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AIIM2023 paper's baselines.
AIIM2023 Implementation
ML study performed to develop models that predict depressive and non-depressive users in Twitter. Original study providing the data: https://www.jmir.org/2019/6/e14199/
Final degree project repository: Biological sequence similarity in the context of a Drug Repurposing database
Repository of the CBMS2022 "REDIRECTION: Generating drug repurposing hypotheses using link prediction with DISNET data" paper.
Code, data, models and results of the TFG "Analysis and Development of Link Prediction in Networks Models by means of Deep Learning".
Supplementary material of the TFM "On giving disease networks data a semantic context: generating an ontology reusing existing ones"
This set of python scripts generate the required derived variables in the data.
Numeric variables from categorical originals. Derived age ranges. Derived month of discharge. -