Commit a2282a97 authored by Maria Marin's avatar Maria Marin


parent 602e0031
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# Exploring Drug Repurposing Opportunities for Schizophrenia: A Network Medicine Approach
This repository contains the data and code generated for the conference paper 'Exploring Drug Repurposing Opportunities for Schizophrenia: A Network Medicine Approach'.
The **main objective** of this study is the application of network medicine methodology to formulate drug repurposing hypotheses for schizophrenia.
Below it is include the graphical abstract of the methodology employed in this study.
## Repositories
### Data
Files with data referring to both nodes (representing the biological elements studied) and links (indicating the interactions established between these elements). These data was previously gathered from the platform of the !DISNET_project(Visual_summary.png).
### Analysis
Directories with the Python Scripts and Jupyter Notebooks employed in this study.
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