import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns def filter_cd_zscore(pnd_df): """ This function filters the rows of pnd_df based on the values of 'closest distance' that fall below Q3 from the known treatments. Input Parameters: - pnd_df: DataFrame containing the data with 'closest distance' column. Returns: - filtered_df: DataFrame containing only the rows where 'closest distance' is between Q1 and Q3. """ # Calculate Q3 of the Treatment filtered_yes = pnd_df[pnd_df['Treatment'] == 'yes'] q3 = filtered_yes['Closest distance'].quantile(0.75) filtered_df =pnd_df[(pnd_df['Dc_zscore'] < -0.15) & (pnd_df['Closest distance'] <= q3) & (pnd_df['Treatment'] == 'unknown')] return filtered_df def rep_pnd(pnd_df,filtered_pnd): """ Generates side-by-side boxplots to compare 'Closest distance' and 'Personalized Network Distance (PND)' metrics across three different treatment status groups. Input Parameters: - pnd_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing drug data with columns: - 'Treatment': The treatment status of the drugs ('yes' or 'unknown'). - 'Closest distance': A numeric measure of the closest distance metric for the drugs. - 'PND': A numeric measure of Personalized Network Distance for the drugs. - filtered_pnd (pd.DataFrame): A subset of pnd_df filtered for a specific condition, with the same columns as pnd_df. Returns: - None: The function saves a boxplot comparison as a PNG file and displays the plot. """ drugs_with_disease = pnd_df[(pnd_df['Treatment'] == 'yes')] drugs_without_disease = pnd_df[(pnd_df['Treatment'] == 'unknown')] combined_data = pd.concat([drugs_with_disease.assign(Treatment='Treatment'), drugs_without_disease.assign(Treatment='All unknown'),filtered_pnd.assign(Treatment='Filtered unknown for DR')]) # Combine the two datasets into a single subplot fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6)) # Create a subplot with 1 row and 2 columns sns.boxplot(x='Treatment', y='Closest distance', data=combined_data, hue='Treatment', ax=axes[0], palette={'Treatment': '#FF7A7A', 'All unknown': '#79C4FF', 'Filtered unknown for DR': '#CAF0F8'}, dodge=False, medianprops=dict(linewidth=2)) axes[0].set_ylabel('Closest distance', fontsize=12) axes[0].set_xlabel('') for label in axes[0].get_xticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(12) axes[0].legend([], [], frameon=False) # Plot the boxplot with 'PND' on the right sns.boxplot(x='Treatment', y='PND', data=combined_data, hue='Treatment', ax=axes[1], palette={'Treatment': '#FF7A7A', 'All unknown': '#79C4FF', 'Filtered unknown for DR': '#CAF0F8'}, dodge=False, medianprops=dict(linewidth=2)) axes[1].set_ylabel('Personalized Network Distance ($\mathregular{PND}$)', fontsize=12) axes[1].set_xlabel('') for label in axes[1].get_xticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(12) axes[1].legend([], [], frameon=False) plt.tight_layout() # Adjust the layout of the subplot to avoid overlap plt.savefig('../results/pnd_closest_distance_boxplot_filtered.png', dpi=300) def get_gsm_ids_for_lowest_pnd_drugs(pnd_df, drugs_list, num_gsm=3): """ This function extracts the gsm_id for the given list of drugs with the lowest PND values. Input Parameters: - pnd_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing drug data with columns: - 'Treatment': The treatment status of the drugs ('yes' or 'unknown'). - 'Closest distance': A numeric measure of the closest distance metric for the drugs. - 'PND': A numeric measure of Personalized Network Distance for the drugs. - drugs_list: List of drugs with the lowest PND values. - num_gsm: Number of gsm_id to extract for each drug. Returns: - gsm_df: DataFrame containing rows with the specified gsm_id for the given drugs. """ filtered_rows = [] for drug in drugs_list: # Filter the DataFrame for the current drug drug_df = pnd_df[pnd_df['Drugs'] == drug] # Sort the DataFrame by PND in ascending order and select the top num_gsm rows top_gsm_df = drug_df.sort_values(by='PND').head(num_gsm) # Append the selected rows to the list filtered_rows.append(top_gsm_df) # Concatenate the selected rows into a single DataFrame gsm_df = pd.concat(filtered_rows) return gsm_df