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from __future__ import print_function

import argparse
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

import as util
import as ver
import as vcsutil

from import SystemInfo
from import InvalidInputParameterError

class CMakeBuildUpdateAppParams(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.top_dir = None
        self.update_prepare = True
        self.cmakebuild_repo = ''
        # A CMakeBuild tag of None means latest tag.
        self.cmakebuild_tag = None

class CMakeBuildUpdateApp(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self._sys_info = SystemInfo()
        self._prog_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
        self._prog_name_full = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
        self._list_summary = True
        self._summary_lines = []
        self._git_helper = vcsutil.GitHelper()
        self._git_executable = self._git_helper.get_git_executable()

        # List of python modules this script depends on.
        self._py_mod_list = ['',

        self._usage = """
%(prog)s [options] [top_dir]

%(prog)s updates a CMakeBuild Git subtree embedded inside a Git standard workspace.  
The update procedure requires a clean Git working directory. Unfinished work must be 
saved somehow; e.g. use git stash .. or anything else.

The optional positional argument allows you to update an existing Git workspace out-of-tree.

        self._epilog = """

    def __call__(self, argv=None):
        if argv is None:

    def main(self, argv):
        params = self._parse_command_line(argv)

    def cmakebuild_update(self, params):

        initial_work_dir = os.getcwd()
        # (Re)create GitHelper in case the log level has been changed.
        self._git_helper = vcsutil.GitHelper()
        params = self._check_params(params)
        if params.top_dir is None:
            params.top_dir = util.get_top_dir()
        self._summary_lines = []
        if params.update_prepare:
            print("{}: preparing CMakeBuild update ...".format(self._prog_name))

            cmakebuild_version_current = self._get_current_cmakebuild_version(params.top_dir)
            if cmakebuild_version_current is None:
                print("{}: no existing CMakeBuild version found.".format(params.top_dir))

            if not self._is_workspace_clean(params.top_dir):

            if params.cmakebuild_tag is None:
                cmakebuild_tag = self._git_helper.get_latest_cmakebuild_tag(params.cmakebuild_repo)

                if cmakebuild_version_current and (ver.version_compare(cmakebuild_version_current, ver.version_tuple_from_str(cmakebuild_tag)) == 0):
                    print("{}: CMakeBuild is up to date, nothing to be done.".format(params.top_dir))
                # Validate CMakeBuild tag
                cmakebuild_tags = self._git_helper.get_remote_tags(params.cmakebuild_repo)
                if params.cmakebuild_tag not in cmakebuild_tags:
                    raise InvalidInputParameterError("requested tag {0} does not exists in {1}.".format(params.cmakebuild_tag, params.cmakebuild_repo))
                cmakebuild_tag = params.cmakebuild_tag
                if cmakebuild_version_current and (ver.version_compare(ver.version_tuple_from_str(cmakebuild_tag), cmakebuild_version_current) <= 0):
                    print("{}: CMakeBuild is up to date, nothing to be done.".format(params.top_dir))

            install_dir = os.path.join(params.top_dir, 'build', 'cmakebuild_update')

            update_script = os.path.join(install_dir, self._prog_name)
            # Prepare execv argument vector to call self with different arguments using the current python executable.
            if self._sys_info.is_windows():
                child_args = [self._sys_info.get_short_path(self._sys_info.get_python_executable())]
                child_args = [self._sys_info.get_python_executable()]
            child_args.extend([update_script, '--update'])
            if cmakebuild_tag:
                child_args.extend(['-t', cmakebuild_tag])
            if params.cmakebuild_repo:
                child_args.extend(['--cmakebuild-repo', params.cmakebuild_repo])

            # Add currrent log option to child_args[] to propagate the current log option to the child process.
            log_level = self._logger.getEffectiveLevel()
            log_level_str = None
            if log_level == logging.DEBUG:
                log_level_str = 'debug'
            elif log_level == logging.INFO:
                log_level_str = 'info'
            elif log_level == logging.WARNING:
                log_level_str = 'warning'
            elif log_level == logging.ERROR:
                log_level_str = 'error'
            elif log_level == logging.CRITICAL:
                log_level_str = 'critical'
            if log_level_str is not None:

            if self._sys_info.is_windows():
                # Unfortunately, there are issues with os.execv() on Windows and therefore a subprocess call is used instead.
                # execv() is preferred as the child is likely to remove python files just being executed
                # by the current python process.
                os.execv(child_args[0], child_args)
                print("{}: updating CMakeBuild in {} to {}".format(self._prog_name, params.top_dir, params.cmakebuild_tag))
                if not self._is_workspace_clean():

                self._append_item_to_summary("Git workspace:", params.top_dir)
                if self._list_summary:
                    cmakebuild_version_current = self._get_current_cmakebuild_version(params.top_dir)
                    if cmakebuild_version_current is not None:
                        self._append_item_to_summary("Current CMakeBuild version:", "{}-{:d}".format(ver.version_tuple_to_str(cmakebuild_version_current[:3]), cmakebuild_version_current[-1]))
                    self._append_item_to_summary("New CMakeBuild version:", params.cmakebuild_tag)

                # Inventory of CMakeBuild to remember existing directories to be removed later on.
                (git_cmakebuild_dirs, cmakebuild_dirs) = self._get_git_cmakebuild_dirs(params.top_dir)
                if params.cmakebuild_tag in git_cmakebuild_dirs:
                if params.cmakebuild_tag in cmakebuild_dirs:
                # print("found existing Git CMakeBuild subdirs:", git_cmakebuild_dirs)
                # print("found existing CMakeBuild subdirs:", cmakebuild_dirs)

                # Add new CMakeBuild subtree
                self._add_cmakebuild_to_git_repo(params.cmakebuild_tag, params.cmakebuild_repo)

                # Update .svnimportprops in case is does exist.
                svnimportprops_file = os.path.join(params.top_dir, '.svnimportprops')
                svnimportprops_modified = self._update_svnimportprops(svnimportprops_file, params.cmakebuild_tag)

                for dname in git_cmakebuild_dirs:
                    git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'rm', '-r', os.path.join('CMakeBuild', dname)]
                if svnimportprops_modified or git_cmakebuild_dirs:
                    # Need a git commit if '.svnimportprops' has been updated or git rm -r has been launched.
                    git_comment = []
                    if git_cmakebuild_dirs:
                        git_comment.append("rm -r CMakeBuild/{}".format(','.join(git_cmakebuild_dirs)))
                    if svnimportprops_modified:
                        git_comment.append("modifying {}".format('.svnimportprops'))
                    git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'commit', '-am', '{}: {}'.format(self._prog_name, ', '.join(git_comment))]

                # Check again to get rid of any python cache files
                for dname in cmakebuild_dirs:
                    dname_path = os.path.join(params.top_dir, 'CMakeBuild', dname)
                    if os.path.exists(dname_path):

                print("{}: finished updating CMakeBuild in {} to {}".format(self._prog_name, params.top_dir, params.cmakebuild_tag))

                if self._list_summary:
                    for line in self._summary_lines:

    def _parse_command_line(self, argv):

        params = CMakeBuildUpdateAppParams()

        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=self._usage, epilog=self._epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)

        parser.add_argument("top_dir", action="store", nargs='?', default=None,
                            help="specifies a Git workspace to work on. By default the scripts installation path will be used to deduce the workspace.")


        parser.add_argument("-t", "--tag", action="store", dest="cmakebuild_tag", metavar="TAG",
                            help="specifies a CMakeBuild tag to be used. If omitted the latest release tag will be used.")

        parser.add_argument("--cmakebuild-repo", action="store", dest="cmakebuild_repo", metavar="REPO", default=params.cmakebuild_repo,
                            help="specifies an alternative CMakeBuild repository overriding %(default)s." )

        parser.add_argument("--update", action="store_true", dest="update", default=False,
                            help="execute cmakebuild update, internal option reserved for the os.execv() machinery.")

        args = parser.parse_args(argv)

        # configure the python logger

        if args.top_dir:
            params.top_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(args.top_dir))
        if args.cmakebuild_tag:
            params.cmakebuild_tag = args.cmakebuild_tag
        if args.cmakebuild_repo:
            params.cmakebuild_repo = args.cmakebuild_repo
        if args.update:
            params.update_prepare = False

        return params

    def _check_params(self, params):
        params.cmakebuild_repo = self._check_git_url(params.cmakebuild_repo)
        if params.top_dir:
            if not os.path.exists(params.top_dir):
                raise InvalidInputParameterError("Git workspace {} does not exist.".format(params.top_dir))
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(params.top_dir, '.git')):
                raise InvalidInputParameterError("Workspace {} does not seem to be a Git workspace.".format(params.top_dir))
        return params

    def _check_git_url(self, git_url):
        vcs_url = vcsutil.VcsUrl(git_url)
        proto = vcs_url.get_protocol()
        if proto in ['ssh', 'https']:
            # Normalize a remote Git URL to end with .git even if specified without the extension.
            res_path = vcs_url.get_resource_path()
            if not res_path.endswith('.git'):
            raise InvalidInputParameterError("Git URL {0} is not supported yet.".format(git_url))
        # Normalize all URLs.
        git_url = str(vcs_url)
        self._logger.debug("returning url={0}".format(git_url))
        return git_url

    def _install_self(self, install_dir):
        script_installer = self._create_script_installer()
        # print("py_mod_list:", self._py_mod_list)
        script_installer.install_script(install_dir, self._prog_name_full, self._py_mod_list)

    def _create_script_installer(self):
        script_installer =
        return script_installer

    def _get_current_cmakebuild_version(self, top_dir):
        assert os.path.exists(top_dir)
        cmakebuild_top_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, 'CMakeBuild')
        if not os.path.exists(cmakebuild_top_dir):
            return None
        re_version_dir = re.compile(r'^\d+[0-9.]+-\d+$')
        version_list = []
        for fname in os.listdir(cmakebuild_top_dir):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cmakebuild_top_dir, fname)):
                if re_version_dir.match(fname) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(cmakebuild_top_dir, fname, 'CMakeBuild', 'bin', '')):
        if not version_list:
            return None
        if len(version_list) > 1:
            raise InvalidInputParameterError("Workspace {} contains multiple CMakeBuild versions, please update manually.".format(top_dir))
        self._logger.debug("found CMakeBuild {} in {}".format(ver.version_tuple_to_str(version_list[0]), top_dir))
        return version_list[0]

    def _get_git_cmakebuild_dirs(self, top_dir):
        assert os.path.exists(top_dir)
        cmakebuild_top_dir = os.path.join(top_dir, 'CMakeBuild')
        if not os.path.exists(cmakebuild_top_dir):
            return []

        re_version_dir = re.compile(r'^\d+[0-9.]+-\d+$')
        git_cmakebuild_version_dirs = []
        cmakebuild_version_dirs = []
        for fname in os.listdir(cmakebuild_top_dir):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cmakebuild_top_dir, fname)):
                if re_version_dir.match(fname):
                    git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'ls-files', os.path.join('CMakeBuild', fname)]
                    retv = subprocess.check_output(git_argv, universal_newlines=True)
                    retv = retv.lstrip().rstrip()
                    if retv != '':
        return git_cmakebuild_version_dirs, cmakebuild_version_dirs

    def _is_workspace_clean(self, top_dir=None):
        if top_dir:
            initial_work_dir = os.getcwd()
            initial_work_dir = None
            top_dir = os.getcwd()
        git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'status', '-b', '--porcelain']
        retv = subprocess.check_output(git_argv, universal_newlines=True)
        retv = retv.lstrip().rstrip()
        status_lines = retv.splitlines()
        if status_lines[0].startswith('## HEAD (no branch)'):
            raise InvalidInputParameterError("Git workspace {} has detached HEAD, not upgradable.".format(top_dir))
        if len(status_lines) > 1:
            raise InvalidInputParameterError("Git workspace {} is not clean, please check.".format(top_dir))
        if initial_work_dir:
        return True

    def _add_cmakebuild_to_git_repo(self, cmakebuild_tag, cmakebuild_repo):"using CMakeBuild tag {} as subtree.".format(cmakebuild_tag))
        # Extra annoying step to convince git subtree the working dir is clean
        git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'checkout']

        subtree_prefix = "CMakeBuild/{0}".format(cmakebuild_tag)
        git_argv = [self._git_executable, 'subtree', 'add', '-P', subtree_prefix, '--squash', '-m', "{0}: creates subtree -P {1} tag={2}".format(self._prog_name, subtree_prefix, cmakebuild_tag), cmakebuild_repo, cmakebuild_tag]

    def _update_svnimportprops(self, svnimportprops_file, cmakebuild_tag, svnimportprops_file_new=None):
        svnimportprops_modified = False
        if not os.path.exists(svnimportprops_file):
            return svnimportprops_modified
        svnprop_file_parser = vcsutil.SvnPropFileParser()
        svnprops = svnprop_file_parser.parse_property_file(svnimportprops_file)
        if not svnprops.has_property('svn:externals'):
            svnimportprops_modified = True
            svnprops.add_property('svn:externals', ["/svn/svn_CMakeBuild/tags/{}/CMakeBuild CMakeBuild".format(cmakebuild_tag)])
            svnprop_externals = svnprops.get_property('svn:externals')
            re_external_cmakebuild = re.compile(r'^/svn/svn_CMakeBuild/tags/([^/]+)/CMakeBuild\s+')
            svnprop_externals_new = []
            for line in svnprop_externals:
                if (line == '') or line.isspace():
                self._logger.debug("processing line {}".format(line))
                re_match = re_external_cmakebuild.match(line)
                if re_match:
                    cmakebuild_tag_existing =
                    self._logger.debug("{}: found CMakeBuild tag {}".format(svnimportprops_file, cmakebuild_tag_existing))
                    if cmakebuild_tag_existing != cmakebuild_tag:
                        svnimportprops_modified = True
                        svnprop_externals_new.append("/svn/svn_CMakeBuild/tags/{}/CMakeBuild CMakeBuild".format(cmakebuild_tag))
            if svnimportprops_modified:
                svnprops.update_property('svn:externals', svnprop_externals_new)
        if svnimportprops_modified:
            self._logger.debug("{}: updating changed svn:externals".format(svnimportprops_file))
            if svnimportprops_file_new is None:
                svnimportprops_file_new = svnimportprops_file
            with open(svnimportprops_file_new, 'w') as f:
                svnprops_str = str(svnprops)
        return svnimportprops_modified

    def _append_item_to_summary(self, item, value):
        self._summary_lines.append("{0:<30} {1}".format(item, value))