This directory includes the intermediate files used during the analysis: | NAME | DESCRIPTION | |-----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [Datos_Gppi.csv]( | Protein ID, degree, and Average Shortest Path Length of each node in the interactome | | [Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv]( | Results for the meta-analysis on the differential expression of genes in patients with schizophrenia, obtained from the supplementary material of the study of [Gandal et al. (2018)]( | | [Module_signif.csv]( | Number of seed genes, genes in the interactome, genes in LCC, and results of the statistical validation of the disease module for the pathologies with a significant disease module size | | [dge_sorted.csv]( | Genes with significantly higher or lower expression in schizophrenia patients after filtering [Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv]( Sorted by logFC (in absolute value) | | [drug_categories.csv]( | Drug ID and its classification regarding the MeSH-pharmacological action (PA) therapeutic uses or its mechanism of action (MOA) | | [gandal_2018a_kMEs.csv]( | Results of the co-expression module membership for each gene in PNDs, obtained from the supplementary material of the study of [Lüscher et al. (2020)]( | Below are described the additional intermediate files that have not been included in this directory due to their large size, as well as the link from which they can be obtained: | NAME | DESCRIPTION | LINK | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------|-------------| | [Closest distance.csv]( | Results for the calculation of the closest distance between each disease-drug pair | | | [Closest_distance_rand.csv]( | Results for the mean and statistical deviation of the closest distance between each disease-drug pair, in comparison with 1,000 disease modules and sets of target proteins of each drug obtained randomly (degree preserving) | | | [SPL PPI.csv]( | Shortest Path Length between each pair of proteins in the interactome | |