Commit e2324ef7 authored by Pepe Márquez Romero's avatar Pepe Márquez Romero

pequeña mejora al tratamiento de variables que no tienen tipo

parent aa9e9a77
......@@ -138,7 +138,11 @@ check_values_format <- function(valid_columns, codebook_param){
variable_type <- codebook_param$Variable.type[codebook$ == current_column]
if(! && variable_type == "Continuous"){
if ({
if(variable_type == "Continuous"){
################## ESTO PODRÍA IR EN UNA FUNC DIFERENTE #############
......@@ -185,7 +189,7 @@ check_values_format <- function(valid_columns, codebook_param){
################## FIN ESTO PODRÍA IR EN UNA FUNC DIFERENTE #############
}else if (! && (variable_type == "Categorical" || variable_type == "Binary")){
}else if (variable_type == "Categorical" || variable_type == "Binary"){
contingency_table <- ds.table(paste("data$",current_column))
counts <- contingency_table[[1]][[3]]
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