rm(list=ls()) setwd("C:/Users/victor/Documents/TFG/r-analytics-master") #Obtain the data from the codebook codebook <- read.csv("harmon.csv", sep = ";") codebook <- codebook[,c(1,3,4)] colnames(codebook) <- c("variable", "description", "unit") source("dependency_installer.R") source("connection_parameters_aux.R") source("necessary_functions_table1_v2_subset.R") dep_list = c("DSI","DSOpal","DSLite", "dsBaseClient") install_dependencies(dep_list) dir.create("./table_1", showWarnings = FALSE) setwd("./table_1") #Create the connection auxConnections <- connect() connections <- auxConnections[[1]] inp <- auxConnections[[2]] #Only do this if you want to subset the data for a specific value of a categoric variable apply_filters() #Select the variables to be analized (Add the ones you consider relevant and remove the ones that you do not) varToAnalize <- c("DMRGENDR","DMRAGEYR","DSXOS", "RFXSM", "TRXAV", "CMXCVD", "RFXOB") varToAnalize <- c("DMRGENDR","DMRAGEYR") table1 <- obtain_table1(connections, inp, varToAnalize) #datashield.logout(connections) library(gridExtra) png("table1TFGFiltro.png", height = 30*nrow(table1), width = 150*ncol(table1)) grid.table(table1) dev.off()