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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer.h \brief SMPTE RDD5 based film grain synthesis functionality from SEI messages */ #ifndef __SEIFILMGRAINSYNTHESIZER__ #define __SEIFILMGRAINSYNTHESIZER__ #include "SEI.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "Buffer.h" #include "Unit.h" #include "TrQuant_EMT.h" //! \ingroup SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== static constexpr int MIN_LOG2SCALE_VALUE = 2; static constexpr int MAX_LOG2SCALE_VALUE = 7; static constexpr int FILM_GRAIN_MODEL_ID_VALUE = 0; static constexpr int BLENDING_MODE_VALUE = 0; static constexpr int MIN_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY = 2; static constexpr int MAX_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY = 14; static constexpr int DEFAULT_HORZ_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCY = 8; static constexpr int NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ = 13; static constexpr int SCALE_DOWN_422 = 181; /* in Q-format of 8 : 1/sqrt(2) */ static constexpr int Q_FORMAT_SCALING = 8; static constexpr int GRAIN_SCALE = 6; static constexpr int MIN_CHROMA_FORMAT_IDC = 0; static constexpr int MAX_CHROMA_FORMAT_IDC = 3; static constexpr int MIN_BIT_DEPTH = 8; static constexpr int MAX_BIT_DEPTH = 16; static constexpr int BLK_8_shift = 6; static constexpr int BLK_16_shift = 8; static constexpr int BLK_32_shift = 10; static constexpr int NUM_8x8_BLKS_16x16 = 4; static constexpr int NUM_16x16_BLKS_32x32 = 4; static constexpr int BLK_AREA_8x8 = 64; static constexpr int BLK_AREA_16x16 = 256; static constexpr int INTENSITY_INTERVAL_MATCH_FAIL = -1; static constexpr int COLOUR_OFFSET_LUMA = 0; static constexpr int COLOUR_OFFSET_CR = 85; static constexpr int COLOUR_OFFSET_CB = 170; static constexpr int MIN_WIDTH = 128; static constexpr int MAX_WIDTH = 7680; static constexpr int MIN_HEIGHT = 128; static constexpr int MAX_HEIGHT = 4320; #define CLIP3(min, max, x) (((x) > (max)) ? (max) :(((x) < (min))? (min):(x))) #define MIN(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (y) : (x)) #define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y)) #define MSB16(x) ((x&0xFFFF0000)>>16) #define LSB16(x) (x&0x0000FFFF) #define BIT0(x) (x&0x1) #define POS_30 (1<<30) #define POS_2 (1<<2) /* Error start codes for various classes of errors */ #define FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR 0x0010 #define FGS_PARAM_ERROR 0x0020 /* Error codes for various errors in SMPTE-RDD5 standalone grain synthesizer */ typedef enum { /* No error */ FGS_SUCCESS = 0, /* Invalid input width */ FGS_INVALID_WIDTH = FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR + 0x01, /* Invalid input height */ FGS_INVALID_HEIGHT = FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR + 0x02, /* Invalid Chroma format idc */ FGS_INVALID_CHROMA_FORMAT = FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR + 0x03, /* Invalid bit depth */ FGS_INVALID_BIT_DEPTH = FGS_FILE_IO_ERROR + 0x04, /* Invalid Film grain characteristic cancel flag */ FGS_INVALID_FGC_CANCEL_FLAG = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x01, /* Invalid film grain model id */ FGS_INVALID_GRAIN_MODEL_ID = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x02, /* Invalid separate color description present flag */ FGS_INVALID_SEP_COL_DES_FLAG = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x03, /* Invalid blending mode */ FGS_INVALID_BLEND_MODE = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x04, /* Invalid log_2_scale_factor value */ FGS_INVALID_LOG2_SCALE_FACTOR = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x05, /* Invalid component model present flag */ FGS_INVALID_COMP_MODEL_PRESENT_FLAG = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x06, /* Invalid number of model values */ FGS_INVALID_NUM_MODEL_VALUES = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x07, /* Invalid bound values, overlapping boundaries */ FGS_INVALID_INTENSITY_BOUNDARY_VALUES = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x08, /* Invalid standard deviation */ FGS_INVALID_STANDARD_DEVIATION = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x09, /* Invalid cut off frequencies */ FGS_INVALID_CUT_OFF_FREQUENCIES = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x0A, /* Invalid number of cut off frequency pairs */ FGS_INVALID_NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ_PAIRS = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x0B, /* Invalid film grain characteristics repetition period */ FGS_INVALID_FGC_REPETETION_PERIOD = FGS_PARAM_ERROR + 0x0C, /* Failure error code */ FGS_FAIL = 0xFF }FGS_ERROR_T; /* FGC Error Codes END */ typedef struct GrainSynthesisStruct_t { int8_t dataBase[NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ][NUM_CUT_OFF_FREQ][DATA_BASE_SIZE][DATA_BASE_SIZE]; int16_t intensityInterval[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT][MAX_NUM_INTENSITIES]; }GrainSynthesisStruct; typedef struct fgsProcessArgs { uint8_t numComp; uint32_t * fgsOffsets[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; Pel * decComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; uint32_t widthComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; uint32_t heightComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; ptrdiff_t strideComp[MAX_NUM_COMPONENT]; SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *pFgcParameters; GrainSynthesisStruct * pGrainSynt; uint8_t bitDepth; uint8_t blkSize; } fgsProcessArgs; class SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer { private: uint32_t m_width; uint32_t m_height; ChromaFormat m_chromaFormat; uint8_t m_bitDepth; uint32_t m_idrPicId; fgsProcessArgs m_fgsArgs; GrainSynthesisStruct *m_grainSynt; uint8_t m_fgsBlkSize; public: uint32_t m_poc; int32_t m_errorCode; SEIFilmGrainCharacteristics *m_fgcParameters; public: SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer(); virtual ~SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer(); void create(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ChromaFormat fmt, uint8_t bitDepth, uint32_t idrPicId); void destroy (); void fgsInit (); void grainSynthesizeAndBlend (PelStorage* pGrainBuf, bool isIdrPic); uint8_t grainValidateParams (); private: void deriveFGSBlkSize (); void dataBaseGen (); static uint32_t prng (uint32_t x_r); static uint32_t fgsProcess (fgsProcessArgs &inArgs); static void deblockGrainStripe (Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t widthComp, uint32_t heightComp, uint32_t strideComp, uint32_t blkSize); static void blendStripe(Pel *decSampleOffsetY, Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t widthComp, ptrdiff_t strideSrc, ptrdiff_t strideGrain, uint32_t blockHeight, uint8_t bitDepth); static void blendStripe_32x32(Pel *decSampleOffsetY, Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t widthComp, ptrdiff_t strideSrc, ptrdiff_t strideGrain, uint32_t blockHeight, uint8_t bitDepth); static Pel blockAverage_8x8(Pel *decSampleBlk8, ptrdiff_t widthComp, uint16_t *pNumSamples, uint8_t ySize, uint8_t xSize, uint8_t bitDepth); static uint32_t blockAverage_16x16(Pel *decSampleBlk8, ptrdiff_t widthComp, uint16_t *pNumSamples, uint8_t ySize, uint8_t xSize, uint8_t bitDepth); static uint32_t blockAverage_32x32(Pel *decSampleBlk32, ptrdiff_t strideComp, uint8_t bitDepth); static void simulateGrainBlk8x8 (Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t grainStripeOffsetBlk8, GrainSynthesisStruct *pGrainSynt, uint32_t width, uint8_t log2ScaleFactor, int16_t scaleFactor, uint32_t kOffset, uint32_t lOffset, uint8_t h, uint8_t v, uint32_t xSize); static void simulateGrainBlk16x16(Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t grainStripeOffsetBlk8, GrainSynthesisStruct *grain_synt, uint32_t width, uint8_t log2ScaleFactor, int16_t scaleFactor, uint32_t kOffset, uint32_t lOffset, uint8_t h, uint8_t v, uint32_t xSize); static void simulateGrainBlk32x32(Pel *grainStripe, uint32_t grainStripeOffsetBlk32, GrainSynthesisStruct *grain_synt, uint32_t width, uint8_t log2ScaleFactor, int16_t scaleFactor, uint32_t kOffset, uint32_t lOffset, uint8_t h, uint8_t v); static uint32_t fgsSimulationBlending_8x8 (fgsProcessArgs *inArgs); static uint32_t fgsSimulationBlending_16x16 (fgsProcessArgs *inArgs); static uint32_t fgsSimulationBlending_32x32 (fgsProcessArgs *inArgs); };// END CLASS DEFINITION SEIFilmGrainSynthesizer //! \} #endif // __SEIFILMGRAINSYNTHESIZER__