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import requests
from Bio import Entrez
import GEOparse
import os
import gzip
import shutil
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
def fetch_gds_data(gds_path):
    Fetches and processes Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) GDS data files from the specified directory.

    This function iterates through GDS files in the given directory, extracts gene expression data, annotations,
    and metadata for each file, and consolidates this information into three dataframes.

    Input Parameters:
        gds_path (str): The path to the directory containing GDS files.

        tuple: A tuple containing three pandas DataFrames:
            - expression_df: DataFrame with gene expression data.
            - annotation_df: DataFrame with annotation data.
            - metadata_df: DataFrame with metadata about the GDS files.
    expression_dfs = []
    annotation_dfs = []
    metadata_rows = []

    for filename in os.listdir(gds_path):
        if not filename.startswith("GDS") or not filename.endswith(".soft"):

        filepath = os.path.join(gds_path, filename)
        gds = GEOparse.get_GEO(filepath=filepath)

        value_types = gds.metadata.get('value_type', [])
        if 'count' not in value_types:

        #Collect metadata
            'gds_title': gds.metadata.get('title', [None])[0],
            'gds_type': gds.metadata.get('type', [None])[0],
            'gpl_id': gds.metadata.get('platform', [None])[0],
            'channel_count': gds.metadata.get('channel_count', [None])[0],
            'value_type': value_types[0]

        #Extract gene expression data
        gsm_columns = [col for col in gds.table.columns if col.startswith("GSM")]
        non_gsm_columns = [col for col in gds.table.columns if not col.startswith("GSM")]

        melted_df = pd.melt(

        melted_df.dropna(subset=['IDENTIFIER', 'value'], inplace=True)
        melted_df.rename(columns={'ID_REF': 'id_ref', 'IDENTIFIER': 'gene_symbol'}, inplace=True)
        melted_df['gds_id'] =

        #Extract annotation data
        gds_annot = gds.columns.reset_index().drop(columns=['description'])
        gds_annot['gds_id'] =

        #Collect expression data for expression_df

        #Collect annotation data for annotation_df

    #Combine all expression and annotation dataframes
    expression_df = pd.concat(expression_dfs, ignore_index=True)
    annotation_df = pd.concat(annotation_dfs, ignore_index=True)

    rename_dict = {
        'index': 'gsm_id',
        'disease state': 'disease_state',
        'cell type': 'cell_type',
        'development stage': 'development_stage',
        'genotype/variation': 'genotype'
    annotation_df.rename(columns={k: v for k, v in rename_dict.items() if k in annotation_df.columns}, inplace=True)

    metadata_df = pd.DataFrame(metadata_rows)

    return expression_df, annotation_df, metadata_df

# =================================================================================

def fetch_gpl_annot(gpl_path):
    Fetch GPL data from files in the specified directory.

    Input Parameters:
        gpl_path (str): The directory path where the GPL annotation files are stored.

        pd.DataFrame: A dataframe containing GPL annotation data.
                      Columns are 'gpl_id' and 'gpl_title'.
    data_rows = []
    for filename in os.listdir(gpl_path):
        if filename.startswith("GPL") and filename.endswith(".annot"):
            filepath = os.path.join(gpl_path, filename)
            gpl = GEOparse.get_GEO(filepath=filepath)

            #Collect GPL (platform) data
                'gpl_title': gpl.metadata.get('platform_title', [None])[0]
    gpl_data = pd.DataFrame(data_rows)

    return gpl_data

# =================================================================================

def process_disease_state(df, fill_value=''):
    Processes the 'disease_state' column in the given DataFrame.

    This function fills missing values in the DataFrame, then categorizes the 'disease_state' column into
    two categories: 'c' for control/normal/healthy states and 'd' for diseased states.

    Input Parameters:
        df (pandas.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing a 'disease_state' column.
        fill_value (str, optional): The value to use for filling missing values in the DataFrame. Default is an empty string.

        pandas.DataFrame: A new DataFrame with the processed 'disease_state' column.
    #Fill missing values and create a copy of the DataFrame
    new_dataframe = df.fillna(fill_value).copy()

    #Create a mask for control/normal/healthy states using case-insensitive matching
    mask_control = new_dataframe['disease_state'].str.lower().str.contains('|'.join(['control', 'normal', 'healthy', 'not diseased', 'wild-type']))

    #Assign 'c' to control/normal/healthy states
    new_dataframe.loc[mask_control, 'disease_state'] = 'c'

    #Assign 'd' to diseased states
    new_dataframe.loc[~mask_control, 'disease_state'] = 'd'

    return new_dataframe

# =================================================================================

def extract_cuis(apikey,dataframe, column_name):
    Extracts CUIs (Concept Unique Identifiers) for terms in a specified column of a DataFrame.

    This function interacts with the UMLS API to fetch CUIs for unique terms found in the specified column of the input DataFrame.

    Input Parameters:
        dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing the terms.
        column_name (str): The name of the column in the DataFrame containing the terms for which CUIs need to be extracted.

        dict: A dictionary mapping terms to their respective CUIs.
    #UMLS API key and settings
    apikey = apikey
    version = 'current'
    uri = ""
    content_endpoint = "/rest/search/" + version
    full_url = uri + content_endpoint
    search_type = 'exact'

    #Get the different terms from the specified column, removing NaNs and empty strings
    list_different = set(dataframe[column_name].dropna())
    list_different = {item for item in list_different if item.strip()}
    different_cuis = {}

    #Fetch CUIs for each different term
    for item in list_different:
        page = 0
        while True:
            page += 1
            query = {
                'string': item,
                'apiKey': apikey,
                'pageNumber': page,
                'searchType': search_type
            r = requests.get(full_url, params=query)
            r.encoding = 'utf-8'
            outputs = r.json()

            items = ((outputs.get('result', {})).get('results', []))

            if len(items) == 0:
                if page == 1:

            for result in items:
                cui = result['ui']
                different_cuis[item] = cui

    return different_cuis