connect <- function (){ cat("\n\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") cat("\nPlease select the number corresponding to the hospital you want to analyse, if you want to do a combined analysis select multiple hospitals") cat("\n Princesa -> 1 CIPH -> 2 UMF_Iasis -> 3 SMUC -> 4 HM -> 5 Porto -> 6 FJD -> 7 Coimbra -> 8 UNAV -> 9 TU -> 10 Baskent: Ankara Impatient -> 11 Konya Impatient -> 12 Istambul Impatient -> 13 Izmir Impatient -> 14 Alanya Impatient -> 15 Adana Impatient -> 16 Ankara Outpatient -> 17 Konya Outpatient -> 18 Istambul Outpatient -> 19 Izmir Outpatient -> 20 Alanya Outpatient -> 21 Sacrocuore: Emergency database -> 22 Employees database -> 23 Verona database -> 24 Isaric -> 25 TU Dublin -> 26 UMF Cluj -> 27 UdeA -> 28 Inantro -> 29 UNSA -> 30 UZA -> 31 ") inp <- scan() builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder() hospital_names <- hospital_names[inp] project_names <- project_names[inp] resource_names <- resource_names[inp] urls <- urls[inp] users <- users[inp] pass <- pass[inp] print(hospital_names) print(project_names) print(resource_names) print(urls) print(users) print(pass) url_ctr <- 0 for(i in 1:length(urls)){ print(paste("Connecting to Server with URL:", urls[i], sep=" ")) builder$append(server = hospital_names[i], url = urls[i], user = users[i], password = pass[i], resource = paste(project_names[i], resource_names[i], sep="."), driver = "OpalDriver", options="list(ssl_verifyhost=0,ssl_verifypeer=0)") url_ctr <- url_ctr+1 } logindata <- builder$build() connections <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata, assign = TRUE, symbol = "D", failSafe = TRUE) datashield.assign.expr(connections, symbol = 'data', expr = quote( #datashield.assign.expr(connections, symbol = 'auxDf', expr = quote( print("Successful connection to servers.") return(list(connections,inp)) }