Commit 7c738215 authored by Maria Marin's avatar Maria Marin


parent fe1f8b4c
......@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ This directory includes the intermediate files used during the analysis:
| [Datos_Gppi.csv]( | Protein ID, degree and Average Shortest Path Lenght of each node in the interactome |
| [Datos_Gppi.csv]( | Protein ID, degree, and Average Shortest Path Length of each node in the interactome |
| [Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv]( | Results for the meta-analysis on the differential expression of genes in patients with schizophrenia, obtained from the supplementary material of the study of [Gandal et al. (2018)]( |
| [ Module_signif.csv]( | Number of seed genes, genes in interactome, genes in lcc and results of the statistical validation of the disease module for the pathologies with a significant disease module size |
| [dge_sorted.csv]( | Genes with significantly higher or lower expression in schizophrenia patients after filtering [Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv]( master/analysis/files/Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv) file. Sorted by logFC (in absolute value) |
| [ drug_categories.csv ]( | Drug ID and its classification classified regarding the MeSH-pharmacological action (PA) therapeutic uses or its mechanism of action (MOA) |
| [ gandal_2018a_kMEs.csv]( | Results of the co-expression module membership for each gene in PNDs, obtained from the supplementary material of the study of .[Lüscher et al. (2020)]( |
| [Module_signif.csv]( | Number of seed genes, genes in the interactome, genes in LCC, and results of the statistical validation of the disease module for the pathologies with a significant disease module size |
| [dge_sorted.csv]( | Genes with significantly higher or lower expression in schizophrenia patients after filtering [Microarray_SCZ_metaanalysis_092017.csv]( Sorted by logFC (in absolute value) |
| [drug_categories.csv]( | Drug ID and its classification regarding the MeSH-pharmacological action (PA) therapeutic uses or its mechanism of action (MOA) |
| [gandal_2018a_kMEs.csv]( | Results of the co-expression module membership for each gene in PNDs, obtained from the supplementary material of the study of [Lüscher et al. (2020)]( |
Below are the intermediate files that have not been included in this directory due to their large size, as well as the link from which they can be obtained:
| [Closest distance.csv]( | Results for the calculation of the closest distance between each disease - drug pair | |
| [Closest_distance_rand.csv]( | Results for the mean and statistical deviation of the closest distance between each disease - drug pair, in comparison with 1,000 disease modules and sets of target proteins of each drug obtained randomly (degree preserving) | |
| [SPL PPI.csv]( | Shortest Path Length between each pair of proteins in the interactome | |
\ No newline at end of file
| [Closest distance.csv]( | Results for the calculation of the closest distance between each disease-drug pair | |
| [Closest_distance_rand.csv]( | Results for the mean and statistical deviation of the closest distance between each disease-drug pair, in comparison with 1,000 disease modules and sets of target proteins of each drug obtained randomly (degree preserving) | |
| [SPL PPI.csv]( | Shortest Path Length between each pair of proteins in the interactome | |
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