true); int mvShift = (MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL); for (int k = 0; k < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; k++) { RefPicList refId = (RefPicList)k; const Picture* refPic = pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(refId, pu.refIdx[refId]); for (int compID = 0; compID < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compID++) { Mv cMv = pu.mv[refId]; int mvshiftTemp = mvShift + getComponentScaleX((ComponentID)compID, pu.chromaFormat); int filtersize = (compID == (COMPONENT_Y)) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA; cMv += Mv(-(((filtersize >> 1) - 1) << mvshiftTemp), -(((filtersize >> 1) - 1) << mvshiftTemp)); bool wrapRef = false; if ( pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(refId, pu.refIdx[refId])->isWrapAroundEnabled( pu.cs->pps ) ) { wrapRef = wrapClipMv(cMv, pu.blocks[0].pos(), pu.blocks[0].size(), pu.cs->sps, pu.cs->pps); } else { clipMv(cMv, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), *pu.cs->sps, *pu.cs->pps); } int width = predBuf.bufs[compID].width + (filtersize - 1); int height = predBuf.bufs[compID].height + (filtersize - 1); CPelBuf refBuf; Position recOffset = pu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(cMv.getHor() >> mvshiftTemp, cMv.getVer() >> mvshiftTemp); refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf(CompArea((ComponentID)compID, pu.chromaFormat, recOffset, pu.blocks[compID].size()), wrapRef); JVET_J0090_SET_REF_PICTURE(refPic, (ComponentID)compID); for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { JVET_J0090_CACHE_ACCESS(((Pel *)refBuf.buf) + row * refBuf.stride + col, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } } } JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); #endif PredictionUnit subPu; subPu.cs = pu.cs; subPu.cu = pu.cu; subPu.mergeType = pu.mergeType; subPu.mmvdMergeFlag = pu.mmvdMergeFlag; subPu.mmvdEncOptMode = pu.mmvdEncOptMode; subPu.mergeFlag = pu.mergeFlag; subPu.ciipFlag = pu.ciipFlag; subPu.refIdx[0] = pu.refIdx[0]; subPu.refIdx[1] = pu.refIdx[1]; int fstStart = puPos.y; int secStart = puPos.x; int fstEnd = puPos.y + puSize.height; int secEnd = puPos.x + puSize.width; int fstStep = std::min((int)MAX_BDOF_APPLICATION_REGION, (int)puSize.height); int secStep = std::min((int)MAX_BDOF_APPLICATION_REGION, (int)puSize.width); for (int fstDim = fstStart; fstDim < fstEnd; fstDim += fstStep) { for (int secDim = secStart; secDim < secEnd; secDim += secStep) { int x = secDim; int y = fstDim; int dx = secStep; int dy = fstStep; const MotionInfo &curMi = pu.getMotionInfo(Position{ x, y }); subPu.UnitArea::operator=(UnitArea(pu.chromaFormat, Area(x, y, dx, dy))); subPu = curMi; PelUnitBuf subPredBuf = predBuf.subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); if (yuvDstTmp) { PelUnitBuf subPredBufTmp = yuvDstTmp->subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); motionCompensation(subPu, subPredBuf, eRefPicList, true, true, &subPredBufTmp, false); } else { motionCompensation(subPu, subPredBuf, eRefPicList); } } } JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(true); } void InterPrediction::xPredInterUni(const PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList &eRefPicList, PelUnitBuf &pcYuvPred, const bool bi, const bool bioApplied, const bool luma, const bool chroma) { const SPS &sps = *pu.cs->sps; int refIdx = pu.refIdx[eRefPicList]; Mv mv[3]; bool isIBC = false; CHECK( !CU::isIBC( *pu.cu ) && pu.lwidth() == 4 && pu.lheight() == 4, "invalid 4x4 inter blocks" ); if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { isIBC = true; } if( pu.cu->affine ) { CHECK(refIdx < 0, "refIdx incorrect."); mv[0] = pu.mvAffi[eRefPicList][0]; mv[1] = pu.mvAffi[eRefPicList][1]; mv[2] = pu.mvAffi[eRefPicList][2]; } else { mv[0] = pu.mv[eRefPicList]; } if( !pu.cu->affine ) { if (!isIBC && pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, refIdx)->isRefScaled(pu.cs->pps) == false) { if( !pu.cs->pps->getWrapAroundEnabledFlag() ) { clipMv( mv[0], pu.cu->lumaPos(), pu.cu->lumaSize(), sps, *pu.cs->pps ); } } } for( uint32_t comp = COMPONENT_Y; comp < pcYuvPred.bufs.size() && comp <= m_maxCompIDToPred; comp++ ) { const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( comp ); if (compID == COMPONENT_Y && !luma) { continue; } if (compID != COMPONENT_Y && !chroma) { continue; } if ( pu.cu->affine ) { CHECK(bioApplied, "BIO is not allowed with affine"); bool genChromaMv = (!luma && chroma && compID == COMPONENT_Cb); xPredAffineBlk(compID, pu, pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, refIdx)->unscaledPic, mv, pcYuvPred, bi, pu.cu->slice->clpRng(compID), genChromaMv, pu.cu->slice->getScalingRatio(eRefPicList, refIdx)); } else { if (isIBC) { xPredInterBlk(compID, pu, pu.cu->slice->getPic(), mv[0], pcYuvPred, bi, pu.cu->slice->clpRng(compID), bioApplied, isIBC, eRefPicList); } else { xPredInterBlk(compID, pu, pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, refIdx)->unscaledPic, mv[0], pcYuvPred, bi, pu.cu->slice->clpRng(compID), bioApplied, isIBC, pu.cu->slice->getScalingRatio(eRefPicList, refIdx), false, nullptr, 0, isLuma(compID) && bioApplied ? m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + eRefPicList][compID] : nullptr); } } } } void InterPrediction::xPredInterBi(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &pcYuvPred, const bool luma, const bool chroma, PelUnitBuf *yuvPredTmp, const bool isSubPu) { const PPS &pps = *pu.cs->pps; const Slice &slice = *pu.cs->slice; const int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; const int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; CHECK(!pu.cu->affine && refIdx0 >= 0 && refIdx1 >= 0 && pu.lwidth() + pu.lheight() == 12, "invalid 4x8/8x4 bi-predicted blocks"); bool bioApplied = false; if (pu.cs->sps->getBDOFEnabledFlag() && !pu.cs->picHeader->getBdofDisabledFlag()) { if (pu.cu->affine || isSubPu) { bioApplied = false; } else { bioApplied = PU::isSimpleSymmetricBiPred(pu) && PU::dmvrBdofSizeCheck(pu) && !pu.ciipFlag && !pu.cu->smvdMode; } } if (pu.mmvdEncOptMode == 2 && pu.mmvdMergeFlag) { bioApplied = false; } if (!luma) { bioApplied = false; } bool dmvrApplied = !isSubPu && PU::checkDMVRCondition(pu); bool refIsScaled = ( refIdx0 < 0 ? false : pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx0 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) ) || ( refIdx1 < 0 ? false : pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx1 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) ); dmvrApplied = dmvrApplied && !refIsScaled; bioApplied = bioApplied && !refIsScaled; for (uint32_t refList = 0; refList < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; refList++) { if( pu.refIdx[refList] < 0) { continue; } RefPicList eRefPicList = (refList ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0); CHECK(CU::isIBC(*pu.cu) && eRefPicList != REF_PIC_LIST_0, "Invalid interdir for ibc mode"); CHECK(CU::isIBC(*pu.cu) && pu.refIdx[refList] != IBC_REF_IDX, "Invalid reference index for ibc mode"); CHECK((CU::isInter(*pu.cu) && pu.refIdx[refList] >= slice.getNumRefIdx(eRefPicList)), "Invalid reference index"); PelUnitBuf pcMbBuf = ( pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ? PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[refList][0], pcYuvPred.Y())) : PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[refList][0], pcYuvPred.Y()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[refList][1], pcYuvPred.Cb()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[refList][2], pcYuvPred.Cr())) ); if (pu.refIdx[0] >= 0 && pu.refIdx[1] >= 0) { if (dmvrApplied) { if (yuvPredTmp) { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, pcMbBuf, true, false, luma, chroma); } continue; } xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, pcMbBuf, true, bioApplied, luma, chroma); } else { if( ( (pps.getUseWP() && slice.getSliceType() == P_SLICE) || (pps.getWPBiPred() && slice.getSliceType() == B_SLICE) ) ) { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, pcMbBuf, true, bioApplied, luma, chroma); } else { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, pcMbBuf, pu.cu->geoFlag, bioApplied, luma, chroma); } } } CPelUnitBuf srcPred0 = ( pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ? CPelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[0][0], pcYuvPred.Y())) : CPelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[0][0], pcYuvPred.Y()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[0][1], pcYuvPred.Cb()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[0][2], pcYuvPred.Cr())) ); CPelUnitBuf srcPred1 = ( pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ? CPelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[1][0], pcYuvPred.Y())) : CPelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[1][0], pcYuvPred.Y()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[1][1], pcYuvPred.Cb()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[1][2], pcYuvPred.Cr())) ); const bool lumaOnly = luma && !chroma; const bool chromaOnly = !luma && chroma; if (!pu.cu->geoFlag && (!dmvrApplied) && (!bioApplied) && pps.getWPBiPred() && slice.getSliceType() == B_SLICE && pu.cu->bcwIdx == BCW_DEFAULT) { xWeightedPredictionBi( pu, srcPred0, srcPred1, pcYuvPred, m_maxCompIDToPred, lumaOnly, chromaOnly ); if (yuvPredTmp) { yuvPredTmp->copyFrom(pcYuvPred); } } else if( !pu.cu->geoFlag && pps.getUseWP() && slice.getSliceType() == P_SLICE ) { xWeightedPredictionUni( pu, srcPred0, REF_PIC_LIST_0, pcYuvPred, -1, m_maxCompIDToPred, lumaOnly, chromaOnly ); if (yuvPredTmp) { yuvPredTmp->copyFrom(pcYuvPred); } } else { if (dmvrApplied) { if (yuvPredTmp) { yuvPredTmp->addAvg(srcPred0, srcPred1, slice.clpRngs(), false); } xProcessDMVR(pu, pcYuvPred, slice.clpRngs(), bioApplied); } else { xWeightedAverage(pu, srcPred0, srcPred1, pcYuvPred, slice.getSPS()->getBitDepths(), slice.clpRngs(), bioApplied, lumaOnly, chromaOnly, yuvPredTmp); } } } void InterPrediction::xPredInterBlk(const ComponentID compID, const PredictionUnit &pu, const Picture *refPic, const Mv &_mv, PelUnitBuf &dstPic, const bool bi, const ClpRng &clpRng, const bool bioApplied, bool isIBC, const ScalingRatio scalingRatio, bool bilinearMC, Pel *srcPadBuf, ptrdiff_t srcPadStride, Pel *bdofDstBuf) { JVET_J0090_SET_REF_PICTURE( refPic, compID ); const ChromaFormat chFmt = pu.chromaFormat; const bool rndRes = !bi; int shiftHor = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + ::getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt); int shiftVer = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + ::getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt); bool wrapRef = false; Mv mv(_mv); if( !isIBC && refPic->isWrapAroundEnabled( pu.cs->pps ) ) { wrapRef = wrapClipMv( mv, pu.blocks[0].pos(), pu.blocks[0].size(), pu.cs->sps, pu.cs->pps ); } bool useAltHpelIf = pu.cu->imv == IMV_HPEL; if (!isIBC && xPredInterBlkRPR(scalingRatio, *pu.cs->pps, CompArea(compID, chFmt, pu.blocks[compID], dstPic.bufs[compID]), refPic, mv, dstPic.bufs[compID].buf, dstPic.bufs[compID].stride, bi, wrapRef, clpRng, InterpolationFilter::Filter::DEFAULT, useAltHpelIf)) { CHECK( bilinearMC, "DMVR should be disabled with RPR" ); CHECK( bioApplied, "BDOF should be disabled with RPR" ); } else { int xFrac, yFrac; if (isIBC) { xFrac = yFrac = 0; JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); } else if (isLuma(compID)) { xFrac = mv.hor & 15; yFrac = mv.ver & 15; } else { xFrac = mv.hor * (1 << (1 - ::getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt))) & 31; yFrac = mv.ver * (1 << (1 - ::getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt))) & 31; } PelBuf & dstBuf = dstPic.bufs[compID]; const unsigned width = dstBuf.width; const unsigned height = dstBuf.height; CPelBuf refBuf; { Position offset = pu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(mv.getHor() >> shiftHor, mv.getVer() >> shiftVer); refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf(CompArea(compID, chFmt, offset, pu.blocks[compID].size()), wrapRef); } if (nullptr != srcPadBuf) { refBuf.buf = srcPadBuf; refBuf.stride = srcPadStride; } // backup data Pel *backupDstBufPtr = dstBuf.buf; ptrdiff_t backupDstBufStride = dstBuf.stride; if (nullptr != bdofDstBuf) { // change MC output dstBuf.stride = width + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 2; dstBuf.buf = bdofDstBuf + 2 * dstBuf.stride + 2; } const auto filterIdx = bilinearMC ? InterpolationFilter::Filter::DMVR : (useAltHpelIf ? InterpolationFilter::Filter::HALFPEL_ALT : InterpolationFilter::Filter::DEFAULT); if (yFrac == 0) { m_if.filterHor(compID, refBuf.buf, refBuf.stride, dstBuf.buf, dstBuf.stride, width, height, xFrac, rndRes, clpRng, filterIdx); } else if (xFrac == 0) { m_if.filterVer(compID, refBuf.buf, refBuf.stride, dstBuf.buf, dstBuf.stride, width, height, yFrac, true, rndRes, clpRng, filterIdx); } else { PelBuf tmpBuf = PelBuf(m_filteredBlockTmp[0][compID], dstBuf.stride, pu.blocks[compID]); const int filterSize = bilinearMC ? NTAPS_BILINEAR : (isLuma(compID) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA); const int margin = (filterSize >> 1) - 1; m_if.filterHor(compID, refBuf.bufAt(0, -margin), refBuf.stride, tmpBuf.buf, tmpBuf.stride, width, height + filterSize - 1, xFrac, false, clpRng, filterIdx); JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); m_if.filterVer(compID, tmpBuf.bufAt(0, margin), tmpBuf.stride, dstBuf.buf, dstBuf.stride, width, height, yFrac, false, rndRes, clpRng, filterIdx); } // Enabled only in non-DMVR-non-BDOF process, In DMVR process, srcPadStride is always non-zero JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(srcPadStride == 0 && !bioApplied); if (bioApplied && compID == COMPONENT_Y) { const int shift = IF_INTERNAL_FRAC_BITS(clpRng.bd); int xOffset = (xFrac < 8) ? 1 : 0; int yOffset = (yFrac < 8) ? 1 : 0; const Pel *refPel = refBuf.buf - yOffset * refBuf.stride - xOffset; Pel *dstPel = bdofDstBuf + dstBuf.stride + 1; for (int w = 0; w < width + 2; w++) { Pel val = leftShift_round(refPel[w], shift); dstPel[w] = val - (Pel) IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; } refPel = refBuf.buf + (1 - yOffset) * refBuf.stride - xOffset; dstPel = bdofDstBuf + 2 * dstBuf.stride + 1; for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) { const ptrdiff_t idxLeft = 0; const ptrdiff_t idxRight = width + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE - 1; dstPel[idxLeft] = leftShift_round(refPel[idxLeft], shift) - (Pel) IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; dstPel[idxRight] = leftShift_round(refPel[idxRight], shift) - (Pel) IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; refPel += refBuf.stride; dstPel += dstBuf.stride; } refPel = refBuf.buf + (height + 1 - yOffset) * refBuf.stride - xOffset; dstPel = bdofDstBuf + (height + 2) * dstBuf.stride + 1; for (int w = 0; w < width + 2; w++) { Pel val = leftShift_round(refPel[w], shift); dstPel[w] = val - (Pel) IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; } // restore data dstBuf.buf = backupDstBufPtr; dstBuf.stride = backupDstBufStride; } } } bool InterPrediction::isSubblockVectorSpreadOverLimit( int a, int b, int c, int d, int predType ) { int s4 = ( 4 << 11 ); int filterTap = 6; if ( predType == 3 ) { int refBlkWidth = std::max( std::max( 0, 4 * a + s4 ), std::max( 4 * c, 4 * a + 4 * c + s4 ) ) - std::min( std::min( 0, 4 * a + s4 ), std::min( 4 * c, 4 * a + 4 * c + s4 ) ); int refBlkHeight = std::max( std::max( 0, 4 * b ), std::max( 4 * d + s4, 4 * b + 4 * d + s4 ) ) - std::min( std::min( 0, 4 * b ), std::min( 4 * d + s4, 4 * b + 4 * d + s4 ) ); refBlkWidth = ( refBlkWidth >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; refBlkHeight = ( refBlkHeight >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; if ( refBlkWidth * refBlkHeight > ( filterTap + 9 ) * ( filterTap + 9 ) ) { return true; } } else { int refBlkWidth = std::max( 0, 4 * a + s4 ) - std::min( 0, 4 * a + s4 ); int refBlkHeight = std::max( 0, 4 * b ) - std::min( 0, 4 * b ); refBlkWidth = ( refBlkWidth >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; refBlkHeight = ( refBlkHeight >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; if ( refBlkWidth * refBlkHeight > ( filterTap + 9 ) * ( filterTap + 5 ) ) { return true; } refBlkWidth = std::max( 0, 4 * c ) - std::min( 0, 4 * c ); refBlkHeight = std::max( 0, 4 * d + s4 ) - std::min( 0, 4 * d + s4 ); refBlkWidth = ( refBlkWidth >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; refBlkHeight = ( refBlkHeight >> 11 ) + filterTap + 3; if ( refBlkWidth * refBlkHeight > ( filterTap + 5 ) * ( filterTap + 9 ) ) { return true; } } return false; } #if GDR_ENABLED bool InterPrediction::xPredAffineBlk(const ComponentID &compID, const PredictionUnit &pu, const Picture *refPic, const Mv *_mv, PelUnitBuf &dstPic, const bool bi, const ClpRng &clpRng, bool genChromaMv, const ScalingRatio scalingRatio) #else void InterPrediction::xPredAffineBlk(const ComponentID &compID, const PredictionUnit &pu, const Picture *refPic, const Mv *_mv, PelUnitBuf &dstPic, const bool bi, const ClpRng &clpRng, bool genChromaMv, const ScalingRatio scalingRatio) #endif { JVET_J0090_SET_REF_PICTURE(refPic, compID); const ChromaFormat &chFmt = pu.chromaFormat; const CodingStructure &cs = *pu.cs; const SPS & sps = *cs.sps; const PPS & pps = *cs.pps; const PicHeader & ph = *cs.picHeader; #if GDR_ENABLED bool allOk = true; const bool isEncodeGdrClean = sps.getGDREnabledFlag() && cs.pcv->isEncoder && ((cs.picture->gdrParam.inGdrInterval && cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), ChannelType::LUMA)) || cs.picture->gdrParam.verBoundary == -1); const int pux = pu.lx(); const int puy = pu.ly(); #endif const int widthLuma = pu.Y().width; const int heightLuma = pu.Y().height; const int sbWidth = AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE; const int sbHeight = AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE; const bool isRefScaled = refPic->isRefScaled(&pps); const int dstExtW = (sbWidth + PROF_BORDER_EXT_W * 2 + 7) & ~7; const int dstExtH = sbHeight + PROF_BORDER_EXT_H * 2; PelBuf dstExtBuf(m_filteredBlockTmp[1][compID], dstExtW, dstExtH); const int refExtH = dstExtH + MAX_FILTER_SIZE - 1; PelBuf tmpBuf = PelBuf(m_filteredBlockTmp[0][compID], dstExtW, refExtH); PelBuf &dstBuf = dstPic.bufs[compID]; const bool wrapAroundEnabled = refPic->isWrapAroundEnabled(&pps); int dmvHorX = 0; int dmvHorY = 0; int dmvVerX = 0; int dmvVerY = 0; constexpr int PREC = MAX_CU_DEPTH; bool enableProfTmp = compID == COMPONENT_Y && !ph.getProfDisabledFlag() && !isRefScaled && !m_skipProf; if (compID == COMPONENT_Y || genChromaMv || chFmt == CHROMA_444) { const Mv &mvLT = _mv[0]; const Mv &mvRT = _mv[1]; const Mv &mvLB = _mv[2]; dmvHorX = (mvRT - mvLT).getHor() * (1 << (PREC - floorLog2(widthLuma))); dmvHorY = (mvRT - mvLT).getVer() * (1 << (PREC - floorLog2(widthLuma))); if (pu.cu->affineType == AffineModel::_6_PARAMS) { dmvVerX = (mvLB - mvLT).getHor() * (1 << (PREC - floorLog2(heightLuma))); dmvVerY = (mvLB - mvLT).getVer() * (1 << (PREC - floorLog2(heightLuma))); } else { dmvVerX = -dmvHorY; dmvVerY = dmvHorX; } if (dmvHorX == 0 && dmvHorY == 0 && dmvVerX == 0 && dmvVerY == 0) { enableProfTmp = false; } const bool largeMvGradient = isSubblockVectorSpreadOverLimit(dmvHorX, dmvHorY, dmvVerX, dmvVerY, pu.interDir); if (largeMvGradient) { enableProfTmp = false; } const int baseHor = mvLT.getHor() * (1 << PREC); const int baseVer = mvLT.getVer() * (1 << PREC); for (int h = 0; h < heightLuma; h += sbHeight) { for (int w = 0; w < widthLuma; w += sbWidth) { const int weightHor = largeMvGradient ? widthLuma >> 1 : (sbWidth >> 1) + w; const int weightVer = largeMvGradient ? heightLuma >> 1 : (sbHeight >> 1) + h; Mv tmpMv; tmpMv.hor = baseHor + dmvHorX * weightHor + dmvVerX * weightVer; tmpMv.ver = baseVer + dmvHorY * weightHor + dmvVerY * weightVer; tmpMv >>= PREC - 4 + MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL; tmpMv.clipToStorageBitDepth(); m_storedMv[h / AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE * MVBUFFER_SIZE + w / AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE] = tmpMv; } } if (enableProfTmp && m_skipProfCond) { const int profThres = (m_biPredSearchAffine ? 2 : 1) << PREC; if (abs(dmvHorX) <= profThres && abs(dmvHorY) <= profThres && abs(dmvVerX) <= profThres && abs(dmvVerY) <= profThres) { // Skip PROF during search when the adjustment is expected to be small enableProfTmp = false; } } } const bool enableProf = enableProfTmp; const bool isLast = !enableProf && !bi; int dMvScaleHor[AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE * AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE]; int dMvScaleVer[AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE * AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE]; if (enableProf) { for (int y = 0; y < sbHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sbWidth; x++) { const int wx = 2 * x - (sbWidth - 1); const int wy = 2 * y - (sbHeight - 1); dMvScaleHor[y * sbWidth + x] = wx * dmvHorX + wy * dmvVerX; dMvScaleVer[y * sbWidth + x] = wx * dmvHorY + wy * dmvVerY; } } // NOTE: the shift value is 7 and not 8 as in section of the spec because // the values dMvScaleHor/dMvScaleVer are half of diffMvLX (which are always even // in equations 876 and 877) const int mvShift = 7; const int dmvLimit = (1 << 5) - 1; const int sz = sbWidth * sbHeight; if (!g_pelBufOP.roundIntVector) { for (int idx = 0; idx < sz; idx++) { Mv tmpMv(dMvScaleHor[idx], dMvScaleVer[idx]); tmpMv >>= 7; dMvScaleHor[idx] = Clip3(-dmvLimit, dmvLimit, tmpMv.getHor()); dMvScaleVer[idx] = Clip3(-dmvLimit, dmvLimit, tmpMv.getVer()); } } else { g_pelBufOP.roundIntVector(dMvScaleHor, sz, mvShift, dmvLimit); g_pelBufOP.roundIntVector(dMvScaleVer, sz, mvShift, dmvLimit); } } // get prediction block by block const int scaleX = ::getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt); const int scaleY = ::getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt); const int width = widthLuma >> scaleX; const int height = heightLuma >> scaleY; CHECK(sbWidth > width, "Subblock width > block width"); CHECK(sbHeight > height, "Subblock height > block height"); for (int h = 0; h < height; h += sbHeight) { for (int w = 0; w < width; w += sbWidth) { Mv curMv; const int hLuma = h << scaleY; const int wLuma = w << scaleX; const ptrdiff_t idx = hLuma / AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE * MVBUFFER_SIZE + wLuma / AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_SIZE; if (compID == COMPONENT_Y || chFmt == CHROMA_444) { curMv = m_storedMv[idx]; } else { curMv = m_storedMv[idx] + m_storedMv[idx + scaleY * MVBUFFER_SIZE + scaleX]; curMv >>= 1; } bool wrapRef = false; if (wrapAroundEnabled) { wrapRef = wrapClipMv(curMv, Position(pu.Y().x + wLuma, pu.Y().y + hLuma), Size(sbWidth << scaleX, sbHeight << scaleY), &sps, &pps); } else if (!isRefScaled) { clipMv(curMv, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), sps, pps); } #if GDR_ENABLED if (isEncodeGdrClean) { const Position subPuPos = Position(pux + ((w + sbWidth) << scaleX), puy + ((h + sbHeight) << scaleY)); const bool puClean = cs.isClean(subPuPos, curMv, refPic); allOk = allOk && puClean; } #endif const auto filterIdx = InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE; if( isRefScaled ) { CHECK(enableProf, "PROF should be disabled with RPR"); xPredInterBlkRPR(scalingRatio, pps, CompArea(compID, chFmt, pu.blocks[compID].offset(w, h), Size(sbWidth, sbHeight)), refPic, curMv, dstBuf.buf + w + h * dstBuf.stride, dstBuf.stride, bi, wrapRef, clpRng, filterIdx); } else { // get the MV in high precision int xFrac, yFrac, xInt, yInt; if (isLuma(compID)) { xInt = curMv.getHor() >> MV_FRAC_BITS_LUMA; xFrac = curMv.getHor() & MV_FRAC_MASK_LUMA; yInt = curMv.getVer() >> MV_FRAC_BITS_LUMA; yFrac = curMv.getVer() & MV_FRAC_MASK_LUMA; } else { xInt = curMv.getHor() * (1 << (1 - scaleX)) >> MV_FRAC_BITS_CHROMA; xFrac = curMv.getHor() * (1 << (1 - scaleX)) & MV_FRAC_MASK_CHROMA; yInt = curMv.getVer() * (1 << (1 - scaleY)) >> MV_FRAC_BITS_CHROMA; yFrac = curMv.getVer() * (1 << (1 - scaleY)) & MV_FRAC_MASK_CHROMA; } const CPelBuf refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea(compID, chFmt, pu.blocks[compID].offset(xInt + w, yInt + h), pu.blocks[compID]), wrapRef); const Pel *ref = refBuf.buf; const ptrdiff_t refStride = refBuf.stride; Pel *dst = enableProf ? dstExtBuf.bufAt(PROF_BORDER_EXT_W, PROF_BORDER_EXT_H) : dstBuf.buf + w + h * dstBuf.stride; const ptrdiff_t dstStride = enableProf ? dstExtBuf.stride : dstBuf.stride; if (yFrac == 0) { m_if.filterHor(compID, ref, refStride, dst, dstStride, sbWidth, sbHeight, xFrac, isLast, clpRng, filterIdx); } else if (xFrac == 0) { m_if.filterVer(compID, ref, refStride, dst, dstStride, sbWidth, sbHeight, yFrac, true, isLast, clpRng, filterIdx); } else { const int filterSize = isLuma(compID) ? NTAPS_LUMA_AFFINE : NTAPS_CHROMA_AFFINE; const int rowsAbove = (filterSize - 1) >> 1; m_if.filterHor(compID, ref - rowsAbove * refStride, refStride, tmpBuf.buf, tmpBuf.stride, sbWidth, sbHeight + filterSize - 1, xFrac, false, clpRng, filterIdx); JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); m_if.filterVer(compID, tmpBuf.buf + rowsAbove * tmpBuf.stride, tmpBuf.stride, dst, dstStride, sbWidth, sbHeight, yFrac, false, isLast, clpRng, filterIdx); JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(true); } if (enableProf) { const int shift = IF_INTERNAL_FRAC_BITS(clpRng.bd); CHECKD(shift < 0, "shift must be positive"); const int xOffset = xFrac >> (MV_FRAC_BITS_LUMA - 1); const int yOffset = yFrac >> (MV_FRAC_BITS_LUMA - 1); // NOTE: corners don't need to be padded const Pel *refPel = ref + yOffset * refStride + xOffset; Pel * dstPel = dst; for (ptrdiff_t x = 0; x < sbWidth; x++) { const ptrdiff_t refOffset = sbHeight * refStride; const ptrdiff_t dstOffset = sbHeight * dstStride; dstPel[x - dstStride] = (refPel[x - refStride] << shift) - IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; dstPel[x + dstOffset] = (refPel[x + refOffset] << shift) - IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; } for (int y = 0; y < sbHeight; y++, refPel += refStride, dstPel += dstStride) { dstPel[-1] = (refPel[-1] << shift) - IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; dstPel[sbWidth] = (refPel[sbWidth] << shift) - IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; } const ptrdiff_t strideGrad = AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_WIDTH_EXT; g_pelBufOP.profGradFilter(dstExtBuf.buf, dstExtBuf.stride, AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_WIDTH_EXT, AFFINE_SUBBLOCK_HEIGHT_EXT, strideGrad, m_gradBuf[0], m_gradBuf[1], clpRng.bd); const Pel offset = (1 << shift >> 1) + IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; Pel *src = dst; Pel *gX = m_gradBuf[0] + PROF_BORDER_EXT_H * strideGrad + PROF_BORDER_EXT_W; Pel *gY = m_gradBuf[1] + PROF_BORDER_EXT_H * strideGrad + PROF_BORDER_EXT_W; Pel *dstY = dstBuf.bufAt(w, h); g_pelBufOP.applyPROF(dstY, dstBuf.stride, src, dstExtBuf.stride, sbWidth, sbHeight, gX, gY, strideGrad, dMvScaleHor, dMvScaleVer, sbWidth, bi, shift, offset, clpRng); } } } } #if GDR_ENABLED return allOk; #endif } void InterPrediction::applyBiOptFlow(const PredictionUnit &pu, const CPelUnitBuf &yuvSrc0, const CPelUnitBuf &yuvSrc1, const int &refIdx0, const int &refIdx1, PelUnitBuf &yuvDst, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths) { const int height = yuvDst.Y().height; const int width = yuvDst.Y().width; int heightG = height + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; int widthG = width + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; int offsetPos = widthG*BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + BIO_EXTEND_SIZE; Pel* gradX0 = m_gradX0; Pel* gradX1 = m_gradX1; Pel* gradY0 = m_gradY0; Pel* gradY1 = m_gradY1; const ptrdiff_t stridePredMC = widthG + 2; const Pel *srcY0 = m_filteredBlockTmp[2][COMPONENT_Y] + stridePredMC + 1; const Pel *srcY1 = m_filteredBlockTmp[3][COMPONENT_Y] + stridePredMC + 1; const ptrdiff_t src0Stride = stridePredMC; const ptrdiff_t src1Stride = stridePredMC; Pel* dstY = yuvDst.Y().buf; const ptrdiff_t dstStride = yuvDst.Y().stride; const Pel* srcY0Temp = srcY0; const Pel* srcY1Temp = srcY1; for (int refList = 0; refList < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; refList++) { Pel* dstTempPtr = m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + refList][COMPONENT_Y] + stridePredMC + 1; Pel* gradY = (refList == 0) ? m_gradY0 : m_gradY1; Pel* gradX = (refList == 0) ? m_gradX0 : m_gradX1; xBioGradFilter(dstTempPtr, stridePredMC, widthG, heightG, widthG, gradX, gradY, clipBitDepths[toChannelType(COMPONENT_Y)]); Pel* padStr = m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + refList][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * stridePredMC + 2; for (int y = 0; y< height; y++) { padStr[-1] = padStr[0]; padStr[width] = padStr[width - 1]; padStr += stridePredMC; } padStr = m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + refList][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * stridePredMC + 1; ::memcpy(padStr - stridePredMC, padStr, sizeof(Pel)*(widthG)); ::memcpy(padStr + height*stridePredMC, padStr + (height - 1)*stridePredMC, sizeof(Pel)*(widthG)); } const ClpRng& clpRng = pu.cu->cs->slice->clpRng(COMPONENT_Y); const int bitDepth = clipBitDepths[toChannelType(COMPONENT_Y)]; const int shiftNum = IF_INTERNAL_FRAC_BITS(bitDepth) + 1; const int offset = (1 << (shiftNum - 1)) + 2 * IF_INTERNAL_OFFS; const int limit = ( 1 << 4 ) - 1; int xUnit = (width >> 2); int yUnit = (height >> 2); Pel *dstY0 = dstY; gradX0 = m_gradX0; gradX1 = m_gradX1; gradY0 = m_gradY0; gradY1 = m_gradY1; for (int yu = 0; yu < yUnit; yu++) { for (int xu = 0; xu < xUnit; xu++) { int tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0; int sumAbsGX = 0, sumAbsGY = 0, sumDIX = 0, sumDIY = 0; int sumSignGY_GX = 0; Pel* pGradX0Tmp = m_gradX0 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * widthG; Pel* pGradX1Tmp = m_gradX1 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * widthG; Pel* pGradY0Tmp = m_gradY0 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * widthG; Pel* pGradY1Tmp = m_gradY1 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * widthG; const Pel* SrcY1Tmp = srcY1 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * src1Stride; const Pel* SrcY0Tmp = srcY0 + (xu << 2) + (yu << 2) * src0Stride; g_pelBufOP.calcBIOSums(SrcY0Tmp, SrcY1Tmp, pGradX0Tmp, pGradX1Tmp, pGradY0Tmp, pGradY1Tmp, xu, yu, src0Stride, src1Stride, widthG, bitDepth, &sumAbsGX, &sumAbsGY, &sumDIX, &sumDIY, &sumSignGY_GX); tmpx = (sumAbsGX == 0 ? 0 : rightShiftMSB(4 * sumDIX, sumAbsGX)); tmpx = Clip3(-limit, limit, tmpx); const int tmpData = sumSignGY_GX * tmpx >> 1; tmpy = (sumAbsGY == 0 ? 0 : rightShiftMSB((4 * sumDIY - tmpData), sumAbsGY)); tmpy = Clip3(-limit, limit, tmpy); srcY0Temp = srcY0 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2); srcY1Temp = srcY1 + (stridePredMC + 1) + ((yu*src0Stride + xu) << 2); gradX0 = m_gradX0 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2); gradX1 = m_gradX1 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2); gradY0 = m_gradY0 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2); gradY1 = m_gradY1 + offsetPos + ((yu*widthG + xu) << 2); dstY0 = dstY + ((yu*dstStride + xu) << 2); xAddBIOAvg4(srcY0Temp, src0Stride, srcY1Temp, src1Stride, dstY0, dstStride, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, widthG, (1 << 2), (1 << 2), (int)tmpx, (int)tmpy, shiftNum, offset, clpRng); } // xu } // yu } void InterPrediction::xAddBIOAvg4(const Pel *src0, ptrdiff_t src0Stride, const Pel *src1, ptrdiff_t src1Stride, Pel *dst, ptrdiff_t dstStride, const Pel *gradX0, const Pel *gradX1, const Pel *gradY0, const Pel *gradY1, ptrdiff_t gradStride, int width, int height, int tmpx, int tmpy, int shift, int offset, const ClpRng &clpRng) { g_pelBufOP.addBIOAvg4(src0, src0Stride, src1, src1Stride, dst, dstStride, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, gradStride, width, height, tmpx, tmpy, shift, offset, clpRng); } void InterPrediction::xBioGradFilter(Pel *pSrc, ptrdiff_t srcStride, int width, int height, ptrdiff_t gradStride, Pel *gradX, Pel *gradY, int bitDepth) { g_pelBufOP.bioGradFilter(pSrc, srcStride, width, height, gradStride, gradX, gradY, bitDepth); } void InterPrediction::xCalcBIOPar(const Pel* srcY0Temp, const Pel* srcY1Temp, const Pel* gradX0, const Pel* gradX1, const Pel* gradY0, const Pel* gradY1, int* dotProductTemp1, int* dotProductTemp2, int* dotProductTemp3, int* dotProductTemp5, int* dotProductTemp6, const int src0Stride, const int src1Stride, const int gradStride, const int widthG, const int heightG, int bitDepth) { g_pelBufOP.calcBIOPar(srcY0Temp, srcY1Temp, gradX0, gradX1, gradY0, gradY1, dotProductTemp1, dotProductTemp2, dotProductTemp3, dotProductTemp5, dotProductTemp6, src0Stride, src1Stride, gradStride, widthG, heightG, bitDepth); } void InterPrediction::xCalcBlkGradient(int sx, int sy, int *arraysGx2, int *arraysGxGy, int *arraysGxdI, int *arraysGy2, int *arraysGydI, int &sGx2, int &sGy2, int &sGxGy, int &sGxdI, int &sGydI, int width, int height, int unitSize) { g_pelBufOP.calcBlkGradient(sx, sy, arraysGx2, arraysGxGy, arraysGxdI, arraysGy2, arraysGydI, sGx2, sGy2, sGxGy, sGxdI, sGydI, width, height, unitSize); } void InterPrediction::xWeightedAverage(const PredictionUnit &pu, const CPelUnitBuf &pcYuvSrc0, const CPelUnitBuf &pcYuvSrc1, PelUnitBuf &pcYuvDst, const BitDepths &clipBitDepths, const ClpRngs &clpRngs, const bool bioApplied, bool lumaOnly, bool chromaOnly, PelUnitBuf *yuvDstTmp) { CHECK( (chromaOnly && lumaOnly), "should not happen" ); const int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[0]; const int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[1]; if (refIdx0 >= 0 && refIdx1 >= 0) { if (pu.cu->bcwIdx != BCW_DEFAULT && (yuvDstTmp || !pu.ciipFlag)) { CHECK(bioApplied, "Bcw is disallowed with BIO"); pcYuvDst.addWeightedAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, pu.cu->bcwIdx, chromaOnly, lumaOnly); if (yuvDstTmp) yuvDstTmp->addAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, chromaOnly, lumaOnly); return; } if (bioApplied) { const int src0Stride = pu.lwidth() + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 2; const int src1Stride = pu.lwidth() + 2 * BIO_EXTEND_SIZE + 2; const Pel* pSrcY0 = m_filteredBlockTmp[2][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * src0Stride + 2; const Pel* pSrcY1 = m_filteredBlockTmp[3][COMPONENT_Y] + 2 * src1Stride + 2; bool bioEnabled = true; if (bioEnabled) { applyBiOptFlow(pu, pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, refIdx0, refIdx1, pcYuvDst, clipBitDepths); if (yuvDstTmp) yuvDstTmp->bufs[0].addAvg(CPelBuf(pSrcY0, src0Stride, pu.lumaSize()), CPelBuf(pSrcY1, src1Stride, pu.lumaSize()), clpRngs.comp[0]); } else { pcYuvDst.bufs[0].addAvg(CPelBuf(pSrcY0, src0Stride, pu.lumaSize()), CPelBuf(pSrcY1, src1Stride, pu.lumaSize()), clpRngs.comp[0]); if (yuvDstTmp) yuvDstTmp->bufs[0].copyFrom(pcYuvDst.bufs[0]); } } if (!bioApplied && (lumaOnly || chromaOnly)) { pcYuvDst.addAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, chromaOnly, lumaOnly); } else { pcYuvDst.addAvg(pcYuvSrc0, pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, bioApplied); } if (yuvDstTmp) { if (bioApplied) { if (isChromaEnabled(yuvDstTmp->chromaFormat)) { yuvDstTmp->bufs[1].copyFrom(pcYuvDst.bufs[1]); yuvDstTmp->bufs[2].copyFrom(pcYuvDst.bufs[2]); } } else { yuvDstTmp->copyFrom(pcYuvDst, lumaOnly, chromaOnly); } } } else if (refIdx0 >= 0 && refIdx1 < 0) { if( pu.cu->geoFlag ) { pcYuvDst.copyFrom( pcYuvSrc0 ); } else { pcYuvDst.copyClip( pcYuvSrc0, clpRngs, lumaOnly, chromaOnly ); } if (yuvDstTmp) { yuvDstTmp->copyFrom( pcYuvDst, lumaOnly, chromaOnly ); } } else if (refIdx0 < 0 && refIdx1 >= 0) { if( pu.cu->geoFlag ) { pcYuvDst.copyFrom( pcYuvSrc1 ); } else { pcYuvDst.copyClip( pcYuvSrc1, clpRngs, lumaOnly, chromaOnly ); } if (yuvDstTmp) { yuvDstTmp->copyFrom(pcYuvDst, lumaOnly, chromaOnly); } } } void InterPrediction::motionCompensation(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &predBuf, const RefPicList eRefPicList, const bool luma, const bool chroma, PelUnitBuf *predBufWOBIO, const bool isSubPu) { // Note: there appears to be an interaction with weighted prediction that // makes the code follow different paths if chroma is on or off (in the encoder). // Therefore for 4:0:0, "chroma" is not changed to false. CHECK(predBufWOBIO && pu.ciipFlag, "the case should not happen!"); if (!pu.cs->pcv->isEncoder) { if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { CHECK(!luma, "IBC only for Chroma is not allowed."); xIntraBlockCopy(pu, predBuf, COMPONENT_Y); if (chroma && isChromaEnabled(pu.chromaFormat)) { xIntraBlockCopy(pu, predBuf, COMPONENT_Cb); xIntraBlockCopy(pu, predBuf, COMPONENT_Cr); } return; } } // dual tree handling for IBC as the only ref if ((!luma || !chroma) && eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0) { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, predBuf, false, false, luma, chroma); return; } // else, go with regular MC below CodingStructure &cs = *pu.cs; const PPS &pps = *cs.pps; const SliceType sliceType = cs.slice->getSliceType(); if( eRefPicList != REF_PIC_LIST_X ) { CHECK(predBufWOBIO != nullptr, "the case should not happen!"); if (!CU::isIBC(*pu.cu) && ((sliceType == P_SLICE && pps.getUseWP()) || (sliceType == B_SLICE && pps.getWPBiPred()))) { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, predBuf, true, false, luma, chroma); xWeightedPredictionUni(pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, predBuf, -1, m_maxCompIDToPred, (luma && !chroma), (!luma && chroma)); } else { xPredInterUni(pu, eRefPicList, predBuf, false, false, luma, chroma); } } else { const int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; const int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; CHECK(!pu.cu->affine && refIdx0 >= 0 && refIdx1 >= 0 && pu.lwidth() + pu.lheight() == 12, "invalid 4x8/8x4 bi-predicted blocks"); bool bioApplied = false; if (pu.cs->sps->getBDOFEnabledFlag() && !pu.cs->picHeader->getBdofDisabledFlag()) { if (pu.cu->affine || isSubPu) { bioApplied = false; } else { bioApplied = PU::isSimpleSymmetricBiPred(pu) && PU::dmvrBdofSizeCheck(pu) && !pu.ciipFlag && !pu.cu->smvdMode; } if (pu.mmvdEncOptMode == 2 && pu.mmvdMergeFlag) { bioApplied = false; } } bool refIsScaled = ( refIdx0 < 0 ? false : pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx0 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) ) || ( refIdx1 < 0 ? false : pu.cu->slice->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx1 )->isRefScaled( pu.cs->pps ) ); bioApplied = refIsScaled ? false : bioApplied; bool dmvrApplied = !isSubPu && PU::checkDMVRCondition(pu); if ((pu.lumaSize().width > MAX_BDOF_APPLICATION_REGION || pu.lumaSize().height > MAX_BDOF_APPLICATION_REGION) && pu.mergeType != MergeType::SUBPU_ATMVP && (bioApplied && !dmvrApplied)) { xSubPuBio(pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, predBufWOBIO); } else { if (pu.mergeType != MergeType::DEFAULT_N && pu.mergeType != MergeType::IBC) { CHECK(predBufWOBIO != nullptr, "the case should not happen!"); xSubPuMC(pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, luma, chroma); } else if (xCheckIdenticalMotion(pu)) { xPredInterUni(pu, REF_PIC_LIST_0, predBuf, false, false, luma, chroma); if (predBufWOBIO) { predBufWOBIO->copyFrom(predBuf, (luma && !chroma), (chroma && !luma)); } } else { xPredInterBi(pu, predBuf, luma, chroma, predBufWOBIO, isSubPu); } } } return; } void InterPrediction::motionCompensateCu(CodingUnit &cu, const RefPicList eRefPicList, const bool luma, const bool chroma) { for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) ) { PelUnitBuf predBuf = cu.cs->getPredBuf(pu); motionCompensation(pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, luma, chroma, nullptr, false); } } void InterPrediction::motionCompensatePu(PredictionUnit &pu, const RefPicList eRefPicList, const bool luma, const bool chroma) { PelUnitBuf predBuf = pu.cs->getPredBuf( pu ); motionCompensation(pu, predBuf, eRefPicList, luma, chroma, nullptr, false); } int InterPrediction::rightShiftMSB(int numer, int denom) { return numer >> floorLog2(denom); } void InterPrediction::motionCompensationGeo( CodingUnit &cu, MergeCtx &geoMrgCtx ) { const uint8_t splitDir = cu.firstPU->geoSplitDir; for( auto &pu : CU::traversePUs( cu ) ) { const UnitArea localUnitArea(cu.cs->area.chromaFormat, Area(0, 0, pu.lwidth(), pu.lheight())); PelUnitBuf predBuf = cu.cs->getPredBuf(pu); PelUnitBuf tmpGeoBuf[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { tmpGeoBuf[i] = m_geoPartBuf[i].getBuf(localUnitArea); geoMrgCtx.setMergeInfo(pu, cu.firstPU->geoMergeIdx[i]); PU::spanMotionInfo(pu); // TODO: check 4:0:0 interaction with weighted prediction. motionCompensation(pu, tmpGeoBuf[i], REF_PIC_LIST_X, true, isChromaEnabled(pu.chromaFormat), nullptr, false); if (g_mctsDecCheckEnabled && !MCTSHelper::checkMvBufferForMCTSConstraint(pu, true)) { printf("DECODER_GEO_PU: pu motion vector across tile boundaries (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", pu.lx(), pu.ly(), pu.lwidth(), pu.lheight()); } } weightedGeoBlk(pu, splitDir, ChannelType::LUMA, predBuf, tmpGeoBuf[0], tmpGeoBuf[1]); if (isChromaEnabled(pu.chromaFormat)) { weightedGeoBlk(pu, splitDir, ChannelType::CHROMA, predBuf, tmpGeoBuf[0], tmpGeoBuf[1]); } } } void InterPrediction::weightedGeoBlk(PredictionUnit &pu, const uint8_t splitDir, const ChannelType channel, PelUnitBuf &predDst, PelUnitBuf &predSrc0, PelUnitBuf &predSrc1) { if (isLuma(channel)) { m_if.weightedGeoBlk( pu, pu.lumaSize().width, pu.lumaSize().height, COMPONENT_Y, splitDir, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 ); } else { m_if.weightedGeoBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cb, splitDir, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 ); m_if.weightedGeoBlk( pu, pu.chromaSize().width, pu.chromaSize().height, COMPONENT_Cr, splitDir, predDst, predSrc0, predSrc1 ); } } void InterPrediction::xDmvrPrefetch(const PredictionUnit &pu, const bool forLuma) { const int mvShift = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL; const int start = forLuma ? 0 : 1; const int end = forLuma ? 1 : MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { const Picture *refPic = pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(l, pu.refIdx[l])->unscaledPic; for (int compID = start; compID < end; compID++) { PelBuf &dstBuf = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].bufs[compID]; dstBuf.stride = dstBuf.width + DMVR_SPAN - 1 + NTAPS_LUMA; const int filtersize = isLuma((ComponentID) compID) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA; const int width = dstBuf.width + filtersize - 1; const int height = dstBuf.height + filtersize - 1; const int mvshiftTempHor = mvShift + getComponentScaleX((ComponentID) compID, pu.chromaFormat); const int mvshiftTempVer = mvShift + getComponentScaleY((ComponentID) compID, pu.chromaFormat); const int halfFilterSize = (filtersize >> 1) - 1; Mv cMv = pu.mv[l] - Mv(halfFilterSize << mvshiftTempHor, halfFilterSize << mvshiftTempVer); bool wrapRef = false; if (refPic->isWrapAroundEnabled(pu.cs->pps)) { wrapRef = wrapClipMv(cMv, pu.blocks[0].pos(), pu.blocks[0].size(), pu.cs->sps, pu.cs->pps); } else { clipMv(cMv, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), *pu.cs->sps, *pu.cs->pps); } /* Pre-fetch similar to HEVC*/ { Position recOffset = pu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(cMv.getHor() >> mvshiftTempHor, cMv.getVer() >> mvshiftTempVer); CPelBuf refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea((ComponentID) compID, pu.chromaFormat, recOffset, pu.blocks[compID].size()), wrapRef); g_pelBufOP.copyBuffer(refBuf.buf, refBuf.stride, dstBuf.bufAt(DMVR_RANGE, DMVR_RANGE), dstBuf.stride, width, height); } } } } void InterPrediction::xDmvrPad(const PredictionUnit &pu) { for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { for (int compID = 0; compID < getNumberValidComponents(pu.chromaFormat); compID++) { PelBuf &buf = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].bufs[compID]; const int filtersize = isLuma(ComponentID(compID)) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA; const int width = buf.width + filtersize - 1; const int height = buf.height + filtersize - 1; // using larger padsize for 4:2:2 const int padsize = DMVR_RANGE >> getComponentScaleY((ComponentID) compID, pu.chromaFormat); g_pelBufOP.padding(buf.bufAt(DMVR_RANGE, DMVR_RANGE), buf.stride, width, height, padsize); } } } constexpr InterPrediction::DmvrDist InterPrediction::UNDEFINED_DMVR_DIST; void InterPrediction::xDmvrIntegerRefine(int bd, DmvrDist &minCost, Mv &deltaMv, DmvrDist *sadPtr, int width, int height) { for (const auto &mvd: m_dmvrSearchOffsets) { const int32_t sadOffset = mvd.ver * DMVR_SPAN + mvd.hor; if (sadPtr[sadOffset] == UNDEFINED_DMVR_DIST) { sadPtr[sadOffset] = xDmvrCost(bd, mvd, width, height); } if (sadPtr[sadOffset] < minCost) { minCost = sadPtr[sadOffset]; deltaMv = mvd; } } } void InterPrediction::xDmvrFinalMc(const PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf yuvSrc[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01], const bool applyBdof, const Mv mergeMV[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01], const bool blockMoved) { /*always high precision MVs are used*/ int mvShift = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { Mv cMv = pu.mv[l]; const Picture *refPic = pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(l, pu.refIdx[l])->unscaledPic; Mv cMvClipped = cMv; if( !pu.cs->pps->getWrapAroundEnabledFlag() ) { clipMv( cMvClipped, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), *pu.cs->sps, *pu.cs->pps ); } Mv startMv = mergeMV[l]; if (g_mctsDecCheckEnabled && !MCTSHelper::checkMvForMCTSConstraint(pu, startMv, MvPrecision::INTERNAL)) { const Area& tileArea = pu.cs->picture->mctsInfo.getTileArea(); printf( "Attempt an access over tile boundary at block %d,%d %d,%d with MV %d,%d (in Tile TL: %d,%d BR: %d,%d)\n", pu.lx(), pu.ly(), pu.lwidth(), pu.lheight(), startMv.getHor(), startMv.getVer(), tileArea.topLeft().x, tileArea.topLeft().y, tileArea.bottomRight().x, tileArea.bottomRight().y ); THROW( "MCTS constraint failed!" ); } for (int co = 0; co < getNumberValidComponents(pu.chromaFormat); co++) { const auto compId = ComponentID(co); Pel *srcBufPtr = nullptr; ptrdiff_t srcBufStride = 0; // when blockMoved is false, only luma data has been prefetched if (blockMoved || isLuma(compId)) { const int mvshiftTempHor = mvShift + getComponentScaleX(compId, pu.chromaFormat); const int mvshiftTempVer = mvShift + getComponentScaleY(compId, pu.chromaFormat); const int leftPixelExtra = ((isLuma(compId) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA) >> 1) - 1; const int deltaIntMvX = (cMv.getHor() >> mvshiftTempHor) - (startMv.getHor() >> mvshiftTempHor); const int deltaIntMvY = (cMv.getVer() >> mvshiftTempVer) - (startMv.getVer() >> mvshiftTempVer); CHECK(abs(deltaIntMvX) > DMVR_RANGE || abs(deltaIntMvY) > DMVR_RANGE, "not expected DMVR movement"); PelBuf &srcBuf = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].bufs[compId]; srcBufPtr = srcBuf.bufAt(DMVR_RANGE + leftPixelExtra + deltaIntMvX, DMVR_RANGE + leftPixelExtra + deltaIntMvY); srcBufStride = srcBuf.stride; } JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); xPredInterBlk(compId, pu, refPic, cMvClipped, yuvSrc[l], true, pu.cs->slice->getClpRngs().comp[compId], applyBdof, false, pu.cu->slice->getScalingRatio(l, pu.refIdx[l]), false, srcBufPtr, srcBufStride, isLuma(compId) && applyBdof ? m_filteredBlockTmp[2 + l][compId] : nullptr); JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); } } } auto InterPrediction::xDmvrCost(int bitDepth, const Mv &mvd, int width, int height) -> DmvrDist { const Pel *p0 = m_dmvrInitialPred[REF_PIC_LIST_0].bufAt(DMVR_RANGE + mvd.hor, DMVR_RANGE + mvd.ver); const Pel *p1 = m_dmvrInitialPred[REF_PIC_LIST_1].bufAt(DMVR_RANGE - mvd.hor, DMVR_RANGE - mvd.ver); const ptrdiff_t s0 = m_dmvrInitialPred[REF_PIC_LIST_0].stride; const ptrdiff_t s1 = m_dmvrInitialPred[REF_PIC_LIST_1].stride; DistParam cDistParam; cDistParam.applyWeight = false; cDistParam.useMR = false; m_pcRdCost->setDistParam(cDistParam, p0, p1, s0, s1, bitDepth, COMPONENT_Y, width, height, 1); return DmvrDist(cDistParam.distFunc(cDistParam) >> 1); } Mv InterPrediction::xDmvrSubpelRefine(const DmvrDist *sadPtr) { auto getRefinement = [](DmvrDist s0, DmvrDist s1, DmvrDist s2) -> int { CHECK(s0 > s1 || s0 > s2, "s0 should be smallest value"); const DmvrDist den = s1 + s2 - 2 * s0; if (0 != den) { if (s1 != s0 && s2 != s0) { const DmvrDist num = ((s1 - s2) << MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL) >> 1; DmvrDist rem = abs(num); const bool sign = num < 0; int q = 0; for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--) { const DmvrDist div = den << i; if (rem >= div) { rem -= div; q += 1 << i; } } return sign ? -q : q; } else { constexpr int HALF_PEL = 1 << MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL >> 1; return s1 == s0 ? -HALF_PEL : HALF_PEL; } } return 0; }; return Mv(getRefinement(sadPtr[0], sadPtr[-1], sadPtr[1]), getRefinement(sadPtr[0], sadPtr[-DMVR_SPAN], sadPtr[DMVR_SPAN])); } void InterPrediction::xDmvrInitialMc(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ClpRngs &clpRngs) { for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { Mv mergeMv = pu.mv[l]; if (!pu.cs->pps->getWrapAroundEnabledFlag()) { clipMv(mergeMv, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), *pu.cs->sps, *pu.cs->pps); } const int leftPixelExtra = (NTAPS_LUMA >> 1) - 1; Pel *srcBufPtr = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].bufs[COMPONENT_Y].bufAt(leftPixelExtra, leftPixelExtra); const ptrdiff_t srcBufStride = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].bufs[COMPONENT_Y].stride; PelUnitBuf dstBuf(CHROMA_400, m_dmvrInitialPred[l]); xPredInterBlk(COMPONENT_Y, pu, pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(l, pu.refIdx[l])->unscaledPic, mergeMv, dstBuf, true, clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y], false, false, pu.cu->slice->getScalingRatio(l, pu.refIdx[l]), true, srcBufPtr, srcBufStride, nullptr); } } void InterPrediction::xProcessDMVR(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &pcYuvDst, const ClpRngs &clpRngs, const bool applyBdof) { /*use merge MV as starting MV*/ const Mv mergeMv[] = { pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0], pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] }; const int dy = std::min(pu.lumaSize().height, DMVR_SUBCU_HEIGHT); const int dx = std::min(pu.lumaSize().width, DMVR_SUBCU_WIDTH); const Position puPos = pu.lumaPos(); int bd = pu.cs->slice->getClpRngs().comp[COMPONENT_Y].bd; #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(true); /*Always High Precision*/ int mvShift = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL; for (int k = 0; k < NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01; k++) { RefPicList refId = (RefPicList)k; const Picture* refPic = pu.cu->slice->getRefPic(refId, pu.refIdx[refId]); for (int compID = 0; compID < MAX_NUM_COMPONENT; compID++) { Mv cMv = pu.mv[refId]; int mvshiftTemp = mvShift + getComponentScaleX((ComponentID)compID, pu.chromaFormat); int filtersize = (compID == (COMPONENT_Y)) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA; cMv += Mv(-(((filtersize >> 1) - 1) << mvshiftTemp), -(((filtersize >> 1) - 1) << mvshiftTemp)); bool wrapRef = false; if ( pu.cs->pps->getWrapAroundEnabledFlag() ) { wrapRef = wrapClipMv(cMv, pu.blocks[0].pos(), pu.blocks[0].size(), pu.cs->sps, pu.cs->pps); } else { clipMv(cMv, pu.lumaPos(), pu.lumaSize(), *pu.cs->sps, *pu.cs->pps); } int width = pcYuvDst.bufs[compID].width + (filtersize - 1); int height = pcYuvDst.bufs[compID].height + (filtersize - 1); CPelBuf refBuf; Position recOffset = pu.blocks[compID].pos().offset(cMv.getHor() >> mvshiftTemp, cMv.getVer() >> mvshiftTemp); refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf(CompArea((ComponentID)compID, pu.chromaFormat, recOffset, pu.blocks[compID].size()), wrapRef); JVET_J0090_SET_REF_PICTURE(refPic, (ComponentID)compID); for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { JVET_J0090_CACHE_ACCESS(((Pel *)refBuf.buf) + row * refBuf.stride + col, __FILE__, __LINE__); } } } } JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(false); #endif PredictionUnit subPu = pu; subPu.UnitArea::operator=(UnitArea(pu.chromaFormat, Area(puPos.x, puPos.y, dx, dy))); PelUnitBuf srcPred[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { // point mc buffer to centre point to avoid multiplication to reach each iteration to the begining m_dmvrInitialPred[l] = PelBuf(m_yuvPredTempDmvr[l], dx + DMVR_SPAN - 1, dy + DMVR_SPAN - 1); m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l] = pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ? PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_refSamplesDmvr[l][COMPONENT_Y], pcYuvDst.Y())) : PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_refSamplesDmvr[l][COMPONENT_Y], pcYuvDst.Y()), PelBuf(m_refSamplesDmvr[l][COMPONENT_Cb], pcYuvDst.Cb()), PelBuf(m_refSamplesDmvr[l][COMPONENT_Cr], pcYuvDst.Cr())); m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l] = m_yuvRefBufDmvr[l].subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); // stride is set in xDmvrPrefetch() srcPred[l] = pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_400 ? PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[l][COMPONENT_Y], pcYuvDst.Y())) : PelUnitBuf(pu.chromaFormat, PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[l][COMPONENT_Y], pcYuvDst.Y()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[l][COMPONENT_Cb], pcYuvDst.Cb()), PelBuf(m_acYuvPred[l][COMPONENT_Cr], pcYuvDst.Cr())); srcPred[l] = srcPred[l].subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); } int subPuIdx = 0; for (int yStart = 0; yStart < pu.lumaSize().height; yStart += dy) { for (int xStart = 0; xStart < pu.lumaSize().width; xStart += dx) { const int x = puPos.x + xStart; const int y = puPos.y + yStart; subPu.UnitArea::operator=(UnitArea(pu.chromaFormat, Area(x, y, dx, dy))); subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mergeMv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mergeMv[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; xDmvrPrefetch(subPu, true); xDmvrInitialMc(subPu, clpRngs); std::array sads; sads.fill(UNDEFINED_DMVR_DIST); DmvrDist *sadPtr = &sads[sads.size() / 2]; DmvrDist minCost = xDmvrCost(clpRngs.comp[COMPONENT_Y].bd, Mv(), dx, dy); minCost -= minCost >> 2; sadPtr[0] = minCost; const bool significantCost = minCost >= dx * dy; Mv deltaMv; if (significantCost) { xDmvrIntegerRefine(bd, minCost, deltaMv, sadPtr, dx, dy); sadPtr += deltaMv.ver * DMVR_SPAN + deltaMv.hor; } const bool applyBdofSubPu = applyBdof && minCost >= 2 * dx * dy; const bool doSubpelRefine = significantCost && deltaMv.getAbsHor() != DMVR_RANGE && deltaMv.getAbsVer() != DMVR_RANGE; deltaMv.changePrecision(MvPrecision::ONE, MvPrecision::INTERNAL); if (doSubpelRefine) { deltaMv += xDmvrSubpelRefine(sadPtr); } const bool blockMoved = deltaMv != Mv(); if (blockMoved) { if (isChromaEnabled(pu.chromaFormat)) { xDmvrPrefetch(subPu, false); } xDmvrPad(subPu); } pu.mvdL0SubPu[subPuIdx] = deltaMv; subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0] += deltaMv; subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] -= deltaMv; subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0].clipToStorageBitDepth(); subPu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1].clipToStorageBitDepth(); xDmvrFinalMc(subPu, srcPred, applyBdofSubPu, mergeMv, blockMoved); PelUnitBuf subPredBuf = pcYuvDst.subBuf(UnitAreaRelative(pu, subPu)); xWeightedAverage(subPu, srcPred[REF_PIC_LIST_0], srcPred[REF_PIC_LIST_1], subPredBuf, subPu.cu->slice->getSPS()->getBitDepths(), subPu.cu->slice->clpRngs(), applyBdofSubPu, false, false, nullptr); subPuIdx++; } } JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE(true); } #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE void InterPrediction::cacheAssign( CacheModel *cache ) { m_cacheModel = cache; m_if.cacheAssign( cache ); m_if.initInterpolationFilter( !cache->isCacheEnable() ); } #endif void InterPrediction::xFillIBCBuffer(CodingUnit &cu) { for (auto &currPU : CU::traverseTUs(cu)) { for (const CompArea &area : currPU.blocks) { if (!area.valid()) { continue; } const unsigned int lcuWidth = cu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth(); const int shiftSampleHor = ::getComponentScaleX(area.compID, cu.chromaFormat); const int shiftSampleVer = ::getComponentScaleY(area.compID, cu.chromaFormat); const int ctuSizeLog2Ver = floorLog2(lcuWidth) - shiftSampleVer; const int pux = area.x & ((m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor) - 1); const int puy = area.y & (( 1 << ctuSizeLog2Ver ) - 1); const CompArea dstArea = CompArea(area.compID, cu.chromaFormat, Position(pux, puy), Size(area.width, area.height)); CPelBuf srcBuf = cu.cs->getRecoBuf(area); PelBuf dstBuf = m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(dstArea); dstBuf.copyFrom(srcBuf); } } } void InterPrediction::xIntraBlockCopy(PredictionUnit &pu, PelUnitBuf &predBuf, const ComponentID compID) { const unsigned int lcuWidth = pu.cs->slice->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth(); const int shiftSampleHor = ::getComponentScaleX(compID, pu.chromaFormat); const int shiftSampleVer = ::getComponentScaleY(compID, pu.chromaFormat); const int ctuSizeLog2Ver = floorLog2(lcuWidth) - shiftSampleVer; pu.bv = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; pu.bv.changePrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, MvPrecision::ONE); int refx, refy; if (compID == COMPONENT_Y) { refx = pu.Y().x + pu.bv.hor; refy = pu.Y().y + pu.bv.ver; } else {//Cb or Cr refx = pu.Cb().x + (pu.bv.hor >> shiftSampleHor); refy = pu.Cb().y + (pu.bv.ver >> shiftSampleVer); } refx &= ((m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor) - 1); refy &= ((1 << ctuSizeLog2Ver) - 1); if (refx + predBuf.bufs[compID].width <= (m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor)) { const CompArea srcArea = CompArea(compID, pu.chromaFormat, Position(refx, refy), Size(predBuf.bufs[compID].width, predBuf.bufs[compID].height)); const CPelBuf refBuf = m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(srcArea); predBuf.bufs[compID].copyFrom(refBuf); } else {//wrap around int width = (m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor) - refx; CompArea srcArea = CompArea(compID, pu.chromaFormat, Position(refx, refy), Size(width, predBuf.bufs[compID].height)); CPelBuf srcBuf = m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(srcArea); PelBuf dstBuf = PelBuf(predBuf.bufs[compID].bufAt(Position(0, 0)), predBuf.bufs[compID].stride, Size(width, predBuf.bufs[compID].height)); dstBuf.copyFrom(srcBuf); width = refx + predBuf.bufs[compID].width - (m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor); srcArea = CompArea(compID, pu.chromaFormat, Position(0, refy), Size(width, predBuf.bufs[compID].height)); srcBuf = m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(srcArea); dstBuf = PelBuf(predBuf.bufs[compID].bufAt(Position((m_IBCBufferWidth >> shiftSampleHor) - refx, 0)), predBuf.bufs[compID].stride, Size(width, predBuf.bufs[compID].height)); dstBuf.copyFrom(srcBuf); } } void InterPrediction::resetIBCBuffer(const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, const int ctuSize) { const UnitArea area = UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(0, 0, m_IBCBufferWidth, ctuSize)); m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(area).fill(-1); } void InterPrediction::resetVPDUforIBC(const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, const int ctuSize, const int vSize, const int xPos, const int yPos) { const UnitArea area = UnitArea(chromaFormatIDC, Area(xPos & (m_IBCBufferWidth - 1), yPos & (ctuSize - 1), vSize, vSize)); m_IBCBuffer.getBuf(area).fill(-1); } bool InterPrediction::isLumaBvValid(const int ctuSize, const int xCb, const int yCb, const int width, const int height, const int xBv, const int yBv) { if(((yCb + yBv) & (ctuSize - 1)) + height > ctuSize) { return false; } int refTLx = xCb + xBv; int refTLy = (yCb + yBv) & (ctuSize - 1); PelBuf buf = m_IBCBuffer.Y(); for(int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { if(buf.at((x + refTLx) & (m_IBCBufferWidth - 1), y + refTLy) == -1) return false; if(buf.at((x + 3 + refTLx) & (m_IBCBufferWidth - 1), y + refTLy) == -1) return false; if(buf.at((x + refTLx) & (m_IBCBufferWidth - 1), y + 3 + refTLy) == -1) return false; if(buf.at((x + 3 + refTLx) & (m_IBCBufferWidth - 1), y + 3 + refTLy) == -1) return false; } } return true; } bool InterPrediction::xPredInterBlkRPR(const ScalingRatio scalingRatio, const PPS &pps, const CompArea &blk, const Picture *refPic, const Mv &mv, Pel *dst, const ptrdiff_t dstStride, const bool bi, const bool wrapRef, const ClpRng &clpRng, const InterpolationFilter::Filter filterIndex, const bool useAltHpelIf) { const ChromaFormat chFmt = blk.chromaFormat; const ComponentID compID = blk.compID; const bool rndRes = !bi; int shiftHor = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + (isLuma(compID) ? 0 : 1); int shiftVer = MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL + (isLuma(compID) ? 0 : 1); int width = blk.width; int height = blk.height; CPelBuf refBuf; const bool scaled = refPic->isRefScaled( &pps ); if( scaled ) { int row, col; int refPicWidth = refPic->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); int refPicHeight = refPic->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); InterpolationFilter::Filter xFilter = filterIndex; InterpolationFilter::Filter yFilter = filterIndex; const int rprThreshold1 = (1 << ScalingRatio::BITS) * 5 / 4; const int rprThreshold2 = (1 << ScalingRatio::BITS) * 7 / 4; if (filterIndex == InterpolationFilter::Filter::DEFAULT || !isLuma(compID)) { if (scalingRatio.x > rprThreshold2) { xFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::RPR2; } else if (scalingRatio.x > rprThreshold1) { xFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::RPR1; } if (scalingRatio.y > rprThreshold2) { yFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::RPR2; } else if (scalingRatio.y > rprThreshold1) { yFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::RPR1; } } else if (filterIndex == InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE) { if (scalingRatio.x > rprThreshold2) { xFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE_RPR2; } else if (scalingRatio.x > rprThreshold1) { xFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE_RPR1; } if (scalingRatio.y > rprThreshold2) { yFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE_RPR2; } else if (scalingRatio.y > rprThreshold1) { yFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::AFFINE_RPR1; } } if (useAltHpelIf) { if (xFilter == InterpolationFilter::Filter::DEFAULT && scalingRatio.x == SCALE_1X.x) { xFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::HALFPEL_ALT; } if (yFilter == InterpolationFilter::Filter::DEFAULT && scalingRatio.y == SCALE_1X.y) { yFilter = InterpolationFilter::Filter::HALFPEL_ALT; } } const int posShift = ScalingRatio::BITS - 4; const int stepX = (scalingRatio.x + 8) >> 4; const int stepY = (scalingRatio.y + 8) >> 4; const int offX = 1 << (posShift - shiftHor - 1); const int offY = 1 << (posShift - shiftVer - 1); const uint32_t scaleX = ::getComponentScaleX(compID, chFmt); const uint32_t scaleY = ::getComponentScaleY(compID, chFmt); const int64_t posX = ((blk.pos().x << scaleX) - (pps.getScalingWindow().getWindowLeftOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitX(chFmt))) >> scaleX; const int64_t posY = ((blk.pos().y << scaleY) - (pps.getScalingWindow().getWindowTopOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitY(chFmt))) >> scaleY; int addX = isLuma(compID) ? 0 : int(1 - refPic->cs->sps->getHorCollocatedChromaFlag()) * 8 * (scalingRatio.x - SCALE_1X.x); int addY = isLuma(compID) ? 0 : int(1 - refPic->cs->sps->getVerCollocatedChromaFlag()) * 8 * (scalingRatio.y - SCALE_1X.y); int boundLeft = 0; int boundRight = refPicWidth >> scaleX; int boundTop = 0; int boundBottom = refPicHeight >> scaleY; if( refPic->subPictures.size() > 1 ) { const SubPic& curSubPic = pps.getSubPicFromPos(blk.lumaPos()); if( curSubPic.getTreatedAsPicFlag() ) { boundLeft = curSubPic.getSubPicLeft() >> scaleX; boundRight = curSubPic.getSubPicRight() >> scaleX; boundTop = curSubPic.getSubPicTop() >> scaleY; boundBottom = curSubPic.getSubPicBottom() >> scaleY; } } int64_t x0Int; int64_t y0Int; x0Int = ((posX << (4 + scaleX)) + mv.getHor()) * (int64_t) scalingRatio.x + addX; x0Int = sgn2(x0Int) * ((abs(x0Int) + (1ull << (7 + scaleX))) >> (8 + scaleX)) + ((refPic->getScalingWindow().getWindowLeftOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitX(chFmt)) << ((posShift - scaleX))); y0Int = ((posY << (4 + scaleY)) + mv.getVer()) * (int64_t) scalingRatio.y + addY; y0Int = sgn2(y0Int) * ((abs(y0Int) + (1ull << (7 + scaleY))) >> (8 + scaleY)) + ((refPic->getScalingWindow().getWindowTopOffset() * SPS::getWinUnitY(chFmt)) << ((posShift - scaleY))); const int extSize = isLuma( compID ) ? 1 : 2; int vFilterSize = isLuma( compID ) ? NTAPS_LUMA : NTAPS_CHROMA; int yInt0 = ( (int32_t)y0Int + offY ) >> posShift; yInt0 = std::min( std::max( boundTop - (NTAPS_LUMA / 2), yInt0 ), boundBottom + (NTAPS_LUMA / 2) ); int xInt0 = ( (int32_t)x0Int + offX ) >> posShift; xInt0 = std::min( std::max( boundLeft - (NTAPS_LUMA / 2), xInt0 ), boundRight + (NTAPS_LUMA / 2) ); int refHeight = ((((int32_t)y0Int + (height-1) * stepY) + offY ) >> posShift) - ((((int32_t)y0Int + 0 * stepY) + offY ) >> posShift) + 1; refHeight = std::max( 1, refHeight ); CHECK(TMP_RPR_HEIGHT < refHeight + vFilterSize - 1 + extSize, "Buffer is not large enough, increase MAX_SCALING_RATIO"); int tmpStride = width; int xInt = 0, yInt = 0; for( col = 0; col < width; col++ ) { int posX = (int32_t)x0Int + col * stepX; xInt = ( posX + offX ) >> posShift; xInt = std::min( std::max( boundLeft - (NTAPS_LUMA / 2), xInt ), boundRight + (NTAPS_LUMA / 2) ); int xFrac = ( ( posX + offX ) >> ( posShift - shiftHor ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftHor ) - 1 ); CHECK( xInt0 > xInt, "Wrong horizontal starting point" ); Position offset = Position( xInt, yInt0 ); refBuf = refPic->getRecoBuf( CompArea( compID, chFmt, offset, Size( 1, refHeight ) ), wrapRef ); Pel *const tempBuf = m_filteredBlockTmpRPR + col; m_if.filterHor(compID, (Pel *) refBuf.buf - ((vFilterSize >> 1) - 1) * refBuf.stride, refBuf.stride, tempBuf, tmpStride, 1, refHeight + vFilterSize - 1 + extSize, xFrac, false, clpRng, xFilter); } for( row = 0; row < height; row++ ) { int posY = (int32_t)y0Int + row * stepY; yInt = ( posY + offY ) >> posShift; yInt = std::min( std::max( boundTop - (NTAPS_LUMA / 2), yInt ), boundBottom + (NTAPS_LUMA / 2) ); int yFrac = ( ( posY + offY ) >> ( posShift - shiftVer ) ) & ( ( 1 << shiftVer ) - 1 ); CHECK( yInt0 > yInt, "Wrong vertical starting point" ); const Pel *const tempBuf = m_filteredBlockTmpRPR + (yInt - yInt0) * tmpStride; JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( false ); m_if.filterVer(compID, tempBuf + ((vFilterSize >> 1) - 1) * tmpStride, tmpStride, dst + row * dstStride, dstStride, width, 1, yFrac, false, rndRes, clpRng, yFilter); JVET_J0090_SET_CACHE_ENABLE( true ); } } return scaled; } #if JVET_AC0139_UNIFIED_MERGE void MergeCtx::setMergeInfo( PredictionUnit& pu, int candIdx ) const #else void MergeCtx::setMergeInfo( PredictionUnit& pu, int candIdx ) #endif { CHECK( candIdx >= numValidMergeCand, "Merge candidate does not exist" ); pu.regularMergeFlag = !(pu.ciipFlag || pu.cu->geoFlag); pu.mergeFlag = true; pu.mmvdMergeFlag = false; pu.interDir = interDirNeighbours[candIdx]; pu.cu->imv = (!pu.cu->geoFlag && useAltHpelIf[candIdx]) ? IMV_HPEL : 0; pu.mergeIdx = candIdx; pu.mergeType = CU::isIBC(*pu.cu) ? MergeType::IBC : MergeType::DEFAULT_N; for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { pu.mv[l] = mvFieldNeighbours[candIdx][l].mv; pu.mvd[l] = Mv(); pu.refIdx[l] = mvFieldNeighbours[candIdx][l].refIdx; pu.mvpIdx[l] = NOT_VALID; pu.mvpNum[l] = NOT_VALID; } #if GDR_ENABLED CodingStructure &cs = *pu.cs; const bool isEncodeGdrClean = cs.sps->getGDREnabledFlag() && cs.pcv->isEncoder && ((cs.picture->gdrParam.inGdrInterval && cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), ChannelType::LUMA)) || (cs.picture->gdrParam.verBoundary == -1)); if (isEncodeGdrClean) { for (const auto l: { REF_PIC_LIST_0, REF_PIC_LIST_1 }) { Mv mv = pu.mv[l]; int refIdx = pu.refIdx[l]; pu.mvSolid[l] = mvSolid[candIdx][l]; pu.mvValid[l] = cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), mv, l, refIdx); } } #endif if (CU::isIBC(*pu.cu)) { pu.bv = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; pu.bv.changePrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, MvPrecision::ONE); // used for only integer resolution pu.cu->imv = pu.cu->imv == IMV_HPEL ? 0 : pu.cu->imv; } pu.cu->bcwIdx = (interDirNeighbours[candIdx] == 3) ? bcwIdx[candIdx] : BCW_DEFAULT; PU::restrictBiPredMergeCandsOne(pu); pu.mmvdEncOptMode = 0; } void MergeCtx::getMmvdDeltaMv(const Slice& slice, const MmvdIdx candIdx, Mv deltaMv[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]) const { const int mvdBaseIdx = candIdx.pos.baseIdx; const int mvdStep = candIdx.pos.step; const int mvdPosition = candIdx.pos.position; int offset = 1 << (mvdStep + MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_DIFF); if (slice.getPicHeader()->getDisFracMMVD()) { offset <<= 2; } const int refList0 = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][REF_PIC_LIST_0].refIdx; const int refList1 = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][REF_PIC_LIST_1].refIdx; const Mv dMvTable[4] = { Mv(offset,0), Mv(-offset,0), Mv(0, offset), Mv(0, -offset) }; if ((refList0 != -1) && (refList1 != -1)) { const int poc0 = slice.getRefPOC(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refList0); const int poc1 = slice.getRefPOC(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refList1); const int currPoc = slice.getPOC(); deltaMv[0] = dMvTable[mvdPosition]; if ((poc0 - currPoc) == (poc1 - currPoc)) { deltaMv[1] = deltaMv[0]; } else if (abs(poc1 - currPoc) > abs(poc0 - currPoc)) { const int scale = PU::getDistScaleFactor(currPoc, poc0, currPoc, poc1); deltaMv[1] = deltaMv[0]; const bool isL0RefLongTerm = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refList0)->longTerm; const bool isL1RefLongTerm = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refList1)->longTerm; if (isL0RefLongTerm || isL1RefLongTerm) { if ((poc1 - currPoc)*(poc0 - currPoc) > 0) { deltaMv[0] = deltaMv[1]; } else { deltaMv[0].set(-1 * deltaMv[1].getHor(), -1 * deltaMv[1].getVer()); } } else { deltaMv[0] = deltaMv[1].getScaledMv(scale); } } else { const int scale = PU::getDistScaleFactor(currPoc, poc1, currPoc, poc0); const bool isL0RefLongTerm = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_0, refList0)->longTerm; const bool isL1RefLongTerm = slice.getRefPic(REF_PIC_LIST_1, refList1)->longTerm; if (isL0RefLongTerm || isL1RefLongTerm) { if ((poc1 - currPoc)*(poc0 - currPoc) > 0) { deltaMv[1] = deltaMv[0]; } else { deltaMv[1].set(-1 * deltaMv[0].getHor(), -1 * deltaMv[0].getVer()); } } else { deltaMv[1] = deltaMv[0].getScaledMv(scale); } } } else if (refList0 != -1) { deltaMv[0] = dMvTable[mvdPosition]; } else if (refList1 != -1) { deltaMv[1] = dMvTable[mvdPosition]; } } void MergeCtx::setMmvdMergeCandiInfo(PredictionUnit &pu, const MmvdIdx candIdx) { Mv tempMv[NUM_REF_PIC_LIST_01]; #if GDR_ENABLED const CodingStructure &cs = *pu.cs; const bool isEncodeGdrClean = cs.sps->getGDREnabledFlag() && cs.pcv->isEncoder && ((cs.picture->gdrParam.inGdrInterval && cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), ChannelType::LUMA)) || (cs.picture->gdrParam.verBoundary == -1)); #endif getMmvdDeltaMv(*pu.cs->slice, candIdx, tempMv); const int mvdBaseIdx = candIdx.pos.baseIdx; const int refList0 = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][0].refIdx; const int refList1 = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][1].refIdx; if ((refList0 != -1) && (refList1 != -1)) { pu.interDir = 3; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][0].mv + tempMv[0]; pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = refList0; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][1].mv + tempMv[1]; pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = refList1; #if GDR_ENABLED if (isEncodeGdrClean) { Mv mv0 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; Mv mv1 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][0] = cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), mv0, REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx0); mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][1] = cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), mv1, REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx1); pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdSolid[mvdBaseIdx][0]; pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdSolid[mvdBaseIdx][1]; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][0]; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][1]; } #endif } else if (refList0 != -1) { pu.interDir = 1; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][0].mv + tempMv[0]; pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = refList0; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = Mv(0, 0); pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = -1; #if GDR_ENABLED if (isEncodeGdrClean) { Mv mv0 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; //Mv mv1 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; //int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdSolid[mvdBaseIdx][0]; pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = true; mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][0] = cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), mv0, REF_PIC_LIST_0, refIdx0); mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][1] = true; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][0]; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = true; } #endif } else if (refList1 != -1) { pu.interDir = 2; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = Mv(0, 0); pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = -1; pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdBaseMv[mvdBaseIdx][1].mv + tempMv[1]; pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = refList1; #if GDR_ENABLED if (isEncodeGdrClean) { // Mv mv0 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; Mv mv1 = pu.mv[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; // int refIdx0 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; int refIdx1 = pu.refIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][0] = true; mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][1] = cs.isClean(pu.Y().topRight(), mv1, REF_PIC_LIST_1, refIdx1); pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = true; pu.mvSolid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdSolid[mvdBaseIdx][1]; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = true; pu.mvValid[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = mmvdValid[mvdBaseIdx][1]; } #endif } pu.mmvdMergeFlag = true; pu.mmvdMergeIdx = candIdx; pu.mergeFlag = true; pu.regularMergeFlag = true; pu.mergeIdx = candIdx.val; pu.mergeType = MergeType::DEFAULT_N; pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = Mv(); pu.mvd[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = Mv(); pu.mvpIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = NOT_VALID; pu.mvpIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = NOT_VALID; pu.mvpNum[REF_PIC_LIST_0] = NOT_VALID; pu.mvpNum[REF_PIC_LIST_1] = NOT_VALID; pu.cu->imv = mmvdUseAltHpelIf[mvdBaseIdx] ? IMV_HPEL : 0; pu.cu->bcwIdx = (interDirNeighbours[mvdBaseIdx] == 3) ? bcwIdx[mvdBaseIdx] : BCW_DEFAULT; for (int refList = 0; refList < 2; refList++) { if (pu.refIdx[refList] >= 0) { pu.mv[refList].clipToStorageBitDepth(); } } PU::restrictBiPredMergeCandsOne(pu); }