| [figures]() | Directory with the figures generated as a result of the analysis |
| [files]() | Directory with the intermediate files used during the analysis |
| [results]() | Directory with the files generated as a result of the analysis |
| [schizophrenia]() | Directory with the Jupyter Notebooks and Python scripts employed to study drug repurposing candidates for schizophrenia |
| [figures](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/disnet/network-medicine/network-medicine-for-schizophrenia/tree/master/analysis/figures) | Directory with the figures generated as a result of the analysis |
| [files](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/disnet/network-medicine/network-medicine-for-schizophrenia/tree/master/analysis/files) | Directory with the intermediate files used during the analysis |
| [results](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/disnet/network-medicine/network-medicine-for-schizophrenia/tree/master/analysis/results) | Directory with the files generated as a result of the analysis |
| [schizophrenia](https://medal.ctb.upm.es/internal/gitlab/disnet/network-medicine/network-medicine-for-schizophrenia/tree/master/analysis/schizophrenia) | Directory with the Jupyter Notebooks and Python scripts employed to study drug repurposing candidates for schizophrenia |
| [total diseases analysis.ipynb]() | Jupyter Notebook used to analyze the disease module size and the proximity disease-drug for 495 diseases as a previous step to obtain the proximity distribution files (in results) that will be used in the analysis carried out for schizophrenia |