SEISubpicLevelInfoEnabled: 1SEISubpicLevelInfoExplicitFraction: 1 # enable sending of explicit fractionsSEISubpicLevelInfoNumSubpics: 2 # number of subpictures - has to be equal to NumSubpicsSEISubpicLevelInfoMaxSublayers: 7 # number of sublayers - has to be equal to vps_max_sublayers_minus1 + 1SEISubpicLevelInfoSublayerInfoPresentFlag: 0 # 0: all sublayers use the same level information, 1: each sublayer shall specify its own level informationSEISubpicLevelInfoNonSubpicLayersFractions: 100 # see software manual for list formatSEISubpicLevelInfoRefLevels: 4.1 # see software manual for list formatSEISubpicLevelInfoRefLevelFractions: 40 30 # see software manual for list format