Commit 91ec2b4c authored by Lucia Prieto's avatar Lucia Prieto


parent d5660721
# Analyzing Dropout Rates in Alcohol Recovery Programs: A Machine Learning Approach # Analyzing Dropout Rates in Alcohol Recovery Programs: A Machine Learning Approach
The current Github repository contains the main material that has been used in the paper “Analyzing Dropout Rates in Alcohol Recovery Programs: A Machine Learning Approach”, by Collin **et al**. The paper has been focused on the application of a set of machine learning algorithms over a dataset of patients that is derived from the Electronic Health Records (EHR) of patients who received treatment at public addiction centers in Andalusia. The EHR system is managed by the Information System of the Andalusian Plan on Drugs (SiPASDA), which maintains a centralized dataset for all addiction centers. The EHR stores various information following the standards outlined by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA, 2012). The current Github repository contains the main material that has been used in the paper “Analyzing Dropout Rates in Alcohol Recovery Programs: A Machine Learning Approach”, by Collin *et al*. The paper has been focused on the application of a set of machine learning algorithms over a dataset of patients that is derived from the Electronic Health Records (EHR) of patients who received treatment at public addiction centers in Andalusia. The EHR system is managed by the Information System of the Andalusian Plan on Drugs (SiPASDA), which maintains a centralized dataset for all addiction centers. The EHR stores various information following the standards outlined by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA, 2012).
Concretely, our population is focused on patients that were under treatment for alcohol disorders. The goal of the study is the use of machine learning techniques to predict if a given patient is more likely to drop out. Creating such type of models would allow to know what are the main variables that drive the decision of dropping out, allowing to pay more attention to those patients that are more likely to drop out. This allows, on one hand, to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic treatment, as paying more attention to these potential patients might allow to reduce the dropout, and hence, increase the chances of finishing the treatment in a successful way. On the other hand, this also can imply an improvement in the processes associated with these therapeutic treatments and can have benefits for example reducing associated costs. Concretely, our population is focused on patients that were under treatment for alcohol disorders. The goal of the study is the use of machine learning techniques to predict if a given patient is more likely to drop out. Creating such type of models would allow to know what are the main variables that drive the decision of dropping out, allowing to pay more attention to those patients that are more likely to drop out. This allows, on one hand, to increase the effectiveness of the therapeutic treatment, as paying more attention to these potential patients might allow to reduce the dropout, and hence, increase the chances of finishing the treatment in a successful way. On the other hand, this also can imply an improvement in the processes associated with these therapeutic treatments and can have benefits for example reducing associated costs.
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