# Graph Deep Learning for Drug Repurposing.## Content in each directory:-**data**: Data to build DISNET's graph.-**documentation**: Instructions to install the needed libraries.-**metrics**: Training, testing and RepoDB validating ROC & PRC.-**models**: Trained models.-**results**: Result files of the RepoDB test and the distribution plots (once these are generated).-**testData**: Data to validate model using RepoDB.-**Code files:** - autoencoder (drug molecular embedder model) - dmsr (drug repurposing model) - drug_embedding_generator (generates drug embeddings using SMILES representation). - heterograph_construction (build graph) - testRepoDB (validate model using RepoDB) - topN (get topN new predictions) - utilities (plotting utilities)## SummaryRepository of Adrián Ayuso-Muñoz's master's final project "Graph Deep Learning for Drug Repurposing".