Update README.md

parent 8aac83c8
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
1. Supplementary `data.xlsx` descriptionExcel file, available in the present Gitlab repository, with different sheets that contain the data used in the analysis.
- **DR cases – repoDB**
......@@ -49,11 +50,15 @@ The distance value for each protein pair is included for every embedding method.
The distance value for each protein pair filtered by PANTHERdb class is included forevery embedding method. We indicated if the protein pair belongede to repoDB, Literature or both datasets.
2. Supplementary files for protein data used in the study, sequence embeddings from the four reviewed methods and protein pair distances, available in [](https://drive.upm.es/s/egBAv71on4AgBdn?path=%2Fdata)
**File folder structure **
├── Global_embedding.ipynb
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