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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file QuantRDOQ.h \brief RDOQ class (header) */ #ifndef __QUANTRDOQ__ #define __QUANTRDOQ__ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "ChromaFormat.h" #include "Contexts.h" #include "ContextModelling.h" #include "Quant.h" //! \ingroup CommonLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== /// transform and quantization class class QuantRDOQ : public Quant { public: QuantRDOQ( const Quant* other ); ~QuantRDOQ(); public: void setFlatScalingList ( const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const BitDepths &bitDepths ); void setScalingList ( ScalingList *scalingList, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const BitDepths &bitDepths); // quantization void quant(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const CCoeffBuf &pSrc, TCoeff &absSum, const QpParam &cQP, const Ctx &ctx); void forwardBDPCM(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const CCoeffBuf &pSrc, TCoeff &absSum, const QpParam &cQP, const Ctx &ctx); private: double* xGetErrScaleCoeffSL ( uint32_t list, uint32_t sizeX, uint32_t sizeY, int qp ) { return m_errScale[sizeX][sizeY][list][qp]; }; //!< get Error Scale Coefficent double xGetErrScaleCoeff ( const bool needsSqrt2, SizeType width, SizeType height, int qp, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange, const int channelBitDepth, bool bTransformSkip); double& xGetErrScaleCoeffNoScalingList ( uint32_t list, uint32_t sizeX, uint32_t sizeY, int qp ) { return m_errScaleNoScalingList[sizeX][sizeY][list][qp]; }; //!< get Error Scale Coefficent void xInitScalingList ( const QuantRDOQ* other ); void xDestroyScalingList (); void xSetErrScaleCoeff ( uint32_t list, uint32_t sizeX, uint32_t sizeY, int qp, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const BitDepths &bitDepths ); void xDequantSample ( TCoeff& pRes, TCoeff& coeff, const TrQuantParams& trQuantParams ); // RDOQ functions void xRateDistOptQuant(TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const CCoeffBuf &pSrc, TCoeff &absSum, const QpParam &cQP, const Ctx &ctx); inline uint32_t xGetCodedLevel( double& rd64CodedCost, double& rd64CodedCost0, double& rd64CodedCostSig, Intermediate_Int lLevelDouble, uint32_t uiMaxAbsLevel, const BinFracBits* fracBitsSig, const BinFracBits& fracBitsPar, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt1, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt2, const int remRegBins, unsigned goRiceZero, uint16_t ui16AbsGoRice, int iQBits, double errorScale, bool bLast, bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange ) const; inline int xGetICRate ( const uint32_t uiAbsLevel, const BinFracBits& fracBitsPar, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt1, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt2, const int remRegBins, unsigned goRiceZero, const uint16_t ui16AbsGoRice, const bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange ) const; inline double xGetRateLast ( const int* lastBitsX, const int* lastBitsY, unsigned PosX, unsigned PosY ) const; inline double xGetRateSigCoeffGroup( const BinFracBits& fracBitsSigCG, unsigned uiSignificanceCoeffGroup ) const; inline double xGetRateSigCoef ( const BinFracBits& fracBitsSig, unsigned uiSignificance ) const; inline double xGetICost ( double dRate ) const; inline double xGetIEPRate ( ) const; void xRateDistOptQuantTS( TransformUnit &tu, const ComponentID &compID, const CCoeffBuf &coeffs, TCoeff &absSum, const QpParam &qp, const Ctx &ctx ); inline uint32_t xGetCodedLevelTSPred(double& rd64CodedCost, double& rd64CodedCost0, double& rd64CodedCostSig, Intermediate_Int levelDouble, int qBits, double errorScale, uint32_t coeffLevels[], double coeffLevelError[], const BinFracBits* fracBitsSig, const BinFracBits& fracBitsPar, CoeffCodingContext& cctx, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const BinFracBits& fracBitsSign, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt1, const uint8_t sign, int rightPixel, int belowPixel, uint16_t ricePar, bool isLast, bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange , int& numUsedCtxBins ) const; inline int xGetICRateTS ( const uint32_t absLevel, const BinFracBits& fracBitsPar, const CoeffCodingContext& cctx, const FracBitsAccess& fracBitsAccess, const BinFracBits& fracBitsSign, const BinFracBits& fracBitsGt1, int& numCtxBins, const uint8_t sign, const uint16_t ricePar, const bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const int maxLog2TrDynamicRange ) const; private: bool m_isErrScaleListOwner; double *m_errScale [SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM][SCALING_LIST_REM_NUM]; ///< array of quantization matrix coefficient 4x4 double m_errScaleNoScalingList[SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM][SCALING_LIST_NUM][SCALING_LIST_REM_NUM]; ///< array of quantization matrix coefficient 4x4 // temporary buffers for RDOQ double m_pdCostCoeff [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; double m_pdCostSig [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; double m_pdCostCoeff0 [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; double m_pdCostCoeffGroupSig[(MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY) >> MLS_CG_SIZE]; // even if CG size is 2 (if one of the sides is 2) instead of 4, there should be enough space int m_rateIncUp [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; int m_rateIncDown [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; int m_sigRateDelta [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; TCoeff m_deltaU [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; TCoeff m_fullCoeff [MAX_TB_SIZEY * MAX_TB_SIZEY]; BdpcmMode m_bdpcm; int m_testedLevels; };// END CLASS DEFINITION QuantRDOQ //! \} #endif // __QUANTRDOQ__