Commit d996c32c authored by Laura Masa's avatar Laura Masa


parent 4e07db2b
......@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ Author: Laura Masa Martínez
This repository documents the work conducted for my master’s thesis.
## **Visual summary**
A visual summary of the entire workflow and main steps of the project is shown below.
![Alt text](GEO.png)
The principal objective of this thesis was to design and implement an automated system for the extraction, processing, and analysis of gene-disease association data. This system was developed to generate a detailed gene-disease annotation model, including gene identifiers, gene expression profiles, and comprehensive metadata. The automation of these processes was intended to provide a structured and efficient platform to support biomedical research efforts and the identification of novel therapeutic targets.
In addition to the main objective, the thesis aimed to achieve several secondary goals:
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