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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file EncLib.h \brief encoder class (header) */ #ifndef __ENCTOP__ #define __ENCTOP__ // Include files #include "CommonLib/TrQuant.h" #include "CommonLib/DeblockingFilter.h" #include "CommonLib/NAL.h" #include "Utilities/VideoIOYuv.h" #include "EncCfg.h" #include "EncGOP.h" #include "EncSlice.h" #include "EncHRD.h" #include "VLCWriter.h" #include "CABACWriter.h" #include "InterSearch.h" #include "IntraSearch.h" #include "EncSampleAdaptiveOffset.h" #include "EncReshape.h" #include "EncAdaptiveLoopFilter.h" #include "RateCtrl.h" #if JVET_AC0074_USE_OF_NNPFC_FOR_PIC_RATE_UPSAMPLING #include "CommonLib/SEINeuralNetworkPostFiltering.h" #endif class EncLibCommon; //! \ingroup EncoderLib //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== /// encoder class class EncLib : public EncCfg { private: // picture int m_pocLast; ///< time index (POC) int m_receivedPicCount; ///< number of received pictures uint32_t m_codedPicCount; ///< number of coded pictures PicList& m_cListPic; ///< dynamic list of pictures int m_layerId; // encoder search InterSearch m_cInterSearch; ///< encoder search class IntraSearch m_cIntraSearch; ///< encoder search class // coding tool TrQuant m_cTrQuant; ///< transform & quantization class DeblockingFilter m_deblockingFilter; ///< deblocking filter class EncSampleAdaptiveOffset m_cEncSAO; ///< sample adaptive offset class EncAdaptiveLoopFilter m_cEncALF; HLSWriter m_HLSWriter; ///< CAVLC encoder CABACEncoder m_CABACEncoder; EncReshape m_cReshaper; ///< reshaper class // processing unit EncGOP m_cGOPEncoder; ///< GOP encoder EncSlice m_cSliceEncoder; ///< slice encoder EncCu m_cCuEncoder; ///< CU encoder // SPS ParameterSetMap &m_spsMap; ///< SPS. This is the base value ParameterSetMap &m_ppsMap; ///< PPS. This is the base value EnumArray, ApsType> &m_apsMaps; ///< APS. This is the base value PicHeader m_picHeader; ///< picture header // RD cost computation RdCost m_cRdCost; ///< RD cost computation class CtxPool m_ctxPool; ///< buffer for temporarily stored context models // quality control RateCtrl m_cRateCtrl; ///< Rate control class AUWriterIf* m_AUWriterIf; #if JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE CacheModel m_cacheModel; #endif APS* m_apss[ALF_CTB_MAX_NUM_APS]; APS* m_lmcsAPS; APS* m_scalinglistAPS; EncHRD m_encHRD; bool m_doPlt; #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS std::chrono::duration> m_metricTime; #endif int m_picIdInGOP; VPS* m_vps; int* m_layerDecPicBuffering; RPLList m_rplLists[2]; #if GREEN_METADATA_SEI_ENABLED FeatureCounterStruct m_featureCounter; bool m_GMFAFramewise; std::string m_GMFAFile; #endif #if JVET_AC0074_USE_OF_NNPFC_FOR_PIC_RATE_UPSAMPLING SEINeuralNetworkPostFiltering m_nnPostFiltering; #endif public: SPS* getSPS( int spsId ) { return m_spsMap.getPS( spsId ); }; APS** getApss() { return m_apss; } Ctx m_entropyCodingSyncContextState; ///< leave in addition to vector for compatibility PLTBuf m_palettePredictorSyncState; const RPLList *getRplList(RefPicList l) const { return &m_rplLists[l]; } RPLList *getRplList(RefPicList l) { return &m_rplLists[l]; } uint32_t getNumRpl(RefPicList l) const { return m_rplLists[l].getNumberOfReferencePictureLists(); } int m_gopRprPpsId; bool m_rprPPSCodedAfterIntraList[NUM_RPR_PPS]; // 4 resolutions, full, 5/6, 2/3 and 1/2 bool m_refLayerRescaledAvailable; protected: void xGetNewPicBuffer ( std::list& rcListPicYuvRecOut, Picture*& rpcPic, int ppsId ); ///< get picture buffer which will be processed. If ppsId<0, then the ppsMap will be queried for the first match. void xInitOPI(OPI& opi); ///< initialize Operating point Information (OPI) from encoder options void xInitDCI(DCI& dci, const SPS& sps); ///< initialize Decoding Capability Information (DCI) from encoder options void xInitVPS( const SPS& sps ); ///< initialize VPS from encoder options void xInitSPS( SPS& sps ); ///< initialize SPS from encoder options void xInitPPS (PPS &pps, const SPS &sps); ///< initialize PPS from encoder options void xInitPicHeader (PicHeader &picHeader, const SPS &sps, const PPS &pps); ///< initialize Picture Header from encoder options void xInitAPS (APS &aps); ///< initialize APS from encoder options void xInitScalingLists ( SPS &sps, APS &aps ); ///< initialize scaling lists void xInitPPSforLT(PPS& pps); void xInitHrdParameters(SPS &sps); ///< initialize HRDParameters parameters void xInitRPL(SPS &sps); ///< initialize SPS from encoder options public: EncLib( EncLibCommon* encLibCommon ); virtual ~EncLib(); void create ( const int layerId ); void destroy (); void init(AUWriterIf *auWriterIf); void deletePicBuffer (); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // member access functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUWriterIf* getAUWriterIf () { return m_AUWriterIf; } PicList* getListPic () { return &m_cListPic; } InterSearch* getInterSearch () { return &m_cInterSearch; } IntraSearch* getIntraSearch () { return &m_cIntraSearch; } TrQuant* getTrQuant () { return &m_cTrQuant; } DeblockingFilter* getDeblockingFilter () { return &m_deblockingFilter; } EncSampleAdaptiveOffset* getSAO () { return &m_cEncSAO; } EncAdaptiveLoopFilter* getALF () { return &m_cEncALF; } EncGOP* getGOPEncoder () { return &m_cGOPEncoder; } EncSlice* getSliceEncoder () { return &m_cSliceEncoder; } EncHRD* getHRD () { return &m_encHRD; } EncCu* getCuEncoder () { return &m_cCuEncoder; } HLSWriter* getHLSWriter () { return &m_HLSWriter; } CABACEncoder* getCABACEncoder () { return &m_CABACEncoder; } RdCost* getRdCost () { return &m_cRdCost; } CtxPool *getCtxCache() { return &m_ctxPool; } RateCtrl* getRateCtrl () { return &m_cRateCtrl; } void setRefLayerRescaledAvailable(bool b) { m_refLayerRescaledAvailable = b; } bool isRefLayerRescaledAvailable() const { return m_refLayerRescaledAvailable; } #if GREEN_METADATA_SEI_ENABLED FeatureCounterStruct getFeatureCounter(){return m_featureCounter;} void setFeatureCounter(FeatureCounterStruct b){m_featureCounter=b;} bool getGMFAFramewise() {return m_GMFAFramewise;} void setGMFAFile(std::string b){m_GMFAFile = b;} #endif void selectReferencePictureList(Slice *slice, int pocCurr, int gopId, int ltPoc); void setParamSetChanged(int spsId, int ppsId); bool PPSNeedsWriting(int ppsId); bool SPSNeedsWriting(int spsId); const PPS* getPPS( int Id ) { return m_ppsMap.getPS( Id); } const APS *getAPS(int Id, ApsType apsType) { return m_apsMaps[apsType].getPS(Id); } EncReshape* getReshaper() { return &m_cReshaper; } ParameterSetMap *getApsMap(ApsType apsType) { return &m_apsMaps[apsType]; } EnumArray, ApsType> *getApsMaps() { return &m_apsMaps; } void setRprPPSCodedAfterIntra(int num, bool isCoded) { m_rprPPSCodedAfterIntraList[num] = isCoded; } bool getRprPPSCodedAfterIntra(int num) { return m_rprPPSCodedAfterIntraList[num]; } bool getPltEnc() const { return m_doPlt; } void checkPltStats( Picture* pic ); #if JVET_O0756_CALCULATE_HDRMETRICS std::chrono::duration> getMetricTime() const { return m_metricTime; }; #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // encoder function // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // encode several number of pictures until end-of-sequence // snrCSC used for SNR calculations. Picture in original colour space. bool encodePrep(bool flush, PelStorage *pcPicYuvOrg, PelStorage *pcPicYuvTrueOrg, PelStorage *pcPicYuvFilteredOrg, PelStorage *pcPicYuvFilteredOrgForFG, const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list &rcListPicYuvRecOut, int &numEncoded , PelStorage** ppcPicYuvRPR ); bool encode(const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list &rcListPicYuvRecOut, int &numEncoded); bool encodePrep(bool flush, PelStorage *pcPicYuvOrg, PelStorage *pcPicYuvTrueOrg, PelStorage *pcPicYuvFilteredOrg, const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list &rcListPicYuvRecOut, int &numEncoded, bool isTff); bool encode(const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list &rcListPicYuvRecOut, int &numEncoded, bool isTff); #if JVET_AC0074_USE_OF_NNPFC_FOR_PIC_RATE_UPSAMPLING void applyNnPostFilter(); #endif void printSummary(bool isField) { m_cGOPEncoder.printOutSummary(m_codedPicCount, isField, m_printMSEBasedSequencePSNR, m_printSequenceMSE, m_printMSSSIM, m_printHexPsnr, (m_resChangeInClvsEnabled || m_refLayerRescaledAvailable), m_spsMap.getFirstPS()->getBitDepths(), m_layerId); } int getLayerId() const { return m_layerId; } VPS* getVPS() { return m_vps; } }; //! \} #endif // __ENCTOP__