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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file Mv.h \brief motion vector class (header) */ #ifndef __MV__ #define __MV__ #include "CommonDef.h" //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== enum class MvPrecision : int { FOUR = -2, // 4-pel ONE = 0, // 1-pel HALF = 1, // 1/2-pel QUARTER = 2, // 1/4-pel (the precision of regular MV difference signaling) SIXTEENTH = 4, // 1/16-pel (the precision of internal MV) INTERNAL = ONE + MV_FRACTIONAL_BITS_INTERNAL, }; static inline constexpr int operator-(const MvPrecision &a, const MvPrecision &b) { return to_underlying(a) - to_underlying(b); } /// basic motion vector class class Mv { private: static const MvPrecision m_amvrPrecision[4]; static const MvPrecision m_amvrPrecAffine[3]; static const MvPrecision m_amvrPrecIbc[3]; public: int hor; ///< horizontal component of motion vector int ver; ///< vertical component of motion vector // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mv( ) : hor( 0 ), ver( 0 ) {} Mv( int iHor, int iVer ) : hor( iHor ), ver( iVer ) {} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // set // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void set ( int iHor, int iVer) { hor = iHor; ver = iVer; } void setHor ( int i ) { hor = i; } void setVer ( int i ) { ver = i; } void setZero () { hor = ver = 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // get // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int getHor () const { return hor; } int getVer () const { return ver; } int getAbsHor () const { return abs( hor ); } int getAbsVer () const { return abs( ver ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // operations // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Mv& operator += (const Mv& _rcMv) { { Mv rcMv = _rcMv; hor += rcMv.hor; ver += rcMv.ver; } return *this; } const Mv& operator-= (const Mv& _rcMv) { { Mv rcMv = _rcMv; hor -= rcMv.hor; ver -= rcMv.ver; } return *this; } const Mv& operator<<= (const int i) { hor *= 1 << i; ver *= 1 << i; return *this; } // NOTE: the right shift operator uses symmetric rounding const Mv& operator>>= ( const int i ) { if (i > 0) { CHECKD(i > 30, "overflow in offset calculation"); const int offset = 1 << i >> 1; hor = (hor + offset + (~hor >> 31)) >> i; ver = (ver + offset + (~ver >> 31)) >> i; } return *this; } const Mv operator - ( const Mv& rcMv ) const { return Mv( hor - rcMv.hor, ver - rcMv.ver ); } const Mv operator + ( const Mv& rcMv ) const { return Mv( hor + rcMv.hor, ver + rcMv.ver ); } bool operator== ( const Mv& rcMv ) const { return ( hor == rcMv.hor && ver == rcMv.ver ); } bool operator!= ( const Mv& rcMv ) const { return !( *this == rcMv ); } Mv getScaledMv(const int scale) const { Mv mv(scale * hor, scale * ver); mv >>= 8; mv.clipToStorageBitDepth(); return mv; } void changePrecision(const MvPrecision src, const MvPrecision dst) { const int shift = dst - src; if (shift >= 0) { *this <<= shift; } else { *this >>= -shift; } } void roundToPrecision(const MvPrecision& src, const MvPrecision& dst) { changePrecision(src, dst); changePrecision(dst, src); } // translational MV void changeTransPrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { changePrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecision[amvr]); } void changeTransPrecAmvr2Internal(const int amvr) { changePrecision(m_amvrPrecision[amvr], MvPrecision::INTERNAL); } void roundTransPrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { roundToPrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecision[amvr]); } // affine MV static double getAffineAmvrScale(int amvrIdx) { const int shift = m_amvrPrecAffine[amvrIdx] - MvPrecision::ONE; if (shift >= 0) { return 1.0 * (1 << shift); } else { return 1.0 / (1 << -shift); } }; void changeAffinePrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { changePrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecAffine[amvr]); } void changeAffinePrecAmvr2Internal(const int amvr) { changePrecision(m_amvrPrecAffine[amvr], MvPrecision::INTERNAL); } void roundAffinePrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { roundToPrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecAffine[amvr]); } // IBC block vector void changeIbcPrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { changePrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecIbc[amvr]); } void changeIbcPrecAmvr2Internal(const int amvr) { changePrecision(m_amvrPrecIbc[amvr], MvPrecision::INTERNAL); } void roundIbcPrecInternal2Amvr(const int amvr) { roundToPrecision(MvPrecision::INTERNAL, m_amvrPrecIbc[amvr]); } Mv getSymmvdMv(const Mv& curMvPred, const Mv& tarMvPred) { return Mv(tarMvPred.hor - hor + curMvPred.hor, tarMvPred.ver - ver + curMvPred.ver); } bool isInRange() const { return hor >= MV_MIN && hor <= MV_MAX && ver >= MV_MIN && ver <= MV_MAX; } bool isInRangeDelta() const { return hor >= MVD_MIN && hor <= MVD_MAX && ver >= MVD_MIN && ver <= MVD_MAX; } void clipToStorageBitDepth() { hor = Clip3(MV_MIN, MV_MAX, hor); ver = Clip3(MV_MIN, MV_MAX, ver); } void foldToStorageBitDepth() { constexpr int MSB = 1 << (MV_BITS - 1); constexpr int LSBS = MSB - 1; hor = (hor & LSBS) - (hor & MSB); ver = (ver & LSBS) - (ver & MSB); } }; namespace std { template<> struct hash { size_t operator()(const Mv &value) const { return (((size_t) value.hor << 32) + value.ver); } }; }; extern void(*clipMv) ( Mv& rcMv, const struct Position& pos, const struct Size& size, const class SPS& sps, const class PPS& pps ); void clipMvInPic ( Mv& rcMv, const struct Position& pos, const struct Size& size, const class SPS& sps, const class PPS& pps ); void clipMvInSubpic ( Mv& rcMv, const struct Position& pos, const struct Size& size, const class SPS& sps, const class PPS& pps ); bool wrapClipMv( Mv& rcMv, const Position& pos, const struct Size& size, const SPS *sps , const PPS* pps ); //! \} #endif // __MV__