Commit 0c1bec38 authored by aaron garcia muñiz's avatar aaron garcia muñiz

readme update

parent 392f8fe9
IGSD # IGSD - Information Gained Subgroup Discovery Algorithm
This repository contains the material refering to the paper: "", it contains:
1. datasets: Directory in which datasets to be used in the algortihm are stored.
2. results: Directory in which the algortihm will store the results produced.
3. pysubgroup_mod: The project code.
1. IGSD Project Scripts This repository contains the implementation of IGSD: A new algorithm for Subgroup Set Discovery based on Information Gained, it contains:
Contains the scripts of IGSD and other algorithms such as BeamSearch, DFS, BestFirstSearch, etc. Moreover, is the
principal script file which will launch the specific algorithm.
1. pysubgroup_mod: The project code.
2. results: Directory in which the algortihm will store the results produced.
3. datasets: Directory in which datasets to be used in the algortihm are stored.
# 1. IGSD Project Scripts
Inside the folder pysubgroup_mod you can find the scripts of IGSD and other useful scripts.
Moreover, is the principal script in charge of executing the main approach.
# 2. Execution commands
The file required several arguments to be used, so the following command line will execute the python file: The file required several arguments to be used, so the following command line will execute the python file:
py --dataname <FILE> --class_column <CLASS_COLUMN> --class_value <CLASS_VALUE> --mode <MODE> --depth <DEPTH> --list_ignore <LIST_IGNORE> --list_conds <LIST_CONDS>
```py --dataname <FILE> --class_column <CLASS_COLUMN> --class_value <CLASS_VALUE> --mode <MODE> --depth <DEPTH> --list_ignore <LIST_IGNORE> --list_conds <LIST_CONDS>```
With: With:
- <FILE>: The name of the dataset input file. * ```<FILE>```: The name of the dataset input file.
- <CLASS_COLUMN>: The attribute (column) used as target (studied class). * ```<CLASS_COLUMN>```: The attribute (column) used as target (studied class).
- <CLASS_VALUE>: The value of <CLASS_COLUMN> that we want to analize. * ```<CLASS_VALUE>```: The value of <CLASS_COLUMN> that we want to analize.
- <MODE>: The mode that IGSD will employ to perfom the analysis when IG threshold is calculated (dynamic, maximum). If you want to employ another algorithm, the default value is used. * ```<MODE>```: The mode that IGSD will employ to perfom the analysis when IG threshold is calculated (dynamic, maximum). If you want to employ another algorithm, the default value is used.
- <DEPTH>: The number of attributes that the algortihms will consider. * ```<DEPTH>```: The number of attributes that the algortihms will consider.
- <LIST_IGNORE>: A list with the attributes (columns) of the dataset that the user does not want to be consider in the anaylis. * ```<LIST_IGNORE>```: A list with the attributes (columns) of the dataset that the user does not want to be consider in the anaylis.
- <LIST_CONDS>: A list with the attributes (columns) of the dataset that the user wants to be present in the patterns obtained. * ```<LIST_CONDS>```: A list with the attributes (columns) of the dataset that the user wants to be present in the patterns obtained.
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