Phone: +34 (91) 06 79254
Email: consuelo.gonzalo@upm.es
Prof. Consuelo Gonzalo Martín
Prof. Consuelo Gonzalo-Martín is a Full Professor at the Department of Architecture and Technology at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). Since September 2012, she is doing her research activities at the Center for Biomedical Technology of the UPM. Her research profile has mainly developed in the area of multi-modal image processing and analysis, applied to different contexts, among which it can highlight: Earth Observation and Bioinformatics (different modalities of medical images). She has contributions in different research lines, among others: Image Processing Architectures, Joint Transformations, Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks, Data Integration and Object Based Image Processing (OBIA). The main output of her research activity are: participation in 65 research projects (7 international non-European, 15 European, 17 from the National Plan, 2 Regional, 10 financed by the UPM, 8 contracts with companies and official bodies (art.83) and 6 from other calls. Of them, she has led 2 European, 5 national, 8 UPM, 6 Art. 83 and 3 from other calls. 38 publications indexed in the JCR (13 Q1, 17 Q2, 5 Q3 and 3 Q4), another 28 indexed in Scopus, and SJR, 5 book chapters. She has also participated in more than 50 international and national congresses. These publications have generated 855 citations, with an h and hi10 index, of 15 and 26 respectively (31/03/2020). Other merits are: Direction of 10 Doctoral Theses, recognition of 3 sexennia of research (1996, 2008, 2014), awarded with the mention of Distinguished Visit from the University of Concepción (Chile).