* Education -> Maximum education level achieved by the patient. One-hot encoded into:
* Ed_Not_Complete_Primary
* Ed_Primary
* Ed_Secondary
* Ed_Secondary_Technical
* Ed_Tertiary
* Social_Protection ->
* Job Stability ->
* JobIn_Unstable
* JobIn_Stable
* JobIn_Unemployed
* Housing ->
* Hous_Institutional
* Hous_Stable
* Hous_Unstable
* Early_Alterations
* Social Inclusion ->
* SocInc_Family_Friends
* SocInc_Alone
* SocInc_Instit
* Risk_Stigma
* Structural_Conflict
## Dealing with Class Imbalance
One of the primary challenges we encountered was a significant class imbalance, with a higher number of patients withdrawing from treatment compared to those staying.