(Empty) Initial commit for the project.

parent 4fdb6809
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 3 20:39:52 2020
@author: Alberto Blázquez Herranz (alb.blazquez.h@gmail.es)
QuickBundles Wrapper for Time Series data clustering.
Module functionalities:
+ data preparation (including resampling, metric setup and rearrangement of data).
- TODO: enrich available metrics' pool to enable metric selection. This will
aid adequation to more problems apart from geolocated data.
+ automated clustering with hyperparameter tuning.
- TODO: look for better performance metrics than silhouette (which may be
flawing a bit). Possible 'performance metric selection' capability.
Last update - 03/04/2020
Currently, this functionalities support 1D and 2D data.
In case timestamps are not provided, data is assumed to be in ascending order.
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