BUILD_SCRIPT := $(CURDIR)/cmake/CMakeBuild/bin/ # Define here a list of generic targets to be built separately using a suffix to select the variant and link option. # Examples: must be replaced by a make target defined below. # # How to build a single target: # make -a => build variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo # make -r => build variant=release # make -d => build variant=debug # make -p => build variant=relwithdebinfo # # How to clean and build a single target: # make -ca => clean + build variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo # make -cr => clean + build variant=release # make -cd => clean + build variant=debug # make -cp => clean + build variant=relwithdebinfo # TARGETS := CommonLib DecoderAnalyserApp DecoderAnalyserLib DecoderApp DecoderLib TARGETS += EncoderApp EncoderLib Utilities SEIRemovalApp StreamMergeApp ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) ifneq ($(MSYSTEM),) # MSYS runtime environment UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) PYTHON_LAUNCHER := python3 BUILD_CMD := $(PYTHON_LAUNCHER) $(BUILD_SCRIPT) else UNAME_S := Windows PY := $(wildcard c:/windows/py.*) ifeq ($(PY),) PYTHON_LAUNCHER := python else PYTHON_LAUNCHER := $(notdir $(PY)) endif # If a plain is used, the exit codes won't arrive in make; i.e. build failures are reported as success by make. BUILD_CMD := $(PYTHON_LAUNCHER) $(BUILD_SCRIPT) ifeq ($(toolset),gcc) g := mgwmake endif endif else UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) BUILD_CMD := $(BUILD_SCRIPT) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) # for Jenkins: run trace build only on Linux LINUXBUILD := TRUE endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) # MAC endif endif ifeq ($(j),) BUILD_JOBS += -j else BUILD_JOBS += -j$(j) endif ifneq ($(g),) CONFIG_OPTIONS += -g $(g) endif ifneq ($(toolset),) # aarch64 and mingw are two shortcuts to simplify toolset specification. ifeq ($(toolset),mingw) CONFIG_OPTIONS += toolset=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix else CONFIG_OPTIONS += toolset=$(toolset) endif endif ifneq ($(address-model),) CONFIG_OPTIONS += address-model=$(address-model) endif ifneq ($(address-sanitizer),) CMAKE_OPTIONS += -DUSE_ADDRESS_SANITIZER=ON endif ifneq ($(verbose),) CMAKE_OPTIONS += -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON endif ifneq ($(enable-tracing),) CONFIG_OPTIONS += -DENABLE_TRACING=$(enable-tracing) endif ifneq ($(high-bitdepth),) CONFIG_OPTIONS += -DENABLE_HIGH_BITDEPTH=$(high-bitdepth) endif ifneq ($(static),) CONFIG_OPTIONS += -DBUILD_STATIC=$(static) endif BUILD_OPTIONS := $(CONFIG_OPTIONS) -b debug: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug all: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo release: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=release relwithdebinfo: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=relwithdebinfo clean: # clean is equal to realclean to ensure that CMake options are reset $(RM) -rf bin build lib # $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo --target clean clean-r: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=release --target clean clean-d: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug --target clean clean-p: $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=relwithdebinfo --target clean configure: $(BUILD_CMD) $(CONFIG_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo linuxbuild: ifeq ($(LINUXBUILD),TRUE) # option for automated jenkins build $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug endif # # project specific targets # # build the list of release, debug targets given the generic targets TARGETS_ALL := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-a) TARGETS_RELEASE := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-r) TARGETS_DEBUG := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-d) TARGETS_RELWITHDEBINFO := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-p) TARGETS_ALL_CLEAN_FIRST := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-ca) TARGETS_RELEASE_CLEAN_FIRST := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-cr) TARGETS_DEBUG_CLEAN_FIRST := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-cd) TARGETS_RELWITHDEBINFO_CLEAN_FIRST := $(foreach t,$(TARGETS),$(t)-cp) $(TARGETS_ALL): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo --target $(patsubst %-a,%,$@) $(TARGETS_ALL_CLEAN_FIRST): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug,release,relwithdebinfo --clean-first --target $(patsubst %-ca,%,$@) $(TARGETS_RELEASE): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=release --target $(patsubst %-r,%,$@) $(TARGETS_RELEASE_CLEAN_FIRST): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=release --clean-first --target $(patsubst %-cr,%,$@) $(TARGETS_DEBUG): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug --target $(patsubst %-d,%,$@) $(TARGETS_DEBUG_CLEAN_FIRST): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=debug --target $(patsubst %-cd,%,$@) --clean-first $(TARGETS_RELWITHDEBINFO): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=relwithdebinfo --target $(patsubst %-p,%,$@) $(TARGETS_RELWITHDEBINFO_CLEAN_FIRST): $(BUILD_CMD) $(BUILD_JOBS) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) $(CMAKE_OPTIONS) variant=relwithdebinfo --target $(patsubst %-cp,%,$@) --clean-first realclean: $(RM) -rf bin build lib .NOTPARALLEL: