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from __future__ import print_function

import multiprocessing
import logging
import platform
import os
import sys
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import textwrap
import subprocess

import as ver
import as util

class SystemInfo(object):

    class __SystemInfo(object):

        def __init__(self):
            self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            # print("Constructing a new SystemInfo object")
            # check python version: it has to be 2.7 or higher
            self._python_version = ver.get_python_version(True)

            # create all attributes with default values which will be overwritten in platform specific sections later on
            self._python_launcher = None
            self._python_arch = 'x86_64'
            self._python_implementation = platform.python_implementation()
            self._os_distro = platform.platform()
            # self._os_distro_short = platform.platform()
            self._win32api_installed = False
            self._windows_msys = False
            self._redhat_system = False
            self._debian_system = False
            self._suse_system = False
            self._pkg_fmt = None
            self._pkg_arch = None

            self._os_codename = 'unknown'
            self._os_arch = 'x86_64'
            self._os_version = (0, 0, 0)
            self._num_processors = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

            platform_system = platform.system().lower()
            self._platform_system = platform_system

            self._desktop_dir = None
            self._default_proj_home_dir = None

            if platform_system == 'linux':
                # e.g. x86_64 or i686
                platform_machine = platform.machine().lower()
                if platform_machine != 'x86_64':
                    assert re.match(r'i[6543]86', platform_machine, re.IGNORECASE)
                    platform_machine = 'x86'

                self._os_arch = platform_machine
                self._python_arch = platform_machine

                # there's no portable way in python to obtain the linux version.

                if self.is_debian():
                    self._pkg_fmt = 'deb'
                    self._pkg_arch = subprocess.check_output(['dpkg', '--print-architecture'], universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
                elif self.is_redhat() or self.is_suse():
                    self._pkg_fmt = 'rpm'
                    self._pkg_arch = subprocess.check_output(['rpm', '--eval', '%_arch'], universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
                    # unknown linux system, no logic available to figure out the package format or package architecture yet.
                    self._pkg_fmt = 'unknown'
                    self._pkg_arch = subprocess.check_output(['uname', '-m'], universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
                    if self._pkg_arch == 'x86_64':
                        self._pkg_arch = 'amd64'
            elif platform_system == 'windows':
                self._programx86_dir = None
                self._program_dir = None
                self._program_data_dir = None

                if 'MSYSTEM' in os.environ:
                    self._windows_msys = True

                # obtain additional version information
                # windows 7: ('7', '6.1.7601', 'SP1', 'Multiprocessor Free')
                self._os_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(platform.win32_ver()[1])

                # Hm, win32api not installed/available -> system detection may not by accurate and includes some guessing.
                if platform.architecture()[0] != '64bit':
                    self._python_arch = 'x86'
                    self._os_arch = 'x86'
                    if ('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432' in os.environ) and (os.getenv('PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432') == 'AMD64'):
                        # 32 bit python interpreter and 64 bit windows
                        self._os_arch = 'x86_64'
                if self._os_arch == 'x86_64':
                    if self._python_arch == 'x86':
                        self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMW6432'))
                        self._programx86_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
                        self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
                        self._programx86_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES(X86)'))
                    assert self._programx86_dir is not None
                elif self._os_arch == 'x86':
                    self._program_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMFILES'))
                    assert False
                assert self._program_dir is not None
                self._program_data_dir = os.path.normpath(os.getenv('PROGRAMDATA'))

                if self._windows_msys:
                elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(r'C:\Windows', 'py.exe')):
                    self._python_launcher = os.path.join(r'C:\Windows', 'py.exe')

                # probe the registry to ensure the shell will pass additional arguments to the
                # registered python interpreter.
                # if pywin_check:
                #    self.check_pywin_registry()
            elif platform_system == 'darwin':
                # create a dictionary to simplify the mapping between minor version ID and codenames
                codename_dict = {'10.4': 'tiger',
                                 '10.5': 'leopard',
                                 '10.6': 'snow leopard',
                                 '10.7': 'lion',
                                 '10.8': 'mountain lion',
                                 '10.9': 'mavericks',
                                 '10.10': 'yosemite',
                                 '10.11': 'el capitan',
                                 '10.12': 'sierra',
                                 '10.13': 'high sierra',
                                 '10.14': 'mojave'}
                # replace darwin by macosx
                self._platform_system = 'macosx'
                # e.g. ('10.7.4', ('', '', ''), 'x86_64')
                mac_ver = platform.mac_ver()
                # save the macosx version as a tuple of integers
                self._os_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(mac_ver[0])
                # analyze the version tuple to derive the codename: lion, mountain lion, etc
                major_minor_ver = str(self._os_version[0]) + '.' + str(self._os_version[1])
                if major_minor_ver in codename_dict:
                    self._os_codename = codename_dict[major_minor_ver]
                #e.g. x86_64
                self._os_arch = mac_ver[2]
                # python architecture is the same as the macosx architecture
                self._python_arch = self._os_arch
                raise Exception('unsupported platform detected: ' + platform_system)

        def get_python_version(self):
            return self._python_version

        def get_python_executable(self):
            return sys.executable

        def get_python_launcher(self):
            return self._python_launcher

        def is_python3(self):
            return ver.version_compare(self._python_version, (3, 0)) >= 0

        def get_script_ext(self):
            if self.is_python3():
                script_ext = ''
                script_ext = '.py'
            return script_ext

        def get_python_implementation(self):
            return self._python_implementation

        def get_python_arch(self):
            return self._python_arch

        def get_platform(self):
            return self._platform_system

        def get_platform_long(self):
            return platform.platform()

        def is_linux(self):
            return self._platform_system == 'linux'

        def get_pkg_fmt(self):
            assert self._pkg_fmt is not None
            return self._pkg_fmt

        def get_pkg_arch(self):
            assert self._pkg_arch is not None
            return self._pkg_arch

        def is_redhat(self):
            return self._redhat_system

        def is_debian(self):
            return self._debian_system

        def is_suse(self):
            return self._suse_system

        def is_cray(self):
            if self._os_distro is None:
                return False
            return self._os_distro == 'cray'

        def is_windows(self):
            return self._platform_system == 'windows'

        def is_windows8(self):
            return self.is_windows() and (self._os_version[0] == 6) and (self._os_version[1] == 2)

        def is_windows_msys(self):
            return self._windows_msys

        def check_pywin_registry(self):
            assert self.is_windows()
            # Create a temporary script and invoke it to see whether argument passing works or not.
            # The test must go through the windows shell to be meaningful.
            tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            probe_script_name = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '')
            tmp_file = open(probe_script_name, "w")
            # create a simple script to echo the command arguments separated by a single space
            if self.is_python3():
                tmp_file.write("#!/usr/bin/env python3\n")
                tmp_file.write("#!/usr/bin/env python\n")
                tmp_file.write("from __future__ import print_function\n")
            tmp_file.write("import sys\n")
            tmp_file.write("if len(sys.argv) > 1:\n")
            tmp_file.write("    joiner = ' '\n")
            tmp_file.write("    print(joiner.join(sys.argv[1:]))\n")

            # invoke the script through the windows shell and check the output
            retv = subprocess.check_output([probe_script_name, "probe"], shell=True, universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
            # print("check_pywin_registry: '" + retv + "'")
            if retv != "probe":
                msg = "\nThe python installation is broken, the shell does not pass on any command line arguments to the python script.\n"
                msg += "The following steps are most likely to fix the problem, for further assistance contact technical support.\n"
                msg += " - Deinstall all versions of python and reboot the system.\n"
                msg += " - Download the latest 64 bit version of python from and install it, the build system will work with python 2.7.x or python 3.x.\n"
                raise Exception(msg)
            return True

        def check_os_detection(self, todo_list):
            if (self._os_version[0] == 0) and self.is_linux():
                if not os.path.exists('/usr/bin/lsb_release'):
                    todo_list.append("The system identification depends on lsb_release which does not seem to be available.")
                    if self.is_redhat():
                        todo_list.append("On redhat 6.x/7.x and compatible systems, you may need to install redhat-lsb-core.")

        def is_macosx(self):
            return self._platform_system == 'macosx'

        def get_os_distro(self):
            return self._os_distro

        def get_os_distro_short(self):
            return self._os_distro

        def get_os_codename(self):
            return self._os_codename

        def get_os_arch(self):
            return self._os_arch

        def get_os_version(self):
            return self._os_version

        def get_number_processors(self):
            return self._num_processors

        def get_system_info_full_str(self):
            """Return a string consisting of colon separated fields intended for the Boost.Build script interface."""
            str_list = []


            # should be a single lowercase word as it may be used to make up a package filename


            # create a version string given the version tuple
            joiner = '.'
            str_list.append(joiner.join([str(x) for x in self.get_os_version()]))

            # no sure it's really needed somewhere in Boost.Build
            if self.is_linux():
                if self.is_debian():
                elif self.is_redhat():
                elif self.is_suse():
            return ';'.join(str_list)

        def get_path(self):
            return self._search_path

        def get_home_dir(self, native=False):
            if self.is_windows_msys() and native:
                home_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars('$USERPROFILE'))
                home_dir = self._home_dir
            return home_dir

        def get_default_proj_home_dir(self):
            return self._default_proj_home_dir

        def get_desktop_dir(self):
            return self._desktop_dir

        def get_program_dir(self, target_arch):
            if not self.is_windows():
                raise Exception("The method get_program_dir is only supported on the windows platform.")
            if (self.get_os_arch() == 'x86_64') and (target_arch == 'x86'):                
                program_dir = self._programx86_dir
                program_dir = self._program_dir
            assert os.path.exists(program_dir)            
            return program_dir

        def get_program_data_dir(self):
            return self._program_data_dir

        def get_short_path(self, fpath):
            if self.is_windows():
                fpath = os.path.normpath(self.get_short_path_win(fpath))
            return fpath

        def get_short_path_win(self, fpath):
            # need to go through the shell to get the short path name
            tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
            get_short_path_script = os.path.join(tempdir, 'pyhhi_get_short_path.cmd')
            if not os.path.exists(get_short_path_script):
                # create a shell command script to do the path conversion
                with open(get_short_path_script, "w") as script_file:
                        @ECHO OFF
                        echo %~s1
            # invoke the script through the windows shell.
            short_path = subprocess.check_output([get_short_path_script, fpath], shell=True, universal_newlines=True).rstrip()
            return short_path

        def check_comspec(self):
            comspec = os.getenv('COMSPEC')
            if (comspec is None) or (not os.path.exists(comspec)):
                raise Exception("The environment variable COMSPEC must be fixed, please contact technical support.")

        def get_subprocess_devnull(self):
            if ver.version_compare(self._python_version, (3,3)) >= 0:
                devnull =  subprocess.DEVNULL
                self._logger.debug("attribute subprocess.DEVNULL not available (python < 3.3), using os.devnull instead")
                devnull = self._get_devnull()
            return devnull

        def _get_devnull(self):
            if not hasattr(self, '_devnull'):
                self._devnull =, os.O_RDWR)
            return self._devnull

        def _query_linux_distro_info(self):
            if 'CRAYOS_VERSION' in os.environ:
                self._os_distro = 'cray'
                self._os_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(os.environ['CRAYOS_VERSION'])
                lsb_release = '/usr/bin/lsb_release'
                if os.path.exists(lsb_release):
                    # use lsb_release if available and assume all options are supported and return
                    # sensible values.

                    # obtain a human readable description of the distribution. This should be a single word as it
                    # may be used to generate package filenames.
                    retv = subprocess.check_output([lsb_release, '-is'], universal_newlines=True)
                    self._os_distro = retv.rstrip().lower()

                    retv = subprocess.check_output([lsb_release, '-rs'], universal_newlines=True)
                    version_str = retv.rstrip()
                    # version_str = "4"
                    # version_str = "4.0-rolling"
                    # version_str = "rolling"
                    re_match = re.match(r'([0-9.,_-]+\d+)|(\d+)', version_str)
                    if re_match:
                        self._os_version = ver.version_tuple_from_str(

                    retv = subprocess.check_output([lsb_release, '-cs'], universal_newlines=True)
                    self._os_codename = retv.rstrip().lower()
                    if self._os_codename == 'n/a':
                        self._os_codename = 'none'
                    # lsb_release not found -> try to guess the distro but don't try to parse the
                    # proprietary files to figure out the remaining system info bits.
                    if os.path.exists('/etc/fedora-release'):
                        self._os_distro = 'fedora'
                    elif os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-release'):
                        self._os_distro = 'redhat'
                    elif os.path.exists('/etc/SuSE-release'):
                        self._os_distro = 'suse'
                    elif os.path.exists('/etc/debian_version'):
                        self._os_distro = 'debian'
                        self._os_distro = 'unknown'

            # make sure os_distro and os_codename do not contain any spaces as they may become part of a
            # package filename.
            if self._os_distro is not None:
                self._os_distro = self._os_distro.replace(' ', '-')

            if self._os_codename is not None:
                self._os_codename = self._os_codename.replace(' ', '-')

            # determine the general flavor of the linux system: redhat, debian or suse
            if os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-release'):
                self._redhat_system = True
            elif os.path.exists('/etc/debian_version'):
                self._debian_system = True
                # not sure how to do this for suse, revert back to regex
                if re.match(r'(suse)|(opensuse)', self._os_distro):
                    self._suse_system = True

        def _query_home_dir(self):
            home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
            # make sure the user's home directory exists
            if not os.path.exists(home_dir):
                raise Exception('home directory "' + home_dir + '" does not exist.')
            self._home_dir = os.path.normpath(home_dir)

        def _query_default_proj_home_dir(self):
            if 'PROJ_HOME' in os.environ:
                proj_home_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expandvars('$PROJ_HOME'))
                proj_home_dir = os.path.join(self.get_home_dir(native=True), 'projects')
            if os.path.exists(proj_home_dir):
                self._default_proj_home_dir = proj_home_dir
                self._default_proj_home_dir = None

        def _query_search_path(self):
            self._search_path = []
            env_path = os.getenv('PATH')
            for dir in env_path.split(os.path.pathsep):

        def _query_desktop_dir(self):
            # MSYS has its own environment but Desktop comes from the native windows home.
            home_dir = self.get_home_dir(native=True)
            desktop_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, 'Desktop')
            if os.path.exists(desktop_dir):
                self._desktop_dir = desktop_dir
                self._desktop_dir = None

    # the singleton as a class attribute
    instance = None

    def __init__(self, pywin_check=False):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        if SystemInfo.instance is None:
            SystemInfo.instance = SystemInfo.__SystemInfo()
        if SystemInfo.instance.is_windows() and pywin_check:
            # The caller requested the additional windows registry check.
            # SystemInfo.instance.check_pywin_registry()

            # One more addtional check to catch a corrupted COMSPEC setting which yields to subsequent failures of
            # subprocess calls if shell=True is used.

            if SystemInfo.instance.get_os_arch() == 'x86':
                msg = "\nThe build system requires windows 64 bit but the platform seems to be windows 32 bit.\n"
                msg += "Please contact technical support for further assistance.\n"
                raise Exception(msg)
            elif (SystemInfo.instance.get_os_arch() == 'x86_64') and (SystemInfo.instance.get_python_arch() == 'x86'):
                msg = "\nPython 32 bit is not supported on windows 64 bit, please use python 64 bit."
                raise Exception(msg)

    def __getattr__(self, item):
        return getattr(SystemInfo.instance, item)