Commit 9d601f43 authored by Joaquin Torres's avatar Joaquin Torres

Merge branch 'model_sel_and_shap' of...

Merge branch 'model_sel_and_shap' of into model_sel_and_shap
parents 7cc7f28b f919e066
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import shap
import ast
from xgboost import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, BaggingClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier
......@@ -61,6 +62,60 @@ def read_data():
return data_dic
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Retrieving parameters for chosen models
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_chosen_model(group_str, method_str, model_name):
# Read sheet corresponding to group and method with tuned models and their hyperparameters
tuned_models_df = pd.read_excel("../model_selection/output_hyperparam/hyperparamers.xlsx", sheet_name=f"{group_str}_{method_str}")
tuned_models_df.columns = ['Model', 'Best Parameters']
# Define the mapping from model abbreviations to sklearn model classes
model_mapping = {
'DT': DecisionTreeClassifier,
'RF': RandomForestClassifier,
'Bagging': BaggingClassifier,
'AB': AdaBoostClassifier,
'XGB': XGBClassifier,
'LR': LogisticRegression,
'MLP': MLPClassifier
# Access the row for the given model name by checking the first column (index 0)
row = tuned_models_df[tuned_models_df['Model'] == model_name].iloc[0]
# Parse the dictionary of parameters from the 'Best Parameters' column
parameters = ast.literal_eval(row['Best Parameters'])
# Modify parameters based on model specifics or methods if necessary
if model_name == 'AB':
parameters['algorithm'] = 'SAMME'
elif model_name == 'LR':
parameters['max_iter'] = 1000
elif model_name == 'SVM':
parameters['max_iter'] = 1000
parameters['probability'] = True
elif model_name == "MLP":
parameters['max_iter'] = 500
# Add class_weight argument for cost-sensitive learning method
if 'CW' in method_str:
if model_name in ['Bagging', 'AB']:
parameters['estimator'] = DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight='balanced')
parameters['class_weight'] = 'balanced'
# Fetch the class of the model
model_class = model_mapping[model_name]
# Initialize the model with the parameters
chosen_model = model_class(**parameters)
# Return if it is a tree model, for SHAP
is_tree = model_name not in ['LR', 'SVM', 'MLP']
return chosen_model, is_tree
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Setup
......@@ -73,48 +128,44 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
2: "OVER",
3: "UNDER"
# Best model initialization (to be completed - manually)
# Mapping group-method -> (isTreeModel:bool, model)
models = {
"pre_ORIG": (None,None),
"pre_ORIG_CW": (None,None),
"pre_OVER": (None,None),
"pre_UNDER": (None,None),
"post_ORIG": (None,None),
"post_ORIG": (None,None),
"post_ORIG_CW": (None,None),
"post_OVER": (None,None),
"post_UNDER": (None,None),
model_choices = {
"ORIG": "XGB",
"ORIG_CW": "RF",
"OVER": "XGB",
# # Retrieve attribute names in order
# df = pd.read_csv("..\gen_train_data\data\input\pre_dataset.csv")
# attribute_names = list(df.columns.values)
# Retrieve attribute names in order
df = pd.read_csv("../gen_train_data/data/input/pre_dataset.csv")
attribute_names = list(df.columns.values)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Shap value generation
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for i, group in enumerate(['pre', 'post']):
# Get test dataset based on group
X_test = data_dic['X_test_' + group]
# Get test dataset based on group, add column names
X_test = pd.DataFrame(data_dic['X_test_' + group], columns=attribute_names)
y_test = data_dic['y_test_' + group]
for j, method in enumerate(['', '', 'over_', 'under_']):
# Get train dataset based on group and method
X_train = data_dic['X_train_' + method + group]
X_train = pd.DataFrame(data_dic['X_train_' + method + group], columns=attribute_names)
y_train = data_dic['y_train_' + method + group]
# Retrieve best model for this group-method context
model_info = models[group + '_' + method_names[j]]
is_tree = model_info[0]
model = model_info[1]
method_name = method_names[j]
# Get chosen tuned model for this group and method context
model, is_tree = get_chosen_model(group_str=group, method_str=method_name, model_name=model_choices[method_name])
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fit model with training data
fitted_model =[:500], y_train[:500])
# Check if we are dealing with a tree vs nn model
# # Check if we are dealing with a tree vs nn model
if is_tree:
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(fitted_model, X_test[:500])
explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(fitted_model.predict, X_test[:500])
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(fitted_model)
# else:
# explainer = shap.KernelExplainer(fitted_model.predict_proba, X_test[:500])
# Compute shap values
shap_vals = explainer.shap_values(X_test[:500], check_additivity=False) # Change to true for final results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save results"shap_values/{group}_{method_names[j]}", shap_vals)"./output/shap_values/{group}_{method_names[j]}", shap_vals)
print(f'Shape of numpy array: {shap_vals.shape}')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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