dependency_installer.R 1018 Bytes
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# This function receives a list of packages to be installed before the execution of a script.
# For each package provided, it verifies that it is not installed already. If so, it proceeds to
# install it.
# ToDo: exception control for unexistent/misspelled packages.

install_dependencies <- function(dep_list) {
  # Deprecated since executing server is Ubuntu.
  #if(["sysname"] == "Windows"){
  #  dep_list[length(dep_list)+1] = "Rtools"
  for(p in dep_list){

    if(require(p, character.only = T) == FALSE){
      if(p == "dsBaseClient"){
        install_github("datashield/dsBaseClient", dependencies = TRUE)
        if(p == "DSI"){
           install_github('datashield/DSI', ref = '1.3.3', dependencies = TRUE)
           install.packages(p, dependencies = TRUE, repos = "")
    if(p != "Rtools"){
      library(p, character.only = T)