gene_id gene_symbol gene_name 28 ABO "ABO, alpha 1-3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase and alpha 1-3-galactosyltransferase" 183 AGT angiotensinogen 185 AGTR1 "angiotensin II receptor type 1" 213 ALB albumin 268 AMH "anti-Mullerian hormone" 682 BSG "basigin (Ok blood group)" 796 CALCA "calcitonin related polypeptide alpha" 920 CD4 "CD4 molecule" 925 CD8A "CD8a molecule" 931 MS4A1 "membrane spanning 4-domains A1" 1401 CRP "C-reactive protein" 1437 CSF2 "colony stimulating factor 2" 1506 CTRL "chymotrypsin like" 1514 CTSL "cathepsin L" 1636 ACE "angiotensin I converting enzyme" 1803 DPP4 "dipeptidyl peptidase 4" 2147 F2 "coagulation factor II, thrombin" 2152 F3 "coagulation factor III, tissue factor" 2475 MTOR "mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase" 2539 G6PD "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase" 2805 GOT1 "glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1" 2875 GPT "glutamic--pyruvic transaminase" 3107 HLA-C "major histocompatibility complex, class I, C" 3439 IFNA1 "interferon alpha 1" 3456 IFNB1 "interferon beta 1" 3458 IFNG "interferon gamma" 3552 IL1A "interleukin 1 alpha" 3553 IL1B "interleukin 1 beta" 3558 IL2 "interleukin 2" 3559 IL2RA "interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha" 3569 IL6 "interleukin 6" 3570 IL6R "interleukin 6 receptor" 3576 CXCL8 "C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 8" 3586 IL10 "interleukin 10" 3605 IL17A "interleukin 17A" 3627 CXCL10 "C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10" 3630 INS insulin 3716 JAK1 "Janus kinase 1" 3827 KNG1 "kininogen 1" 4045 LSAMP "limbic system associated membrane protein" 4153 MBL2 "mannose binding lectin 2" 4790 NFKB1 "nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1" 5045 FURIN "furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme" 5131 PDB1 "Paget disease of bone 1" 5133 PDCD1 "programmed cell death 1" 5327 PLAT "plasminogen activator, tissue type" 5340 PLG plasminogen 5707 PSMD1 "proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 1" 5972 REN renin 6252 RTN1 "reticulon 1" 6301 SARS "seryl-tRNA synthetase" 6347 CCL2 "C-C motif chemokine ligand 2" 7113 TMPRSS2 "transmembrane serine protease 2" 7124 TNF "tumor necrosis factor" 7137 TNNI3 "troponin I3, cardiac type" 7450 VWF "von Willebrand factor" 9372 ZFYVE9 "zinc finger FYVE-type containing 9" 27074 LAMP3 "lysosomal associated membrane protein 3" 51497 NELFCD "negative elongation factor complex member C/D" 51517 NCKIPSD "NCK interacting protein with SH3 domain" 54806 AHI1 "Abelson helper integration site 1" 55835 CENPJ "centromere protein J" 57142 RTN4 "reticulon 4" 59272 ACE2 "angiotensin I converting enzyme 2" 92521 SPECC1 "sperm antigen with calponin homology and coiled-coil domains 1" 114548 NLRP3 "NLR family pyrin domain containing 3" 388007 SERPINA13P "serpin family A member 13, pseudogene" 43740568 S "surface glycoprotein" 43740570 E "envelope protein" 43740575 N "nucleocapsid phosphoprotein" 43740577 ORF8 "ORF8 protein" 43740578 ORF1ab "ORF1a polyprotein;ORF1ab polyprotein" 101927746 EMSLR "E2F1 mRNA stabilizing lncRNA" 102723407 LOC102723407 "immunoglobulin heavy variable 4-38-2-like" 102724971 LOC102724971 "putative V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing-like protein IGHV4OR15-8"