# example cfg file, assuming an 832x480 input sequence with CTU size = 128x128, and split to 2 tiles, with two tile columns and one tile row.# example 2 tiles, 3 subpictures in a 832x480 picture:#----------#| | |#| | |#| |---|#| | |#| | |#----------# |# v# vertically divided into 2 tile, the second tile include two subpicture/slicesSubPicInfoPresentFlag : 1 # subpicture information present flag(0: OFF, 1: ON)NumSubPics : 3 # number of subpictures in a pictureSubPicCtuTopLeftX : 0 4 4 # specifies horizontal position of top left CTU of i-th subpicture in unit of CtbSizeY SubPicCtuTopLeftY : 0 0 2 # specifies vertical position of top left CTU of i-th subpicture in unit of CtbSizeYSubPicWidth : 4 3 3 # specifies the width of the i-th subpicture in units of CtbSizeYSubPicHeight : 4 2 2 # specifies the height of the i-th subpicture in units of CtbSizeYSubPicTreatedAsPicFlag : 1 1 1 # equal to 1 specifies that the i-th subpicture of each coded picture in the CLVS is treated as a picture in the decoding process excluding in-loop filtering operationsLoopFilterAcrossSubpicEnabledFlag : 0 0 1 # equal to 1 specifies that in-loop filtering operations may be performed across the boundaries of the i-th subpicture in each coded picture in the CLVSSubPicIdMappingExplicitlySignalledFlag : 0 # equal to 1 specifies that the subpicture ID mapping is explicitly signalled, either in the SPS or in the PPSsSubPicIdMappingInSpsFlag : 0 # specifies that subpicture ID mapping is signalled in the SPS(0: OFF, 1: ON)SubPicIdLen : 0 # the number of bits used to represent the syntax element sps_subpic_id[ i ]SubPicId : 0 # subpicture ID of the i-th subpicture#============ Tiles / Slices ================EnablePicPartitioning : 1 # Enable picture partitioning (0: single tile, single slice, 1: multiple tiles/slices can be used)TileColumnWidthArray : 4 # Tile column widths in units of CTUs. Last column width will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining picture widthTileRowHeightArray : 4 # Tile row heights in units of CTUs. Last row height will be repeated uniformly to cover any remaining picture height RasterScanSlices : 0 # Raster-scan or rectangular slices (0: rectangular, 1: raster-scan)RectSliceFixedWidth : 0 # Fixed rectangular slice width in units of tiles (0: disable this feature and use RectSlicePositions instead)RectSliceFixedHeight : 0 # Fixed rectangular slice height in units of tiles (0: disable this feature and use RectSlicePositions instead)RectSlicePositions : 0 24 4 13 18 27DisableLoopFilterAcrossTiles : 0 # Loop filtering (DBLK/SAO/ALF) applied across tile boundaries or not (0: filter across tile boundaries 1: do not filter across tile boundaries)DisableLoopFilterAcrossSlices : 0 # Loop filtering (DBLK/SAO/ALF) applied across slice boundaries or not (0: filter across slice boundaries 1: do not filter across slice boundaries)