Commit 8f0c5b2f authored by Laura Masa's avatar Laura Masa

New folder

parent af1b227b
import requests
from Bio import Entrez
import GEOparse
import os
import gzip
import shutil
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
# =================================================================================
def extract_tsv(tsv_file):
Extracts specific data from a TSV file that contains the disease cui and disease name and returns a DataFrame
with selected columns (cui and disease_name) and renamed the 'cui' column for 'disease_id' header.
Input Parameters:
- tsv_file (str): Path to the TSV file to be read.
- pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame containing specific data with the renamed columns.
use_cols = ['cui', 'disease_name']
new_column_names = {'cui': 'disease_id'}
disease_df = pd.read_csv(tsv_file, delimiter='\t',usecols=use_cols)
disease_df.rename(columns=new_column_names, inplace=True)
return disease_df
def download_and_save_gds(email_request, disease_df, gds_path):
Queries GEO GDS to find datasets associated with given disease names and returns a DataFrame.
Input Parameters:
- email_request (str): Email address for Entrez API usage.
- disease_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing 'disease_id' and 'disease_name' columns with disease names to query.
- pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with columns 'disease_id' and 'gds_id' representing the relationship between
disease IDs and GDS identifiers.
""" = email_request
rows = []
# Ensure the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(gds_path):
unique_disease_names = set(disease_df['disease_name'])
for disease_name in unique_disease_names:
query = f'"Homo sapiens"[Organism] AND "disease state" AND "{disease_name}"'
with Entrez.esearch(db="gds", term=query, retmax=1000) as handle:
record =
id_list = record.get("IdList", [])
if not id_list:
print(f"No matching records found for: {disease_name}")
for gds_id in id_list:
with Entrez.esummary(db="gds", id=gds_id) as handle:
gds_summaries =
for summary in gds_summaries:
if summary['Accession'].startswith("GDS"):
geo_accession = summary['Accession']
gds = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo=geo_accession, destdir=gds_path, annotate_gpl=True)
disease_id = disease_df[disease_df['disease_name'] == disease_name]['disease_id'].values[0]
"disease_id": disease_id,
"gds_id": summary['Accession']
dis_gds_df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
return dis_gds_df
# =================================================================================
def decompress_gds_gz_files(gds_path):
Decompresses .gz files in a directory.
Input Parameters:
destdir (str): Path to the directory containing .gz files.
for filename in os.listdir(gds_path):
if filename.startswith("GDS") and filename.endswith(".gz"):
filepath = os.path.join(gds_path, filename)
uncompressed_filepath = os.path.join(gds_path, filename[:-3]) #[:3] to remove the .gz extension
with, 'rb') as compressed_file:
with open(uncompressed_filepath, 'wb') as uncompressed_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(compressed_file, uncompressed_file)
def filter_gds(gds_path, disease_gds_df):
Filters GDS files based on specific criteria (`value_type` of the dataset must be "count", the `channel_count` must be 1 and the disease state column must be present) and updates the provided DataFrame to include only those GDS IDs that meet the criteria.
gds_path (str): Path to the directory containing GDS .soft files.
disease_gds_df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing GDS IDs and associated disease information.
This DataFrame must have a column named 'gds_id' which contains GDS IDs.
pandas.DataFrame: A filtered DataFrame containing only the rows where 'gds_id' meets the criteria (count value type and single channel).
# Initialize an empty list to store valid GDS IDs
valid_gds_ids = []
# Iterate over all files in the directory specified by gds_path
for filename in os.listdir(gds_path):
# Check if the file is a GDS .soft file
if filename.startswith("GDS") and filename.endswith(".soft"):
filepath = os.path.join(gds_path, filename)
gds = GEOparse.get_GEO(filepath=filepath) # Load the GDS file using GEOparse
gds_id = # Extract the GDS ID from the GDS metadata
# Get the 'value_type' and 'channel_count' from the GDS metadata
value_type = gds.metadata.get('value_type', [None])[0]
channel_count = int(gds.metadata.get('channel_count', [None])[0])
# Check if 'value_type' is 'count' and 'channel_count' is 1
if value_type.lower() == 'count' and channel_count == 1:
gds_annot = gds.columns.reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'gsm_id'}) #get the GDS annotations
# Check if the 'disease state' column is present
if 'disease state' in gds_annot.columns:
valid_gds_ids.append(gds_id) #add the GDS ID to the list of valid GDS IDs
# Filter the disease_gds_df to include only rows where 'gds_id' is in the list of valid GDS IDs
diseases_gds_filtered = disease_gds_df[disease_gds_df['gds_id'].isin(valid_gds_ids)]
return diseases_gds_filtered
def create_gds_gpl_mapping_and_download(gds_path,gpl_path):
Creates a mapping of GDS IDs to corresponding GPL IDs.
Input Parameters:
gds_path (str): Path to the directory containing GDS files.
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with columns 'gds_id' and 'gpl_id', mapping GDS IDs to GPL IDs.
rows = []
for filename in os.listdir(gds_path):
if filename.startswith("GDS") and filename.endswith(".soft"):
filepath = os.path.join(gds_path, filename)
gds = GEOparse.get_GEO(filepath=filepath)
geo_platform = gds.metadata.get('platform', [])
for gpl_id in geo_platform:
rows.append({'gds_id':, 'gpl_id': gpl_id})
gpl = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo=gpl_id, destdir=gpl_path, annotate_gpl=True)
print(f"Downloaded GPL {gpl_id} for GDS {gds_id} to {os.path.join(gpl_path, gpl_id)}")
gds_gpl_df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
return gds_gpl_df
# =================================================================================
def download_gpl(gds_gpl_df, gpl_path):
Fetches unique GPL data for the provided GDS-GPL mapping from a DataFrame and stores them in the specified directory.
Input Parameters:
gds_gpl_df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing GDS IDs and corresponding GPL IDs.
gpl_path (str): Path to the directory to store GPL files.
# Ensure the directory exists
if not os.path.exists(gpl_path):
# Extract unique GPL IDs
diff_gpl_ids = gds_gpl_df['gpl_id'].unique()
# Iterate through the unique GPL IDs and download GPL files
for gpl_id in diff_gpl_ids:
gpl = GEOparse.get_GEO(geo=gpl_id, destdir=gpl_path, annotate_gpl=True)
# =================================================================================
def decompress_gpl_gz_files(gpl_path):
Decompresses .gz files in a directory.
Input Parameters:
destdir (str): Path to the directory containing .gz files.
for filename in os.listdir(gpl_path):
if filename.startswith("GPL") and filename.endswith(".gz"):
filepath = os.path.join(gpl_path, filename)
uncompressed_filepath = os.path.join(gpl_path, filename[:-3]) #[:3] to remove the .gz extension
with, 'rb') as compressed_file:
with open(uncompressed_filepath, 'wb') as uncompressed_file:
shutil.copyfileobj(compressed_file, uncompressed_file)
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