@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The material in this repository consists in:
*[code](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/compara/mldropoutalcohol/tree/master/code): It contains the code that has been developed for both the data handling, the creation of the models and the Explainability.
*[models](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/compara/mldropoutalcohol/tree/master/code/models): It contains two python files.
*[explainability](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/compara/mldropoutalcohol/tree/master/code/shap): It contains X python files with the code that has been done to execute SHAP and get Explainability results.
*[results](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/compara/mldropoutalcohol/tree/master/results):It contains the supplementary material referred to the results shown in the paper.
*[models_results.xlsx](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/compara/mldropoutalcohol/blob/master/results/models_results.xlsx): This excel file shows a summary of all the results for all the algorithms that have been tested. It contains the average results of the 10-fold cross-validation.
*[filtering_discretization.txt]():When the filtering process to reduce the number of features is executed, it is based on a discretization of the original features depending on their values. This file contains an explanation, for each of the two potential subdatasets (psychological/psychiatric disorders grouped in clusters and psychological/psychiatric disorders not grouped), of all the selected features as a result of the filtering method.