Commit e91c65e8 authored by Pepe Márquez Romero's avatar Pepe Márquez Romero

continuas formato

parent 81ad5fcd
......@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ check_values_format <- function(valid_columns, codebook_param){
summary <- ds.summary(paste("inRange$", current_column, sep=""))
if(ds.length(paste("data$", current_column, sep=""))[[1]] > summary[[1]][[2]]){
variables_out_of_range <- paste(variables_out_of_range, current_column, sep = " ")
variables_out_of_range <- paste(variables_out_of_range, current_column, "the range should be:" , possible_values ,sep = " ")
variables_out_of_range <- paste(variables_out_of_range , "" , sep = "\n")
print(paste(current_column, "does not follow the established format", sep=" "))
print(paste("It should follow the following format: ", possible_values))
......@@ -249,28 +250,6 @@ inp <- auxConnections[[2]]
colnames <- ds.colnames("data")
# ds.dataFrameSubset( = "data",
# = "data$DMRAGEYR",
# = "150",
# Boolean.operator = "<=",
# newobj = "inRangeHigh",
# keep.NAs = TRUE,
# datasources = connections)
# ds.dataFrameSubset( = "inRangeHigh",
# = "inRangeHigh$DMRAGEYR",
# = "0",
# Boolean.operator = ">=",
# newobj = "inRange",
# keep.NAs = TRUE,
# datasources = connections)
# summary <- ds.summary("inRange$DMRAGEYR")
# if(ds.length("data$DMRAGEYR")[[1]] > summary[[1]][[2]]){
# res <- c(res, paste(current_column, "does not follow the established format" , sep="\n"))
# }
#Check valid column names
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