from __future__ import print_function import glob import logging import os import platform import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import as system import as util import as ver class MsvcRegistry(object): class __MsvcRegistry(object): def __init__(self): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._sys_info = system.SystemInfo() self._supported_msvc_versions = ['14.2', '14.1', '14.0', '12.0', '11.0', '10.0'] program_dir = self._sys_info.get_program_dir('x86') # VS2019, VS2017 come with a locator tool vswhere to search for the installation directory. # The dictionary _msvc_install_dir_dict will be augmented with keys 14.2 and 14.1 by method _do_inventory_vc14x(). self._msvc_install_dir_dict = {'14.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0", 'VC')], '12.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0", 'VC')], '11.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0", 'VC')], '10.0': [os.path.join(program_dir, "Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0", 'VC')]} # a list of sorted version tuples identifying the installed MSVC products self._installed_msvc_versions = [] # key = msvc_version, value = full path of vcvarsall.bat self._compiler_command_dict = {} # key = msvc_version, value = options to be passed to the setup command; e.g. -vcvars_ver=14.0, -vcvars_ver=14.1x self._compiler_command_option_dict = {} # key = msvc_version, value = vc version self._compiler_version_dict = {} # key = msvc_version, value = True/False self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict = {} # key = msvc_version, value = True/False; e.g. '14.1' -> True indicates 14.1 is an alternative toolset installed with vs2019. self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict = {} # clear information on alternative toolset upfront for version in self._supported_msvc_versions: self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version] = False self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version] = False if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): self._logger.debug("performing in-depth VS inventory for debugging.") self._do_inventory_winreg() vswhere = self._find_vswhere() if vswhere: # Update VS2019 installation paths via vswhere.exe self._do_inventory_vc14x('14.2', vswhere) # Update VS2017 installation paths via vswhere.exe self._do_inventory_vc14x('14.1', vswhere) else: pass self._do_inventory() self._dump_inventory() def _dump_inventory(self): if self._logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for version in self._installed_msvc_versions: version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version) cl_version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._compiler_version_dict[version_str]) self._logger.debug("found MSVC version {}, CL version {}, setup={}".format(version_str, cl_version_str, self._compiler_command_dict[version_str])) def get_compiler_command(self, version=None): if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() return self._compiler_command_dict[ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)] def get_compiler_version(self, version=None): if version is None: version = self.get_latest_version() return self._compiler_version_dict[ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)] def get_latest_version(self, max_version=None): if not self._installed_msvc_versions: raise Exception("No supported Microsoft Visual C++ version found, please check your installation or contact technical support.") if max_version is None: max_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(self._supported_msvc_versions[0]) for version in self._installed_msvc_versions: if ver.version_compare(max_version, version) >= 0: return version raise Exception("No suitable Microsoft Visual C++ version found, please check your installation or contact technical support.") def is_version_installed(self, version): if (ver.version_compare(version, ver.version_tuple_from_str(self._supported_msvc_versions[0])) > 0) or (ver.version_compare(version, ver.version_tuple_from_str(self._supported_msvc_versions[-1])) < 0): raise Exception("Microsoft Visual C++ toolset msvc-" + ver.version_tuple_to_str(version) + " is not supported.") for v in self._installed_msvc_versions: if ver.version_compare(v, version) == 0: return True return False def is_vs2017_toolset(self, version): if not self.is_version_installed(version): return False version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version) if version_str in self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict: return self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version_str] return False def is_vs2019_toolset(self, version): if not self.is_version_installed(version): return False version_str = ver.version_tuple_to_str(version) if version_str in self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict: return self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version_str] return False def _do_inventory(self): for version in self._supported_msvc_versions: if version not in self._msvc_install_dir_dict: continue setup_cmd = None for vc_dir in self._msvc_install_dir_dict[version]: self._logger.debug("trying VC install dir %s", vc_dir) # multiple vc install directories per version are possible to support community and professional/enterprise editions. cl_cmd = self._find_cl_cmd(vc_dir, version) if cl_cmd: self._logger.debug("found VC compiler %s", cl_cmd) if version in ['14.2', '14.1']: setup_cmd = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cl_cmd), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'Auxiliary', 'Build', 'vcvarsall.bat')) elif version in ['14.0']: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vc_dir, '..', 'Common7', 'IDE', 'devenv.exe')): self._logger.debug("found VS 2015 IDE installed.") setup_cmd = os.path.join(vc_dir, 'vcvarsall.bat') elif '14.2' in self._compiler_command_dict: # We've got 14.0 as an alternative VS 2019 toolset. self._logger.debug("found msvc-14.0 installed as an alternative VS 2019 toolset.") setup_cmd = self._compiler_command_dict['14.2'] self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict[version] = True self._compiler_command_option_dict[version] = '-vcvars_ver=14.0' elif '14.1' in self._compiler_command_dict: # We've got 14.0 as an alternative VS 2017 toolset. self._logger.debug("found msvc-14.0 installed as an alternative VS 2017 toolset.") setup_cmd = self._compiler_command_dict['14.1'] self._is_vs2017_toolset_dict[version] = True self._compiler_command_option_dict[version] = '-vcvars_ver=14.0' else: setup_cmd = os.path.join(vc_dir, 'vcvarsall.bat') break if (setup_cmd is not None) and os.path.exists(setup_cmd): assert cl_cmd is not None cl_version = self._query_msvc_compiler_version(cl_cmd) self._compiler_command_dict[version] = setup_cmd self._compiler_version_dict[version] = cl_version if (version == '14.2') and ('14.1' not in self._msvc_install_dir_dict): # Search for alternative toolset vc141 installed with vs2019 self._logger.debug("searching for alternative VS2019 toolset vc141.") vc_dir in self._msvc_install_dir_dict[version][0] setup_cmd = self._compiler_command_dict['14.2'] cl_cmd = self._find_cl_cmd(vc_dir, '14.1') if cl_cmd: self._logger.debug("found alternative VC compiler {}".format(cl_cmd)) cl_version = self._query_msvc_compiler_version(cl_cmd) self._compiler_command_dict['14.1'] = setup_cmd self._compiler_version_dict['14.1'] = cl_version self._compiler_command_option_dict['14.1'] = '-vcvars_ver=14.1x' self._is_vs2019_toolset_dict['14.1'] = True msvc_version_list = [] for version in self._compiler_version_dict: msvc_version_list.append(ver.version_tuple_from_str(version)) if msvc_version_list: self._installed_msvc_versions = ver.version_list_sort(msvc_version_list) self._installed_msvc_versions.reverse() # print("sorted msvc versions: ", self._installed_msvc_versions) def _find_cl_cmd(self, vc_inst_dir, version_str): cl_cmd = None if version_str in ['14.2', '14.1']: msvc_dir = os.path.join(vc_inst_dir, 'Tools', 'MSVC') if os.path.exists(msvc_dir): version_dir_list = [ver.version_tuple_from_str(x) for x in os.listdir(msvc_dir) if re.match(r'[0-9.]+$', x)] if version_dir_list: version_dir_list = ver.version_list_sort(version_dir_list) version_dir_list.reverse() # VS2019 installs toolset v141 side-by-side in a folder named '14.16.27023', toolset v142 is # installed in a folder named '14.20.27508'. for version in version_dir_list: if (version_str == '14.2') and (version[1] >= 30): self._logger.debug("ignoring cl installation folder: {}".format(os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)))) continue if (version_str == '14.1') and (version[1] >= 20): self._logger.debug("ignoring cl installation folder: {}".format(os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version)))) continue cl_cmd = os.path.join(msvc_dir, ver.version_tuple_to_str(version), 'bin', 'HostX64', 'x64', 'cl.exe') if os.path.exists(cl_cmd): break else: cl_cmd = None else: cl_cmd = os.path.join(vc_inst_dir, 'bin', 'amd64', 'cl.exe') if not os.path.exists(cl_cmd): cl_cmd = None if cl_cmd: self._logger.debug("found cl: {}".format(cl_cmd)) return cl_cmd def _query_msvc_compiler_version(self, cl_cmd): version_file_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() version_file = os.path.join(version_file_dir, 'vc_version_peek.h') with open(version_file, "w") as versionf: versionf.write(textwrap.dedent("""\ #pragma message(_MSC_FULL_VER _MSC_BUILD) """.format())) retv = subprocess.check_output([cl_cmd, '/EP', version_file], stderr=self._sys_info.get_subprocess_devnull(), universal_newlines=True).lstrip() # print("_query_msvc_compiler_versionf(): retv=" + retv) re_match = re.match(r'#pragma\s+message\(([0-9][0-9])([0-9][0-9])([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)\)', retv) if re_match: cl_version_str = "%s.%s.%s.%s" % (,,, # print("_query_msvc_compiler_cpp(): cl version: " + cl_version_str) cl_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(cl_version_str) else: raise Exception("Failed to parse compiler version from " + version_file + ". Please contact technical support.") if os.path.exists(version_file): # print("temp. version file=" + version_file) shutil.rmtree(version_file_dir) return cl_version def _do_inventory_winreg(self): if int(platform.python_version_tuple()[0]) >= 3: import winreg win_registry = winreg else: import _winreg win_registry = _winreg msvc_registry_sections = ['Microsoft', 'Wow6432Node\\Microsoft'] reg_key_joiner = "\\" vc_install_dir_dict = {} for version in self._supported_msvc_versions: for section in msvc_registry_sections: try: sub_key = reg_key_joiner.join(['Software', section, 'VisualStudio', version, 'Setup', 'VC' ]) #print("_find_latest_msvc(): trying registry key:" + sub_key) rkey = win_registry.OpenKey(win_registry.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sub_key) #print("_find_latest_msvc(): found registry key:" + sub_key) vc_product_dir = win_registry.QueryValueEx(rkey, 'ProductDir')[0] vc_product_dir = util.normalize_path(vc_product_dir) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vc_product_dir, 'vcvarsall.bat')): # check for vcvarsall.bat won't work as its existence won't indicate a complete installation of the development product. cl_cmd = self._find_cl_cmd(vc_product_dir, version) if (cl_cmd is not None) and os.path.exists(cl_cmd): vc_install_dir_dict[version] = util.normalize_path(vc_product_dir) self._logger.debug("found VC install dir %s", vc_install_dir_dict[version]) win_registry.CloseKey(rkey) except WindowsError: continue return vc_install_dir_dict def _do_inventory_vc14x(self, msvc_version_str, vswhere=None): if msvc_version_str == '14.2': vswhere_version_expr = '[16.0,17.0)' vs_alias_str = 'VS2019' elif msvc_version_str == '14.1': vswhere_version_expr = '[15.0,16.0)' vs_alias_str = 'VS2017' else: assert False if vswhere is None: vswhere = self._find_vswhere() if vswhere is None: self._logger.debug("{0} locator vswhere.exe not found, {0} detection disabled.".format(vs_alias_str)) return else: self._logger.debug("found {} locator: {}".format(vs_alias_str, vswhere)) vc_dir_fnd = False try: vswhere_argv = [vswhere, '-latest'] # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Enterprise']) # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Professional']) # vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', 'Community']) vswhere_argv.extend(['-products', '*']) vswhere_argv.extend(['-requires', 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64']) vswhere_argv.extend(['-property', 'installationPath']) vswhere_argv.extend(['-version', vswhere_version_expr]) retv = subprocess.check_output(vswhere_argv, universal_newlines=True).rstrip() if retv != '': self._logger.debug("{} install path: {}".format(vs_alias_str, retv)) vc_dir = os.path.join(retv, 'VC') if os.path.exists(vc_dir): self._logger.debug("{} VC install path: {}".format(vs_alias_str, vc_dir)) self._msvc_install_dir_dict[msvc_version_str] = [vc_dir] vc_dir_fnd = True else: self._logger.debug("{} install path: ".format(vs_alias_str)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: self._logger.debug("{} vswhere locator call failed for some reason.".format(vs_alias_str)) if not vc_dir_fnd: self._logger.debug("{0} VC not found, {0} detection disabled.".format(vs_alias_str)) def _find_vswhere(self): vswhere_prog = None prog_dirs = [self._sys_info.get_program_dir('x86_64'), self._sys_info.get_program_dir('x86')] for d in prog_dirs: vswhere_dir = os.path.join(d, 'Microsoft Visual Studio', 'Installer') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vswhere_dir, 'vswhere.exe')): vswhere_prog = os.path.join(vswhere_dir, 'vswhere.exe') break return vswhere_prog # the singleton as a class attribute instance = None def __init__(self): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if MsvcRegistry.instance is None: MsvcRegistry.instance = MsvcRegistry.__MsvcRegistry() def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(MsvcRegistry.instance, item) class Toolset(object): class PlatformInfo(object): def __init__(self, target_os, api_level=None): # e.g. windows, linux, macosx, android, iphone, iphonesimulator self._target_os = target_os self._target_os_version = None self._api_level = api_level self._isysroot = None # The sdk_version attribute is only available on MacOSX. self._sdk_version = None self._target_archs = [] # Some compilers require extra flags to emit object code complying with a specific ABI or platform # specific SDK. self._target_cflags_dict = {} self._target_runtime_lib_dict = {} def get_target_os(self): return self._target_os def get_target_os_version(self): return self._target_os_version def set_target_os_version(self, version): self._target_os_version = version self.set_sdk_version(version) def get_sdk_version(self): return self._sdk_version def set_sdk_version(self, version): self._sdk_version = version def get_api_level(self): return self._api_level def set_api_level(self, api_level): self._api_level = api_level def get_isysroot(self): return self._isysroot def set_isysroot(self, isysroot): self._isysroot = isysroot def get_target_arch(self, index=None): if index is None: return self._target_archs else: return self._target_archs[index] def set_target_archs(self, target_archs): self._target_archs = target_archs def get_target_cflags(self, target_arch): if target_arch in self._target_cflags_dict: return self._target_cflags_dict[target_arch] else: return tuple() def set_target_cflags(self, target_arch, target_cflags): self._target_cflags_dict[target_arch] = target_cflags def get_target_runtime_libs(self, target_arch): if target_arch in self._target_runtime_lib_dict: return self._target_runtime_lib_dict[target_arch] else: return tuple() def set_target_runtime_libs(self, target_arch, target_runtime_libs): self._target_runtime_lib_dict[target_arch] = target_runtime_libs def __init__(self, sys_info, toolset=None, stl='default'): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._sys_info = sys_info if stl == 'default': # only relevant for Android toolchains. stl = 'gnustl' if sys_info.is_windows(): self._msvc_registry = MsvcRegistry() self._toolset = None self._toolset_versioned = None self._toolset_info_short = None self._is_mingw = False # The ndk_finder attribute helps to qualify an Android toolset and will be created on first use. self._ndk_finder = None self._version = None self._internal_version = None # msvc only: version number reported by cl /? # A list of Platform objects self._platform_info = [] self._compiler_cmd = None self._compiler_prefix = None self._compiler_tag = None self._boost_compiler_tag = None self._lib_debug_tag = 'd' self._lib_prefix_shared = 'lib' self._lib_prefix_static = 'lib' self._intel_search_path = [] if sys_info.is_linux(): self._lib_ext_shared = ('.so', '.so') self._lib_ext_static = '.a' # Add Intel compiler search path if os.path.exists(os.path.join('/opt', 'intel', 'bin')): self._intel_search_path.append(os.path.join('/opt', 'intel', 'bin')) elif sys_info.is_macosx(): self._lib_ext_shared = ('.dylib', '.dylib') self._lib_ext_static = '.a' # Add Intel compiler search path self._intel_search_path.append(os.path.join('/usr', 'local', 'bin')) if os.path.exists(os.path.join('/opt', 'intel', 'bin')): self._intel_search_path.append(os.path.join('/opt', 'intel', 'bin')) elif sys_info.is_windows(): # Assume msvc naming convention as the default on windows self._lib_prefix_shared = '' self._lib_prefix_static = 'lib' self._lib_ext_shared = ('.dll', '.lib') self._lib_ext_static = '.lib' # Add Intel compiler search path intel_inst_root = os.path.join(self._sys_info.get_program_dir('x86'), 'IntelSWTools', 'compilers_and_libraries', 'windows', 'bin') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(intel_inst_root, 'intel64')): self._intel_search_path.append(os.path.join(intel_inst_root, 'intel64')) else: assert False # and set the toolset attributes with real values self._qualify_toolset(sys_info, toolset, stl) self._toolset_info_short = self._create_toolset_info_short() def __str__(self): s = "toolset: %s\n" % self._toolset s += "toolset versioned: %s\n" % self._toolset_versioned if self._internal_version: s += "version: %s [%s]\n" % (ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version),ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._internal_version)) else: s += "version: %s\n" % ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version) if self._toolset.startswith('msvc'): if self._msvc_registry.is_vs2017_toolset(self._version): s += "VS 2017 toolset!\n" if self._msvc_registry.is_vs2019_toolset(self._version): s += "VS 2019 toolset!\n" s += "platform(s):\n" for platform_info in self._platform_info: s += " target os: %s\n" % platform_info.get_target_os() target_os_version = platform_info.get_target_os_version() if target_os_version: s += " target os version: %s\n" % ver.version_tuple_to_str(target_os_version) sdk_version = platform_info.get_sdk_version() if sdk_version: s += " sdk version: %s\n" % ver.version_tuple_to_str(sdk_version) s += " target arch: %s\n" % platform_info.get_target_arch() for target in platform_info.get_target_arch(): cflags_tuple = platform_info.get_target_cflags(target) if cflags_tuple: cflags = ' '.join(cflags_tuple) s += " " + target + " => cflags: " + cflags + "\n" runtime_libs = platform_info.get_target_runtime_libs(target) for lib in runtime_libs: s += " rtl(" + target + "): " + lib + "\n" isysroot = platform_info.get_isysroot() if isysroot: s += " isysroot: %s\n" % isysroot s += "mingw?: %s\n" % self._is_mingw s += "compiler prefix: %s\n" % self._compiler_prefix s += "compiler command: %s\n" % self._compiler_cmd s += "compiler tag: %s\n" % self._compiler_tag s += "boost compiler tag: %s\n" % self._boost_compiler_tag s += "lib debug tag: %s\n" % self._lib_debug_tag s += "lib prefix shared: %s\n" % self._lib_prefix_shared s += "lib prefix static: %s\n" % self._lib_prefix_static s += "lib extension shared: %s %s\n" % self._lib_ext_shared s += "lib extension static: %s\n" % self._lib_ext_static return s def get_toolset_info_short(self, target_arch=None): """Returns a short description of the toolset.""" str = self._toolset_info_short # get the default platform platform_info = self.get_platform_info(0) if target_arch is None: target_arch = platform_info.get_target_arch(0) cflags_tuple = platform_info.get_target_cflags(target_arch) if cflags_tuple: str += '; ' str += 'toolset flags: ' + ' '.join(cflags_tuple) return str def get_toolset(self): """Returns the toolset string as understood by BoostBuild without a version suffix. The following toolsets are supported: msvc, gcc, clang.""" return self._toolset def get_version(self): return self._version def get_internal_version(self): return self._internal_version def get_toolset_versioned(self): """Returns the toolset string as understood by b2 with a version suffix. Example: msvc-11.0 or gcc-4.8""" return self._toolset_versioned def get_platform_info(self, index=None): """Returns a list of PlatformInfo objects or a single PlatformInfo object consisting of platform specific attributes. Example: clang may support platforms macosx, iphone and iphonesimulator.""" if index is None: return self._platform_info else: return self._platform_info[index] def is_mingw(self): return self._is_mingw def get_compiler_prefix(self): return self._compiler_prefix def get_compiler_command(self): """Returns the absolute path of the c++ compiler.""" return self._compiler_cmd def get_compiler_tag(self): return self._compiler_tag def get_boost_compiler_tag(self): return self._boost_compiler_tag def get_lib_debug_tag(self): return self._lib_debug_tag def get_lib_prefix_shared(self): return self._lib_prefix_shared def get_lib_prefix_static(self): return self._lib_prefix_static def get_lib_ext_shared(self): return self._lib_ext_shared def get_lib_ext_static(self): return self._lib_ext_static def _qualify_toolset(self, sys_info, toolset, stl='gnustl'): # toolset is either # 1) a toolset specification supported by Boost.Build: gcc-4.6, gcc, clang, msvc, msvc-x.y, darwin # 2) a relative compiler command: clang++, g++, g++-4.9, g++-5 # 3) an absolute compiler command if toolset is None: toolset = self._get_default_toolset(sys_info) # The relative compiler commands clang++, clang++-3.6, g++, g++-4.9 will be translated into the corresponding # Boost.Build toolset specifications. toolset = self._normalize_toolset_spec(toolset) if self._qualify_android_toolset(sys_info, toolset, stl): pass else: # Initialize the platform_info attributes for a native toolset. platform_info = self.PlatformInfo(sys_info.get_platform()) platform_info.set_target_archs([sys_info.get_os_arch()]) # Handle msvc upfront to simplify the logic. The msvc toolset implies desktop windows for the time # being. Portable platforms supported by msvc are not covered yet. if toolset.find('msvc') >= 0: self._toolset = 'msvc' if toolset == 'msvc': self._toolset_versioned = 'msvc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._msvc_registry.get_latest_version()) else: self._toolset_versioned = toolset re_match = re.match(r'msvc-([0-9.]+)$', self._toolset_versioned) if re_match: # make sure this version is installed if not self._msvc_registry.is_version_installed(ver.version_tuple_from_str( raise Exception("Microsoft Visual C++ toolset msvc-" + + " is not installed.") # found a full product version, assume 32 and 64 bit compilers are available self._version = ver.version_tuple_from_str( self._compiler_cmd = self._msvc_registry.get_compiler_command(self._version) if sys_info.get_os_arch() == 'x86_64': platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86', 'x86_64']) else: platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86']) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) # extract msvc/cl's internal version; e.g. 18.0.40629 self._internal_version = self._msvc_registry.get_compiler_version(self._version) else: raise Exception("The toolset " + toolset + " is not supported, please contact technical support.") else: if os.path.isabs(toolset): self._compiler_cmd = toolset else: if sys_info.is_macosx(): if toolset == 'clang': # Assume an Xcode toolchain, /usr/bin/clang++ will be ignored to support side-by-side installations of different Xcode toolchains. self._compiler_cmd = self._find_xcode_clang() elif toolset == 'darwin': self._compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('g++', True) elif toolset == 'intel': self._compiler_cmd = self._find_intel() else: raise Exception("The toolset " + toolset + " is not supported on MacOSX, please contact technical support.") else: # check for gcc-x.y and clang-x.y re_match = re.match(r'(gcc|clang)-([0-9.]+)$', toolset) if re_match: # self._toolset_versioned = toolset if == 'gcc': self._compiler_cmd = self._find_versioned_compiler('g++', ver.version_tuple_from_str( elif == 'clang': self._compiler_cmd = self._find_versioned_compiler('clang++', ver.version_tuple_from_str( else: assert False elif toolset == 'gcc': self._compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('g++', True) elif toolset == 'clang': self._compiler_cmd = self._find_clang() elif toolset == 'intel': self._compiler_cmd = self._find_intel() else: # toolset is supposed to be a c++ compiler command like g++-4.7, clang++-4.5 or some prefixed cross compiler. self._compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path(toolset, True) # now guess the toolset category given the compiler command self._toolset = self._get_toolset_category(self._compiler_cmd) if self._toolset == 'clang': self._version = self._get_clang_version(self._compiler_cmd) elif self._toolset in ['gcc', 'darwin']: self._version = self._get_gcc_version(self._compiler_cmd) elif self._toolset == 'intel': self._version = self._get_intel_version(self._compiler_cmd) else: assert False # This does not work if /usr/bin/clang++ is linked to clang somewhere in the # filesystem. #if sys_info.is_linux() or sys_info.is_macosx(): # self._compiler_cmd = os.path.realpath(self._compiler_cmd) if self._toolset == 'darwin': self._platform_info.append(platform_info) elif self._toolset == 'clang': if sys_info.is_macosx(): (sdk_path, sdk_version) = self._discover_macosx_sdk(platform_info.get_target_os()) platform_info.set_isysroot(sdk_path) platform_info.set_target_os_version(sdk_version) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) # Add iphone platform information platform_info = self.PlatformInfo('iphone') platform_info.set_target_archs(['combined', 'armv7', 'arm64']) (sdk_path, sdk_version) = self._discover_macosx_sdk(platform_info.get_target_os()) platform_info.set_isysroot(sdk_path) platform_info.set_target_os_version(sdk_version) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) # Add iphonesimulator platform information platform_info = self.PlatformInfo('iphonesimulator') platform_info.set_target_archs(['combined', 'x86_64', 'x86']) (sdk_path, sdk_version) = self._discover_macosx_sdk(platform_info.get_target_os()) platform_info.set_isysroot(sdk_path) platform_info.set_target_os_version(sdk_version) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) elif sys_info.is_linux(): self._platform_info.append(platform_info) else: assert False elif self._toolset == 'gcc': # find out the compiler prefix if any. self._compiler_prefix = self._get_compiler_prefix(self._compiler_cmd) gcc_machine = self._get_machine(self._compiler_cmd) # analyze the compiler's machine string to understand what kind of cross compiler we've got. # e.g. ubuntu: x86_64-w64-mingw32 or i686-w64-mingw32 # windows: x86_64-w64-mingw32 # mingw32: mingw32 if'mingw', gcc_machine): self._is_mingw = True platform_info = self.PlatformInfo('windows') if re.match('x86_64-', gcc_machine): if sys_info.is_windows(): # assume the 64 bit compiler can do 32 bit as well. platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86_64', 'x86']) else: platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86_64']) else: platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86']) elif re.match('arm-', gcc_machine): platform_info.set_target_archs(['arm']) elif re.match('aarch64-', gcc_machine): platform_info.set_target_archs(['aarch64']) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) elif self._toolset == 'intel': if sys_info.is_linux(): self._platform_info.append(platform_info) elif sys_info.is_macosx(): (sdk_path, sdk_version) = self._discover_macosx_sdk(platform_info.get_target_os()) platform_info.set_isysroot(sdk_path) platform_info.set_target_os_version(sdk_version) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) elif sys_info.is_windows(): #platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86_64', 'x86']) self._platform_info.append(platform_info) else: raise Exception("The toolset " + self._toolset + " is not supported on this platform yet, please contact technical support.") else: assert False # fill in the compiler taqs if self._toolset == 'msvc': self._compiler_tag = self._toolset_versioned self._boost_compiler_tag = 'vc' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) self._lib_debug_tag = 'gd' elif self._toolset == 'darwin': self._compiler_tag = 'gcc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'xgcc' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) elif self._toolset == 'clang': self._compiler_tag = 'clang-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) if sys_info.is_macosx(): # The boost libraries are tagged with the version of the gcc backend and not the # clang version. gcc_version = self._get_gcc_version(self._compiler_cmd) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'clang-darwin' + str(gcc_version[0]) + str(gcc_version[1]) elif sys_info.is_linux(): self._boost_compiler_tag = 'clang' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) else: assert False elif self._toolset == 'gcc': if self._is_mingw: self._compiler_tag = 'gcc-mingw-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'mgw' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) self._lib_prefix_shared = 'lib' self._lib_prefix_static = 'lib' self._lib_ext_shared = ('.dll', '.dll.a') self._lib_ext_static = '.a' self._add_mingw_runtime_lib_info(sys_info) else: self._compiler_tag = 'gcc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'gcc' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) elif self._toolset == 'intel': self._compiler_tag = 'intel-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) if sys_info.is_linux() or sys_info.is_macosx(): self._boost_compiler_tag = 'il' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) elif sys_info.is_windows(): self._lib_debug_tag = 'gd' self._boost_compiler_tag = 'iw' else: assert False else: assert False def _normalize_toolset_spec(self, toolset): self._logger.debug("entering toolset=%s", toolset) # normalize a toolset specification like g++-4.9 to gcc-4.9 as understood by Boost.Build. if self._sys_info.is_macosx(): # deals with cmake which seems to detect c++ rather than clang++ on macosx. For some reason /usr/bin/c++ is linked to clang++ # and the same is true for the Xcode path /Applications/ re_match = re.match(r'(clang|[cg])\+\+(-[0-9.]+)?', toolset, re.IGNORECASE) else: re_match = re.match(r'(clang|g)\+\+(-[0-9.]+)?', toolset, re.IGNORECASE) if re_match: toolset_norm = if toolset_norm == 'g': toolset_norm = 'gcc' elif toolset_norm == 'c': toolset_norm = 'clang' if toolset_norm += else: toolset_norm = toolset self._logger.debug("returning toolset=%s", toolset_norm) return toolset_norm def _get_toolset_category(self, compiler_cmd): assert os.path.isabs(compiler_cmd) basename = os.path.basename(compiler_cmd) if (basename.find('clang') >= 0) or (self._sys_info.is_macosx() and (basename == 'c++')): # deals with cmake which seems to detect c++ rather than clang++ on macosx. toolset_category = 'clang' elif (basename == 'icpc') or (basename == 'icl.exe'): toolset_category = 'intel' else: if self._sys_info.is_macosx(): if basename in ['g++', 'gcc']: toolset_category = 'darwin' else: toolset_category = 'gcc' else: toolset_category = 'gcc' return toolset_category def _add_mingw_runtime_lib_info(self, sys_info): if not sys_info.is_linux(): return # The LINUX mingw compilers are configured to link to the shared runtime by default, which has to be deployed to # the target system. if os.path.dirname(self.get_compiler_command()) != '/usr/bin': # Ignore this mingw compiler, it might be user private. return platform_info = self.get_platform_info(0) target_arch = platform_info.get_target_arch(0) compiler_prefix = self.get_compiler_prefix() compiler_version = ver.version_tuple_to_str(self.get_version()[:2]) re_dll_names = re.compile(r'((libstdc.*)|(libgcc_s_.*)|(libwinpthread.*))\.dll$', re.IGNORECASE) dir_list = [] if sys_info.get_os_distro() == 'ubuntu': # Ubuntu 15.04 # /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9-posix/libstdc++-6.dll # /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9-posix/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll # /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libwinpthread-1.dll # # Ubuntu 14.04 # /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8/libstdc++-6.dll # /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.8/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll # /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libwinpthread-1.dll # thread_model = self._get_gcc_thread_model(self.get_compiler_command()) if thread_model == 'win32': # Assume thread model win32 without a dependency on libwinpthread. dir_list = [os.path.join('/usr/lib/gcc', compiler_prefix, compiler_version + '-win32')] else: # Assume thread model posix. dir_list = [os.path.join('/usr/lib/gcc', compiler_prefix, compiler_version), os.path.join('/usr/lib/gcc', compiler_prefix, compiler_version + '-posix'), os.path.join('/usr', compiler_prefix, 'lib')] elif sys_info.is_redhat(): retv = subprocess.check_output([self.get_compiler_command(), '-print-sysroot'], universal_newlines=True) sys_root = retv.lstrip().rstrip() if (len(sys_root) > 0) and os.path.exists(sys_root): dir_list = [os.path.join(sys_root, 'mingw', 'bin')] dll_list = [] for dir in dir_list: if os.path.exists(dir): file_list = [os.path.join(dir, f) for f in os.listdir(dir) if re_dll_names.match(f)] if file_list: dll_list.extend(file_list) if dll_list: #print('_add_mingw_runtime_lib_info', dll_list) platform_info.set_target_runtime_libs(target_arch, tuple(dll_list)) def _get_default_toolset(self, sys_info): toolset = None if 'BJAM_TOOLSET' in os.environ: # A power users can override the platform dependent default toolset via his environment. # # e.g. macosx: BJAM_TOOLSET=clang # windows: BJAM_TOOLSET=msvc-10.0 # toolset = os.environ['BJAM_TOOLSET'] else: if sys_info.is_linux(): toolset = 'gcc' elif sys_info.is_macosx(): #toolset = 'darwin' toolset = 'clang' elif sys_info.is_windows(): # the default toolset is the latest msvc. toolset = 'msvc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._msvc_registry.get_latest_version()) else: assert False return toolset def _get_gcc_version(self, gcc_cmd): # gcc -dumpversion may just emit the major version (g++-7/ubuntu 17.10) retv = subprocess.check_output([gcc_cmd, '-E', '-dM', '-x', 'c++', os.devnull], universal_newlines=True) lines = retv.splitlines() gcc_version_list = [0, 0, 0] re_gcc_version = re.compile(r'#define\s+(__GNUC__|__GNUC_MINOR__|__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__)\s+(\d+)') for l in lines: re_match = re_gcc_version.match(l) if re_match: if == '__GNUC__': gcc_version_list[0] = int(, 10) self._logger.debug("found gcc major %d", gcc_version_list[0]) elif == '__GNUC_MINOR__': gcc_version_list[1] = int(, 10) self._logger.debug("found gcc minor %d", gcc_version_list[1]) elif == '__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__': gcc_version_list[2] = int(, 10) self._logger.debug("found gcc patch level %d", gcc_version_list[2]) version = tuple(gcc_version_list) return version def _get_gcc_thread_model(self, gcc_cmd): thread_model = 'posix' retv = subprocess.check_output([gcc_cmd, '-v'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) lines = retv.splitlines() re_thread_model = re.compile(r'Thread model:\s*(\S+)', re.IGNORECASE) for l in lines: re_match = re_thread_model.match(l) if re_match: thread_model = return thread_model def _get_clang_version(self, clang_cmd): # ubuntu: Ubuntu clang version 3.0-6ubuntu3 (tags/RELEASE_30/final) (based on LLVM 3.0) # macosx: retv = subprocess.check_output([clang_cmd, '--version'], universal_newlines=True) version_response = retv.rstrip() lines = version_response.splitlines() re_version_match ='\s+version\s+([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)', lines[0], re.IGNORECASE) if not re_version_match: raise Exception("The clang compiler has returned an unsupported version string. Please contact technical support.") return ver.version_tuple_from_str( def _get_intel_version(self, icpc_cmd): if self._sys_info.is_windows(): re_version_match = None # stderr=subprocess.STDOUT: retv = subprocess.check_output([icpc_cmd, '/?'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) version_response = retv.rstrip() lines = version_response.splitlines() re_version_match ='\s+Version\s+([0-9.]+)', lines[0], re.IGNORECASE) else: retv = subprocess.check_output([icpc_cmd, '--version'], universal_newlines=True) version_response = retv.rstrip() lines = version_response.splitlines() re_version_match = re.match(r'^icpc\s+[^0-9.]+\s+([0-9.]+)', lines[0], re.IGNORECASE) if not re_version_match: raise Exception("The intel compiler has returned an unsupported version string. Please contact technical support.") return ver.version_tuple_from_str( def _get_machine(self, gcc_cmd): retv = subprocess.check_output([gcc_cmd, '-dumpmachine'], universal_newlines=True) return retv.lower() def _get_compiler_prefix(self, compiler_cmd): # same for gcc and clang if os.path.isabs(compiler_cmd): compiler_cmd = os.path.basename(compiler_cmd) # arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.8 # arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ # arm-linux-androideabi-g++ # arm-linux-androideabi-g++-4.9 # i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8 # i686-w64-mingw32-gcc # arm-linux-androideabi-clang compiler_cmd_parts = compiler_cmd.split('-') if len(compiler_cmd_parts) < 4: return None else: return '-'.join(compiler_cmd_parts[:3]) def _create_toolset_info_short(self): toolset_info = None if self._toolset == 'msvc': toolset_info = self._toolset + '-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version) if self._internal_version: toolset_info += ' [' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._internal_version) + ']' elif self._toolset in ['clang', 'darwin']: toolset_info = self._toolset + ' ' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version) elif self._toolset == 'gcc': toolset_info = 'gcc ' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version) if self._compiler_cmd != 'g++': toolset_info += ' using ' + self._compiler_cmd elif self._toolset == 'intel': toolset_info = 'intel ' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version) else: assert False return toolset_info def _find_xcode_clang(self): retv = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '--sdk', 'macosx', '--find', 'clang++'], universal_newlines=True) clang_cmd = retv.lstrip().rstrip() if not os.path.exists(clang_cmd): raise Exception("Discovery of Xcode clang failed, please contact technical support.") return clang_cmd def _find_clang(self): if self._sys_info.is_linux(): clang_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('clang++') if clang_cmd is None: # Try /usr/bin/clang++-x.y as a fallback, ubuntu clang packages may not add a link to the default version. clang_cmds = glob.glob('/usr/bin/clang++-[0-9]*') if clang_cmds: # select the highest version. re_clang_version = re.compile(r'.*\+\+-([0-9.]+)$') version_list = [] for clang in clang_cmds: re_match = re_clang_version.match(clang) if re_match: version_list.append(ver.version_tuple_from_str( version_list = ver.version_list_sort(version_list) clang_cmd = '/usr/bin/clang++-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(version_list[-1]) else: clang_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('clang++') if clang_cmd is None: raise Exception("Discovery of clang++ failed, please check your installation or contact technical support.") return clang_cmd def _find_intel(self): icpc_cmd = None if self._intel_search_path: if self._sys_info.is_linux() or self._sys_info.is_macosx(): icpc_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('icpc', search_path=self._intel_search_path) elif self._sys_info.is_windows(): icpc_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('icl.exe', search_path=self._intel_search_path) else: assert False if icpc_cmd is None: raise Exception("Discovery of Intel compiler failed, please check your installation or contact technical support.") return icpc_cmd def _find_versioned_compiler(self, compiler_prog, toolset_version): """Find versioned compiler on the path.""" self._logger.debug("entering: compiler=%s %s", compiler_prog, ver.version_tuple_to_str(toolset_version)) compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path(compiler_prog + '-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(toolset_version)) if compiler_cmd: self._logger.debug("returning: %s", compiler_cmd) return compiler_cmd # Starting with g++ 5.x ubuntu systems use g++-5 instead of g++-.. compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path(compiler_prog + '-' + str(toolset_version[0])) if compiler_cmd is None: # Search for the compiler without a version suffix but make sure its version matches the toolset version compiler_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path(compiler_prog, True) self._logger.debug("con't validating version of %s, expected: %s", compiler_cmd, ver.version_tuple_to_str(toolset_version)) version = None if compiler_prog.startswith('g++'): version = self._get_gcc_version(compiler_cmd) elif compiler_prog.startswith('clang++'): version = self._get_clang_version(compiler_cmd) else: assert False if version: assert len(version) >= 2 if ver.version_compare(version[:2], toolset_version) != 0: raise Exception("Search for compiler command " + compiler_prog + " version " + ver.version_tuple_to_str(toolset_version) + " failed, please contact technical support.") self._logger.debug("returning: %s", compiler_cmd) return compiler_cmd def _discover_macosx_sdk(self, target_os): sdk_version = None if target_os == 'macosx': sdk = target_os elif target_os == 'iphone': sdk = 'iphoneos' elif target_os == 'iphonesimulator': sdk = target_os else: assert False retv = subprocess.check_output(['xcrun', '--sdk', sdk, '--show-sdk-path'], universal_newlines=True) sdk_path = retv.lstrip().rstrip() if not os.path.exists(sdk_path): raise Exception("The location of the platform SDK cannot be discovered, please contact technical support.") sdk_basename = os.path.basename(sdk_path) re_match = re.match(r'[^0-9]+(\d+\.\d+)\.sdk$', sdk_basename, re.IGNORECASE) if re_match: sdk_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str( return (sdk_path, sdk_version) def _qualify_android_toolset(self, sys_info, toolset, stl='gnustl'): if sys_info.is_windows(): # No Android support on windows yet. return False # All android cross compilers are supposed to be named '[path]*android*'. if os.path.isabs(toolset): toolset_cmd = os.path.basename(toolset) else: toolset_cmd = toolset if toolset_cmd.find('android') < 0: return False if os.path.isabs(toolset): toolset_cmd = toolset else: # toolset is supposed to be a prefixed g++ or possibly clang++ command. toolset_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path(toolset) if toolset_cmd is None: # analyze toolset and search for -android or -androideabi toolset_prefix_list = toolset.split('-') if len(toolset_prefix_list) < 4: return False if re.match('android', toolset_prefix_list[2]): # android or androideabi toolchain_prefix = '-'.join(toolset_prefix_list[:3]) ndk_finder = self._get_ndk_finder() toolset_cmd = os.path.join(ndk_finder.get_ndksa_root(stl), toolchain_prefix, 'bin', toolset) assert os.path.exists(toolset_cmd) else: return False toolset_machine = self._get_machine(toolset_cmd) if'-android', toolset_machine): toolset_machine_parts = toolset_machine.split('-') if len(toolset_machine_parts) < 3: return False # Looks like this toolset is really a supported Android toolset, initialize all attributes. self._compiler_cmd = toolset_cmd self._compiler_prefix = self._get_compiler_prefix(toolset_cmd) if re.match(r'.*((clang)|(clang\+\+))$', toolset_cmd): self._toolset = 'clang' else: self._toolset = 'gcc' platform_info = self.PlatformInfo('android', self._get_android_api_level(toolset_cmd)) if re.match('(armv5te)|(armv7a)|(arm)$', toolset_machine_parts[0]): #armeabi armeabi-v7a armeabi-v7a-hard platform_info.set_target_archs(['armeabi-v7a', 'armeabi']) platform_info.set_target_cflags('armeabi-v7a', tuple(['-march=armv7-a', '-mfloat-abi=softfp', '-mfpu=vfpv3-d16'])) elif toolset_machine_parts[0] == 'aarch64': platform_info.set_target_archs(['arm64-v8a']) elif toolset_machine_parts[0] == 'i686': platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86']) elif toolset_machine_parts[0] == 'x86_64': platform_info.set_target_archs(['x86_64']) else: assert False self._platform_info.append(platform_info) if self._toolset == 'gcc': self._version = self._get_gcc_version(toolset_cmd) self._compiler_tag = 'gcc-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'gcc' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) elif self._toolset == 'clang': self._version = self._get_clang_version(toolset_cmd) self._compiler_tag = 'clang-' + ver.version_tuple_to_str(self._version[:2]) if sys_info.is_macosx(): # The boost libraries are tagged with the version of the gcc backend and not the # clang version. gcc_version = self._get_gcc_version(self._compiler_cmd) self._boost_compiler_tag = 'clang-darwin' + str(gcc_version[0]) + str(gcc_version[1]) else: self._boost_compiler_tag = 'clang' + str(self._version[0]) + str(self._version[1]) else: assert False return True else: assert False def _get_ndk_finder(self): if self._ndk_finder is None: import self._ndk_finder = return self._ndk_finder def _get_android_api_level(self, toolset_cmd): # toolset_cmd is supposed to be an absolute path to be able to support different API levels and # architectures. If the toolset command refers to a standalone toolchain, there is a single api-level header and # the API level can be extracted unless unified headers are used. # If the toolset command refers to the NDK compiler (->QtCreator), the latest API level will be # taken as default. api_level_header = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(toolset_cmd), '..', 'sysroot', 'usr', 'include', 'android', 'api-level.h') if os.path.exists(api_level_header): # This looks like a standalone toolchain installation. # #define __ANDROID_API__ 21 re_api_define = re.compile(r'^#define\s+__ANDROID_API__\s+(\d+)') with open(api_level_header) as fin: for line in fin: re_match = re_api_define.match(line) if re_match: api_level = int(, 10) return api_level # Most likely NDK r15 with unified headers, the API level is now defined in arm-linux-androideabi-clang++. ndk_finder = self._get_ndk_finder() ndk_version = ndk_finder.get_ndk_version() if ver.version_compare(ndk_version, (15, 0)) >= 0: return self._get_android_api_level_unified(toolset_cmd) raise Exception("The Android API level cannot be extracted from " + api_level_header + ". Please contact technical support.") else: # Assume the original NDK toolchain with multiple platform/API level support ndk_finder = self._get_ndk_finder() ndk_platforms = ndk_finder.get_ndk_platforms() re_match = re.match(r'android-(\d+)', ndk_platforms[-1]) if re_match: api_level = int(, 10) else: raise Exception("The Android API level cannot be determined, please contact technical support.") return api_level def _get_android_api_level_unified(self, toolset_cmd): if toolset_cmd.endswith('clang++') or toolset_cmd.endswith('clang'): # -D__ANDROID_API__=26 re_api_level_def = re.compile(r'\s+-D__ANDROID_API__=(\d+)') with open(toolset_cmd) as fin: for line in fin: re_match = if re_match: api_level = int(, 10) return api_level raise Exception("The Android API level cannot be determined. Please contact technical support.") class FatBinaryTool(object): def __init__(self): # search for lipo and raise an Exception if the command cannot be found. self._lipo_cmd = util.find_tool_on_path('lipo', True) def createLibs(self, src_lib_dirs, dst_lib_dir, incremental=True): if len(src_lib_dirs) < 2: raise Exception("A universal library requires at least two different input formats.") for d in src_lib_dirs: if not os.path.exists(d): raise Exception("The directory " + d + " does not exist.") if not os.path.exists(dst_lib_dir): os.makedirs(dst_lib_dir) lib_dir = src_lib_dirs[0] lib_names = [d for d in os.listdir(lib_dir) if (d.endswith('.a') or d.endswith('.dylib'))] for lib in lib_names: src_mtime = 0 src_libs = [] for d in src_lib_dirs: src_lib = os.path.join(d, lib) if os.path.exists(src_lib): mtime = os.path.getmtime(src_lib) if mtime > src_mtime: src_mtime = mtime src_libs.append(src_lib) if len(src_libs) >= 2: lipo_argv = [self._lipo_cmd, '-create'] lipo_argv.extend(src_libs) dst_lib = os.path.join(dst_lib_dir, lib) lipo_argv.extend(['-output', dst_lib]) build_universal = True if os.path.exists(dst_lib): mtime = os.path.getmtime(dst_lib) if incremental and (mtime > src_mtime): build_universal = False if build_universal: # and launch lipo to create the universal binary file. cmd_line = ' '.join(lipo_argv) print("Launching: " + cmd_line) retv = util.subproc_call_flushed(lipo_argv) if retv != 0: raise Exception("Creating a universal file failed -> " + cmd_line) else: raise Exception("error: creating a univeral file requires at least two input files, check " + lib) class DyLibInstallNameInfo(object): def __init__(self, dylib): assert os.path.exists(dylib) self.basename = os.path.basename(dylib) self.inst_dir = os.path.dirname(dylib) self.inst_name = None self.depends_list = [] self.rpath_list = [] class DyLibInstallNameInfoInspector(object): def __init__(self, ignore_system_libs=True): self._ignore_system_libs = ignore_system_libs self._inst_name_info_cache = {} def create_install_name_info(self, dylib): assert os.path.exists(dylib) if not os.path.isabs(dylib): dylib = os.path.abspath(dylib) if dylib not in self._inst_name_info_cache: inst_name_info = DyLibInstallNameInfo(dylib) inst_name_info.inst_name = self.get_install_name(dylib) (depends_list, rpath_list) = self.get_depends_list(dylib) inst_name_info.depends_list = depends_list inst_name_info.rpath_list = rpath_list self._inst_name_info_cache[dylib] = inst_name_info else: inst_name_info = self._inst_name_info_cache[dylib] return inst_name_info def get_install_name(self, dylib): assert os.path.exists(dylib) lines = subprocess.check_output(['otool', '-D', dylib], universal_newlines=True).rstrip().splitlines() return lines[1] def get_depends_list(self, dylib): assert os.path.exists(dylib) depends_list = [] rpath_list = [] load_cmd_lines = subprocess.check_output(['otool', '-l', dylib], universal_newlines=True).rstrip().splitlines() re_depends_path = re.compile(r'\s*name\s+([^ ]+)') re_rpath = re.compile(r'\s*path\s+([^ ]+)') # otool -L dylib -> # lib/clang-4.2/x86_64/plugins/debug/codec/libmpg4nulldec_plugin.dylib: # libmpg4nulldec_plugin.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0) # @loader_path/lib/libvlccore.5.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 7.0.0) # /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 56.0.0) # /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 169.3.0) # # -- # otool -l dylib -> # cmd LC_RPATH # cmdsize 80 # path /Users/rauthenberg/projects/VlcPluginSampleLib/lib/clang-6.1/x86_64 (offset 12) # # cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB # cmdsize 48 # name /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (offset 24) # re_lc_rpath = re.compile(r'\s*cmd\s+LC_RPATH') re_lc_load_dylib = re.compile(r'\s*cmd\s+LC_LOAD_DYLIB') line_cnt = 0 while line_cnt < len(load_cmd_lines): line = load_cmd_lines[line_cnt].lstrip() if re_lc_rpath.match(line): re_match = re_rpath.match(load_cmd_lines[line_cnt + 2]) if re_match: rpath_list.append( line_cnt += 3 elif re_lc_load_dylib.match(line): re_match = re_depends_path.match(load_cmd_lines[line_cnt + 2]) if re_match: depends_path = if self._ignore_system_libs: if not depends_path.startswith(('/System/', '/Library/', '/usr/lib/')): depends_list.append(depends_path) else: depends_list.append(depends_path) line_cnt += 3 else: line_cnt += 1 return (depends_list, rpath_list) def modify_depends(self, dylib, depends_dict): argv = ['install_name_tool'] for key in depends_dict: argv.append('-change') argv.append(key) argv.append(depends_dict[key]) argv.append(dylib) #print("modify_depends(): ", argv) util.subproc_check_call_flushed(argv) def change_rpaths(self, dylib, rpaths_dict): argv = ['install_name_tool'] for key in rpaths_dict: argv.append('-rpath') argv.append(key) argv.append(rpaths_dict[key]) argv.append(dylib) #print("change_rpaths(): ", argv) util.subproc_check_call_flushed(argv) def delete_rpaths(self, dylib, rpath_list): argv = ['install_name_tool'] for rpath in rpath_list: argv.append('-delete_rpath') argv.append(rpath) argv.append(dylib) #print("change_rpaths(): ", argv) util.subproc_check_call_flushed(argv) def modify_install_name(self, dylib, install_name): argv = ['install_name_tool', '-id', install_name, dylib] util.subproc_check_call_flushed(argv) class BuildScriptInstaller(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # print("BuildScriptInstaller.__init__(): __name__=" + __name__) self._verbose = verbose def set_verbose(self, verbose): self._verbose = verbose def install_script(self, inst_dir, script, modules): assert inst_dir is not None script = os.path.abspath(script) module_flist = [] package_dir_set = set() # python modules are specified in import syntax like ".". for pymod in modules: pymod_elem = pymod.split('.') rel_path = os.path.sep.join(pymod_elem) module_flist.append(rel_path + '.py') if len(pymod_elem) > 1: # module is part of a python package pkg_list = list(pymod_elem[:-1]) #print("processing python package dir list", pkg_list) while len(pkg_list) > 0: pkg_dir = os.path.sep.join(pkg_list) #print("processing pkg dir", pkg_dir) if pkg_dir not in package_dir_set: package_dir_set.add(pkg_dir) pkg_list.pop() for pkg_dir in package_dir_set: #print("processing pkg dir", pkg_dir) module_flist.append(os.path.join(pkg_dir, '')) #print("install_script: modules:", module_flist) # make sure all files exist before trying to copy anything. if not os.path.exists(script): raise Exception("file " + script + " does not exist.") # key = module_file_path, value = file system path # e.g. pyhhi/build/common/ must be mapped to a directory listed by sys.path. module_flist_src_dict = {} for f in module_flist: for pth in sys.path: fpath = os.path.join(pth, f) if os.path.exists(fpath): module_flist_src_dict[f] = fpath break else: fpath = None if fpath is None: raise Exception("module file {0} not found.".format(fpath)) # create destination directory if not os.path.exists(inst_dir): os.makedirs(inst_dir) for f in module_flist: assert f in module_flist_src_dict fpath_src = module_flist_src_dict[f] dname = os.path.dirname(f) dst_dir = os.path.join(inst_dir, dname) #print("cp " + fpath_src + " -> " + os.path.join(dst_dir, dname)) if not os.path.exists(dst_dir): os.makedirs(dst_dir) #print("creating directory " + dst_dir) if self._verbose: print("copying %-15s %s" % (os.path.basename(fpath_src), dst_dir)) shutil.copy(fpath_src, dst_dir) # copy the script to if self._verbose: print("copying %-15s %s" % (os.path.basename(script), inst_dir)) shutil.copy(script, inst_dir)