Big Data Value ecosystem
The mission of BDVe is to support the Big Data Value PPP in realizing a vibrant data-driven EU economy or said in other words, BDVe will support the implementation of the PPP to be a SUCCESS.
Behind that mission, there are multiple goals to achieve, which should be taken into full consideration when defining the directions of the PPP. Some of the most challenging ones are: (1) achieving a more competitive landscape of European Big Data providers, leading to bigger market share; (2) creating the context for a more competitive EU industry (transport, manufacturing, public sector, agrifood, media, energy…) in the advent of a data-driven revolution where many traditional players will have to transform their processes and re-think their business if they want to remain completive –or in some cases, just to survive-; (3) ensuring the sustainability of the investments and actions triggered by the PPP.
Duration: 2017 – 2021 (48 months)
Funding source (Code): H2020 [CSA] (732630)
Participant entities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SAP, ATOS, Siemens, Insight, EIT Digital, University of Duisburg-Essen, TILDE, Big Data Value Association, OgilvyOne Worldwide (OG1), TNO
Official webpage:
CORDIS webpage:
Laboratory/internal web:
Responsible: Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz