Commit a4abd56a authored by David Fernandez Lobon's avatar David Fernandez Lobon


parent 70c7b558
# Name of the proyect
## General Information
| Document Summary||
| Project| Project or work in which the document is involved; BigMedylitics, Clarify, P4-LUCAT, DISNET, etc. |
| Date | (fill in) |
|Summary | The present document provides the inputs, outputs and general work flow of a DA code project. |
### List of Authors
| Author name| Email|
|Author1 | |
| Author2 | |
## DA code project information
| DA code project summary||
| Id: | predx&notes |
| Version: | v0.0.1 |
|Name:| Pre-diagnosis cases and notes|
|Description:|Filters population bypre-diagnosis type andgets itsassociated symptoms(from notes).|
|Date:| 22.10.2020|
## Revision history
|Version|Date|Author(s)| Updates|
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----:
| v0.0.1 | 22.10.2020 | David Fernández | Firts version of the document
## Code summary
|Version|GitLab group and project|Script names|Function|Script location (URL)|Notebook location (if applies)|
|v0.0.1|BigMedilitycs|predxnotes.R|Obtains pre-diagnosis notes (as dataframe) and manipulates its columns to fit the required format.|blob> master> R-Code> Feature-Extraction(||
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